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Remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Delta Zone: description and reviews

Last update: 2022-05-04
≡ Article has 18 comments
  • Denis: Shit... I wasted my money. Two bottles for a kopeck piece, as much as ...
  • Dmitry: It helped from bedbugs, but I had to process 2 times after 3 not ...
  • Irina: Tell me, please, the name of the product? ...
See bottom of page for details

We get acquainted with the properties of the drug Delta Zone and the features of its use against bedbugs and cockroaches.

The drug Delta Zone is a modern microencapsulated insecticidal agent with a fairly high efficiency against bedbugs, cockroaches and some other synanthropic insects. A feature of the drug is the almost complete absence of smell in it, which is important if it is used inside residential premises.

Delta Zone is produced by the Korean company Kukbo Science Co., LTD. The tool is adapted for domestic use, and is sold in 50 ml bottles, in which a specially prepared insecticide is contained in a highly concentrated form. Before use, the drug must be diluted with water in the proportions required according to the instructions: one bottle, which can be bought for about 650 rubles, is enough to treat about 100 m² of area.

Microencapsulated drug from insects Delta Zone m.k.

Due to its rather high efficiency, the Delta Zone allows you to reliably get rid of bedbugs and cockroaches by the residents of the premises themselves.To use the product, you do not need to be a professional exterminator or have special equipment - an ordinary household spray gun is enough.

The tool allows you to effectively get rid of bedbugs on your own, without resorting to the services of professional pest control services.

The drug is also effective against cockroaches, allowing you to completely destroy their population in the apartment, even in cases where other means do not work.

Judging by the reviews of those people who have already observed the drug in action, often the fight against bed bugs and cockroaches ends after the first treatment. At the same time, a pronounced protective effect of the agent is noted for a long time after its application.


“We just had a guard with these cockroaches - they were all over the house, they even crawled right over the child! They tried to poison with all sorts of boron powders, gels - all to no avail, cockroaches are very tenacious. As a result, we bought a Delta zone on the Internet, diluted it and, after the first treatment, set the parasites on heat so that they climbed out of all the cracks. They fell from the walls like shell-shocked. Then they were collected with a scoop for a long time. All the ventilation was also covered with a mesh so that the neighbors would not come. It's been quiet for three months now."

Irina, Yekaterinburg


The active substance of the drug Delta Zone and the mechanism of its action on insects

The active substance of the drug Delta Zone is a very powerful insecticide deltamethrin. This substance has a contact and intestinal poisoning effect, as a result of which it can effectively destroy both blood-sucking insects (bugs, fleas) and those that do not feed on blood (cockroaches, ants, kozheedy beetles, etc.)

Insecticide deltamethrin, chemical structure

The contact mechanism of action of deltamethrin is based on its ability to quickly penetrate through the chitinous integument of the insect. Therefore, for successful poisoning, for example, of a cockroach or a bug, it is not at all necessary to force the insect to eat the drug - it is enough that the agent gets on its paws or on the surface of the body.After that, the insecticide penetrates the internal tissues of the insect and leads to its poisoning.

The contact poisoning effect of the Delta Zone drug is especially important in the fight against bedbugs, which do not eat anything other than human blood, and it is simply impossible to force them to eat the poisoned bait.

The photo shows a bed bug sucking blood

Having penetrated the internal tissues of the victim, deltamethrin disrupts the nervous system, resulting in rapid paralysis and subsequent death of the insect. At the same time, the substance is not dangerous for warm-blooded organisms (including humans), as it is quickly destroyed by the corresponding enzymes.

Thus, for the effective destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches, it is necessary to ensure that the insecticide gets on the surface of the insect's body. It was to solve this problem when developing the drug Delta Zone, the principle of microencapsulation of the active substance was used - deltamethrin is in a colloidal solution in the form of microscopic capsules, which, after surface treatment and evaporation of water, remain here in the form of the thinnest layer.

With the naked eye, the active substance on the treated materials cannot be seen, however, insects, running over such a surface, “dirty” in microcapsules that stick to the paws and body of the future victim.

In the photos below, this effect of microcapsules sticking to insects is clearly demonstrated:

Insecticide microcapsules on treated surface

Microencapsulated insecticide adheres well to the legs, whiskers and body of insects, which greatly increases the effectiveness of the product.

On a note

In the instructions for use and in some catalogs, the name of the drug is indicated as "Delta Zone m.k." The last abbreviation just means microencapsulant.

In the case of cockroaches and ants, the Delta Zone has a double effect (in addition to contact poisoning, it also has an intestinal effect): these insects constantly clean their paws and antennae with their jaws, and the drug additionally enters their digestive tract. Bed bugs do not do this, however, as practice shows, their flat, wide body collects much more insecticide than cockroach paws, so bed bug poisoning also occurs quite quickly, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

The photo clearly shows that the body of a hungry bug is very flat.

On a note

As mentioned above, one 50 ml bottle of Delta Zone after dilution is enough to treat approximately 100 square meters. However, it is important to understand here that a surface of 100 m² is not understood as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, but the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ball processed surfaces, which includes the walls of bedside tables, the surfaces of sofas, the internal spaces of cabinets, etc. In general, for an ordinary two-room apartment, you should usually buy two bottles of the Delta Zone at once. In this case, it is useful to take into account the individual characteristics of the case: if cockroaches are present only in the kitchen or, for example, bedbugs are present only in the bedroom, then sometimes a smaller amount of the drug will be enough.


And further: What kind of insects do not live at home - a detailed description and photos. A terrible thing ... (the article has more than 40 comments)

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Perhaps the main advantage of the Delta Zone product is its high efficiency against bedbugs, cockroaches and many other parasitic insects and pests.Moreover, tests of the drug by professional pest control services in the most severe cases of infection of apartments have shown that Delta Zone often significantly outperforms some of the analogues available on the market, and the product can be successfully used even in those rooms where other drugs did not have a pronounced effect on insects.

The Delta Zone destroys even those cockroaches that have developed resistance to some other insecticides.

Often, the drug is used by professional pest control services when treating residential premises from bedbugs.


“Tell me where to buy the Delta Zone in Tver? My sister from Yaroslavl called me, she says that they took all the bedbugs out of my mother's old apartment at once, and in addition, the moth disappeared immediately. And I have run around all the stores and never heard of such a tool anywhere. And I'm somehow afraid to order via the Internet ... "

Yana, Tver

Also, Delta Zone differs from most traditional insect control products in the absence of odor. - even immediately after processing the apartment, no toxic odors are felt at all. At the same time, there are many cases when apartment residents simply had to throw out furniture that could store an unpleasant “medical” smell for months after the apartment was treated by some pest control or SES services.

Other advantages of the drug:

  1. Prolonged action - in those places where the product is not washed off during wet cleaning, it retains its effectiveness for several months. This means that even if, for example, a month after treatment, larvae hatch from the surviving bedbug eggs, with a high probability they will not last even a few days.
  2. Barrier effect - the drug provides reliable protection against the penetration of insects from neighbors (to be more precise, insects penetrate, but crossing the corresponding "barrier" in the form of a surface treated with the drug, for example, ventilation, quickly die soon after that).
  3. The absence of stains and streaks on the furniture in the places where the drug was applied.
  4. Safety for humans and pets. Of course, the Delta Zone is not water, but a poison for insects, however, if the instructions for use are followed, the drug does not lead to any unpleasant sensations or signs of poisoning in humans and animals.

The barrier effect of the Delta Zone agent ensures the death of those insects that come from neighbors.

As for the shortcomings of the product, then, perhaps, the main drawback of the Delta Zone drug from the point of view of the consumer is its price. A bottle, which is enough to process a one-room apartment, can be bought for about 650 rubles. This encourages many to use, albeit much less effective, but not so expensive means - for example, boric acid or the old odorous Karbofos.

In addition, deltamethrin is ineffective against bedbug eggs (however, like all insecticides belonging to the pyrethroid class). Although in practice this is not so important: the larvae hatching from surviving eggs die quickly, since the microcapsules of the drug retain their activity on the treated surfaces for a very long time.

Bedbug eggs are clearly visible in the photo - deltamethrin does not work on them

Bedbug larvae usually hatch from the eggs after a couple of weeks.

The prolonged residual action of the Delta Zone agent subsequently leads to the death of all larvae hatching from the eggs - as soon as they run over the previously treated surface.

On a note

Another disadvantage of the Delta Zone can be considered some difficulty in acquiring the drug. You can buy it only via the Internet: in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the buyer will receive an order within 1-2 days, but in other regions of Russia, the drug can be delivered for more than a week.People who need to get bedbugs out as soon as possible are not always willing to wait that long.


“We tried to buy it in Rostov - it’s useless, there is no Delta Zone here, they only send it by mail from a store on the Internet. Well, God bless him, we do not burn. Ordered, arrived. Dissolved strictly according to the instructions, processed so that not a single millimeter of dry was left. And no smell, but they really collected a bunch of dead cockroaches. Three months was a beauty! So what? Then the neighbors began to poison something smelly at home, so the cockroaches crawled from them to us out of hopelessness. They are dying slowly, but it looks like the war is not over yet.”

Valentin, Rostov-on-Don

Despite certain shortcomings, the combination of consumer characteristics of the Delta Zone drug makes it currently one of the most preferred options in cases where bedbugs or cockroaches need to be removed as quickly and reliably as possible, without an unpleasant smell in the room and without the risk of poisoning yourself.

And further: With the bites of some insects, the bite site can swell so much that it doesn’t seem small ... (the article has more than 40 comments)


Instructions for use Delta Zone

Depending on which insects are supposed to be destroyed, the Delta Zone concentrate is diluted in different ways:

  1. Cockroaches, flies - 50 ml per 3.5 liters of water;
  2. Bedbugs, fleas, ants - 50 ml per 5 liters of water;
  3. Mosquitoes, moths - 50 ml per 10 liters of water.

The resulting solution can be poured into a conventional household spray bottle (sprayer).

To spray the prepared solution, you can use a household spray bottle.

Then, in the case of the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches, the following actions are performed:

  1. Access is provided to all places of possible insect hiding places - baseboards, walls behind carpets (it is advisable to remove the carpets from the walls), the back walls of bedside tables and sofas, the inner surfaces of sofas, mattresses (in case of destruction of bedbugs), shelves in pantries and closets.
  2. It is advisable to hide dishes, linen and children's toys in plastic bags.
  3. All people (except the handler) and pets leave the premises. If the apartment has an aquarium, then it is covered with glass.
  4. Further, all surfaces on which insects can potentially move are sprayed from the spray gun. The approximate consumption of the finished working solution is 50 ml per square meter of non-absorbent surface, or 100 ml for highly absorbent ones. Particular attention should be paid to door and window frames, ventilation ducts and baseboards, when removing cockroaches - the back surface of the refrigerator and stove, and when removing bedbugs - mattresses and sofas.
  5. After spraying, the apartment is left like this for 2-3 hours, so that the preparation dries and fixes on the surfaces.
  6. After 2-3 hours, you can carry out wet cleaning in the apartment (at the same time, it is not recommended to wipe hard-to-reach places that people and pets do not touch - to maintain a long-term protective effect after treatment).

The picture shows the possible location of bedbug nests in the apartment, which must be processed first.


“Thanks to the creators of the Delta Zone. Before this remedy, many other chemicals were used, from dichlorvos to kerosene, but the bugs immediately appeared again. We have half of our house infested with them. After using the Delta Zone for three months, there has not been a hint of insects, although after that we already managed to make a rearrangement and washed the whole apartment many times. At the same time, the neighbors have both bedbugs and cockroaches, but everything is clean with us.We used two banks of funds for a two-room apartment.”

Lyudmila Ivanovna, Kaliningrad

It should be borne in mind that bedbugs or cockroaches can enter the room from neighbors. Therefore, even if in your apartment the entire population of insects is completely destroyed, but at the same time the neighbors, for example, have a real bedbug, then, of course, bloodsuckers will visit you regularly. Due to the barrier effect of the Delta Zone drug, most of the bedbugs will die immediately after migration, however, in order to reliably solve the problem in such a situation, it is advisable to cooperate with neighbors and fight insects together.

If bedbugs come to you from neighbors, then it is highly desirable to poison insects together.


Safety rules when using the tool

Despite the fact that the drug Delta Zone is odorless and its active substance is enclosed in microcapsules, however, working with the product, as well as with insecticides in general, requires compliance with standard safety rules:

  1. Processing should be carried out in long-sleeved clothing, a respirator, rubber gloves and goggles.
  2. During processing, you can not eat in the same room.
  3. If the working solution or concentrate comes into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse them with plenty of clean running water.
  4. If the room is very large, then during processing every 40-50 minutes you need to take a break of at least 10 minutes, during which the processor leaves the apartment for fresh air.

Standard personal protective equipment should be used when working with the product.

Increased care should be taken by the owners of cats and cats - these animals are very sensitive to pyrethroids in general and to deltamethrin in particular.

Summing up, we can say that the Delta Zone drug, in terms of the totality of its indicators and characteristics, is a rather interesting modern insect repellent that allows you to solve problems with parasites and pests even in cases where other remedies do not work.

If you have your own experience of using the Delta Zone remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches or any other insects, be sure to leave your feedback at the bottom of this page.


Interesting video: this is what insatiable bed bugs and their larvae look like


What is important to know about the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment


Last update: 2022-05-04

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Delta Zone: description and reviews" 18 comments
  1. Yuri

    Which site to buy?

  2. Anna

    I sprayed the room with the Delta Zone preparation, two days later the bugs bite me, my husband and child again, what should I do? Tell me, please, no more strength.

    • Konstantin

      In all secluded places in the apartment there may be eggs, larvae constantly hatch from them for the first time. They are hungry, so they will bite. The main thing here is not to let them grow up and continue total destruction, having processed it again in a week. We processed three times, each corner, and made a solution of a slightly higher concentration than indicated in the instructions. Now cleanliness and restful sleep!

  3. Andrew

    Hello. Bought a Delta Zone yesterday. Suspension in vial. Strictly according to the instructions made the solution. Processed all nests and surfaces from 18-30 to 20-43. Today, the wife and son are badly bitten by bedbugs. How long to endure until the full effect?

  4. Anastasia

    Hello! We moved into an apartment with bedbugs. For six months, we periodically process the apartment with a delta zone and a couple more funds (we read that they can just get used to one tool). So, we do not see anyone for about a month, and again they appear. Maybe we are doing something wrong? Initially, there were not very many bedbugs, we saw them sometimes at night, I periodically look through and rewash my clothes. Can you recommend any algorithm?

    • Anonymous

      From neighbors to you pass. Cover all cracks and put the mesh on ventilation.

      • Anonymous

        Or try a smoke bomb.

  5. Oleg

    Here you need to call the masters already.

  6. Faith

    Today I processed the Delta zone from cockroaches. Everywhere they write that it is odorless ... But I really stank. What could it be?

  7. Daria

    Bedbugs have long mutated from this substance in the United States. Probably ours too...

  8. Fedor

    And I have a problem with fleas. He had the imprudence of a cat from the yard to the apartment to let him stay. I've been fighting for six months now.What I didn’t try: and Agran, and Cypermethrin, and the Executioner. Nothing helps. I also tried this Delta Zone. Wasted money! I ordered the processing of the apartment and professionals. Uselessly. As they jumped, so they jump and sometimes bite. Now I bought a steam generator, began to process it with steam - and there is a result. They are getting smaller and smaller.

  9. Kira

    It's all crap. Does not work against bedbugs. Even if diluted with less water. They sit quietly, where everything has already been processed.

  10. Svetlana

    I did the delta zone treatment, it did not help. While waiting for the result of the treatment (1 month), the bugs only multiplied. We bought the drug in a specialized store working from the manufacturer (so the seller said and showed the certificate), paid 890 rubles for 50 ml. The drug is really odorless, but completely ineffective. There were no dead insects!

  11. Ruslan

    Hello! Don't be fooled, Delta Zone doesn't work at all. Waste of money. At first I bought it in our store, the packaging was doubtful, but I bought it anyway. Painfully well praised. The result is zero. Then I ordered, as it were, the original in the online store. The result is worse. We developed an allergy to bites, which we didn't have before.

  12. Rodion

    I will support the two previous reviews ... In no way did the delta zone preparation contribute to getting rid of the population of bedbugs and cockroaches in the kitchen. In the first moments after treatment, it does not kill individuals, there is no prolonged action.

    I bought another remedy, I will process it, check the effect. But even now it just lies on my closet, sealed, but with a subtle smell - so the bugs have already begun to climb out of the shelters.I caught a couple, poured the concentrate from the bottle, they died right away ...

    • Irina

      Can you please tell me the name of the tool?

  13. Dmitry

    It helped from bedbugs, but I had to process it 2 times after 3 weeks - just the larvae hatched and started to bite again. The smell is small, but already sick, when processing it is necessary to use a respirator.

    Who did not help - probably did not find a breeding ground for bedbugs. They are very good at hiding, I had a zipper in my mattress 🙂

  14. Denis

    Shit ... I wasted my money. Two bottles for a kopeck piece, it was already dripping from the ceiling ... Soaked through all the furniture. Does not work!


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