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Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which have shown high efficiency

Last update: 2022-05-05
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  • Angry Fox: After the New Year 2021, these filthy bloodsuckers appeared. FROM...
  • Dmitry: No need to poison cockroaches. If you choose between bedbugs and tar...
  • Alena: Hello. Bedbugs appeared somewhere before the summer of this year ....
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Consider a number of methods that really help to completely destroy bedbugs in an apartment ...

Do you want to know how and by what means ordinary people, faced with the problem of the appearance of bedbugs in their homes, managed to successfully get rid of these parasites? The following are specific recommendations and techniques that reliably gave a positive result. Watch and comment at the very bottom of the page!

(Next to the names are links to the relevant articles of the site, where feedback was left on the successful destruction of bedbugs in the home).


Specific methods of dealing with bedbugs

Klava: 01.11.2016 at 22:24

My daughter also had bedbugs in a rented apartment. They washed all the things and put them in bags in the cold, and then they painted everything they could with paint that dries for 3 days. In general, when they returned home, the horror of how many bedbugs stuck and died from the smell of paint. It's a horror, it turns out, how many of them were there. I advise everyone, their bedbugs are gone.


Andrew: 06/26/2015 at 14:40

I got into a situation: a nurse, an Uzbek, lived at home, pulled clothes with bedbugs. Mom is recumbent, it is impossible to carry out processing.He came up with an original way to deal with bedbugs - he covered all the beds with plastic wrap with freely hanging ends. It turns out that bedbugs cannot climb a vertically hanging film. The result - there are no bed bugs, and those that were, after feeding, crawled under the mattresses and fell into pockets made in the film.

Vasya: 01/20/2017 at 18:05

Andrew! Exactly, exactly! It works! It is necessary to move the bed away from the walls and furniture, and wrap the legs with lavsan tape. The bug cannot climb the mirrored lavsan. To check, I recommend throwing the caught individuals into a plastic bottle. I threw it into a lavsan milk bottle. So I found that they couldn't get out. It's another matter, there are scary stories about bedbug "superintelligence" - supposedly they can climb onto the ceiling and jump from there onto a sleeping person 🙂 But I don't believe it.


Tatiana: 11/26/2016 at 05:19

When bedbugs appeared in the son's sofa, the sofa was thrown out. Bed bugs were crushed under the wallpaper without removing the wallpaper. Then I washed these places with a soapy cloth. And on the walls, and on the wallpaper. Fortunately, the bugs were only in a few places where the wallpaper had come off, in the area where the sofa was located. Only then they removed the wallpaper and threw it away. It's been 6 years and no bed bugs.


Oksana: 11/11/2014 at 05:24

For those who are desperate to get these bastards out! (I had real trouble 2 years ago). My apartment is always very clean, there is no overcrowding, and when red spots appeared on the body of children (bites), I could not even imagine that it could be bedbugs. In general, a separate story, how doctors treated our family for 3 months from allergies ... In general, I found the cause of red spots in the sofas and then, naively, I decided that I would get rid of it easily and simply.My mother, I could not even imagine that it would be a war! With all of the above means: aerosols, turpentine-based aerosols, taking sofas out into the cold, washing and washing the upholstery of sofas, processing the apartment many times (everyone suffocated themselves from these funds), general cleaning every week, joint raids on bedbugs with neighbors (one apartment is not wanted to be processed - drunks - a source of infection throughout the entrance! All the troubles come from them) ... It was a horror for six months, after all the treatments everything came back after 2 weeks ... In short, what helped me. TO ALL of the above. I described my trouble in detail in this way, tk. I am a person who is nervous about dirt, and the bugs generally killed me. This is my remedy, who is already completely crazy and does not sleep at night. The last thing I did was I WRAPED ALL THE SOFAS IN POLYETHYLENE. Tightly! Leaving no holes! You buy a rolled (strong enough) polyethylene (many meters will turn out, you can calculate for yourself) and the entire sofa or bed, the sofa in the unfolded form, if you sleep like that, along with the legs, wrap it with this polyethylene, and fix (glue) tightly at the seams. In several layers (not a pity) with a wide adhesive tape. These creatures cannot crawl on polyethylene and do not live on it! And we did! Eight months they creaked like that at night while these parasites died in the sofas (four months - it didn’t help, they removed it and it’s great again! They got out, we processed it again and closed it), but in the end everything was OK! I really wanted to wrap the lower apartment with polyethylene! Here, good people, to whom I give such a crazy recipe. Good luck to everyone in the unequal battle! I'll go and post it on a couple of sites ... The sun shines equally on everyone!


Lydia: 01/09/2016 at 13:55

Hi all! For several days I thought whether to write or not to write about how I got rid of bedbugs. The method is very dangerous and requires accuracy. So, you will need: swimming goggles - a must (otherwise you will burn all the eye vessels, and this is blindness), a construction respirator (the best), gloves, a bathrobe or some other old thing, a scarf or cap, an air lamp (if you 2 or 3 rooms, you will need 2 aerolamps), candles for them and acetic acid. Aerolamps should be large, with a large bowl. I think that many are aware that before dressing it is necessary to pack all products, up to tea leaves and animal feed. Remove plants from the house, and most importantly - children and animals. But do not touch things, let the carpet also remain in place. Acetic acid kills everything, get rid of dust mites along with the bugs. We start disinfection by closing the air vents so that microparticles do not get to your neighbors. We close the air vents, thereby the concentration of acetic acid will be stronger. Put on all the equipment described above, light a candle in an aero lamp, pour acetic acid, put it near the exit (in the hallway).

At this time, go to the bathroom yourself. After 10 minutes (it took about 4 minutes to warm up the lamp), carefully take the lamp by the lower part (it is hot) and transfer it to the room, hold it there for 10 minutes. I also put it on the sofa, where there is a laundry box, but the height of the box should be higher than the lamp itself. Putting the lamp in the box, while leaving the sofa in a straightened position, and also 10-15 minutes. If there are a lot of bedbugs, then it is advisable to process the chiffoniers, each box for about 3 minutes. Be careful that things do not come into contact with the lamp (just move). And at the end of the disinfection, put the lamp in the middle of the room for 20-25 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the room, I have 18 sq.m. At the same time, do not forget about safety: every time after changing the lamp, go to the bathroom or to the landing, so you will take care of your lungs. In the lamp, acetic acid will evaporate, you need to add it.

After the whole procedure, turn off the lamp, pour out the acetic acid and leave the room, preferably for a day. The next day, thoroughly ventilate the room and wipe everything everywhere, but it is better to wash, shake the carpets or wet the carpets (just a vacuum cleaner is not desirable). Cleaned up and only after that bring home the kids, animals, plants.I described here that we start poisoning from the hallway, so you take care of the neighbors. If you start right from the room, there is a chance that some "favorite bedbugs" will have time to go to the neighbors. It is better to poison all the neighbors together. I got rid of the bedbugs, and my neighbors also poisoned me, there was only one neighbor left who did not agree to anything, and the bedbugs would come again. So I’m thinking, isn’t it better to get rid of such neighbors at the beginning, and then from bedbugs, it turns out to be easier to get rid of them)).

And another note: a new type of bedbugs has appeared. Soft-bodied, but very tenacious, after bites there are no red dots on the body, and there are no blood stains on the bed. They are not afraid of light, with electric lighting they crawl up. Be careful when disinfecting, take care of yourself and good luck to everyone.


Violet: 06/01/2016 at 21:32

We searched, searched, where these bed bugs are hiding. After processing the entire apartment, they stopped biting. They were discovered only a month later (do not believe it!) In a pot of a houseplant in the ground! A whole swarm ((Dead. And nowhere is it written that they can be in such a place!


Marina: 04.11.2015 at 20:34

Ekaterina, you will poison yourself, only miss the time. Store funds act only on the bugs themselves, and the eggs remain. More than three years ago, bedbugs were poisoned in my mother’s apartment, specialists were called, a woman came, diluted some powder with tap water and splashed everything that was possible. She said that this composition kills everyone: eggs, larvae and adults. We did not live there for a couple of days, although the woman said that we could come back in a few hours. Since then, we don’t remember the bedbugs, everyone died. And my mother at first tried to bring folk remedies, so they bred to horror.Do not suffer, call good specialists, they will help you. Neither furniture nor things have deteriorated, the only negative is a persistent smell, which then disappears for a long time.


Victor: 03/29/2016 at 09:42

I want to share my story of how I defeated them. I already left my comment that the hands just drop, and the result is zero. So this is what I have: the apartment is old, the neighbors are “very good people”, the first floor. The advice is very simple: weekly general cleaning. My floor with the addition of bleach, I also wipe everything that can be wiped with this water. All sofas and wardrobes are also moved to wipe the floor, especially around the bed. Then I process skirting boards, architraves and sofas in folds. Where before I noticed their nests - Raptor from bedbugs, sold in any store. I don’t process much, so I walked once. In general, one bottle for a two-room apartment is enough for two cleanings. It takes almost a day to do everything, but it's worth it. Now the result is that every cleaning I find dead or half-dead bugs under the sofas. I don’t know where they come from, but the main thing is that they cannot reach us. For two months now, my wife has been sleeping peacefully, and so have I. Good luck everyone, don't give up.


Vyacheslav: 02/12/2016 at 00:54

Perhaps I'll tell you my balalaika. We have a room in a communal apartment in the center of St. Petersburg. They handed it over alone, you moved out after 3 months, they said that they were eaten by bedbugs. They poisoned them, dismantled all the furniture and destroyed the eggs, moved to the hostel to live, for the period of persecution. But nothing helped. The room was unrepaired, the wallpaper had long moved away from the walls (where they lived behind them). The parquet is also old.

As a result, EVERYTHING that was in the room, I threw away, ordered a gazelle to take away furniture, books, tables, etc. After that, they tore off the wallpaper and carried out pest control. Then they made cosmetic repairs and for a YEAR (!) no one lived there. As you know, bedbugs do not live where there is nothing to eat, that is, where there are no people, but they can fall into suspended animation and stay in it for a very long time. So, new tenants moved in, and a month later they moved out without saying anything and without warning (they also did not know that there were bedbugs in the room before). They slept on the floor with a thick mattress. Arriving after them into the room, I saw an oilcloth on the floor and a bug was crawling on it. Everything immediately became clear to me.

During the renovation, the parquet was not replaced, but only varnished. After another half a year, I removed the parquet and threw it away and carried out pest control. Then I ordered laminate flooring. To do this, chipboard boards are first laid and all joints are filled with mounting foam, bedbugs like to live in the joints (the exterminator told me this).

And so I periodically spend the night in this room, there is not much furniture there yet. If anything, bedbugs love wood, and my cot is metal. Until I saw them and bites too, pah-pah-pah. Thus, to defeat them, a global operation is needed.


Julia: 08/25/2015 at 13:04

Bed bugs are terrible! Whoever did not have them will never understand the torment of people. Never knew what it was. Relatives made repairs in their apartment, bought cheap building materials, and after a while they got bed bugs. After their arrival to visit us, four months later, they appeared with us. Biting horror like blisters, terrible allergies, itching like a leper, a nightmare. They only gnawed at me, but did not touch my husband and child.Relatives bought the "Executioner" tool, processed it on their own, they disappeared from them. We fought with folk remedies, steamed the sofas, put them on the balcony, in the cold, vacuumed everything and washed everything that we didn’t do. They are gone! Five months later, the nightmare began again. They started biting again. Relatives never showed up. They called a specialist, he processed the entire apartment for 1500 rubles. Until they bite. Although in our house he already came to the call, on the tenth floor, and we live on the sixth. Considering that they crawl through ventilation, crevices, sockets, then who knows, maybe this horror will begin again ...


Anonymous: 01/11/2016 at 08:13

Yeah. I ran into the same problem two years ago. And the ghouls ate only me. Poisoned, steamed, and after a while they reappeared. As a result, he threw out the sofa, made a serious repair. I changed all the sockets, furniture, laid out the floors with a laminate, laying polyethylene and pouring silicone around the edges. They didn't show up again in two years.


Tanya: 12/11/2015 at 12:43 pm

They appeared from nowhere, poisoned them with everything possible. Divorced from her husband, and soon the bugs disappeared, just like her husband, without a trace! They fought with him very hard. Now the husband lives with another. There are no blows, peace at home and no one bites.


Bed bugs in apartment 1: 01/07/2015 at 18:37

Bed bugs appeared in our apartment, appeared after a trip and a stop at a suspicious hotel for a couple of days. And there I didn’t notice anything like that, I just smelled some chemicals on one of the floors. I also thought: maybe they are poisoning with something?

In general, they brought it in and they themselves did not understand on what and how much. Found bites not immediately. Just something itched, it was impossible to understand and for some incomprehensible points.Only a couple of months later, at night, I woke up with horror from the fact that something was crawling around the wrist. It was a bug. Peeling back the wooden slat from the bed, I found only accumulations of bedbug excrement. It is strange how they could multiply so quickly and still go unnoticed.

Of course, we bought funds, and the most expensive ones. Filled everything that is possible, including the mattress. For almost ten days we went to sleep in the living room, with all the precautions. All clothes were washed and dried in an electric dryer at high temperature.

Returning back to the bedroom, I found a lot of dead people under the mattress standing under the wall. But life in the mattress itself continued. Packed in special a plastic bag with an internal sprinkler ordered from America. No, they continued to live even after a month. Mattress and bed frame (very expensive, France, had to be thrown away). Since the material already had black characteristic dots. The nightmare lasted 2 months. They just didn't back down. They followed us through the sockets into the living room. Special powder, sprayers of the most modern companies did not help us. We called in the professionals.

Everything splashed and processed was taken out to the balcony. All the linen had to be washed, in black bags they were tied with tape and also separated from other things.

Curtains, cornices, furniture. Everything has been processed. They could return to the apartment only after 8 o'clock. Feeling of disgust, fatigue. Two weeks later, the treatment was repeated, just in case. After that they disappeared. The problem is that modern bedbugs are seen to have very high immunity and survival. We ourselves even tried the smelly vile Karbofos, which is forbidden to use in homes in the EU, for example.Only those who specifically got the product died. My advice: trust me, I don't work for this firm and I don't get any benefit from this comment. If you only feel that there is a problem and has gone far, use professionals. We lost a sofa, a bed and a mattress, because we tightened it, but we couldn’t cope on our own.


Anonymous: 09/07/2016 at 00:53

I also spent a hell of a lot of money, I tried all the means that I have, everything crawled out exactly after a while. Finally, I conducted an experiment: I got cockroaches. After them, a month later, I didn’t see a single bug, cockroaches are their main enemies, and a year later I bought traps for cockroaches, destroyed them all. Cockroaches are much easier to remove than bedbugs. Now I'm enjoying happiness!

Nerd: 09/10/2016 at 11:37

That's right, cockroaches eat everything, and bedbug eggs too. But only eggs. So you need 2 means: cockroaches and time.


Olga: 07/10/2016 at 06:09

Hello fellow sufferers! Another, so to speak, folk remedy - I have a sheet pasted around the perimeter with adhesive tape from insects. Not the one in the form of a film, but in the form of cardboard plates with glue. For three days they stick to it wonderfully. For another week, they simply cannot crawl onto the sheet. Then you have to re-glue. But there should be no gaps, and the wider the sheet, the better - so that neither a pillow, nor a blanket, nor an arm, nor a leg stick out beyond the perimeter. At least you can keep your kids and yourself safe from bites.

At this stage, I have found peace of mind, peace of mind and the ability to sleep at night. Maybe I'll starve them to death. They hibernate in the absence of food. But there is live bait here.


Thermal methods of struggle

Kotyara: 28.11.2015 at 11:59

I also panicked when I found out that these parasites started up in my apartment. I tried a lot of different means, but brought it out only with a steam generator. Surprisingly, they were only in one room, they never came to mine for some reason, although there was more than enough time for this))


Inna: 12/12/2015 at 22:02

Called the pest control service, processed 2 times. As the bugs were, so they are. We bought a steam generator, untwisted the sofa, steamed through all the baseboards. Destroyed completely!


Elena: 11/14/2016 at 19:31

A year ago, I found itchy spots on my body, the dermatologist claimed that these were flea bites. There are two cats at home - clean, without parasites. After a couple of days, blood spots remained on the white sheet ... Scribe, 100% bedbugs in the sofa. Sheathing is multi-layered, a lot of grooves and folds. She dragged the sofa to the middle of the room, took it apart as far as possible, tore off the back paneling and threw it away. I started the steam generator and slowly, millimeter by millimeter, steamed the entire sofa, at the same time went through all the baseboards and cork trim of cabinets and walls. I left it for a day, the next day I repeated everything - at home it was, like in a Turkish steam room, hot and damp - but I have been living quietly for a year now, and the sofa did not have to be changed))


Julia: 07/25/2016 at 00:20

I read a huge number of articles on the Internet. They are on the curtains and on the plinth. I bought a professional preparation, 1 liter (it needs to be diluted, applied with a garden sprayer). I bought Reid and others like him and sprayed directly on the bugs. Guarded them, did not sleep until 4-6 in the morning. And then I bought (of course, I spent 52 thousand rubles) an Italian steam generator. Here is the thing! There's steam at the exit of 120 DEGREES! And these creatures in the sofa soared! In every crack it is necessary.And when the little thing hatched from the eggs (red), she climbed out from the hot steam, crushed her. In general, not quickly, but I won them! 2 sofas. From the children's sofa (modular furniture), the film had already peeled off, such a temperature was high. And now I have a generator only for cleaning. This was in the winter of 2015.


Vasya: 09/13/2016 at 05:14

I have tried many things, each remedy helps a little, but the most effective remedy that will 100 percent destroy bedbugs is a steam generator. You just bring a jet of hot steam to the habitats of the bugs and they are immediately cooked (like hard boiled eggs).


Anonymous: 01/19/2016 at 09:33

As I remember, it gives me goosebumps... My mother lived in a hostel, when she returned home, she moved these creatures along with the bed. They ate only me, I could not sleep. They didn't realize right away, they thought it was an allergy. No matter what they poisoned, nothing helped, it only got worse, there were a lot of them ((Only treatment with a steamer helped, everything was steamed off, and only then these creatures died completely. Indeed, you wouldn’t even wish this on your enemy ((


The use of folk remedies

Lily: 05/10/2014 at 15:09

I want to tell my story. How do we deal with these pests? I will say right away that this is a very long process that requires patience. But from my own experience I can say that they can be introduced. We also struggled with bed bugs. Initially, we moved into an apartment that we inherited from our grandfather. All hung with carpets, furniture of unknown years. The renovation was planned gradually. One room was ennobled, it is very bright, there is constant sun. A large room due to carpets, walls, and a balcony is very dark. The bugs only bit me.I am allergic and asthmatic, the skin is very sensitive, it swells up with any irritants.

So, they only bit me, but my husband did not believe me, they threw everything on mosquitoes. I did not stop there, I removed all the carpets from the walls. And since the floors are old, the carpet that was on the wall was put on the floor (I like to sit on the floor). But there were constant bites. Then one day I saw a bug on the wall. I called my husband, he said it was just a bug.

In general, while we still understand who and what worries us, a decent amount of time has passed. They have bred quite well. We live on the 9th floor, there have been no repairs in the house for 40 years. The gastriks settled in the basement, who were periodically evicted. They began to look for help on the Internet. I shoveled a lot, because at night I simply could not sleep. I have a panic fear of insects, and when you still know who and what bites you, it’s indescribable.

And further: The executioner did not run out of steam in a week and cheerfully killed the bugs like that, even being in a dried state

I only slept during the day. At the same time, I have cats, and not one. And I also have asthma. With all this, we could not leave for a week to process the apartment. I found a recipe that more or less suited us, but changed it a little.

Green soap - 4 parts; turpentine - 1 part; kerosene - 2 parts; water - 12 parts;

Green soap is dissolved in warm water, turpentine and kerosene are added with thorough shaking.

Turpentine - 12 parts; kerosene - 6 parts; denatured alcohol - 3 parts; naphthalene - 1 part.

Method of application: wash with warm water the places where the bugs and their larvae are located, and apply one of these compositions with a brush.This operation is repeated for several days until the bugs disappear.

I decided to fight with folk remedies. I bought wormwood grass, put it in bags in wardrobes with clothes. I made an infusion of grass (not in bags) and with this infusion I washed the floors without wringing out a rag, left it like that for the night. Once.

Then I bought turpentine and tar soap. The husband collected turpentine in a syringe, and poured it into all the cracks. By that time, we had thrown everything out of the room except for the wall. Didn't sleep in the room. The nursery was in an armchair and a carpet that lay on the floor. We were lucky we only had bed bugs in one room which is the darkest during the daytime. Bed bugs cannot tolerate daylight. The husband, when he lifted the chair and bedbugs crawled from it, only then did he believe me.

After that, they walked with turpentine. The room was closed for several hours.

And at night they rubbed the walls and floors with soap. The soap is softened in hot water. To get a liquid, like pancakes: not thick and not liquid. The activity of these creatures begins after 2 nights and before dawn. So my husband and I at the beginning of the third went into the room, turned on the light and began to kill them. And so every day for two weeks, constantly passed through with soapy water. Each time made fresh and in hot water. After that, twice a week. The aroma is indescribable, but it's better to endure it! The floors were not washed, only vacuumed.

I also want to say that adult bedbugs are visible. But the small ones are very hard to see. We stood at the walls for half an hour and peered. If you take a quick look, you can’t see anything, but as soon as it starts to move, you can notice a barely visible point (the smallest ones are the most nasty, they bite very painfully, because they are hungry and they need to grow).

Now I can say that we got rid of it.As it turned out, our house was completely infected. And they came to us from the neighbors, who also quietly poisoned and they spread to the neighbors. I believe that you should not be shy and hush up the problem, as the bugs will run across. It is necessary to bring them out together with the whole entrance.

Good luck to everyone who has encountered such parasites! I would be glad if our method helps someone else.


Anastasia: 05.12.2015 at 03:48

I live in a hostel. I ran into this problem about 2 years ago. Bed bugs appeared in a friend's room. It was a nightmare! We fought as best we could. Aerosols didn't help. Both cheap and expensive. The exterminator was called. Like they disappeared. But these insects crawled into my room. I fought on my own. Grandma taught. I used 70 percent vinegar, generously smeared baseboards, floors, cabinets - everything that was in the room. Closed the room for a day. She came and ventilated. Three days later, she did it all over again. I did this three times just to be sure. Helped me. For a year and a half, I do not remember this problem.


Natalia: 06/05/2016 at 09:43

In childhood, we brought out bedbugs with wormwood. Years of torment ended once and for all after I once laid out fresh wormwood under the bed mattress. I did this after I was told that she helped get rid of a large number of bedbugs.


Use of chemicals

Yana: 08.11.2016 at 11:34

Good day to everyone who continues to fight this scourge! I want to share my experience in wrestling. Suddenly, bed bugs appeared out of nowhere. Either they came from somewhere, or after the persecution of the basements they went up (we rent an apartment on the 2nd floor).I saw it on my father’s bed - for the first time I encountered this muck, at first I didn’t even understand that it was a bug, the Internet helped to understand the types of insects. The horror knew no bounds! But something needs to be done, again, people who leave reviews helped. Tsifox was advised in the store - I bought it, after the persecution I read that sometimes bedbugs develop immunity to drugs. We were lucky - they did not have immunity on Cyfox. Triple lucky that they were only in the sofa, and were not found in the nearby furniture. But in spite of everything, she sprayed the whole apartment, every corner, all the furniture, wallpaper from top to bottom, since the drug leaves no traces, only a smell. It faded within 3-4 days. The sofa was first pickled, and the next day they threw it away, pickled, so as not to scatter the larvae and insects around the apartment. For two days after pickling, several pieces crawled out and sat on the wallpaper. Immediately, just in case, they were finished off with an Anti-bug spray. I read that it does not work on bedbug eggs, but all my wallpapers were soaked with the drug, so they had no chance. According to the instructions, if necessary, you need to repeat the procedure, today it’s just two weeks, I repeated everything again in the whole apartment, although I didn’t observe any movements (just in case). So far, not a single living creature has appeared. I think we won! But we’ll change the apartment anyway, psychologically I can’t be in that terrible room where it all started. And thanks to Cyfox, everything turned out! I advise. I hope your trouble is not immune to this wonderful drug. Good luck to all!


Vyacheslav: 06/09/2016 at 06:58

I suffered with bedbugs for a year, bought the latest all kinds of expensive products, sprayed almost once or twice a month, but the bugs did not disappear for good. I accidentally stumbled upon this site and after reading articles on it on how to fight more effectively, I realized that I needed to combine means. In addition, I called the local pest control disinfection center, they told me that if you have bedbugs in your apartment for a whole year, then it is unlikely that anything else will help you, except for Tetrix. And that they use it on rare occasions, just like mine. They said that you only need to very carefully treat the entire apartment with this poison, spray all, all objects, from below, from above, walls, ceilings, floors - everything. And close tightly all the doors, windows and leave for one day at least from the apartment. Which is what I did. Only I added a double rate to one liter of water, not as it was written in the instructions. And plus, Karbofos, also a double norm, was added to the same glass with Tetrix. Processed once a week for a month. And I'll tell you, for three months now there have been no bedbugs. Yes, at the same time, I first covered all the cracks in the baseboards and holes in the walls where the pipes pass in the apartment.


Bitten anonymous: 08/04/2014 at 00:26

We have had bedbugs for 2 years now, tried a lot of things, but it didn’t help. Life during these 2 years was just HELL! I accidentally stumbled upon a review where the guy told how he effectively killed bedbugs with Medilis Tsiper.I bought 2 bottles of 50 ml each and out of anger threw all 100 ml into a 3 liter canister, kicked my family out of the house, pushed everything away, equipped myself to the fullest for protection and started poisoning! I took a 10 cm brush and, like a priest, ran around the house joyfully in anticipation of a miracle, worked on all the walls, cracks, furniture, clothes, floor, push! I CONVENTED EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT PICKED UP WITH A ZIPPER! I’m sitting now in a respirator on a couch soaked with “beloved” bedbugs, and these scoundrels are running around me in a very strange way, dancing and falling! ) I'm happy! Now I have a desire to buy 1 liter of cyper and make a cyper bath out of it, to pour this holy solution from a hose around the house so that these bugs suffer even more!

ps: I joked about the bath, but the remedy is super, the effect is visible to the naked eye 🙂

pps: I kiss all those who came up with this wonderful poison! )


Sergey: 04/02/2014 at 18:34

There was this infection a year ago, I can’t imagine how they appeared. I re-read the entire Internet up and down, I did not call the sanitation station, since the apartment is rented. I got rid of all the aerosols that are on the market, spent a lot of money and nerves, and not one helped. Then I bought KARBOFOS on gardening trays, I also bought a respirator, since the poison is harmful to humans. I diluted the drug with water, 4 ampoules per 2 liters of water, and sprayed everything where my hands got with the help of a conventional mister muscle spray. If there are a lot of bedbugs, then you can mix the drug Executioner with KARBOPHOSU (you can also buy it there). He closed all the windows and doors and went for a walk for 12 hours. He came and ventilated, the smell of course dissipated residually within a week, well, it’s better to let it stink than gnaw. People advised to re-process after 2 weeks, I did not, since I had few of them.And pah pah to this day they are not. The whole procedure together with a resperator cost me $10. Try it, it won't get worse.

And by the way, after treatment, even flies did not fly into my apartment for two months, but I completely forgot about the Prussians, neighboring partisans. Everything that crawls and flies is dead.


Maria: 05/02/2014 at 20:46

I got rid of bed bugs with the Clean House dust. For a long time I could not understand who was biting me, 8-12 bites appeared, and surprisingly, during the day they bit me no less, which is why I could not understand who ??? Everyone said that bedbugs bite only at night (people, know this is not true!) And then one evening, spreading the bed, I saw a “bug”, my husband ran up and immediately said that it was a bedbug (I didn’t even know what kind of parasites).

In the morning I went and bought a Clean House spray. Poisoned 3 times: the result is zero, it felt like they had become even more voracious. I didn’t sleep at night, because they just ate me (they didn’t touch my husband and daughter), I even slept with the light on and it didn’t stop them, I still woke up all bitten and they insolently crawled on the pillow and blanket.

Then I bought dust, it was advised to me by the saleswoman, I took a simple brush for painting and missed all the joints and seams in the sofa, the back wall and bottom, then sprinkled the skirting boards and “painted” stripes on the wallpaper behind the sofa. It took me 2 packs per room. She did everything with the window closed, then she closed the room and only on the second day she went in there, cleaned up, only left dust on the baseboards. I slept peacefully for a week, then three bites appeared - I was waiting for this, because I read that nothing takes eggs and new bugs may appear.I did the processing again, only with one pack, just washed the baseboards and sprinkled with new dust and walked along the seams of the sofa. This time they didn’t even go to sleep in another room, there were no more bites. Dust lay on the baseboards for a month! Hurray, it's been almost two months, everything is calm!


Boha: 07/28/2014 at 06:48

I first treated the apartment with the Executioner, the bugs began to die. I worked every 4 days for 2 weeks. From poison and the search for clean air, they began to climb into the ceiling and curtains, and I soaked them there with a spray gun.

After 2 weeks, Karbofos began to be used, on the very first day of use, bugs crawled out from all the cracks and began to die on the floor. I poisoned them only at night, and be sure to turn off the light, because they come out in the dark. After Karbofos, I closed the room until the morning, and then ventilated it, and so the second room and the kitchen. I applied Karbofos 3 times with a period of a week.

Everything is clean, not one creature. But it’s a pity for the spiders, they also died, they are enemies of bedbugs, bedbugs get into their nets and die.


Elena: 07/17/2015 at 21:56

We had bedbugs, 2 years ago, still have nightmares! In general, they bit our children, they came to us from neighbors. We got up right at night, gathered the children and went to my mother. Almost the next day they began to fight with them. In general, they treated everything with Karbofos, washed all the linen, but this did not help. After 2 weeks, they processed everything with them again, plus I smeared all the beds and approaches to the beds with soapy water to wash their paths, plus I laid out wormwood wherever possible, and the result finally appeared. We eradicated them, but I still remember them with great horror.


Anna: 04/20/2016 at 16:49

I was helped by shampoo for cats and dogs from ticks and other creatures. He smells okay. The bed bugs were everywhere, most of all in the bed, in the crevices of the ceiling tiles and behind the baseboards. She diluted a large amount of shampoo in water to a thick foam and soaked the bed, paying attention to the places where bedbugs accumulated. You can spray directly from the spray bottle. Foam passed through the cracks of the tiles, splashed into the baseboard. They died before their eyes from this shampoo. Try it!


Alina: 10/23/2016 at 00:21

Hello, thanks for the shampoo idea. I bought a shampoo - the first one that caught my eye in the All for Animals section. It is written about the shampoo that it is from fleas and bedbugs ... Not to say that it smelled good, somehow poisonous even. But I want to note 100% action! Thanks for posting about it here. Or even cry. Once I cleaned sofas, corners with a rag in gloves ... There were so many dead bugs lying around in half an hour. But then, from somewhere else, fleas appeared. Some sort of invasion. Shampoo does not work on fleas. I will buy a Raptor aerosol from ticks, fleas and bedbugs ... Universal, from all at once. Thanks to everyone who posted and advised here. You are my saviors! And then there was no mood. Also bugs bit at night. By the way, I ironed the sofas with an iron at the highest temperature, and all the sheets and linen. I advise now also shampoo, this is a real salvation! Now, for prevention, I still spray the plinth and all corners from the sprayer.


Anonymous: 11/19/2016 at 09:41

Denis, for 5 liters of water 50 grams of Forsyth. Everywhere miss, it took 500 grams for a three-room apartment. And then I closed all the windows and doors, attached a good stove - in the apartment somewhere from 50 degrees, maybe more. Then I ventilated for 8 hours and did not wash the floor for more than a month. Result in one go. Got rid of it over 10 months ago.


Alexander, 26 years old: 09/07/2015 at 08:02

I brought a bedbug home from a friend, for two or three weeks I was bitten. I have a three-ruble note, I decided to call a team of craftsmen, they processed one of my rooms, where, in principle, they were the only ones. After processing, a maximum of a week later I saw a fat bug - I killed it! After that, no one has been seen for three weeks, there are no new bites ... The remedy was Fufanon, so for now I praise and am happy with the result. On the same day, he was already sitting all night in the room in which this agent was sprayed. And so a month has passed, alive, healthy, did not catch anything. Super tool, I recommend! And call the brigade for insurance, in which case you can not spare money.


Well: 02/22/2015 at 18:05

Good afternoon. We also have these parasites in our apartment! What I just didn’t poison: both petty Mashenka, and the vaunted Get, and the Executioner, and the Raptor. All to no avail. A friend gave advice on how to get rid of this infection. For the past 3 months we have been sleeping peacefully and the bugs do not bother us anymore. What we did: we bought smoke bombs from bedbugs. Based on 1 piece per 14 square meters. meters. We put 5 pieces in our apartment. Checkers were not placed in the kitchen and toilet with a bath. We closed all windows and doors so that there was no draft and did everything according to the instructions. They did it in the morning before leaving for work, at 8.00. At 17.15 I came home from work, there was almost no smell in the apartment. The next day, at the sanitary and epidemiological station, we bought des. Extermin-F solution. This is a professional bed bug remedy. A day after the treatment with smoke bombs, we all processed the misinformation. means (where bugs usually live). We have been sleeping peacefully for 3 months now. There are no bedbugs!


Catherine: 08.10.2016 at 16:58

We also had bedbugs, they called the service twice, there was no sense - they puffed there, they puffed here, a scam for money.I did a general cleaning at home, threw the bag out of the vacuum cleaner, because they were comfortable there. I ironed all the clothes with an iron with steam at a high temperature, put them in sealed bags, packed them, bought a protective disposable suit, a respirator, gloves, packed everything. I spread the "karbofos" according to the instructions and sprinkled everything that was possible, every crack. And all this cost me 1500 rubles. They left the house for the whole day, left all the windows open to ventilate. There was a stench, of course, but it was better that way than with bedbugs. Two weeks later, the procedure was repeated (necessarily during the period of maturation of the larvae). Now it's like a bad dream.


Victoria: 08.12.2016 at 02:32

We fought with them for 4 months, changed 2 beds, made repairs, but everything was useless. Dichlorvos, Executioner, specialists - zero sense. But then the husband poisoned himself, with karbofos, for a year now, peace and quiet from these parasites. After the poison of day 4-7 they will appear, it will seem that there are even more of them, but they are crazy from the poison. A week later they repeated and, finally, the bugs disappeared.


Anonymous: 03/31/2015 at 18:19

Somehow, these bugs started up with us, in the middle of the night I got up to drink some water and found it. My panic knew no bounds)) On the same night, my husband and I took the sofa to the trash. Then, in 3 visits, they sprayed the entire apartment with dichlorvos - and the bugs were gone.


Ruslan: 06/24/2015 at 02:29

In my case (two-story house, bedrooms on the second floor), chemical treatment helped. means (red dichlorvos, karbofos, FAS powder and even ordinary chalk from cockroaches) and herb wormwood and tansy. Grass was filled with empty spaces behind cupboards and under beds, put on shelves in closets, in pillows and under mattresses.Cracks in the floor, in baseboards, sockets, joints in the bed (had to be unscrewed for processing, and then reassembled), gaps under cabinets, adjunctions and joints of stairs, etc. were treated with aerosol chemistry. Dry chemicals were sprinkled behind baseboards, under cabinets, bedside tables. The back walls and lower surfaces of cabinets, bedside tables, the undersides of the steps of the stairs, the bowstrings of the stairs, thresholds, door and window frames, etc. were smeared with chalk. After aerosol treatment, they did not enter the bedrooms for a day, the doors were sealed around the perimeter with masking tape. I had to sleep for two nights in the dining room and the hall, on the sofa and folding beds, on freshly steamed linen. A day later they ventilated the bedrooms, carried out a wet cleaning, where necessary. But they left dry chemicals, as well as grass in places that are hard to reach for people.

Troublesome, but it helped. The main thing is to process all adjoining rooms at the same time. Necessarily and the neighbors too, if they are, at the same time.


Susanna: 12/18/2015 at 03:06

Buy the tool "Cucaracha". To all my friends who faced such a problem helped! Fill the whole apartment with them, the effect will definitely not be long in coming. The product, of course, has a specific smell, but everything is as in the instructions, and after 6-8 hours there will be no smell. Repeat after 2 weeks. I came across in three different apartments and this method never let me down.


Anonymous: 11/26/2016 at 03:20

Got bed bugs in a rented apartment. We have already tried a lot of all sorts of drugs, but it seems that they have resistance to all pyrethroids and even cypermethrin-containing drugs. Chalk "Mashenka" kills them, but not all. It's the same with other drugs. Study the tables of active ingredients and formulations of insecticides before buying.

And yet, it is necessary to process them in order to reduce their number and localize them.If you have warm-blooded animals or birds, give it to someone until you deal with the bugs. Don't torture them or yourself. Leave - you risk either poisoning, or the bugs will eat off and multiply on them.

Stock up on patience, get ready to overcome depression - any bugs swollen from their bites can be driven into depression from impotence in a few days.

You can’t process everything with a ferry, but it will simply spoil something. The option of moving and “waiting for them to die of hunger” is better not to try - the risk of transporting them with you is too great. Bed bugs are extremely tenacious, they have many different behaviors (some bite in places that are almost open during sleep, others in closed places, others jump from the ceiling, others bite even during the day, and so on). Adults without food can live their entire lives - about 18 months. Fertilized females can delay pregnancy and breed when food is available.

It is also useful to read: How to kill bed bugs in an apartment

And further: Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which have shown high efficiency

Next - free up enough space in the room. In this place on the floor you have to sleep on an inflatable rubber mattress. We buy a special non-drying glue, for example, NoRat, such as from mice. Absolutely non-toxic, but so sticky that it is best to wipe it off with fine table salt. From wool - only with a solvent, or gasoline. Fly tapes are generally in flight - I tested, bedbugs are able to overcome them. Paste the floor along the contour with paper tape, apply a layer of this adhesive 2-3 mm thick on the tape. All cracks and damage to the floor inside this contour are sealed with masking tape. If the floor is dark - think about how to make it light, ideally almost white (yes, even with a film).Inflate mattresses and sleep on them inside such contours. In the morning, if there are bites, look through the mattresses and bed linen, and what is impossible to see - at least until the evening in the freezer from -18 to -20. As an option - an oven, but it is extremely flammable. Make sure that everything has time to freeze well. The idea is that the blood inside a drunk bug freezes and tears it apart. We checked it for ourselves - in one room it has been “clean” for 4 months.

That is, you yourself are a bait for them. There are no other baits for bedbugs! Bed bug behavior patterns are very different, so carefully read the words "helps control the number of bed bugs." That is, some individuals will really climb into the bait, but others will not even pay attention to it.

Light-colored clothes and light-colored sheets are advised here. Sheets - practice has shown that in the morning we collected the maximum number of bedbugs from maroon sheets. Terry towels are also effective instead of pillows. If the floor is light and there is an irresistible contour around, then at least small and medium bugs hide in clothes and bedding. It is difficult to lure the big ones like that - you need to wait about 1.5 months until they get hungry enough to decide to cross the contour. Some stick, but not much.

Chemistry, in my opinion, is ineffective and has a bunch of side effects: allergies, drowsiness, increased hair loss, can be deadly for pets.

Make sure that they can freely get inside the contour to you, jumping from sofas, tables, other furniture, but back - only through glue. Even hungry bugs do not jump horizontally well, and these 2-3 mm of glue are insurmountable for them.

Another effective method is to lure bedbugs onto sofas, and then wrap the sofas with polyethylene, but without gaps.We cut off the rooms where they are from the rest: strips of glue are on the floor near the exits, and along the walls, ceiling and furniture legs - ordinary plastic tape. Bed bugs slide on it.

If there are no barriers, and you have not been bitten for at least a month, then we can assume that you have dealt with bedbugs. The period of feeding of bedbugs is from daily for small ones to 5-7 days for adults, 30-day-old individuals. Remember that 20% of people don't even feel bites. And the bugs bite them and successfully breed. Separate such people when you check if the bugs are left, or have already died.

This summer we already got rid of this rubbish, but in October, it seems, new ones came from the neighbors. They have already asked, but it is natural that the neighbors will be silent and are unlikely to agree on bedbug herbs - they will rather be afraid of showdowns and lawsuits. The most stupid will blame you for everything and even threaten you.

It is both good and bad that in reality no one can prove anything. The case when you just moved in, and hundreds of bedbugs have been living there for several years, you can not even consider it - it's so hard not to notice and not smell them when examining the apartment.

I wish you strength and success in the fight against bedbugs!


Irina: 05/13/2016 at 13:02

I don’t know about you, but the Executioner saved me from bedbugs. For a very long time I could not get them out, it was some kind of nightmare ... I etched it with an executioner from two treatments. At first I processed everything, including things, and a week later I did it again, but only cracks and a sofa with a bed. After the first treatment, I found about 10 large bugs under the sofa, I didn’t even think that there were so many of them, I think that they were hiding somewhere inside the sofa. Within a week, I saw two more dead. A week later, I noticed a trifle, apparently, these were bedbugs that hatched from clutches. Did another one right away.She did not spare the funds, she diluted 3 bottles per liter of water instead of two. The smell was not strong, the furniture did not spoil ... For the past two months I have been sleeping without bites and have not observed a single bug.


Anonymous: 06/25/2016 at 05:23

The most effective remedy is phenaxine, and it is safe, but in large quantities and when used correctly. It is necessary to pour phenaksin under the insulation when laying the laminate, without being greedy. When laying panels on the ceiling, without being greedy, pour phenaksin, a teaspoon or coffee spoon on each panel. When sticking wallpaper, without being greedy, pour phenaksin into the glue. Or, when painting walls, pour phenaksin into the paint. Without being greedy, pour phenaxine into all chimneys and ventilation, add phenaxine to window paint from the inside and outside. Make all procedures as soon as possible. Upon completion of all work, without being greedy, pour phenaksin under the mattress and turn it over from time to time. Pillows should be changed. Pour phenaksin into cabinets on all shelves and cover the powder with clean paper on top, on which you can put things. Add a tablespoon of phenaksin to the washing machine when washing. After about a month, you will forget about bedbugs, like a nightmare. In a month - because by that time you have washed all the things. Do not forget to paint the windows from the outside every spring, adding phenaksin to the paint without being greedy. So that neighbors do not crawl to you through the mesh of a window open in summer. Good luck. Will have to move. But the effect is amazing.


Evgeniy: 07/14/2014 at 10:52

Tried karbofos. At first it helped, the bugs practically disappeared, but after 3 months they reappeared. Then a friend advised Goth. Although the price is not cheap, but after 7 days they disappeared. Fully.

It's been six months since the treatment. There are no bedbugs. I recommend.


Vyacheslav: 06/09/2016 at 04:51

People, don't waste your money on any new expensive products, during the year I tried almost all new, so to speak, drugs that are safe for humans, I spent about 30 thousand per year. Yes, I do not argue, the population is decreasing, but it still remains. In the end, I bought such a muck as Karbofos and Tetrix, they are toxic and harmful. I took a gas mask from a friend of a fireman and sprayed practically everything in the apartment, not a single untreated surface remained, and in all rooms at once. Sprayed richly, so that everything was already wet. And they alternated for a month: one week with Karbofos, the next week with Tetrix. I did four treatments, I thought that we ourselves would die from these poisons, but no, we squeezed it out, but there have been no bedbugs for two months now. And so I suffered for almost a year with all sorts of drugs. I am writing sincerely, because bedbugs are a real war, and it is really difficult to win and survive in it, but it is possible. Within a year, I stopped sleeping peacefully, eating, I thought, I’d already sell the apartment for nothing and buy another one. Now I sleep peacefully, but sometimes I have terrible dreams, and there are bugs in them.


Julia: 01/07/2017 at 03:08

People, I'm terrified of how I suffered with these bedbugs. They bit the kids, just killed them in handfuls on the kids, did not sleep until the morning. I burned all the nasopharynxes with acetic acid, so that they would not bite the children (the smell is very pungent)! What only we did not try to destroy these reptiles! I even ordered the advertised Pest Reject - all for nothing. But then I somehow came across people's stories about Karbofos, that everything disappears from him, and everything like that. But I did not dare to order, I decided to consult with my mother. And she suggested to me that she also poisons with Karbofos in the garden, only he is like a powder and needs to be diluted. I took this Karbofos, the price of which is 30 rubles, and diluted a whole pack of 250 or 300 grams of water.In general, it turned out such a muck that I almost poisoned myself. Remember that the treatment should be carried out indoors: the windows should be slightly ajar, parts of the body should be completely closed (even hair), goggles should be put on the eyes and a mask over the nose and mouth (I took it in a pharmacy). You need to work everywhere. I worked with a flower sprayer behind the baseboards, and poured it directly, upholstered the entire bed, behind the wallpaper, the ceiling, behind the cabinets - and several times. The number of bedbugs decreased, but I decided not to give up on this - I processed it after 3 days. And after that, she sprayed Varan abundantly with an aerosol. And now, pah-pah-pah, we sleep peacefully for 5 months.


Elsa: 04/09/2015 at 03:00

I also encountered bedbugs for the first time back in 2006, when I rented a room in a communal apartment, I was horrified because I had never seen them. I didn’t sleep all night, in the morning I asked a neighbor, she said that she didn’t have them in her room. I bought an aerosol Combat, Dichlorvos, an ointment from bloodsuckers. She sprayed everything she could, anointed herself with ointment, put on pajamas and even socks. It was summer, I opened the window and slept like that. The bugs did not protrude, and even disappeared for a week. It turns out that they ran to a neighbor: she began to poison them, they again ran to me. I repeated the whole procedure again, and they had already run away forever, since there were plenty of rooms in which they could move. By the way, the Kombat aerosol should be taken exactly the one that destroys bedbugs, they are different.


Anonymous: 25.08.2014 at 12:31

Helps, how! A week ago, there was an invasion of bloodsuckers (apparently, the neighbors drove), I outlined several lines around the rookery with Masha and pretended to be asleep.An hour later, he turned on the light and observed the following picture: insects that went out to hunt at night, who stood in a stupor, instead of quickly making their feet, who, in a crazy death frenzy, barely crawled, bumping into each other. I caught some of the latter and put them on the table for further observation, but even there they did not show anything intelligible, gradually fading away, lay on their backs, one at a time and, pulling their paws more and more slowly, shamefully died, according to the arrangement. In the end, having lost any interest for me, they were sent to the ashtray. And those on which the Estonian skating rink rode did not stay in a stupor for a long time, but simply stupidly turned off, fell off and made a mass grave, first at the junction of the sidewall of the sofa and, in fact, the rookery, and, finally, at the last registry point - in the belly of the vacuum cleaner . It should be noted that this fight is not the first. Two years ago, these “guests” came to me, but then I was in a panic, frantically leafing through the sites, horrified by the hopelessness of the struggle (apparently, the authors-employees of the company who go and poison these and similar animals). And, finally, he settled on "Mashenka", but he started this business a bit and therefore it took longer to fight, but in 2-3 weeks they completely disappeared. What a pity that I did not think of cutting off a piece of chalk, throwing it into a jar and launching a couple of insects into the same cabinet of curiosities! Well, I was not born for such research, what can you say!


Oksana: 06/01/2015 at 01:07

They used the Raptor from bedbugs, and then missed everything with Masha, as it is written in the article. Helped! Now once a month we smear this chalk for the prevention of baseboards behind sofas.


pablo4es: 08.12.2016 at 20:55

Who has to attack with bedbugs, be patient. I bought an apartment in an old house. I drove there already at night, started washing everything, found bedbugs.A whole bunch, until 4 in the morning I ran with a bag and wet these creatures with my hands. The next morning I woke up - bitten, demons, there was a lot of blood on the sofa and around. Well, I killed them too, of course. I immediately went to buy whiteness, karbofos powder (40 rubles) and a spray bottle. In general, I took off the baseboards, there were huge gaps between the wall and the floor, washed all their poop with bleach and filled the whole room with karbofos, two packs of powder were enough. I packed all my clothes and things in garbage bags. In general, it did not help much, the bugs became much smaller, they were not visible at all, but they bit at night. I started shooting wallpaper, and there are a whole bunch of these freaks. I bought another karbofos, took off the wallpaper - threw it out the window and treated the wall and cracks with karbofos. Later I bought a mashenka (10 rubles), ground it on a grater and mixed it with water, filling all the cracks. I bought mounting foam and immediately filled in absolutely all the cracks in the apartment that could lead from neighbors. I bought a raptor from bedbugs (250 rubles) and removed the upholstery from the sofa, processed everything well (surprisingly, there were almost none in the sofa, but just in case). All the cracks were sealed with cement (250 rubles). I smeared everything in a car, which is possible (during all the procedures I slept in the bathroom, while plentifully treated myself with cheap cologne (bugs do not tolerate pungent odors). The main thing is not to be lazy, if everything is done quickly, then you can withdraw and fence yourself off from drunk neighbors I saw a bug in the entrance - I was not too lazy and washed my floor with bleach. I live for a week and rejoice, there are no bugs, no one bites (wild bliss) 🙂 The apartment was saved, everyone died, although the stench was terrible.


Lenya anticlops: 09/25/2016 at 00:34

Good day everyone! The bug is small, but smelly, the ancients used to say. They bite terribly. They bite really selectively, I have the first blood group, the residents in the same apartment have a different one.I came to visit friends, I suffer and are covered in bites, and the neighbors - almost nothing. I fight insects (cockroaches and bedbugs) equally effectively in different residential premises and different regions of the country according to the same scheme. 1. I buy a piece of chalk "Mashenka" (penny purchase). 2. I put it in parts (break it) between sheets of paper (newspaper, etc.), roll the chalk on top with a rolling pin or a glass bottle, turning the chalk into dust. 3. I pour the resulting dust into a container (empty) from under baby powder (a cheap purchase at a pharmacy) and pollinate the likely places where parasites accumulate with clouds of the specified chemical. Cockroaches are poisoned instantly, crawl out of all their shelters, climb up the walls and fall paralyzed to the floor. Whoever received a small dose will run to infect other cockroaches, as they communicate by touching each other with their antennae and regularly licking these antennae in their mouths. The bugs are slower, but they, having received poisoning, crawl out of their shelters onto the walls - a sign of their poisoning. As a rule, bedbugs are afraid of lighting, but in dope they already understand little and crawl out onto the walls. You do not collect them at this time, many of the infested bugs should get to their nests and families and infect everyone who is there. They will communicate with other bugs along the way and infect them along the way. After 3-4 days, pollinate the premises again, this is for eggs previously laid by parasites. The larvae will hatch from them after the death of their parents, poison themselves and their breeding chain will be interrupted. I am glad if, after applying my method of dealing with bad parasites, you wake up in the morning and you will not have bites from bedbugs and crawling cockroaches. I don’t recommend smearing walls and baseboards with chalk “Mashenka”, the stripes are not aesthetically pleasing, until the parasite gets to them.And all living creatures must breathe constantly and move along the pollinated surface for these small creatures - an inevitable matter. All the best and good luck in the fight against the enemies of man who do not choose the country of residence, gender, nationality and age of their victim.


Yasha: 11/16/2016 at 10:39 pm

In my village I bought this product (Fufanon) in a regular store that sells seeds and fertilizers. Packing in 20 rubles. managed. Insects came to us through acquaintances, we brought them out from the first treatment.


Olga: 09.12.2015 at 11:00

Good afternoon. I want to tell you how we dealt with bedbugs. At first, what we not only didn’t try - tsifoks, karbofos, a bunch of aerosols. They began to fight with the whole entrance, bought - KUKARACH (a wonderful remedy). A neighbor bought from a store. But in order to have an effect, they made a very concentrated solution (a whole bottle for 1.5 liters of warm water). Good luck.


Irina: 07/14/2014 at 16:18

I don't believe! I thought they would divorce, but the Xulat micro remedy really works. It is simply magical, I recommend it, I myself still can’t believe that they don’t exist, that this nightmare is over! Thank you so much. Kamchatka.


Svetlana: 09/22/2014 at 06:39

It is impossible to get rid of bedbugs by yourself using folk remedies - it has been tested on yourself. I fought for several months, there was no life. It helped: 1) I bought a piece of chalk from Masha's cockroaches and missed all the joints between the panels, the corners of the walls, all the joints at the sofa (where the bugs lived), 2) I bought 3 cans of "Raptor" from insects, removed all the food and sprayed all the furniture in apartment, all hard-to-reach places, clothes (after that I washed everything!). Repeated two days later. Voila! I got rid of them. I advise.


Dim: 12.10.2015 at 10:11

During my studies, I lived in a hostel. And such a misfortune happened to me.It is really difficult to deal with them, it takes a lot of time, effort and nerves ... In general, I bought garbage bags and other plastic containers, sorted out and packed all the things (and you need to sort through very carefully, because they are not so easy to notice). Everything was in packages: books, clothes, everything that was possible. Thus localized the "area".

Then it started ... Every evening before going to bed, I examined the bed and everything I could, smeared it with vinegar, smoked it, sprayed all sorts of “combat super spray” chemicals (as here in the middle of the photo article), and nothing helped.

But I was able to get rid of it. We bought a “commander” with a friend (he also had such a problem). I think it's a Colorado potato beetle remedy, sold in a small tube with a yellow cap and vegetables on the label. They diluted it with water, treated the rooms. In addition, it was winter (I don’t know how many degrees, but I left the window open and went to study, then spent the night with a friend - just in case, to protect myself from this poison, but the neighbor stayed to spend the night in the room - alive). REALLY helped, no ads.

In short, I never saw them again. But all the same, the nerves did not immediately recover, every now and then trembled, suspecting that someone was crawling ... In short, it's terrible) And it can touch everyone. For the rest of my life I remember how I fought them.


Love: 05/28/2015 at 01:40

Hello. I want to share how we got rid of this evil. We were brought bedbugs by friends. We tried everything we could think of. After weed, 2-3 days passed and they crawled out again. For 3 months, my husband and I got up at night and simply crushed them (so that the children would not be bitten). They climbed all that is possible - they did not find masonry. They tore off the wallpaper, tore off the plinths, the architraves on the doors.They treated it with Combat, Raid, Raptor (spray and steam fumigator) - zero result. They threw out mattresses, two sofas - it seemed to me that they were everywhere. Of course, there were significantly fewer of them, but ... When I saw a bite on a baby, I almost lost my mind. I went to a hardware store, bought karbofos (it costs about 50 rubles) and Varan. We moved with the children to a large room (there is nowhere else to go) and poisoned them. The stench is unbearable. They sealed the door from the outside with ordinary polyethylene and adhesive tape so that it would not stink. 3 days did not enter the room. Then they washed everything and did the same with the large room. We sleep peacefully for a month and a half! You can get rid of them if you really want to. I wish you all good luck.


Maria: 11/30/2016 at 02:09

We have been living with them for 4 years, we cannot kill them in any way. Tell me, please, where is karbofos sold? Does it happen in pharmacies?

Elenka: 12/01/2016 at 19:44

Karbofos is sold mainly in stores such as "Everything for the garden and garden." Preferably in glass bottles! And dilute thicker than it says in the instructions. Don't forget your respirator and rubber gloves. My advice to you, Maria: before you treat with karbofos, keep in mind that it has a very pungent smell, and all things, products must be put in sealed bags. Then wash at 90 degrees, preferably everything. And before that, cover all the cracks and joints with putty or sealant!

I lived with these creatures for 4 months, it's terrible. I feel so sorry for you... 4 years is too long. I imagine how many eggs they laid, which is even scarier. Oh, Maria, I forgot! After two weeks, it is important to re-treat! And that in the first, that in the second persecution, it is necessary to leave for at least 4-7 days, there is no other way, unfortunately ... This is karbofos. Good luck with this difficult task.If you have any questions - write, maybe I can help you)) By the way, I do not advise you to call the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station - they are poisoned with the same karbofos (or an analogue - fufanon).


gamma: 09/12/2014 at 22:09

Question: About 30 years ago, after moving to a new apartment, we received bed bugs and cockroaches from neighbors who were carrying contaminated furniture with them. We processed skirting boards, cracks, etc. The result was positive.

Six months later, the "attack" was repeated, increased concentration. There are no bedbugs and cockroaches, but if high humidity is summer, rains are a persistent smell of karbofos. Could it be 30 years after application? Thank you.

Anonymous: 06/24/2015 at 12:27 pm

Same. The smell of karbofos is eternal.


Evgeniy: 20.11.2016 at 23:52

Buy "Averfos", "Anticlopes blockade", "Confidant" or other professional tools, and poison. I don’t recommend “Pshikalki” like “Get”, “Medilis” and similar garbage. Year tormented with bedbugs. What they didn't poison. Bought prof. means - and the bedbugs of Khan ...


Edward: 07/11/2015 at 01:16

He studied in St. Petersburg at SPbGASU, lived in the first hostel in the studio. town, between Aviators' Park and Victory Park. Bed bugs got in. Lots of bedbugs! In relief, I looked like an orange, and all speckled. Disinsection was carried out twice - it did not help! As a result, a roommate - my namesake - bought two cylinders of dichlorvos and sprayed them all over the room to the bottom - freaked out, so to speak. It was like death to enter the room) After that, the following happened: small creatures crawled out of their minks and sat on the walls. We caught them manually (in no case do not press them - their colleagues run to the smell of blood), and burned them. The most interesting thing was different: as far as I know, the bug is not a swarming animal, and the bugs do not have a commander-in-chief (like a uterus in bees).But after the event with dichlorvos, along with a trifle, two fat creatures crawled out onto the walls, very similar to the same bugs, but 8-10 times more! After dichlorvos procedures and catching all the creatures that were in sight, not a single bug bit me until the end of my studies!


Dmitry: 02/07/2016 at 18:11

And I ran into this problem… A lot of Uzbeks live above us on the 4th floor. They have a full Kildym in the apartment there ... I am 150% sure that they came to us from them. We called the exterminator 2 times - zero result. As a result, they threw out the sofa and armchairs, I found them behind the wallpaper and the picture. I sprayed the agent once a week with one, then with another (“Combat”) - as a result, they disappeared.


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Last update: 2022-05-05

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which showed high efficiency" 8 comments
  1. Ludmila

    From the news that bedbugs (!) were found in the apartment I rented, I fell into a real panic. At first they tried to get rid of it with the help of funds from the store, but the result was negative. After 5-6 months the nightmare recurred.Called a pro yesterday. Expensive (paid 3500), but I hope to get rid of bedbugs. Treated with some kind of fog.

  2. Lucy

    We've been living with bedbugs for six months now. Eat only me! Insomnia, psychosis, irritability. I'm going crazy 🙁 My husband and children are sleeping next to me, and they only eat me. Called a special service already 3 times! Each time for 10 thousand rubles. They are processed by various means: they made gas bombs and a barrier. Nothing helps. Already 4 times they came, they did it for free, because it's unrealistic, I don't understand where they crawl from! Two beds have already been thrown out - the bugs were sitting deep in the holes where the bolts are twisted. Now I sleep on a mattress on the floor like a bum. And it's not funny. We have a decent family, we constantly clean the apartment. Every week I treat the baseboards and children's beds with vinegar, and the bastards climb out of nowhere and devour me. Nothing helps! 🙁

  3. Irina

    Good afternoon. We lived with bedbugs (it is not known where they came from) for 3 months, and it was HORRIBLE. True, they only bit my husband, me - occasionally, when he was not there. But I have a terrible aversion to them, I could hardly stand it. They called SES 2 times, poisoned Kukarachi, the result is zero! Here I read a review about shampoo for ticks in dogs (175 rubles for 250 ml). And bought it. Plus, when I told the seller why I was buying it, she advised ampoules (20 rubles apiece, diluted by 1.6 liters). I bought them too. These ampoules are used (from customer stories) by spraying on the carpet (when the animals are gone and the fleas continue to bite). They are called "Delcid".

    The husband yesterday diluted all this potion and sprinkled everything that is possible and impossible (almost does not stink). By the way, when you spray this solution on a bug, it dies in a couple of seconds and its body becomes empty - the solution seems to dry it out.Today we slept peacefully, I haven’t seen a single bug yet, but even if I see it, I have a bottle and 3 ampoules in stock. All this cost me 300 rubles.

    Update dated 08/28/18. With joy that these creatures no longer bite us, I wrote a positive review. But things are a little different. The truth is that they do not reach us, stupidly 2-3 pieces crawl along the wall during the day! But I always have "Deltsid" erected, once I sprinkled it on a bug - and it dried up. Earlier in the comments I read how a woman completely destroyed them with the help of one shampoo (in a ceiling tile, baseboard, sofa). Apparently, there were masonry, she saw them and destroyed them with a direct hit. We, it seems, have no clutches, 2 were destroyed by ourselves. We splashed everything! Down to wallpaper. But with us, the bugs remained, most likely, in the ceiling tiles, although they also processed it. But I definitely advise you to try shampoo and ampoules (economical and effective), suddenly someone will help to completely destroy them. Good luck everyone.

  4. Dmitry

    Here is my story about getting rid of bed bugs. Live fishing!

    In early July, I noticed a couple of bumps on my back. Well, a mosquito bit, think about it ... The next day again, then again and again, a week later the whole back was covered in red spots. There were no regularities and paths from bites, as if mosquito bites, with the only difference being that it was terribly “itchy” and did not go away for 2 weeks. I didn’t want to poison, I’m quite sensitive to chemistry. I was exhausted, I even bought a steam generator, walked through all the "evil" places in the apartment. Moved to another room. So these creatures are terribly smart - after a while they got me even there. And they only bit me, they did not touch my wife and son.

    I didn’t see any clusters and single bedbugs in the apartment, in general I never saw these reptiles in my life. Rummaged through all the clothes, furniture, mattresses.There were no traces anywhere. For a long time I sinned in the direction of other parasites, because the bites did not look like bedbug bites, as they say on the Internet - without tracks, at random and even in the form of inflamed lines (as it happens from scratches). Then all the same, these very paths of bites appeared. Then there was no doubt. Just bugs!

    I applied my KNOW-HOW: on a narrow strip of cardboard (1 meter) I pasted a strip of ordinary adhesive tape and smeared it with a track of glue taken from the Gryzunoff glue trap. Placed a trap next to the bed. The bed itself was moved 5 cm away from the wall. The legs of the bed were also placed on square pieces of glue traps from cockroaches. The mattress itself was wrapped in stretch film and double-sided tape on top of it. I went back to my old trap bed, and apparently these bastards ran back for me.

    Bottom line: in the very first days, I caught four creatures on my trap. All the bugs are of different sizes and colors, as well as a couple of cockroaches, ants, some small flies and a flea to the heap. Nobody else got caught. I've been sleeping like this for two months - not a single bite! I think there are no more bedbugs, but now I'm afraid to sleep without traps 🙂

  5. Olga

    We had a ventilation system in our house. The house is old, it was 4 years ago. There was no announcement. As a result, my neighbors and I (each on the sly) had to call disinfectors. A year ago, I cut and threw out the sofa and again called in specialists. I bought sofas, and less than a year later I suddenly had cockroaches. I did the disinfection again, but my bugs activated. I went through the sofas, burned everything in which I found eggs. Disinfectors enrage me ... Either “wait, they will die themselves”, then I myself am already to blame, then like we don’t have anything from this. Kapets, in short.Tell me how to get rid of? Today I even saw and killed a bug in the entrance. IN THE ENTRANCE! The hallway is warm. In the summer I beat cockroaches, now bedbugs. What to do? They will run from apartment to apartment. Tell me, plz.

    • Dmitry

      No need to kill cockroaches. If you choose between bedbugs and cockroaches, then cockroaches are better. They are not friends with bedbugs, they eat them and eggs with great appetite. In addition, it is easier to remove cockroaches later - they are not so small.

  6. Alyona

    Hello. Bedbugs appeared somewhere before the summer of this year. At first I thought it was a midge that bites. But no - bedbugs. They poisoned themselves with Foscon. A few days later they were still crawling and it seemed that there were more of them. In a few days we will repeat the persecution, but I will already do it with my husband (once my husband and mother-in-law were poisoned). Please tell me who tried this Foscon remedy for bedbugs? It’s just that the mother-in-law was poisoned in the same way and they left (she has a private house). I will try to walk along the walls with karbofos (we will shoot wallpaper - we live in a hotel room, or rather we shoot it). Wish me luck and please tell me who tried Foscon. Thank you.

  7. angry fox

    After the New Year 2021, these filthy bloodsuckers appeared. Neighbors quietly poisoned, changing furniture before the holidays. The wife bought a couple of Blockbuster cylinders and waved her hand, they say spill the room, like garbage, it will fall off by itself. She is fine, they don’t eat her at night, but they chew us with a dog and don’t choke. On the sixth of January, I called a familiar pro. He came with a "cold fog" system and processed the room, hallway and kitchen. Used "TITAN". Feels like CS gas (sucked into the main corridor). In the evening, the bloodsuckers no longer ate us. I only had time to sweep the blind man's buff and collect it in a bag.Before leaving, he pointed his finger at our steam generator and added that by the weekend, steam all the secluded and not very places, otherwise the eggs would remain and the bugs would eat again. So far nothing is happening. Tomorrow I will work like a German Sonderkommando with a steam generator instead of a flamethrower. Good luck to everyone in the fight against parasites 🙂


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