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Aerosol and dust Clean House for the destruction of bed bugs

Last update: 2022-05-26
≡ Article 34 comments
  • Artyom: Thank you, Lyudmila, HUGE. I'm in a similar situation, but...
  • Elena: We bought a spray Clean house from bedbugs. After processing the room...
  • Polinka: I agree with Vasya! Only this will help. All upholstered furniture...
See bottom of page for details

Clean House - bedbug spray in the form of an aerosol

Bed bug sprays have gained immense popularity for their convenience. They do not need to be diluted in certain proportions, mixed or activated - just spray the infected areas.

The drug Clean House from bedbugs is also available in the form of a spray and works even when bedbugs, it would seem, have occupied the apartment for a long time. And today there have already been numerous reviews of people who managed to apply the Clean House and test its effectiveness.


Bed bug remedy Clean House: composition and principle of action

The concentrated emulsion in the form of a spray Clean House contains the following substances:

  • Cypermethrin, 13%. A pyrethroid group agent with excellent insecticidal characteristics. It affects the nervous system of the insect, leading to muscle paralysis, including the muscles of the internal organs. After a very short time, the insect dies.
  • Tetramethrin, 2.5%. A powerful multi-purpose pyrethroid that paralyzes the insect's motor apparatus and blocks nerve impulses. As studies show, in tandem with Cypermethrin, Tetramethrin works especially effectively.

Clean House is effective enough to kill bedbugs, and the convenient spray form allows you to quickly treat even hard-to-reach places in the room. The tool is approved for use in most European countries, but it cannot be called completely harmless. It is known that the active substances can cause allergic reactions, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth.

Naturally, when using the drug, individual protective equipment should be used - gloves, a cotton-gauze bandage and glasses. Judging by the reviews, such protective measures are always necessary.

When working with insecticides, you need to use a cotton-gauze bandage

In the air, the active components of the spray quickly disintegrate and already a few hours after its application they can not harm either people or pets. Therefore, in order to treat the premises, all warm-blooded inhabitants must be removed from it for literally several hours, while spraying is being carried out.

The drug is toxic to fish, reptiles and amphibians, therefore, if there are aquariums and terrariums in the room, they must be tightly closed, and the compressor should be turned off in the aquarium.


“When bedbugs started in the dacha, a neighbor advised me to poison with dust. But we have already managed to buy a Clean house from bedbugs, an aerosol. The salesperson said it should help. We processed the whole room, closed the windows tightly and went to the neighbors for a day. When they returned, they aired everything, looked for bedbugs - they found only dead ones. A very good tool! Only now I think that the treatment should be repeated several times: it is very volatile and does not last long on the surface. Therefore, after a while, our bedbugs hatched from eggs and began to interfere again. ”

Oksana, Uman


Other forms of the drug

The Clean House remedy for bedbugs is produced not only in the form of an aerosol, but also in the form of a dust that has long been loved by the people, which has many reviews about its effectiveness against cockroaches. Its composition is somewhat different from the composition of the spray, as is the appearance. Dust is a grayish powder that needs to be sprinkled on the area affected by bugs.

Aerosol Clean House

Clean House in the form of dust

Composition of dust Clean House:

  • Cypermethrin, 0.2%
  • Tetramethrin, 0.02%.

As you can see, the active ingredients are the same as in the spray, but their concentration is much lower. This means that several times more dust will be needed to achieve the same result. However, there is one more component in the dust:

  • Piperonyl butoxide, 10% - the substance is not very effective on its own, however, it is an excellent synergist for substances of the pyrethroid group, significantly prolonging the period of their activity. This means that the treatment can be carried out once, so the dust will act for a long time and will certainly destroy the entire population of bedbugs.
It is also useful to read: Chalk Masha from bedbugs

And further: Where the hell did the bugs come from in the apartment and what to do in such a situation

In terms of toxicity, dust is even more toxic than aerosol: firstly, due to the fact that much more is needed, and secondly, there is a risk of inhaling the powder.

Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that dust is less effective against bedbugs than an aerosol, and therefore it is mainly used in the fight against cockroaches and ants.


“When my son returned from the army, he brought several bedbugs with him, so they bred with us, they ran right across the bed. We read on the Internet that an aerosol remedy for bedbugs a clean house should help a lot. Only here in the store they told us that the same company also produces dust, and dust is more convenient. We bought it, scattered it everywhere behind the furniture, behind the baseboards, between the mattress and the bed. The powder turned out to be good: in a day they collected the corpses of parasites, all these hordes disappeared into thin air. Since then, if only one came, no one has come.”

Anatoly Gavrilovich, Moscow


How to use Clean House and where to buy it

Aerosol from bedbugs It is not difficult to buy a Clean House: the drug is sold in most specialized stores, as well as on the Internet.

For the effective destruction of bedbugs, you need to follow the instructions for using the product.

Instructions for its use:

  • Before processing the room, it must be vacuumed and dusted, all windows and doors should be opened wide so that there is a draft. There should be no children or pets in the house. When using the drug, personal protective equipment must be worn: overalls or a gown, rubber gloves, tight-fitting goggles, a respirator. If there is a need to treat a large area, you should use a gas mask.
  • It is necessary to move the furniture away from the walls so that it is possible to spray its back walls (bugs often nest there), remove the soft parts of the bed or sofa. It is better to cover all food products and products for individual use with foil, bags, or hide them.
  • The bottle with the drug is shaken, after which the premises are directly processed: all possible habitats of bedbugs are abundantly sprayed with a spray (about 3-5 seconds per 1 square meter), then cracks and baseboards are processed. You can spray the product and just into the air, in the middle of the room, but this is undesirable. This can be done if it is possible to leave the apartment for a couple of days.

And further: Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which have shown high efficiency

If you plan to use dust, then it should be scattered in its pure form, or diluted in water at the rate of 10 grams per 1 liter.

Two hours after treatment, it is advisable to wash all surfaces (except for hard-to-reach places) with a soap and soda solution.

The spray will not stain upholstery, but may stain glass or polished surfaces. These stains are easily removed.

Aerosol Clean House does not leave stains on furniture upholstery and mattresses

On a note

Bedbugs have a fairly high resistance to insecticides, so they usually need about 4 times more drug to kill them than to kill other insects.


Consumer reviews

“For two years they suffered from bedbugs in the apartment. We've tried everything we can. These parasites went away for a while, and then reappeared. We already thought about calling the SES together with the neighbors, but someone recommended dust Clean House.I heard that dust is very harmful, but we don’t have children and animals, so we decided to try it. Dust is a powder that is diluted in water, very convenient. I took a small paint brush and smeared all the corners, behind the sofas, I even smeared the wallpaper, because the bugs like to sit there. I worked in a mask, but by the evening my head was spinning anyway. I think it's from the Clean House. Although for the sake of the effect I was ready to endure anything, but the effect struck me: there were no bedbugs at all. I didn’t even hope for such a miracle that everything would pass at once. Now I advise my neighbors.”

Anna Petrovna, Gelendzhik

“On the advice of a friend, we bought a Clean House spray from bedbugs. We brought them from the hotel recently, now we are suffering. Needless to say - the remedy helps, but what terrible consequences from it. I did everything according to the instructions - I opened the windows, put on a mask, sprayed, walked on the street for a couple of hours. When he returned and began to wash off the remnants of the substance from the surfaces, he almost suffocated. Then the throat was terribly tickled, as if a sore throat was beginning. Nausea is not worth talking about, the eyes are watery. In general, there is a strong poisoning. So why then the instruction if it does not work??? Yes, the bedbugs were gone, but I did not agree to risk my health!

Peter, Moscow

The practice of using the Clean House product shows its high efficiency against bedbugs, however, along with this, it is quite toxic to humans and animals.

We can conclude: it is good to use this drug if it is possible to leave the apartment for several days or when the premises are being processed before a vacation or a long absence of residents in it.

If you have personal experience of using Clean House in the fight against bedbugs, be sure to leave your feedback by writing it in the comment box, which is located at the very bottom of this page.


How can you get rid of bed bugs in your home?


Useful video testing the means of bedbugs Executioner


Last update: 2022-05-26

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Aerosol and dust Clean House for the destruction of bed bugs" 34 comments
  1. Maria

    We tried to use the Clean House on the advice of friends who had suffered from these malicious pests for many years, the effect was not bad, 3 times the treatments and bedbugs were defeated, I personally could not spray, even in a mask, immediately from the concentration of the product in the air, I felt sick, this despite the fact that I was wearing a mask and not one, but the effect is really good. Today, a year later, these infections were noticed again, so we will use this tool again, we’ll probably try it again if we find it in the store.

  2. Vika

    A week ago, bedbugs were found under the carpet in the bedroom! I bought a “Clean House”, sprayed it, I haven’t seen it for three days, today I found three crawling in the hall, sprayed it there too! I closed the doors, then I’ll air it out ... I put on a medical mask, but the smell is still killer ... I’m sitting now sneezing, I hope it’s worth it ...

  3. Ludmila

    I had such a case, my late husband after a stroke lay for 13 years, during this time one day we had bedbugs. For a long time I could not understand why my husband began to appear red and he became restless. I was confused, went to the SES, they said the following recipe: acetic acid and Corvalol in equal parts. Since my husband could not be touched, he did not even sit, with this solution I treated the places where I found these parasites almost every day. Of course, this is longer than the Clean House aerosol, but it is safer. Now, thank God, the bugs are not visible.

    • Artyom

      Thank you, Ludmila, HUGE. I have almost a similar situation, but I still took the sick person out of the apartment. After that, I treated the whole apartment with the Clean House preparation, spent a lot of money on this. Time after processing has passed 2 hours, came, ventilated 6 hours. But the air in the apartment was unbearable, I had to leave the apartment for a day with the windows completely open. When I began to check the dead bugs - not a single one was found. ALL were alive and running briskly. When I tested your, Lyudmila, recipe, then here the dead were not measured. Thank you very much for your recipe.

  4. Maria

    I got rid of bed bugs with the Clean House dust.For a long time I could not understand who was biting me, 8-12 bites appeared, and surprisingly, during the day they bit me no less, which is why I could not understand who ??? Everyone said that bedbugs bite only at night (people, know this is not true!) And then one evening, spreading the bed, I saw a “bug”, my husband ran up and immediately said that it was a bedbug (I didn’t even know what kind of parasites).

    In the morning I went and bought a Clean House spray. Poisoned 3 times: the result is zero, it felt like they had become even more voracious. I didn’t sleep at night, because they just ate me (they didn’t touch my husband and daughter), I even slept with the light on and it didn’t stop them, I still woke up all bitten and they insolently crawled on the pillow and blanket.

    Then I bought dust, it was advised to me by the saleswoman, I took a simple brush for painting and missed all the joints and seams in the sofa, the back wall and bottom, then sprinkled the skirting boards and “painted” stripes on the wallpaper behind the sofa. It took me 2 packs per room. She did everything with the window closed, then she closed the room and only on the second day she went in there, cleaned up, only left dust on the baseboards. I slept peacefully for a week, then three bites appeared - I was waiting for this, because I read that nothing takes eggs and new bugs may appear. I did the processing again, only with one pack, just washed the baseboards and sprinkled with new dust and walked along the seams of the sofa. This time they didn’t even go to sleep in another room, there were no more bites. Dust lay on the baseboards for a month! Hurray, it's been almost two months, everything is calm!

  5. Anonymous

    We treated everything with the Clean House aerosol. There is no result: as they bite, they bite. We are thinking of calling SES.

  6. Tanya

    We have been suffering with bedbugs for 4 months now and we ourselves poisoned everything with cheap and expensive drugs, and with an aerosol. We tried Clean House - it did not help. Now I sprinkled everything with dust Clean House, now I'm waiting for the result. I hope it helps, but the neighbors poisoned me - they say it helped.

  7. Julia

    I treated with karbofos, but firstly, it has a terrible smell, which disappears for a long time and secondly, a month later they reappeared, although I poisoned twice with a weekly break. Now I decided to try the “Clean House” dust, I hope that I will get rid of these parasites! And why is dust harmful to a person, because I have a small child?

  8. Ludmila

    We have bed bugs on the couch. It was impossible to sleep at night for a week. They bit mercilessly. I couldn't figure out what it is? And at night I saw this rubbish on myself. In the morning I ran and bought a Clean House aerosol. I removed all the animals from the house and processed the entire room, sofa, baseboards. Now we sleep peacefully. But I don't know for how long?

  9. Michael

    I don't understand how they can handle furniture? Since it contains fat, I processed it, thanks, now there are greasy traces on the wallpaper.

  10. Ruslan

    Dust is a bomb for bedbugs, I haven’t seen them for three days, I covered all the baseboards.

  11. Lesya.

    It was just some kind of horror, something was biting, but it was not clear what. They didn’t bite me and my son, but my husband and little daughter were definitely attacked once a week, so much so that it doesn’t seem like a little. At first they thought it was an allergy, they bought a new sofa for the New Year, and they thought, apparently, the material was of poor quality, so the allergy appeared. But then, two months later, I saw some kind of beetle crawling. I didn’t even attach any importance, killed and threw it away.But when, about a month later, allergies became more frequent, I began to search the Internet for information, and I saw this reptile, which I found in the apartment. And yes, it turned out to be a bug. Of course, I began to search and move everything in the apartment. I tried everything with acetic acid, went everywhere with steam and an iron.
    It seems that everything became normal, but after a week my daughter was so bitten that I realized: that's it, you can't do without the help of professionals. I decided that as soon as it gets a little warmer, we will leave for the country and call the SES. But this morning, the child and the husband woke up so bitten that I was horrified)) I thought, well, where are they, and decided to look through everything again with a flashlight. And what do you think, I was so horrified that my hair stood on end when I did find nests right behind the (new) sofa, at the very head where my daughter sleeps. Well, let's handle everything with a Clean House.
    I don't know what will come of it, but. SES should definitely be called. Judging by the reviews, these parasites are not so easy to destroy, but the child is a pity! And now you think: how to buy new furniture, if you can buy yourself hemorrhoids with it!

  12. Julia, Belarus, Boboruisk

    My husband and I wake up bitten for two weeks. We thought it was mosquitoes until we saw bed bugs. What a horror, I'm completely bitten. We wanted to buy a Kombat, but the seller offered us a Clean House and dust from the same company. I do not know, everything was done as in the instructions. Hope it helps, I'll post the result.

  13. Julia, Belarus, Bobruisk

    Question: who knows when you can sleep after treating the sofa with an aerosol and is it possible to sleep when dust is poured into the room? For what days? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    • Anonymous

      We slept peacefully. In the morning they processed, in the evening they went to bed on this sofa.

  14. Michael

    The most environmentally friendly remedy is boiling water. Since bedbugs live in sofas, beds, then disassemble the furniture and pour boiling water over it, as well as baseboards, then repeat the same thing in a day or two. They are guaranteed not to bite, but this is if they noticed in time and the bugs did not spread throughout the apartment.

  15. Julia

    I bought an aerosol, absolutely useless product. Maybe about 10 (cockroaches) died, and everyone else is running around as if nothing had happened. I just wasted my money ((I don’t know how to save myself!

  16. Eleanor

    Hi all. I don’t even know what helped… Immediately, as soon as these monsters were discovered, they threw out the carpet, blanket, bed linen. Since at night, seeing this swarming, I almost lost my mind. We bought a Clean House aerosol, then Dichlorvos, then the Executioner - they poured all this every two days + destroyed them physically every day, i.e. examined, found and crushed. Now we sleep peacefully, but the nerves are strained. We continue the inspection. Surprisingly, the corpses were not found. And from this I have mixed feelings: people were taken out with scoops, and then silence. But we hope we got rid of it. Although I bribed another aerosol. In a week I want to walk again because of the incubation period of the eggs. Good luck to all.

  17. Kseniya

    I heard that it is very difficult to get rid of bedbugs, and it happened. I tried different means, but the creatures reappear! Once again I decided to try Clean House, I did not expect such toxicity, and I hope they do too! I’m waiting for the result, I’m already thinking that next time I’ll treat it with dust, they say that it helps better, but after what time can it be washed off?

  18. Hope

    I, too, at one time suffered from bedbugs, threw away a lot of money for all sorts of drugs, it didn’t help. She spat and called for disinfection - no more bedbugs.But now fleas have been tortured in the village, and it’s expensive to call for disinfection, so I’m thinking, maybe this Clean House will help, otherwise I’ve already plucked all the wormwood in the area.

  19. Evgeniy

    In the evening we spray the whole apartment, we sleep peacefully. The attack begins in the morning. We start all over again. And so it takes 2-3 bottles a day. In general, you will have to contact the SES.

  20. Maksim

    For the second month I suffer from bedbugs, I don’t really sleep, I processed everything with the Clean House, Raptor, Executioner. All this is meaningless. Now I'll try to buy dust. If it doesn’t help, then I’ll process everything with karbofos, I’ll write off the results.

  21. Svetlana

    We used an aerosol Clean house, from bedbugs. And dust too. A year later they reappeared. Apparently there are neighbors? From somewhere they appear.

  22. Stanislav

    I bought a spray clean house, sprayed everything, but they still bite, although less. So you have to do it several times.

  23. Galina

    The egg stage is killed only by Karbofos.

  24. Galina

    You should never blame the neighbors: bed bugs wake up after 20 years - it can be old furniture, maybe new from the store.

  25. Galina

    Fleas need to be fought. Especially in a village with rodents - they feed fleas with cats. Be sure to repeat the treatment, preferably with dust to a height of one and a half meters.

  26. allaya

    IMHO, so that the throat does not tickle, it is necessary to spray at a distance of 20 cm from the surface ...

  27. Vladimir

    I bought it, I'll try it tomorrow.

  28. Olga

    We also bought two “Clean House” bottles, filled everything up! Does not help. Processed twice. We smear ourselves with cloves before going to bed, so as not to bite. Helps.

  29. Lesya

    Please tell me in what proportion the dust is diluted? I bought 8 bags, 50 grams each. Written on a bag "Clean House", for bedbugs.We have bedbugs, we have been fighting for a year.

  30. Vasya

    If you want to get rid of bedbugs, throw out all the upholstered furniture and poison, typing everything that is in stores. Put on a gas mask, pour, fill the whole apartment. Shake things up. Throw out the old pillows. Buy new furniture in a couple of months. Good luck.

    • Polinka

      I agree with Vasya! Only this will help. All upholstered furniture must be destroyed. Only this will help (naturally, with subsequent processing).

  31. Elena

    We bought a spray Clean house from bedbugs. After cleaning the room, I was horrified. The spray leaves greasy stains! The smell is terrible, we can’t weather it for half a day. I'm afraid we'll run away from the apartment along with the bedbugs. Repair will have to be done. All wallpapers are greasy. Spots not only on the wallpaper, but also on the furniture.


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