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How to kill bed bugs and their eggs

Last update: 2022-06-14
≡ Article has 66 comments
  • Anonymous: Treat with Karbofos, leave the room for a day, then wet ...
  • Vladimir: Buy fufanon neo in the garden store, dilute in 700 grams ...
  • Alexander: If the room is small, a thermal gas gun will help...
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How to kill bed bugs and their eggs

The question of how to kill bedbugs is quickly becoming a priority for those who have encountered these parasites in their home. Of course, I would like to completely destroy all the parasites and their eggs at a time, but this is very difficult to do. The fact is that the poisons of the pyrethroid group (Permethrin, Cypermethrin) that are most effective against adult bugs do not affect parasite eggs. And ovicidal agents based on organophosphorus compounds are not as safe and effective as pyrethroids.

Therefore, the best option for the rapid destruction of the entire population of bedbugs would be to combine the means of these two groups.


We kill adult bedbugs: a list of effective remedies

The list of the most effective means against bedbugs is constantly updated. However, the first places are invariably held by rather old and well-proven drugs.



Considered one of the most effective means against bedbugs, it was developed by Soviet chemists for military purposes. The product contains bioreagents, animal cells and a poison of a special formula, which paralyzes the motor system and causes an early death of the insect.

The drug is very effective and has a prolonged action, which allows you not to re-treat for a long time.

Most often, Klopoveron is used in the form of a dust (powder), which can be used dry, or diluted with water and smeared on the surface. The drug is non-toxic to humans, but pets should be removed during treatment.

Clopoveron is a powder

To avoid getting the powder into the respiratory tract, a person must use personal protective equipment during processing. The drug is applied to those places where bedbugs live: in various slots, on the back walls of furniture, under the baseboard.



Executioner is a German preparation with a high content (27.5%) of fenthion, which effectively kills bedbugs by affecting their nervous system. The product is harmless to humans and warm-blooded animals, but has an unpleasant odor, which, however, quickly disappears.

Insecticide Executioner

The executioner is presented for sale in the form of a liquid, 6 ml of which must be diluted in 0.5 liters of water. The solution is poured into a spray bottle, with which the treatment is carried out.

To prevent inhalation of the drug, you need to use personal protective equipment - gloves, a mask and goggles. The agent is applied to all hard-to-reach places in the room, behind picture frames and on the back walls of furniture. The sleeping place itself is especially carefully processed.



This is a newly developed remedy, the key active ingredient of which are substances of the pyrethroid group: Cypermethrin and Permethrin, as well as Piperonyl butoxide. The drug quickly kills bed bugs by inhibiting the activity of their nervous system.


The product is packaged in convenient bottles with a capacity of 300 ml, has a pronounced smell of Dichlorvos. When processing an apartment, you should be very careful about the use of personal protective equipment and remove animals for a while.

Insecticide is applied to the places where the bugs are supposed to live, on the path of their possible movement, as well as on the back walls of the furniture, on the upholstery and frame.

And further: We catch bedbugs and put deadly experiments on them - this is a must see!


All of the above preparations of the pyrethroid group effectively kill adults and larvae of bedbugs, but are ineffective against their eggs. The insect egg is protected by a special shell that is resistant to most poisons. Therefore, when using such funds, it will be necessary to re-process after 10-14 days. During this time, new larvae will have time to hatch, which will become sensitive to poison.It will be possible to completely get rid of bedbugs in the apartment only in 2 stages.


Destruction of eggs of bed bugs

The question arises: how to kill bedbug eggs if they have such good natural protection and are immune to poisons? In fact, there is a whole group of organophosphate insecticides that affect both adult bed bugs and their eggs. Let's talk about some of the drugs in this group.



It is a general purpose insecticide widely used by professional pest control services. It is a concentrate of organophosphorus compounds, which should be sprayed on places where insects accumulate.

Insecticides based on diazinon

However, it should be borne in mind that the drug was banned for domestic use due to its danger to humans and animals and the ability to accumulate in the body.



Karbofos is a very effective malathion-based insecticide that kills eggs, larvae and adults of the bed bug.

Karbofos - an ancient remedy for bedbugs

Allowed for domestic use and allows you to quickly solve the problem of apartment contamination with insects, however, it has a persistent, pungent and unpleasant odor. Despite ventilation and wet cleaning, the smell may not disappear from the apartment for months, provoking allergies.



Chlorophos is a powder based on dimethylphosphonate, approved for domestic use. The tool effectively kills bed bugs at any stage of the development cycle - from the egg to the adult insect.


The drug is presented in the form of a powder. It is not very toxic in contact with the skin, but if inhaled (which is quite likely, given the form of release), the substance is dangerous and can cause serious harm to human and animal health.



Chlorpyrifos is a widely used insecticide that shows good results in controlling bed bugs at any stage of their development. Chlorpyrifos depresses the nervous system of insects, and also has an intestinal effect (although this is not as relevant for bedbugs as, for example, in the fight against cockroaches).


It should be borne in mind that chlorpyrifos is quite harmful to humans and animals, the treatment of the premises with it should be carried out with the mandatory use of personal protective equipment.

It is interesting

US scientists conducted a study that revealed the relationship between the use of products based on chlorpyrifos and brain damage in children. Even after a few years, it was possible to detect growths and changes in the cerebral cortex caused by the use of this poison. As a result, residential use of chlorpyrifos has been banned since 2000 in the United States.

Organophosphate products are very effective against bed bugs and can kill their entire population in one go. But at the same time, they are often toxic, not always convenient to use and require caution in handling.

It is also useful to read: How to deal with bed bugs

And further: Poison bugs, but they appear again? It's time to think about prevention, and this is a delicate matter ...


Bed bug combination

It turns out that after the use of pyrethroids, re-treatment is often required, and preparations based on organophosphorus are often harmful and inconvenient to use. What to choose and how to kill bed bugs at a time? The solution is simple: combine drugs from both groups.

In order to get rid of parasites without resorting to re-treatment, and at the same time not to poison the entire house with a toxic agent, you can do the following:

  • treat the entire room (skirting boards, window sills, backs of furniture and paintings) with a preparation of the pyrethroid group;
  • treat nests and habitats of bedbugs with organophosphorus to ensure that eggs are destroyed.


Folk vigorous methods: steam and frost on bedbugs and their eggs

Folk remedies can also help kill bedbugs. An effective method that will cope with adult insects, their larvae and eggs is heat treatment. Moreover, both the freezing of bedbugs and their destruction with steam or boiling water are practiced.

Steaming a sofa kills adult bed bugs and their eggs

Bed bugs are fairly hardy creatures and can live in a wide temperature range. But when there is a severe winter outside (below 30 degrees), you can take the pieces of furniture outside and leave them there for several hours. If it is possible to leave for a few days, freezing the entire apartment with the windows wide open will help.

Bedbugs, most likely, will die after such treatment, but the operation of plumbing systems may be disrupted. In addition, not every region can boast of such temperatures in winter.

People often also try to kill bed bugs with steam.. Of course, at high temperatures, bedbugs and their eggs die immediately. But there is a significant disadvantage of this method - the inconvenience of use. Steam usually does not have time to reach the gap with bedbugs and condenses, and boiling water can not be poured into all places of the apartment. Pest control specialists also use this method, but they have special steam generators and heat emitters.


As you can see, when choosing a means to combat bedbugs, you need to take into account many nuances and you should definitely not buy the first drug that catches your eye. This can be not only ineffective, but simply dangerous to health.


What is important to know about the destruction of bedbugs in the apartment


Destruction of bedbugs by temperature methods


Last update: 2022-06-14

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How can I kill bed bugs, as well as their eggs" 66 comments
  1. Igor Grigorievich, Klimovsk

    All nonsense! From folk remedies to on-call specialists. The latter came twice. All dead end. I don't know what else to think of.

  2. Anonymous

    Phenaksin will help you.

    • Anonymous

      I tried everything, it didn't help me.

  3. Marina

    We live in a rented apartment, these parasites have wound up, we have a small child. It’s scary somehow, maybe it’s easier to change an apartment?

    • Dmitry

      If you change apartments, you can bring them there too.

  4. Anonymous

    Where to buy means for the destruction of bedbugs?

    • Anonymous

      Where can you buy it? But is it dangerous for humans and how much does it cost?

  5. Anonymous

    I rented an apartment, moved and noticed a bug on my things ... It's terrible what to do. Tell.

    • Magomed

      Wash all items at 60 degrees. Guaranteed only things can be cleared of them.Put the washed items in bags and close tightly.

  6. Elvira

    We have been fighting these creatures for a year already (Little children are all bitten ... Itself is all in bites. Nothing helps.

    • Anonymous

      We crawled from a neighbor, and settled in a crib. Poisoned 6 times, helped for 2 months. I dismantled the bed and poured boiling water over all the cracks in the bathroom. Now the baby sleeps peacefully.

  7. Anonymous

    We have been suffering with these creatures for a year. But we only used dichlorvos, but to no avail! There is a small child in the house, there is no strength to fight them anymore, constant lack of sleep. The child is sorry, constantly wakes up and cries! Help, tell me effective means.

    • Max

      Pour boiling water over all the cracks

    • Anonymous

      Treat with karbofos, leave the room for a day, then wet cleaning.

  8. Anonymous

    It seems to me that you need to take and throw everything away! And only then process the whole apartment.

    • Oleg

      Especially if you only bought all the furniture, right?

  9. dilya

    Where can you buy this tool?

  10. Margulan

    We live in a rented apartment. Bugs met. At the entrance, the hostess threw the sofa out of the apartment, which was suspicious. Now I realized that there were already bedbugs in the apartment. Now he sits like he doesn't know. But now it's in the bugs! It seems that he choked with dichlorvos and powder means too. Now it's getting colder, small parasites have come out again. Still running fast. What specifically helps? And who did this tool help? Tell me please.

    • Novel

      Isoniazid. But dangerous to animals, causes paralysis. But it is harmless to people, it is sold in a pharmacy - an anti-tuberculosis agent. Try it, good luck.

      • Anonymous

        Roman, hello! I would like to know more about how you used Isoniazid? Were the tablets crushed into powder or diluted in water to form a solution?

      • Elena

        And I'm wondering. Tell me, please.

    • Anonymous


    • Natalia

      Only boiling water! Pour boiling water over all sleeping places.

  11. Nastya

    We are also wound up, we have been fighting for a year or two, but the funds do not help. We've all been bitten. I saw these creatures on the bed, where is the pillow. Can you please tell me how to get rid of them?

    • Anonymous

      Only one way - leave this apartment, nothing else.

  12. indira

    Treat the room with khilba, they will disappear.

    • Evgeniy

      What else is Hilba? write more, please.

  13. Adilet

    We also have how to kill these parasites? I didn't have an apartment before.

  14. Anonymous

    Nothing has helped for 3 months now. Bought a special thing, plugged into the outlet, but does not help. Tell me how to get rid of them?

  15. Anna

    Tell me, please, but did all these means that are written in the rubric also be used? Did not help?

  16. Anna

    After all, some kill eggs, others do not! Maybe you're using the instructions incorrectly?

  17. Anna

    It is necessary to poison everyone on the floor in the house, then, probably, there will be a sense. And so, they say that after a while they again run away from neighbors who have them. It's such a mess!

  18. Mila

    Some of the neighbors have bedbugs, everything that we do is zero. We wash, they devour us, like yard mongrels we scratch ourselves, we spend money on poison, we smell the stench. There is no sense, they disappear for a while, then again. I asked the neighbors about bedbugs, they wave their hands, they don’t have it. All in vain if they crawl again. Until everyone who has them poisons them, they will continue to crawl.A friend told me that it is not difficult to remove bedbugs, you need to find who has them. Bedbugs will not appear from the air, as soon as you poison them together, they will definitely disappear. He worked as a disinfector - he knew everything about these reptiles. It’s a pity that he left, then I didn’t need anything ... Here’s what to do, how to find out who they are crawling from? It can be poisoned indefinitely and thrown away, and someone lives with them and all do not care.

  19. Sardor

    Diesel fuel will help: every day you need to spray where the hole is for two to three months.

  20. Anna

    Bedbugs, how to destroy them? What is the best remedy please.

  21. Vyacheslav

    I suffered with bedbugs for a year, bought the latest all kinds of expensive products, sprayed almost once or twice a month, but the bugs did not disappear for good. I accidentally stumbled upon this site and after reading articles on it on how to fight more effectively, I realized that I needed to combine means. In addition, I called the local pest control disinfection center, they told me that if you have bedbugs in your apartment for a whole year, then it is unlikely that anything else will help you, except for Tetrix. And that they use it on rare occasions, just like mine. They said that you only need to very carefully treat the entire apartment with this poison, spray all, all objects, from below, from above, walls, ceilings, floors - everything. And close tightly all the doors, windows and leave for one day at least from the apartment. Which is what I did. Only I added a double rate to one liter of water, not as it was written in the instructions. And plus, Karbofos, also a double norm, was added to the same glass with Tetrix. Processed once a week for a month. And I'll tell you, for three months now there have been no bedbugs. Yes, at the same time, I first covered all the cracks in the baseboards and holes in the walls where the pipes pass in the apartment.

  22. Anonymous

    I tried everything, nothing helps, even diesel fuel! )

  23. Sergey

    It is hardly worth expecting that the guys will come and save you for 1 time. After them, you also need to work. Try to find the place where you crawled from. Treat cabinets, furniture, computer, internet entry point, front doors, etc. Covering all the cracks is good advice for your apartment. Will have to do repairs with the replacement of the floor. The cracks in the window sills with plastic windows are also worth checking - in our country, 6 years after installation, they also began to crawl there. Dichlorvos helps for those who have already been noticed, but it quickly fizzles out. For the future, for example, cypermethrin is needed, which lasts 2-3 months. Take carpets to a car wash, wash linen and toys above 60 degrees. Create buffer zones around beds with long-acting drugs.

  24. Catherine

    I noticed bedbugs at night when I woke up. She turned on the light and saw several crawling away from the child with fat priests. I mean, we've already been eaten. Poisoned with karbofos. Some survived, turned the sofa over, broke off the board, and there was a pipets! Bed bugs run in different sizes. As a result, the SES was called and the whole apartment was poisoned with Averfos ... I don’t know now whether the creatures will leave or not.

  25. Fairy

    I got these creatures, probably a month ago. Yesterday I poisoned with an executioner. Today the skirting boards and the sofa were flooded with boiling water. Let's see what will happen.

  26. Alexandra

    Horror. We also have bed bugs. I haven't slept well for five nights. Called for sanitation. Looks like they all blew up. But what if there were eggs? My husband is resting in a sanatorium, and I am fighting small reptiles.

  27. Yaroslav

    We live in a wooden house for three owners. Recently noticed these bastards, immediately called SES. The first treatment did not help, as new ones appeared.The second led to the same result. SES members say that they are climbing from the neighbors. One neighbor wants to process the whole house, and the tenant lives in the second apartment and he frankly does not care. He said that he would not process the type and he had nothing. Today I tried a smoke bomb. Let's see if it helps at least for a while or how ... Who has experience with using smoke bombs from bedbugs? And who knows where to turn if the neighbors do not want to chip in for processing at home?

    • Anonymous

      Processed with checkers, all nonsense. They do not help, a couple of days - and again great.

      • Anonymous

        If there is a lull for a few days, it means that bedbugs are still being killed. And then the larvae just hatch from the eggs and start biting again. Or they come from neighbors. It is necessary to block access from neighbors and periodically process until all the eggs are “used up”.

  28. Julia

    They rented an apartment, there is a whole hotbed of them. They threw out all the furniture. SES did the treatment for 8500, a week later another one. I don't know if it will help or not. There's parquet, if you fill it with paint, will they die?

    • Anonymous

      We did repairs in the summer, filled everything with paint, the neighbors almost died. And these creatures started biting again two weeks ago. All the upholstered furniture was thrown away, now we are sleeping on the floor. If I had money, I would buy a new house and move naked.

  29. Max

    I've been struggling with them for 2 years, nothing helps. I pour boiling water over the entire bed once every 2 weeks - they disappear for a while. What to do, tell me?!

  30. Anonymous

    We also faced this muck! I think it's been about a month now, maybe more. The downside is that we live in a hostel, we don’t rent, our housing.The services refused to come and process the room, they said it was useless, the whole section was needed! We bought a sealant and tried to close all the cracks in the floor, radiators and window sill. I processed the room and furniture with Karbofos, sprinkled dust along the baseboards. She took off the curtains and poured boiling water over it ... Here, now I'm waiting. Hope that helps.

    • Elena

      Tell me, did it help?

  31. Irina

    I no longer have bedbugs, kerosene helps a lot.

  32. Anonymous

    I'm moving out of an apartment with bed bugs. Few things: a sports bag and a backpack. What should I do to avoid taking these creatures with me and infecting someone else's apartment?

    • Anonymous

      Check every item (from notebooks and pens to outdoor items and bags) for eggs and small critters. For prevention, put things in a bag, pre-treat with an executioner or other means. And leave in the bag for a day. Then wash or rinse everything in the bathroom. Wash before leaving, so as not to bring in your hair.

  33. Vasilisa

    How to check the whole apartment for eggs, if it has 3 rooms, full of furniture (moreover, recently purchased), a lot of things, clothes, since a large family lives? It's unreal! And blood-sucking creatures fatten!

    • GET Consultant

      It will be really hard to check. As an option - lay a white sheet on the bed, wake up at 3 o'clock at night (when the bugs are most active), see these small pests on the sheets and track where they ran. Most likely they will run to the nest.

      You can also do a general cleaning, move the furniture away from the walls and check the most likely places for nests. It must be understood that bedbugs settle where food is dark and close. They also do not nest on flat surfaces.Usually these are always various seams in mattresses, joints of sofa parts, under baseboards, under door slopes, etc.

      You can craft an apartment without finding all the nests in the room. If you know that bedbugs do not run away from neighbors, you will just need to carefully spray the apartment. There are products that retain their effect on the surface for up to six months. Therefore, all hatched bugs from the nests will also run through the poison and die.

  34. Marina

    Tonight I was amazed when my daughter woke up and asked: “What is this?”. I've never seen them before. We also live in a rented apartment, she itched all the time at night, we thought that she was in transition. And there are so many of them that I take my head. What to do? I will poison with dichlorvos, at least a million times. Hope that helps. This means that the owner knew that they were there, since there was only one bed and nothing else. But the most interesting thing is that the male sex does not feel bites, or they are not bitten - I don’t know. Tell me what to do?..

  35. Anonymous

    It’s easier to set fire to the apartment and then make repairs ...

  36. Semyon

    I used "Tiger" against bedbugs in boiled water (it had to be 3 times), they calmed down a bit, but reappeared. Someone suggested that then you need to paint the floors and walls (paint over all the cracks, baseboards). Of course, painting should be combined with boiling rags (preferably all that are at home), and the rest should be thrown away or burned. It seems to have helped, at least the second month is not observed.

  37. Anonymous

    Bed bugs got in about two months ago. First noticed during the day on the bed. Killed, and inside the blood. Then they realized that they were bedbugs. We bought a spray agent, sprayed the entire sofa. But it didn't help. We started to look and found several nests between the seams on the sofa.The next day the seams were processed. From there they disappeared, but still appeared. To test if the remedy worked, we took a live bug and a few eggs. They put them on a white sheet of paper and sprinkled them. The eggs immediately turned black, and the bug shrank and dried up in a few seconds. In general, the tool helped, but for a while. Two weeks later, huge bugs appeared again. The eggs must have hatched. Bed bugs are easy to get rid of, but difficult to find from the nest. If from neighbors, it means that you will have to suffer for a long time.

  38. User

    The fastest 100% way is to burn down the apartment with all the clothes and furniture. And redo the repair

  39. Yana

    We brought these bastards in a container when we moved. Two treatments with Cyfox helped us ... And, if you want, to be sure, make the dosage of water for diluting the drug half as much.

  40. Exterminator

    Just don't process it. The best way is to process the cold fog apparatus with the means of two groups. Then close up all possible ways of getting bloodsuckers from neighbors. Wash everything in boiling water. Use a vacuum cleaner twice a day: vacuum sofas, mattresses, pillows, blankets - in short, the whole apartment. And immediately take out everything that has been vacuumed in the trash. Use a steam generator or steamer to constantly clean beds and bedding, baseboards, door frames ... When washing floors, use steam mops or a product with the addition of chlorine. In general, after processing, you need to beat them and beat them, and not wait for the treatment to work or not.

  41. Oksana

    And after treating the apartment with liquid poisons or dichlorvos, will it be necessary to do a general cleaning, or how does it go at all? After all, dichlorvos settles, what if the children then touch the surface, and then fingers in their mouths? And when do liquid poisons need to be washed off after treatment?

  42. Nina

    I rented an apartment, brought some furniture and flowers. We didn’t enter ourselves - I saw these reptiles. Like, a little. She called the SES, poisoned her, after 2 days she went to look, and they were lying in heaps on the floor. Now I think: will they disappear, or leave everything that they brought and run ...

  43. Vladimir

    Such a situation: in a hostel a room of 12 square meters, I rented it out, then I moved in myself. And there are bugs in the bed - he threw it out. In short, he called the service - they poisoned him, then he walked with dichlorvos. But the fact is that I, it seems, brought bedbugs to another apartment - to my grandmother. The girl woke up, and there the bug crawls, and during the day. He examined the sofa - there are no eggs, and there are no traces of skins either. As in the previous case, the eggs on the bed were clearly visible. The bugs bite me, but the girl does not. If you pour boiling water over the entire sofa and transfer it to a treated apartment, will boiling water help? Or is it all over again?

  44. Alexander

    If the room is small, a more powerful thermal gas gun will help. Preheat the entire room to 55 degrees for two or two and a half hours. Plus a hair dryer. The only problem is the air intake by the cannon. Its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, otherwise it turns off.

  45. Vladimir

    Buy fufanon neo in a garden store, dilute in 700 grams of water and spray. Repeat after four days. The bugs will disappear, we have been gone for five years now.


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