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Get rid of bed bugs at home

Last update: 2022-05-20
≡ Article has 78 comments
  • Andrew: Buy a steam cleaner and kill them with hot steam. This is ed...
  • Anya: We got bed bugs, we threw away all unnecessary rags, booms ...
  • Anonymous: Buy a steam generator - and go. Cleaning the steam generator once a week...
See bottom of page for details

Treating your mattress for bed bugs

Bedbugs in the house are an alarm signal for urgent and urgent action. In no case should you tolerate them, wait for a favorable moment for the fight, and even more so - expect that they will disappear on their own. Every day their number will grow, and bites at night will more and more resemble a nightmare.

The fight against bed bugs at home is a rather time-consuming process, but almost always fast. With the help of modern insecticides, you can fit the entire procedure in one day, during which no one should be in the apartment. But before you get rid of bedbugs at home, you need to make sure that the neighbors do not have them. Still, getting bedbugs out is much easier than keeping the apartment clean from them after that (they can easily move into a home from their neighbors).


Ways to deal with bedbugs at home

The range of means by which the destruction of bedbugs at home is carried out today is quite wide. The currently known methods of dealing with bedbugs are divided into several groups:

  • physical
  • chemical
  • folk (traditional)
  • call for special services.

The use of certain funds is always the result of the choice of the owner and inhabitants of a particular premises, their financial situation, and is also determined by a number of specific circumstances.

If we consider the first factor - the cost of destroying bed bugs, then calling professional services is much more expensive than independent actions. But sanitary services provide guaranteed expulsion of bedbugs from the premises.

In general, self-removal of bedbugs at home is carried out in almost the same way as its specialized version. In this case, the person himself determines the size of the treated surface. In some cases, processing one sofa will be enough to get the desired result. Such an event is most expedient with a low infestation of the apartment with bedbugs or with a very small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Also, the decisive factor in choosing this method of dealing with bed bugs at home can be the limited budget of the family or the too high cost of specialized services in a particular city.

In any case, no matter what method of destroying bedbugs at home is chosen, it should be remembered that chemical insecticides are poisonous to humans and can cause a number of allergic reactions in their body. There are frequent cases of severe poisoning due to improper use of special preparations and violation of safety regulations when working with them. In no case should such actions be carried out by people prone to allergic manifestations, children, pregnant or lactating women.


How to get rid of bedbugs with chemicals?

Bed bug chemicals

Before you get rid of bed bugs at home, you need to remember the following:

  • any person carrying out activities aimed at the destruction of small bloodsuckers should use rubber gloves and a cotton-gauze bandage to protect their hands and respiratory tract from chemicals that are poisonous not only for bed bugs, but also for themselves;
  • all manipulations are best done in fairly closed clothing (for example, in a tracksuit), which leaves as few open areas of the skin as possible;
  • it is best to tie a scarf on your head or wear some other headdress;
  • after processing the apartment, you must go out into the fresh air, thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap and water and change into “working” clothes.

To poison bedbugs at home today, you can use different means:

  • Executioner (quite effective, but has a smell)
  • GET (effective fragrance-free product)
  • Raid (aerosol)
  • Riapan
  • Neopin
  • Insecta Dibrofin
  • Carbosol
  • Phoxide
  • Forsyth (strong smell, cases of poisoning are known).

At the same time, there are drugs of domestic production and many foreign drugs. The diversity concerns not only the names of drugs, but also their forms (aerosol, emulsion, solution, gel, solid) and composition: in different products, the main active ingredient may be Karbofos, Dichlorvos, various pyrethroids or organophosphorus compounds. The latter, especially those representatives that have a low toxicity threshold, are most often used today, since they destroy bedbugs very quickly, but within a short time they themselves decay and cease to be dangerous.An apartment treated with pyrethroids and phosphorus-containing preparations becomes suitable for human life within a day or two after treatment.

You should carefully choose the means by which to remove bedbugs at home: long-used drugs, especially in the form of aerosols, may today be ineffective due to the fact that bedbugs develop persistent resistance to them.

On a note

An example of a highly effective drug to which bed bugs do not develop resistance is GEKTOR against bed bugs. Simply put, this drug will kill even those parasites that can not be destroyed by standard "chemistry".

Hector against bed bugs

The reason for such a high efficiency of the drug lies in the specific mechanism of action: insects are destroyed, in fact, physically - due to the ingress of hydrophilic silicon dioxide powder onto their body, which literally sucks water out of the parasites, leading to their dehydration and early death.


Folk remedies in the fight against bedbugs

Among the ways to destroy bed bugs at home, there are a considerable number of those that were used by our ancestors before the release of synthetic insecticides.

The most famous of these funds are turpentine, kerosene, denatured alcohol, cresol and vinegar. Each of them, in its pure form or as part of complex solutions, can be applied to infected or suspected habitats of bedbugs in an apartment daily for a long period of time.

Acetic acid from bed bugsTurpentine

At the same time, mixtures based on kerosene and turpentine with the addition of naphthalene or camphor can be used to treat nooks and crannies of wooden furniture, floors and baseboards. In this case, it is necessary to use not rubber, but special polyethylene (as for hair coloring) gloves or bags. This is necessary because these substances simply corrode thin rubber products.

However, upholstered furniture (sofas, beds, armchairs) and carpets can be spoiled with such products, as their oily base will leave stains and stains and disrupt the upholstery colors. To treat the fabric surface, solutions of denatured alcohol (technical alcohol), pure ethyl alcohol or acetic acid (food vinegar or vinegar essence) are usually used. For example, 5 grams of naphthalene is dissolved in a glass of denatured alcohol, which, if it is not available, can be replaced with 70% ethyl alcohol.

In any case, the processed apartment will have to be left for some time, optimally - at night or at least for 6-8 hours.The pungent smell of these products will still not let you fall asleep.

Another stinky but less effective way to kill bed bugs at home is to use herbs like wormwood and tansy. It is believed that these plants scare away uninvited tenants with their smell. Their aroma is really unpleasant and pungent. But in order to exude it, the herbs must be fresh, and this does not last long. Therefore, for a short period of time, the smell will still scare away bedbugs without killing them and absolutely not preventing them from multiplying. That is why, most often, herbs are used in tandem with other methods of baiting apartment bugs or to prevent their entry into the room.

In any case, folk remedies are usually the least effective of all. And you should not count on the complete elimination of bedbugs at home with their help.


Temperature treatment

Unlike most household parasites, bed bugs can survive over a fairly wide range of temperatures. These parasites are sufficiently resistant to low temperatures, withstanding a short-term drop in temperature to minus 20aboutFROM.

And further: Deadly methods of destruction of bedbugs that really work in practice

However, if the invasion of bedbugs on the apartment occurred in winter, with a significant minus outside the window (closer to minus 30-35 aboutC), individual elements of furniture (mattresses, shelves, chairs, tables) can be kept outside for several hours and frozen. However, the threat of the reappearance of bedbugs in your apartment from such procedures will continue. You can freeze the entire apartment, leaving the windows open for a day or two.However, such measures can lead to disruption of the plumbing systems.

Heating will destroy bedbugs much faster, but not everything that is in the apartment can be processed using high temperatures - from +50aboutC and above. However, most furniture and potential bed bug areas can be treated with dry heat or steam, and these treatments are now considered the most effective. To carry it out, you should call the sanitary services. Their employees use industrial hair dryers, steam generators and special irradiators to destroy bedbugs.

Bed bug treatment

As the temperature rises, the exposure time decreases, and at plus 100aboutWith it is about 40-60 minutes. With this treatment, even the eggs of apartment bugs, which are considered the most resistant to persecution, die.

A good option for heat treatment of things, bedding and carpets in the summer is a car. You need to put all these things in it, close the windows and leave it in the sun for a day. If the interior temperature rises above 50aboutC, all bedbugs in processed items will die within a few hours.


Calling specialized services

Often, firms specializing in the treatment of apartments carry out the removal of bedbugs at a time, regardless of the size of the treated room. Usually, in the event that bed bugs are found after such processing, a conscientious service guarantees free repeated procedures.

One disadvantage of this method of dealing with apartment bugs is the complete isolation of the premises for the period of insecticide exposure: usually 6-7 hours.During this period of time, all its warm-blooded inhabitants should be evacuated from the apartment, crockery and cutlery, personal hygiene items should be tightly packed.

A separate issue is the choice of a company to order the processing of the premises. Representatives of the appropriate reliable organization will inspect the area being treated before setting a price or proceeding with the application of any insecticide. They will also provide a written report on the inspection and an action plan to prepare for the sanitation of the premises. The company specialist must clarify the presence in the treated apartment of people suffering from allergies, children, the elderly, that is, representatives of those population groups for whom contact with even a small amount of insecticide can be especially dangerous. In the future, specialists will definitely provide the customer with information on how to prevent infection of the home with apartment bugs.

The main keys to success in the fight against bedbugs are speed and totality. The sooner the persecution of bedbugs begins and the more fully the apartment is processed, the greater the likelihood that the bedbugs will no longer disturb the owners. Therefore, any unexpected bites at night should be treated carefully and, if bedbugs are suspected, sound the alarm as early as possible.


If you decide to fight bedbugs on your own, then when choosing a product, pay attention not only to its effectiveness, but also to other important consumer characteristics. First of all, for safety for a person and for the absence of a strong unpleasant odor (it happens that after processing, insects really die, but it is simply impossible to live in an apartment for a couple of months due to a strong smell).

For example, if you treat a sofa with Karbofos, then it can retain an unpleasant “aroma” for a long time, and if you use modern microencapsulated bedbug remedy GET, then you will practically not feel the smell even directly during processing.

Good luck with pest control!


5 effective ways to kill bed bugs in the apartment


Video review of the drug from bedbugs Executioner with a visual demonstration of its effect on insects


Last update: 2022-05-20

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "We remove bed bugs at home" 78 comments
  1. Natalia

    The husband took bought a soft corner, but bugs started up in this sofa. What should we do?

    • Anonymous

      Buy dichlorvos.

    • Andrew

      Buy a steam cleaner and kill them with hot steam. This is the only thing that helped me.

  2. Anonymous

    My advice to you - throw it away, we have been fighting for a month, and nothing.

  3. Anonymous

    We also threw

  4. Zhenya

    The first time bugs appeared ... Called the service. After the first time, they disappeared for half a year. Now they have reappeared.For a month and a half they came 2 times and they are still crawling! I want to set fire to everything and let it burn ((This is PPC.

    • Anonymous

      So, the neighbors have it, you need to talk to them.

  5. barbarian

    I couldn’t get rid of them by all methods, I poisoned myself, caused pest control, almost smeared myself with poison ... I moved out - this is the only way to get rid of them! Even things were flooded with poison, so that God forbid they could be transported with them. Now, before renting an apartment, I look at every shovchik and even lift the furniture, if necessary. The bite scars last for the 4th month, I am horrified how people live with them.

  6. Eve

    How do I understand Zhenya. They called the service several times, poisoned themselves - all to no avail. I sleep with the light, a nightmare in reality! It's unbearable!

  7. Paul

    There were bastards in the country. We don't spend the winter there. It wasn't there last year. At home, in the city, no. Don't buy old stuff. Where did they come from?

  8. Igor

    Bedbugs have been attacking us for about a year now, all methods of persecution and struggle are useless, since the neighbors do not fight them. Direct trouble!

  9. ncux

    We have been fighting them for half a year - and nothing. They quickly get used to all methods.

  10. Evgeniy

    And how then to be and what to do, so as not to suffer?

  11. Max

    I've been persecuting for a month, all to no purpose, creatures tenacious.

  12. Anonymous

    Drop a nuclear bomb. Got one already!

  13. Anonymous

    Try pure vinegar, it helped, really.

    • Anonymous


  14. Misha

    What can I say, you all have flowers yet. I wound up half a year ago in a sleeping couch, they bit hard, just horror. Then they stopped biting, so they just tore off pieces of meat, probably in reserve. Patience ended when they ate the youngest son, I moved out.

    • Natalia

      How did you eat? 0_0

    • Anton

      Misha, very funny

  15. Elena

    I've tried everything! I'm waiting for a specialist. If the result is zero, then the shaman in the apartment, things in the trash, and move out!

  16. Anonymous

    I'm being eaten.

  17. Anya

    We have small children, what to do, these parasites bite? And I'm afraid of even the smell. How can we be, can you tell me?

    • Anna

      I have been living with parasites for several months now (I have been bringing home from the village for the first time). Somehow I found the dead once every couple of months and did not pay attention, but now I took a closer look, and they either sit there alone, or there are two. The bites are not strong yet, they heal quickly, and in the morning you forget that you itched at night. And today I’m already giving up, tomorrow the child’s “armpit” and to his parents. I'm going to poison with Fufanon, it used to help when I lived in another apartment.

    • Anonymous

      Buy a steam generator and go. Once a week, clean with a steam generator.

  18. Anonymous

    He lived for 33 years, only heard about their existence. Here on you, appeared a couple of months ago. No matter what I tried, nothing helps. I hid from them in a wardrobe, so they found me, dragged me onto the bed and bit everything evenly.

    • Anonymous

      How can you write this...

  19. Anonymous

    Bed bugs have been living with us for two years, they devour me from night to night, what should I do?

  20. Anonymous

    How can you get rid of bed bugs? I threw out the soft corner and mattresses, but they still seem to be in the pillows. What can be done with them? They do not bite me, but my husband and daughter - there is no living place on the body. Help. There is no executioner in Ekibastuz. What else can irritate them?

    • ket

      Try everything (pillows, blankets) in the washing machine and wash at 90 degrees for at least 30 minutes.

  21. Gosha Amletov

    In America, a super-strong remedy has been developed - the powder "Death to Al-Qaeda".Catch a bug, sprinkle powder on his eyes, he goes blind and dies of hunger. “Americans, as always, are ahead of the rest!”

    • gosh

      And what, now to catch every bug and pour it on your eyes or something?

  22. Victor

    I'm just getting hands down. He called the persecution himself and the specialists three times, and most importantly, he made repairs and threw out almost all the furniture, and this was all in a rented apartment. The result is zero, a month or two, and again they appear. They hardly bite me, but they just eat my wife. At night, we get up five times and kill these reptiles with our hands. I have to move out, but the rent is too low, where else can I find one like that. This is how we endure the second year.

    • Viola

      Dichlorvos does not help, I have also been fighting for more than a year.

  23. Hope

    Everything is useless, bedbugs live 150 years.

    • Anonymous

      But without food, they live only 3 months.

      • Nina

        No, they live 18 months without food! They fall into hibernation (anabiosis) and wait for the arrival of a person.

  24. Asseni

    I contacted the services twice, different, none helped. So far, my advice: get a steam cleaner, you will have to work hard, steam every centimeter in the apartment for a few seconds, all nooks and crannies, especially in places where you sleep. Some are welded, but most of them I crushed with my hands, they run away, they feel the heat ... Let's see if I destroyed them or not ...

  25. Kristina

    Bed bugs have been living with us for about 6 months. They bit me, mom, dad, younger sister. They threw out the sofa, armchair and bed with a mattress - we sleep and sit on the floor. They called the special services 4 times, poisoned us ourselves, and, in fact, not only bedbugs were poisoned, but also us. All the neighbors say that no one has anything. The chairman does nothing. What to do?

  26. Natulya

    We had bed bugs a month ago, mostly they bite me so far. I don't know what to do, can you help?

    • Anonymous

      We have such a misfortune, karbofos or dust helps for half a year. I breed vigorously, per liter, and puff the ceiling, the joints of the wallpaper, the plinth and that's it.

  27. Vyacheslav

    Perhaps I'll tell you my balalaika. We have a room in a communal apartment in the center of St. Petersburg. They handed it over alone, you moved out after 3 months, they said that they were eaten by bedbugs. They poisoned them, dismantled all the furniture and destroyed the eggs, moved to the hostel to live, for the period of persecution. But nothing helped. The room was unrepaired, the wallpaper had long moved away from the walls (where they lived behind them). The parquet is also old.

    As a result, EVERYTHING that was in the room, I threw away, ordered a gazelle to take away furniture, books, tables, etc. After that, they tore off the wallpaper and carried out pest control. Then they made cosmetic repairs and for a YEAR (!) no one lived there. As you know, bedbugs do not live where there is nothing to eat, that is, where there are no people, but they can fall into suspended animation and stay in it for a very long time. So, new tenants moved in, and a month later they moved out without saying anything and without warning (they also did not know that there were bedbugs in the room before). They slept on the floor with a thick mattress. Arriving after them into the room, I saw an oilcloth on the floor and a bug was crawling on it. Everything immediately became clear to me.

    During the renovation, the parquet was not replaced, but only varnished. After another half a year, I removed the parquet and threw it away and carried out pest control. Then I ordered laminate flooring. To do this, chipboard boards are first laid and all joints are filled with mounting foam, bedbugs like to live in the joints (the exterminator told me this).

    And so I periodically spend the night in this room, there is not much furniture there yet. If anything, bedbugs love wood, and my cot is metal.Until I saw them and bites too, pah-pah-pah. Thus, to defeat them, a global operation is needed.

  28. Alexander

    Oh, how tired my wife and I are to fight these bugs. We poison with Dichlorvos, spray every nook and cranny. Six months away, then again the same procedure, and all because of the neighbors. Everyone refuses that they say no. Already and itself offered means to them to buy. Because I know that everyone spends on alcohol. Horror.

  29. Anonymous

    Guys, if the apartment is dear to you, then you need to do everything possible to get rid of these reptiles!

  30. Victor

    I want to share my story of how I defeated them. I already left my comment that the hands just drop, and the result is zero. So this is what I have: the apartment is old, the neighbors are “very good people”, the first floor. The advice is very simple: weekly general cleaning. My floor with the addition of bleach, I also wipe everything that can be wiped with this water. All sofas and wardrobes are also moved to wipe the floor, especially around the bed. Then I process skirting boards, architraves and sofas in folds. Where before I noticed their nests - Raptor from bedbugs, sold in any store. I don’t process much, so I walked once. In general, one bottle for a two-room apartment is enough for two cleanings. It takes almost a day to do everything, but it's worth it. Now the result is that every cleaning I find dead or half-dead bugs under the sofas. I don’t know where they come from, but the main thing is that they cannot reach us. For two months now, my wife has been sleeping peacefully, and so have I. Good luck everyone, don't give up.

    • Zafa

      Hello everyone, I'm tired of these freaks, how to kill them all in a three-room apartment? The whole hut is in bedbugs, they are everywhere: in the first room, and in the second, and in the third.My brother and grandfather sleep in the third room - his walls are covered in blood from bedbugs. Please help me get rid of them.

    • Lina

      Thanks for the advice.

  31. Anonymous

    We wound up in a one-room apartment under the sofa and under the bed. I sleep on a cot literally a meter from the sofa, and no one bites me. How to get rid of them, is it unrealistic?

  32. Anonymous

    Help, how to get rid of bed bugs? These freaks did not die even after processing - they invited the exterminator. She washed the floors herself with chlorine, vinegar, diesel fuel. I rent a 1-room apartment with my husband. Hands down, every night is a nightmare They only bite me. From stress and fear, I can’t sleep for half the night. And go to work in the morning. What to do, help...

  33. Anonymous

    It's just a living hell ... A couple of months ago, severe itching and bites began, the dermatologist's tests showed a "linen tick", and tonight, after a strong smell of the back, she found a bug on herself, and realized that she was in a full ass. For some reason they bite only me, now there is a struggle.

  34. Zhenya

    For 2 weeks I didn’t understand why the child had incomprehensible acne, until one night I woke up and turned on the light: the child was attacked by these creatures. I caught it with wet wipes as much as I could. There was blood from them, as if they were chopping a chicken. Until 4 in the morning I watched and guarded the child so that he could sleep, they tried to get through, but ... Tomorrow we will communicate for dichlorvos and in full!

  35. Sergey

    Let's look at the experts

  36. Anonymous

    Hello. The bugs have been getting rid of, in fact, manual chemistry for the third year already. Does not help. I am a child (13 years old), I say that SES should be called, my parents say that it will not help. Maybe you know a good service in the Moscow region, closer to Noginsk, otherwise dad is fine, but I can’t sleep.I sit on a chair at night, I'm afraid to go to bed ... They bite!

  37. Hope

    Hello. We also have bedbugs, appeared 3 weeks ago. They poisoned with karbofos and alatar, it did not help. Not in the ottoman, but still crawling from the ottoman. We threw out the furniture, we are going to poison again. Let's mix bleach and dust, see what happens.

  38. Viola

    Dichlorvos, vinegar, executioner, dust, etc. don't help. We've been fighting for over a year now. The service also did not help, alas, but the apartment is its own. Soon I will have a baby, and I don’t know what to do ...

  39. Zebo

    And I have the same problem as everyone else. I am currently moving from an apartment to a house. I'll probably call the experts.

  40. Anastasia

    We seem to be just getting started. There is not even a month, as my husband and I began to itch, but the child did not. Last night, when they turned on the lights, they discovered that they were bed bugs. I almost lost my mind. In the evening, the entire sofa was dismantled, treated with vinegar and “Mashenka” chalk. If again the same night will be, I don’t know at all, I’ve read a lot here. What to do? I realized that there was only one way out - to move out, I'm afraid for the child. Before that, they fought with cockroaches for a couple of months, etched them out, now these creatures. Some piper.

  41. Nikanorovna

    They say there are alternative methods. Well, for example, ask for help from the brownie. You give him milk in a saucer and a request to clear your house of “aliens”, and he will “drive all the evil spirits out of the house” for you. Taken from the internet. Good luck to all.

  42. Nikita

    We bought an apartment with a friend, they did the repairs, everything is super, we have been living for a year. Everything seems to be fine, and then bam - the bugs appeared. I don't know why, where and so on. They took a steam generator from my parents and began to kill them in a black way) We sleep peacefully for 2 weeks or a month, then again the same procedure. Big ones were found only 2 or 3 for all the time, and this is usually a trifle.They themselves are not squeamish, but it’s also somehow unpleasant to fall asleep and think that someone will drink your blood from 3 to 7 in the morning 🙂

  43. Diana

    I'm horrified, for half a year we can not get rid of these creatures. I called SES for 4000 thousand, it did not help. Then Geradez - the same trouble.

  44. Natasha

    How to get rid of bed bugs? Help, please, two small children.

  45. Alexandra

    About 5 days ago, in the middle of the night, I woke up because my arm itched, then my shoulder and back. I look in the morning - my son is scratching his hand. At first I thought that we had an allergy: I burned it with iodine and took a hot bath. It seems that they stopped itching, but my boyfriend arrived and in a couple of nights he was so bitten that it was impossible to look at him. The marks are like a nettle stung. The neighbor said we had bed bugs. I am horrified, I poisoned with dichlorvos, I found two. What to do? I have two sons. I'm fine, but I feel sorry for them ...

  46. Victim

    Now I sleep in the bathroom.

  47. Anonymous

    Tajiks rented an apartment in our house, they did not know troubles before them, and these comrades brought both cockroaches and bedbugs. It's just pipets.

  48. Nata

    A friend brought bedbugs to his daughter, he went to visit her, talked. And then we all discovered that we had bed bugs in all our sleeping places. Everyone went crazy, forbade to communicate with him. The house is private. Recommend a good remedy and method.

  49. Olesya

    At some point I discovered them and read about them, what a nightmare! They are such tenacious creatures, of course, they feed on blood - they will be immortal! We live in a five-room apartment, three years ago I didn’t go into the room with the baby for five days: I bought karbofos, all the wallpaper, tore off the ceiling, threw out the sofa (it was a pity, the loan had not yet been paid for it).Well, I tore off the linoleum, in a word, an empty bare room remained, and I puffed everything, even the walls)) Five days with the window and door closed - I kept them there. Of course, there was a stink ... All bed linen was washed, clothes at 60-95 degrees. Get out! In other rooms, my brother used some expensive aerosol, he said that they don’t bite anymore. Three years have passed. For a week I noticed familiar bites on me and my son. Oh my god, they are here again, are they immortal or what? They rebelled, they got it, I sat with a flashlight and caught them. And I caught the little ones today, my God, I will not dare to do this again. I just got on my feet in these three years, and these creatures are eternal and endless! I'll try the executioner. Whether the result will be - no idea ...

  50. Ivan

    Nothing useful. So much water. No specifics. You don't know how to work.

  51. Ilya

    I faced the same situation: my grandmother left an apartment, moved for a while, and then this horror. Never would have thought. It is necessary to throw out everything, process, make major repairs. How much time and money is that, oh my! And as for evil, there are no means yet ...

  52. Alexei

    The trouble is, they come from the neighbors - they are on the seventh, and the bugs are already rampant from the third floor to the ninth. It is necessary to evict such neighbors along with their friends. It is useless to fight, a four-room apartment. How many times have they tried to withdraw, to no avail. We need to get the neighbors out.

  53. Grey

    Faced with these creatures. Moved to a dorm room, after a couple of months noticed bites. Google made it clear that I was dealing with bedbugs. My algorithm of actions was as follows: all the old furniture from the old owners to hell in a landfill, tore off all the wallpaper, filled my furniture and all the cracks with boiling water (then dried, however, for a long time, but I always kept the window open).Then I went to the SES, they gave me two bottles - I diluted them thicker and processed them through a spray bottle. No, not like that, - FILLED, filled everything with this agent, having previously sealed all the cracks on the windows with adhesive tape. He left the room, sealed the cracks under and above the door. Four hours later he returned, collected the corpses, washed everything with soap and aired it out. I pasted new wallpapers, added a little of this chemical garbage to the glue. Then he lived there for a year, not a single bite.

  54. Michael

    We also had these creatures 3 months ago. My wife and I vacuumed the apartment 3 times every day and it helped.

  55. Gulya

    We got bed bugs about 6 months ago. Eat, bastards, at night! All tried, but nothing helps. What to do? We called specialists, and poured vinegar and boiling water on the floors. It seems to disappear for a while, and then reappear a little later. Help! I want to burn everything down! ((

  56. Anonymous

    And karbofos saved me. Only I didn’t puff, as it is written in the instructions, but diluted it in a two-liter bottle, made 3 holes in the cork and filled all the sofas, armchairs, pillows, rugs, cabinets, chairs. In short, everything. And now a year has passed - pah-pah, no. Sleep well, thank you.

  57. VP

    First, you need to be patient, patient and more patient.

    1. Type strong vinegar into a rubber bulb and pour into all the cracks. They crawl right away, pour more - they die before our eyes.

    2. Cover all cracks in the sofa (inside) with water-based paint.

    Victory will come, though not immediately!

  58. Aya

    Once I heard from a friend that they should be burned - well, at least a few pieces should be caught and burned alive with matches in the same room where they live. He says that when burned, they emit a cry or screams that their own relatives hear, and then they disappear.Guys, try someone and unsubscribe. And then I see so much suffering.

  59. Anonymous

    I also had a problem with bedbugs. A large three-room apartment, and then bedbugs crawled from the neighbors. I had to throw away some furniture and make repairs, and before that they processed all the cucaraches (by the way, an inexpensive but effective remedy). After this remedy (they treated it only once), there have been no bedbugs for 10 years, but the neighbors still have them.

  60. Dmitry

    I want to share my experience of dealing with this scourge, especially since this experience can really come in handy. In winter, he began to notice that wounds of an incomprehensible nature began to appear on the body (whether it was summer, it could be attributed to ordinary summer bloodsucking insects), but at first he did not attach much importance to this. In short, when the bugs themselves were discovered, they had already settled all over the sofa, filled the baseboards and the wall near it, and due to the lack of space, they got so sick that they spent the night with us under an ordinary sheet, not hiding anywhere. There was a state of amazement, they didn’t know how to fight, and the situation was complicated by the presence of a one-year-old child and the inability to temporarily move somewhere after the bullying. Therefore, they immediately abandoned the venture with a call company, since there was no confidence in the safety of sprayed drugs. I had to look for ecological methods.

    On one of the forums, we read about the BlochNET tool for pets. Allegedly, even though it is from fleas, someone brought it out and is absolutely harmless to themselves (as it is supposed to be used directly on pet hair). I bought a bottle, sprayed it on the sofa, the stench was terrible, did not disappear for several days.The bugs did sometimes die, but I would say that they rather avoided those places where this remedy was sprayed than actually died from it. After using a few bottles, we decided to give it up.

    After that, I came across information that bedbugs can not stand steam. I bought a karcher sc 1 steam cleaner. A small device with a measuring cup and a container inside (similar to a thermos), which you fill with water and plug into an outlet. One "charge" is heated up in 5 minutes. The price is more than liberal for a new one, and we took it to Avito for almost a penny. After that, you walk along the sofa, naturally, sequentially, turning over and walking along all internal surfaces and crevices. The bugs are afraid of steam, like fire, they immediately try to get out of all the cracks, cook in a few seconds (both themselves and their eggs), and finish those who did not have time to cook manually. A very effective thing, they brought them out gradually on their own, without any chemistry. The sofa took from 1 to 3 such charges of a miracle device. But the process, of course, is laborious and sequential, not for the lazy, involving a gradual reduction in the population (since a certain percentage of survivors after the purge may remain). The best thing is to process it daily at first, and once every few days, when there are only a few left.

    A few more notes:

    1. The biggest weakness of bedbugs is that they are forced to stay close to humans. They will never, for no reason (unlike moths), settle in a remote closet in your apartment - they have nothing to do there. No wonder it is called a bed bug. Those. if they have settled in with you, then they will stick to the bed where the person sleeps, and move to the nearest surfaces only in case of colony growth and lack of space.Of the several sofas and armchairs we had, they were only on one, where we directly slept.

    2. Bed bugs love hiding places on the couch. True, it is also worth processing even surfaces (in order to destroy eggs), but special attention should be paid to the cracks and joints of two surfaces (such as seams on furniture and zippers) - this is where they like to hide and rest after a meal, as they feel safe.

    Good luck! I hope that my advice will help someone in the fight against this infection!

  61. Anya

    We got bedbugs, we threw away all unnecessary rags, paper, etc. They did a general cleaning, sprinkled the whole house with wormwood, and the result exceeded expectations - they are no more.


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