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An overview of the most effective remedies for bedbugs

Last update: 2022-05-15
≡ Article has 85 comments
  • Natalie: Dear, please, can you tell me more about your method of escaping ...
  • Murat: Where can I buy the original Get, otherwise the bugs don't die?...
  • Natalya: Elena, for God's sake, come to us to process our apartment. ...
See bottom of page for details

Choosing a remedy for bedbugs

Competition in the home insecticide market has meant that most bed bug treatments today are very effective. This is especially true for chemicals. At the same time, manufacturers of such products, in pursuit of the client, do everything to ensure that the product is not only effective, but also simple and safe to use.

Not surprisingly, almost every effective remedy for bedbugs can be safely used in an apartment in which children, pets and plants live. Subject to the necessary rules, of course. A few decades ago, residents of private and apartment buildings could not even dream of such opportunities.


Rules for choosing a remedy for bedbugs

Of the variety of drugs on the market, the most effective remedy for bedbugs should be chosen according to several criteria:

  1. The presence in its composition of a well-proven insecticide. The composition of each drug can be easily found on the Internet, and the effectiveness of a key insecticide will certainly be described in specialized forums.


If the composition of the product is not disclosed in detail, and the seller does not give a direct answer and indicate the complex name of the chemical compound, there is a risk of buying a fake or a useless mixture.

  1. Availability of reviews. In the ideal case - reviews of real, from acquaintances or living people. If evaluating online reviews, you should at least research a few sites to avoid biased opinions. Otherwise, instead of the most effective and safe remedy for bedbugs, there is a risk of choosing the most hyped one.
  2. Manufacturer. It does not have to be a European remedy: many domestic or, for example, Korean drugs are extremely effective. However, it is not worth buying a composition in a jar with inscriptions in a foreign language and without strictly written instructions for use in Russian.
  3. Tool security. Today, the power of the remedy for bedbugs is fully combined with its complete or relative harmlessness to people or pets, and therefore it is not necessary to use superstrong poisons without fail. It is necessary to look not just for the most effective remedy, but for the one that combines the optimal level of efficiency, safety and price.

There are a few more recommendations born from practical experience that work in most cases:

  • To choose a professional bed bug remedy, you can contact your local insect control service and ask questions under the guise of a potential client. In particular, find out what tool they use. However, professional preparations require a professional approach. It may be harder to work with them than with simple home remedies.
  • If there is a suspicion that the bugs moved into the apartment from the neighbors, you can ask them what tool they used. And then buy another. An effective remedy for bedbugs, if used correctly, will destroy the insects for sure, and if they remained with the neighbors after treatment, then their preparation was ineffective. In addition, even an effective home remedy for bedbugs can cause the appearance of a population of parasites resistant to it, and it will be pointless to use it again against insects.
  • Do not use ultrasonic repellers, which do not affect the activity of bedbugs at all.

To date, the Russian market of preparations for the fight against bedbugs has formed a complex of agents that, to varying degrees, combine efficiency, ease of use and safety.

Let's try to evaluate which of them will be the best choice.


Insecticide Executioner - German leader in the fight against bedbugs

The executioner is today produced by Russian enterprises under a German license. The active substance of the drug is a solution of fenthion - a substance that has a nerve-paralytic effect on bedbugs.

In the body of warm-blooded animals and humans, fenthion is quickly neutralized by special enzymes, and therefore it can be dangerous only if it enters the body in very large quantities.

The executioner is a very effective remedy for bedbugs. With proper use, an apartment of any infestation gets rid of bedbugs with its help in a few hours. The Executioner is sold in household and online stores in small bottles.

The contents of one bottle must be dissolved in 0.5 liters of water and with the help of any spray gun (usually containers from household chemicals are used - Mr. Muscle, Sunklin and others) sprayed on the maximum number of surfaces.

Review: “Three times they called to the SES hostel. It didn’t help, the bugs didn’t disturb the week after treatment, and then it all started all over again. This despite the fact that all the rooms in the hostel were processed. In the end, they chipped in themselves, bought several boxes of these bottles (it turned out to be 55 rubles a bottle for wholesale), each processed his room himself. And what do you think? There were no more bedbugs in the hostel!”

Dima Kokhanyuk, Kyiv

One bottle is enough to treat a sofa or part of the skirting boards in the room. A one-room apartment usually takes 20-25 bottles.

On average, the price of one bottle of the Executioner today is 70-100 rubles.


And one more thing: it is generally accepted that if you leave the apartment for a long time, then all the bugs will die of hunger. Let's see if bedbugs can still eat something and how long they can live without human blood

Bed bug drug Hector - for those who care about maximum safety combined with high efficiency

When small children or, for example, people prone to allergic reactions live in an apartment, the safety of the drug comes to the fore when choosing a remedy for bedbugs. After all, powerful "chemistry", usually sprayed in the form of an aerosol in the air, one way or another gets into the respiratory tract and on the skin of the residents themselves, as well as pets.

In this regard, the Hector bedbug remedy stands out sharply against the background of the vast majority of insecticides on the market today. Moreover, the drug not only does not contain highly toxic chemicals in its composition, but also has a very unusual mechanism of action on bedbugs, allowing you to effectively destroy parasites even in cases where their population is resistant to pyrethroids and karbofos.

GEKTOR against bed bugs

The basis of the Hector product is synthetic hydrophilic silicon dioxide - a fine mineral powder with a pronounced ability to actively absorb a lot of liquid. Getting on the outer covers of the bugs, the particles of the drug literally suck water out of the insect, and the parasites quickly die from dehydration.

The drug is available in plastic bottles (0.5 l) with a thin nozzle, with which it is convenient to spray the powder into various slots, as well as treat mattress folds.

In general, we can say that Hector is one of the safest insecticidal preparations on sale today, while standing out with a non-standard mechanism of action and high efficiency.


Klopomor is a powerful Russian development

Of all the drugs presented on the free market, Klopomor is among the highly effective drugs. It contains cypermethrin, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide, due to which a 300-ml bottle of Klopomor will be enough to treat a two-room apartment.

Insecticide from bedbugs

However, the effectiveness of Klopomor was increased due to some decrease in its safety. The drug is quite toxic, and should only be used in an empty apartment. After processing the room, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and ventilate it.

Feedback on the remedy Klopomor: “Oh, and this powerful Klopomor. Already during the processing of the room, the bugs began to crawl out from under the paintings and die. It was even possible not to wait a couple of hours after the bullying, they all died in the process. True, my hands itched after it, but the instructions strictly indicated that you need to work with gloves, but I ignored it. But in general, I advise, the result will be.

Andrey, Tomsk


Combat against bedbugs

Kombat is also a fairly effective remedy for bed bugs, developed and produced in Korea.

Insect repellent Kombat

Effective about the same as the Executioner, but more expensive. Its important advantages are:

  • ease of use - it is available in air freshener-type cylinders with additional nozzles that allow you to treat narrow gaps and holes
  • Invisibility of application - mint or lemon flavors are added to the product, and therefore, when using Combat, it gives the impression of an air freshener

The disadvantage of Kombat is its relatively high cost: in order to process a two-room apartment with furniture as carefully as possible, you will have to spend about 2,000 rubles on spray cans. The services of pest control services cost about the same.

Feedback on the Combat tool: “I don’t know where, but bedbugs appeared in the apartment. We were immediately told that the usual means against them do not work. We bought three Kombat cylinders, sprayed on the baseboards, the mattress on the bed, and processed the crib. We went to our parents for a day, then cleaned the apartment. There were no bugs after that. But it smelled like lemon for a long time))).

Anna, Kyiv


And further: Deadly methods of destruction of bedbugs that really work in practice

Traditional Karbofos

Used even when the Executioner and Klopomor did not exist even in theory, Karbofos has not lost its relevance today. Despite the fact that in terms of its effectiveness it is inferior to many new products, the availability and ease of use (especially of a ready-made solution in cans) allows it to be used in rural areas or for processing auxiliary premises.

Kabofos in the form of an emulsion concentrate

Karbofos in powder form

Karbofos is quite simple to use: it is enough to apply a solution of its desired concentration with a sprayer or brush to the maximum number of surfaces, let it stand for several hours (optimally a day) and then rinse with a damp cloth.

Review: “I’ll tell you this - forget about all these newfangled things and poison with Karbofos. Universal thing. Fast, efficient, reliable. We once poisoned the dacha, and for four years we have not seen a single bug. Probably, our entire street was stocked up with Karbofos after that.”

Anton, Lighthouses

Of all the effective means against bedbugs, Karbofos is one of the most affordable. To process a one-room apartment, you will need to spend a powder or liquid solution in a canister in the amount of about 400-500 rubles. At the same time, Karbofos is really a sure remedy for bedbugs, and so far there are no known cases of the appearance of insects resistant to it.


Pencil Masha from bedbugs

When choosing which effective remedy for bedbugs to buy, you can also remember about insecticidal crayons that have been familiar since post-perestroika times. Today they have slightly changed their composition, becoming even more dangerous for bedbugs and less harmful to humans.

Of these, Mashenka's chalk proved to be the best against bedbugs, since it contains cypermethrin and deltamethrin - substances that are most effective against bedbugs.

Chalk Mashenka

“And I got rid of bedbugs with ordinary chalk. Masha is called. I smeared the legs by the bed, the mattress itself from the inside, the baseboards. Already in the first days they stopped biting, and then regularly began to find dead bugs in the apartment. Now they don't bother me at all. Even a piece of that chalk was left, I sometimes smear the box of the front door with it, so that from the neighbors, if anything, they don’t come running.

Alena Igorevna, Dnepropetrovsk

The advantage of Mashenka is the ability to fight bedbugs without temporarily evacuating residents from the apartment.

Pencil should be smeared with skirting boards, places where wallpaper leaves the walls, legs and bed frames. A strip of chalk 3-4 centimeters is an insurmountable barrier for bedbugs, and therefore, at least with a pencil, you can deprive insects of access to food. And if you treat them with places of accumulation of bedbugs, then most of the insects will die from poisoning.

Chalk Mashenka is quite affordable: one pencil costs about 10 rubles and allows you to process most of the surfaces in the apartment.


Bed bug remedy Fufanon

Fufanon is an effective Dutch remedy designed to fight all insects in an apartment. Available in the form of a 57% emulsion concentrate in the form of ampoules, as well as in canisters.

Fufanon in the form of an emulsion concentrate

Fufanon in 5 ml ampoules

Specifically, against bedbugs, it is necessary to dissolve the Fufanon concentrate in water at a ratio of 5 ml of the emulsion concentrate to 2 liters of water. 50 ml of this solution is enough to process one square meter of the room.

The room is treated by Fufanon in the same way as by the Executioner. When working with the drug, it is advisable to use gloves and goggles, it is necessary to apply the drug on the surface in the absence of animals and people in the room. A few hours after treatment, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning.

On a note

Fufanon is widely used in the work of pest control services due to its effectiveness and availability.

Review of Fufanon: “We called SES. Indeed, the guys are specialists. In two hours, the apartment was processed in such a way that neither bedbugs nor cockroaches remained at all. We asked them what kind of tool they use. They said that Fufanon.

Yaroslav Arenin

Medilis Ziper

Medilis Ziper is a drug designed to control insects in agriculture. It has a very broad spectrum of action, including bed bugs.

Effective insect repellent Medilis Ziper

However, its disadvantage is its focus primarily on working in open street spaces, and therefore its use in an apartment requires intensive ventilation and cleaning after use.

Feedback on the use of Medilis Ziper: “We chose a remedy for bedbugs for a long time, tried Reid and Tetrix, but the bedbugs returned.Then the mother-in-law advised the remedy with which she processes tomatoes in the garden. Medilis Ziper is called. We carried out a complete treatment of the apartment for them, and only after that the bugs stopped appearing. True, I had to combine processing with a week trip to the sea. For six days the apartment fermented in this facility with the windows closed…”

Anna, Gorky


An effective odorless bedbug remedy - Get

Many bedbug preparations have an unpleasant odor that sometimes persists indoors for months. However, a number of modern high-tech insect repellents do not have this drawback, and Get is an example of this.

Get microencapsulated bed bug remedy

The basis of this agent is the insecticide chlorpyrifos, dispersed in the aquatic environment to the state of microcapsules (which is why the agent is called microencapsulated). This form of insecticide, along with the almost complete absence of smell, allows for a long time to maintain high efficiency on the treated surfaces.


Than I didn’t poison bedbugs, it’s all to no avail. Not only did she go all bitten, she almost got hurt herself from these suffocating smells. When I bought Get, I thought that I would run into another pacifier. Then for a long time I could not believe that the bugs were really dying. Packs! Great performance and no smell.

Dinara, Yekaterinburg

Today, there are many fakes of Get on the market, so it is better to buy either directly from the manufacturer or in large online stores.


It is important to remember that even the most effective remedy for bedbugs will only give a temporary effect if it is treated with an apartment in a completely infected apartment building.Within a couple of weeks after the destruction of the bugs, parasites from neighboring apartments will begin to move into the room, and the operation will have to be repeated again and again.

That is why in apartment buildings, treatment should be carried out jointly by all residents of apartments infected with bedbugs. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the destruction of parasites once and for all.


Useful video on how to choose a reliable bed bug remedy


5 rules for choosing a service for the destruction of bedbugs


Last update: 2022-05-15

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Overview of the most effective remedies for bedbugs" 85 comments
  1. Irina

    I look at the photo of the Executioner. I bought this, but in a transparent bottle. Could this be fake? And for 300 rubles.

  2. Irina

    My room is just spilled with dichlorvos, karbofos, covered with chalk, the sofa is splashed with the executioner. And one figs, they are!

    • Olga

      We have the same story! Five bottles of "Raptor", the same number of "Clean House", three calls to the pest control service, they, in turn, treated each time with different means. And these bastards do not care! They live and reproduce. Apartment in a new building.

      • Anonymous

        Try phenaksin powder. Good luck!

    • Elena

      They are there because the neighbors have them.

      • Anonymous

        The most correct answer

  3. Natasha

    First of all, you need to throw away their “shelter” (a sofa, for example), this will be a big plus in the fight against bedbugs ... We called disinfestation 2 times, and before that we poisoned ourselves with dichlorvos, we had a few of them, we lived in the sofa, but left the sofa, and in the end nothing helped.

  4. Natalia

    I removed all the bedbugs with boiling water. Broke sofas and jambs. Free, effective, no toxicity. No fakes.

    • Anonymous

      And they didn't show up?

    • Anonymous

      And does boiling water help?

    • Anonymous

      You can use a steam cleaner (or, at worst, a steamer) instead of boiling water to walk - even more efficiently, but then it’s still better to call chemists - for a long-term effect, because the neighbors will come for sure!

  5. Karina

    Bought Get. Processed every two weeks. Drawn by Masha. It's useless, these bastards are immortal.

    • Gennady

      Most likely, they slipped a fake, I also came across. And then I compared the packages and saw the differences. And it was poisoned with tangible differences.

      • GET Consultant

        Good afternoon. And tell me, where did you buy the fake GET? We can send you a bottle of the product for free.

        • Julia

          For example, I bought Get in a store in St. Petersburg, poured over everything, as it is written in the attached instructions. Well, the bedbugs haven't gone away.

        • Anonymous

          Good evening! But I would not refuse the GET trial tool, otherwise I have already tried so many funds, but all in vain ((I threw away the money for funds, but there is no sense yet. Therefore, maybe your tool will help ?!

        • Murat

          Where can I buy the original Get, otherwise the bugs do not die?

    • Nina

      Tetrix will help you.

  6. Anastasia

    We bought Karbofos, diluted a whole package of 2 liters, sprinkled everything and left for 10 days. We returned before leaving, looked at everything - and still they crawl alive 🙁

  7. Viktor Andreevich

    I also stained them with different means. Nothing helped. But once I managed to destroy them, it seems, with a Raptor. I was very angry with them that day. And either out of anger, or out of indignation, I began to spray Raptor everywhere, and not just where they advise. I sprayed all the walls, the floor, the TV, the computer, books, in the drawers of the table - almost everywhere and a lot, so much so that it even flowed from the wallpaper! And in principle - it helped! There were no bedbugs for almost three years! But a couple of days ago I woke up at night and saw familiar bites on my stomach. I didn't believe my eyes! He blamed it on mosquitoes, then on hives. But tonight I turned on the light and found one hefty bug on the wall. Killed and sniffed to see if it was him. Unfortunately, he is. What to do now, I don’t know ... Is it really possible to start everything in a new way ?! And how, it would be interesting to know, after so much time, they were able to return? Horror is just some.

    • Anonymous

      I filled all the walls and floors with foresight. True, after that she made cosmetic repairs. The thing is that if their poop (black dots) remains at least somewhere, then they will definitely come again. And even now in the new wallpaper adhesives there is a remedy that repels insects.

  8. Elena

    I don’t know… Many write that they are working on the surface and leaving. A specialist from the SES told us that it is imperative to stay at home the night after treatment. Man serves as bait for them. They will climb for dinner and will fall on the poison and die. And so they sit in a secluded place where the remedy did not fall, and wait. You left, it makes no sense for them to get out.2 weeks have passed, the remedy has already lost its main strength, and they climbed ... Moreover, they developed immunity to this remedy, because. it's not so bad anymore, but it's still there.

  9. Alexander

    They ordered the Executioner, sprayed the whole apartment. There was no one for a month, however, and I also found only two dead ones. Then they reappeared, and it seems that the Executioner is to their liking - it does not work.

    • Irina

      I don’t know about you, but the Executioner saved me from bedbugs. For a very long time I could not get them out, it was some kind of nightmare ... I etched it with an executioner from two treatments. At first I processed everything, including things, and a week later I did it again, but only cracks and a sofa with a bed. After the first treatment, I found about 10 large bugs under the sofa, I didn’t even think that there were so many of them, I think that they were hiding somewhere inside the sofa. Within a week, I saw two more dead. A week later, I noticed a trifle, apparently, these were bedbugs that hatched from clutches. Did another one right away. She did not spare the funds, she diluted 3 bottles per liter of water instead of two. The smell was not strong, the furniture did not spoil ... For the past two months I have been sleeping without bites and have not observed a single bug.

  10. Andrew

    The same story as everyone else 🙂 Do not get rid of reptiles. I run after them with a vacuum cleaner, until I have met more effective means than he.

  11. Larisa

    Everything is useless while they live with your neighbors ... Every year we call the SES, and a year later it's all over again. Living bastards. Although the SES promise that they will not come from the neighbors through their means. They're coming. We bought an apartment 8 years ago, and everything is just fighting parasites. Horror! Never seen them before...

  12. Ilyas

    I called a specialist twice, there were more bedbugs. He started with his own method: he poured hot water into all the cracks of baseboards, sockets, wallpaper.Turn off the light and pour boiling water over it - it helps, the larvae and eggs die immediately, like adults. Take putty and close all the cracks in the room, and paint on top with paint. You won't see any more bedbugs.

    • Anonymous

      How did you pour water into the socket, didn't you get electrocuted?

  13. Elbek

    It seems that the remedy will not help us, but what should we do?.. Burn the house and leave somewhere?

    • Anonymous

      Yep, the most effective one.

  14. Gennady

    Too tired to fight with these creatures, tenacious. I struggled with them for a long time with varying success, they disappear for a couple of weeks, then appear again. Once I already thought that, that's it - I won, there was no half a year. How can you hide from them? Then several times he treated with two different poisons at once. Gone, gone for a whole year. And before NG, for a week and a half, my wife caught one on a sweater, then another couple on baseboards. The end of a quiet life, all over again. Sockets from neighbors have long been filled with foam. These creatures can live for more than a year without food. Probably, creatures were sleeping on the sofa, I changed the spring mattress (it was tightly upholstered there), there were probably some under the upholstery. By the way, Get poisons them well, but I still poison them with something else. One remedy expels them, and the other kills them, process the second after 10 minutes. And repeat after a week and a half.

  15. Sabina

    SES does not help! A clean house and dichlorvos are all garbage. Now I tore off the wallpaper, so they live at the joints, I will re-paste everything, I will throw a pack into the glue of karbofos and the sofa in the trash.

  16. Inessa

    We are grateful to the insect control service for helping us get rid of bed bugs.We suffered with these bastards for six months, used various folk remedies, dust, vinegar, boiling water, and so on, it helped for a short time, and it’s hard to constantly raise everything, move it away, since we are already pensioners. The disinfector processed everything qualitatively and left recommendations. After the specialist left, the smell was terrible, disappeared in a day. The next day, a small number of bedbugs were still noticed, but after a week they all disappeared! Now we sleep peacefully. Recommended!

    • St


    • Anonymous

      Inessa, give me your number, please.

    • Anonymous

      Hello. And can I ask you what kind of specialists you called? And then we call, but it does not help us.

  17. Alice

    They also tried a bunch of poisons, but to no avail ((Who advised a quartz lamp, bought it, everything is nonsense, it's a shame, I'm sitting roaring ((

  18. Anonymous

    The most effective remedy is phenaxine, and it is safe, but in large quantities and when used correctly. It is necessary to pour phenaksin under the insulation when laying the laminate, without being greedy. When laying panels on the ceiling, without being greedy, pour phenaksin, a teaspoon or coffee spoon on each panel. When sticking wallpaper, without being greedy, pour phenaksin into the glue. Or, when painting walls, pour phenaksin into the paint. Without being greedy, pour phenaxine into all chimneys and ventilation, add phenaxine to window paint from the inside and outside. Make all procedures as soon as possible. Upon completion of all work, without being greedy, pour phenaksin under the mattress and turn it over from time to time. Pillows should be changed. Pour phenaksin into cabinets on all shelves and cover the powder with clean paper on top, on which you can put things. Add a tablespoon of phenaksin to the washing machine when washing.After about a month, you will forget about bedbugs, like a nightmare. In a month - because by that time you have washed all the things. Do not forget to paint the windows from the outside every spring, adding phenaksin to the paint without being greedy. So that neighbors do not crawl to you through the mesh of a window open in summer. Good luck. Will have to move. But the effect is amazing.

  19. Maria

    This is horror, nothing helps ((Sometimes it seems to me that even during the day they crawl over me, they got so tired. SES came, but it’s useless! I’ll burn everything.

  20. Nicholas

    This is a complete "ALES". We live with bedbugs for six months. Moved from them to the balcony. One fig, they got there ... Today they called a company that deals with pest control. I gave 2800. Now I'm sitting and crying. They were as they are. Yes, with all this, the smell is unbearable ((When I entered the apartment, I saw puddles from the product. What I said to them was not disinfected. Not only that, I thought that 2 ambals would come to open the plinth (as it is written in the advertisement) , and 2 grandmothers came in. Tomorrow I will call and swear ...

  21. Sergey

    We also had bedbugs, but we noticed them in time. The daughter said that someone bit her, we found a nest. I found a drug on the Internet, read reviews, bought Zifox. Processed and the result is obvious.

    • Elona

      Does digital help?

  22. Hikmat

    I called the pest control service 2 times, until it helped. And then they bought Dobrokhim micro in the online store, this afternoon I did the disinfection myself. There are no results yet. I’m waiting for another 3 days, and if they don’t disappear, then I myself will leave the house, instead of bedbugs.

  23. Natalia

    Has anyone tried the insect repeller, does it help or not?

  24. Tatiana

    They called Chisty Dom employees three times to process the room, spent more than 10,000 rubles.They poisoned me with both fufanon and lambda cyhalothrin - nothing helped. The sofa and pillows were thrown away, they still crawl and bite. And the extortion of money from the workers of the Clean House is at a high level! Each time they promise that we will sleep peacefully, and if we throw another 3-5 thousand, then we will forever forget about bedbugs, the super barrier will save us. Alas…

  25. Kuan

    Not knowing, he treated the bed linen with cypermethrin. What to do now? Nothing will happen?

    • Elena

      Wash and everything!

  26. Evgeniy

    I lived alone in my house, and in the fall, as a preventive measure, I decided to pickle the home cellar with sulfur bombs. All living things died, even in the attic of a two-story house. But after 2 days, fleas appeared on the first floor! A bunch of brown fleas jumped on the floor of the first floor and rode merrily on my feet through the rooms. Of course, he rushed to the market for salvation, where he foolishly bought sulfur bombs "Fas", 10 pieces of 25 rubles each - does not work, the fleas only dragged on deeper, and asked for more. "Varan" - four 500-gram cylinders for 400 rubles - is not valid. Dichlorvos and the like - works only if you drown each flea in it personally. Then there was "Phenaksin" - dissolved in water and sprayed with an air compressor and a paint gun. I thought it didn’t work, but the main part still died on the second day. I called the pest control service and, under the guise of a meticulous grandmother, found out that all such organizations in our city work with a solution of Cypermethrin. They take 2-5 thousand rubles for the departure and professionally process everything for me with a pshikalka from Mister Muscle. I decided not to give the enemy a break, and today, having winked at the seller with my left eye, I bought Cypermethrin for big money (250 rubles) from under the counter.A bottle (50 ml, 25%) is enough to treat 500 square meters of surfaces from fleas. This is a professional drug, so if they don’t sell it, wink 🙂

    So, according to the instructions, I diluted 1 ml per 1 liter of warm water according to the instructions, and it turned out 1.001 liters of a thick milky substance. Fleas died of pleasure right in the process of processing. Do not spend money on expensive drugs, at best containing few active substances. Purchase only high concentration professional active substances! "A ton of down is not lighter than a ton of iron." I spent 2 treatments of 80 squares of 25 ml of Cypermethrin, and Phenaxine would take a couple of kilos ... Good luck to everyone, and remember - they just want some of your blood!

  27. Albina

    She moved to a hostel and met bedbugs for the first time. A nightmare. I've been harassing them for 3 months and there's no point. NEO Dichlorvos, Raptor, Karbofos, Masha do not help. After dichlorvos, on the contrary, they become more active. There are no more forces. They bite and don't let you sleep at night. I didn’t find their nest, I looked through everything: a sofa, wallpaper, baseboards, a mattress. I do not know what to do.

  28. Rustaveli

    They say a good remedy is Quiet Evening, a smoke bomb. True, it costs more than 400 rubles. Poisoned, again in two weeks and that's it, they won't be anymore. True, there is a caveat - the neighbors must also poison (both above and below), and if the 1st floor, then in the basement you also need to poison.

  29. Elena

    Professional. Another free way to deal with bedbugs: in winter, in severe frost, take mattresses, pillows and blankets to the balcony ... Bedbugs will die from frost. In general, it is very difficult to deal with them, for 25 years of work they have never died from one of my processing. I immediately tell my clients why they don’t like me.

    • Natalia

      Elena, for God's sake, come to us to process our apartment.We need an honest and conscientious master. I kindly ask you to respond!

  30. Anonymous

    I also spent a hell of a lot of money, I tried all the means that I have, everything crawled out exactly after a while. Finally, I conducted an experiment: I got cockroaches. After them, a month later, I didn’t see a single bug, cockroaches are their main enemies, and a year later I bought traps for cockroaches, destroyed them all. Cockroaches are much easier to remove than bedbugs. Now I'm enjoying happiness!

    • Sergey

      Are you serious? Cockroaches?!

  31. Nerd

    That's right, cockroaches eat everything, and bedbug eggs too. But only eggs. So you need 2 means: cockroaches and time.

  32. Vasya

    I have tried many things, each remedy helps a little, but the most effective remedy that will 100 percent destroy bedbugs is a steam generator. You just bring a jet of hot steam to the habitats of the bugs and they are immediately cooked (like hard boiled eggs).

  33. Anna

    I'm in a panic, and my husband is furious. Bedbugs in the new sofa. The sofa was bought in mid-October - to order, they waited a month for production, they paid about 40 thousand for it. After a while, I began to notice one bite on myself, then another, and finally, it came to allergies. She didn’t tell her husband about the bites right away, but only when it became unbearable to itch. For some reason they don't bite him. Throwing out the sofa is out of the question. I already have such a state that I am ready not only to throw it away, but to burn it, but my husband is against it. I read the reviews and they are not comforting at all. Never encountered bed bugs before. Call a service? Where to put pets in this case?

  34. Marina

    Poisoned yesterday by the Executioner, there is a result! Found about 10 dead bugs. But I will poison a few more times, just to be sure!

  35. Alexandra

    We found the bug in mid-November, when we were cleaning behind the sofa, but did not attach any importance to this, we did not know anything about these insects. And at the end of the month, I took one off my youngest son's pillow. I looked on the Internet, horror and shame, bedbugs. The next day they called the pest control service, after 5 days they called again, and all to no avail. Only 11,000 wasted. Worked on 3 rooms. And away we go. We decided to poison on our own. Dichlorvos was used, chalk from cockroaches, the baseboards were removed and spilled with boiling water, the sofa was steamed with an iron, they used Get, Delta Zone, but the bugs were still there. This week they treated with Fufanon. As long as the bedbugs are not visible.

  36. Salimat

    Here, we bought a new sofa in a warehouse in Moscow. The first time a roommate noticed, they processed it with the GET tool. All died within 2 weeks. She said that it was from the sofa, because before that there were no bedbugs in the apartment, but I did not believe that it was from the sofa. But the fact is that they got rid of it. Three months later, they threw out another old sofa and bought another new sofa in its place, in the same warehouse. And a month later, bedbugs again, but this time they used three bottles, because they were not discovered immediately and there were a lot of them. GET didn't help.

    Then they did it with vinegar, then with boiling water, and a week later they reappeared. Here, on January 10, 2017, the sofas were treated with ZIFOX and the skirting boards of the wall with CYPERMETRIN. The smell is definitely strong. Now I'm waiting, it's only been a day. In the evening I already went into the room (on the day of treatment) - many lay with the layer up. If they do not completely disappear, then I will try with a steam generator and karbofos. But karbofos in powder does not inspire much confidence in me, but I did not find it in liquid form.

    Who bought karbofos - just in case a firefighter, tell me, please, where can I get it and not run into a fake? I beg you, otherwise the bugs have already got it, which is unbearable. I will write about the results of my processing later, when the result becomes clear. Good luck to all.

    • Anonymous

      You can buy karbofos at any hardware store, but there is no sense in it.

  37. last hope

    Bed bugs are a problem. It is not always possible to get rid of them by modern means and, as practice has shown, it is useless. Now I will explain everything in order. Many people run to stores, order bedbug poison on the Internet, which advertising imposes on them, and the result is zero, again bedbugs in the house. Calling SES is useless. And the essence is simple: all modern poisons are ineffective due to the small shock dose of the poisonous substance. Bedbugs quickly adapt to them. I experienced everything on my own. At the SES, I learned their secrets and ordered in Moscow what they use: Averfos, Kukaracha, and so on ... Everything is useless, it happened that they disappeared for 3-6 months, even for a year, but they still returned and, moreover, flooded the apartment. But the SES does not do that - they sprinkle in the corners, they, you see, have a limited dose of poison. My familiar laboratory chemists came to the rescue - while Russia has not yet risen from its knees, it is useless to look for good poisons. I got rid of bedbugs with a temperature, as they get rid of them in prisons. Write, I'll tell you how. Or, if you have the opportunity, I will come and do it myself. And you will forget about bedbugs, like a bad dream. Only 3 hours - and you are saved, and your pets, and all your belongings. Dare!

    • Antonina

      Hello! Please help get rid of these bugs. They called SES, they processed everything for us.After 10 days, a Quiet Evening smoke bomb was lit, after 7 days the SES was again called for re-processing. Now, two days have passed, and they are running around as if nothing had happened. We suffer from the smell, but at least they don’t care! Write how and with what you got rid of them?! Tired of them already, everyone is on their nerves. Help me please!

      • last hope

        You can get rid of it only with the help of a temperature not lower than 52 degrees.

    • Suffering

      Write a remedy!

    • Olya

      Is the temperature high or low? All winter she carried everything to the balcony, after Averfos they were gone for six months, and again the guard! The child is suffering, help, tell us how you got rid of bedbugs?

    • Julia

      Good afternoon. Write, please, how did you get rid of these reptiles? Thank you!

      • last hope

        We got rid of it with the help of a positive temperature, not lower than 52 degrees.

        • Inessa

          Hello, heat the room or what?

    • Anonymous

      Write please. There are children in the house, I'm already going crazy, at least take the children and go somewhere ...

    • Novel

      Write and ask! Please tell me about this method

    • Zhenya

      How?! Everything that could be tried, we went a couple of times ourselves, and at least with these creatures ...

    • Nina

      And how they got rid of it, I wonder ...

    • Anonymous

      How did you reach this temperature? I live in a kopeck piece, Podolsk, I trust in you. There is no more strength.

    • Anna

      Tell me about your method, my hands are already sinking, I don’t know what to do.

    • Natalie

      Dear, please, can you elaborate on your method of getting rid of bedbugs using temperature?

  38. Evdokia

    Help me please! I've been itching for 2 months already, I sinned about the disease, that doctors do not treat well.And today at 3 o'clock in the morning I combed like never before, and found these parasites in the sofa, in the corners. Apparently, my husband brought from a business trip. Recommend a tool!

  39. Alexandra

    We got bed bugs out by steam cleaning the sofa and beds. They fought for a long time. Before the new year, I left my comment here on how we fought bugs with chemistry, but everything was unsuccessful. After the new year, I bought a steam cleaner, inexpensive, with good pressure, and two or three times a week I began to process all the sleeping places. Bed bugs and their eggs are 100% dead. They will not disappear immediately, but in a month they will no longer be.

  40. Elena

    I've heard of the steam cleaner too. I will try. Already 4 times they came for treatment, but the effect is zero. Money down the drain. We moved to a new apartment - and here these creatures do not give rest. And the treatment by specialists is effective for 3-5 months.

    • Alla

      The best remedy for bedbugs is old fat. Lay all adjacent wires and communications. Then process housing.

  41. Tatiana

    We've been suffering for about 3 years. Previously, it was enough for a year, processed by service specialists. With or without a barrier - all the same for a year. And now in two months they called 5 times, and at least something. The neighbors from above poison the Clean House, the bugs immediately run to us. They don’t want to do joint processing, and everything is in a circle. Let's call the service - we'll sleep peacefully for a week and that's it. And checkers did not help us at all.

  42. Timur

    Same problem! Try vinegar 70%, it seems that after it it became smaller the first time. Tomorrow before work I will try again, I hope that they will completely disappear. If not, then I will disappear myself (

  43. Nina

    They called SES, the bugs did not disappear, they poisoned with sinuzan, but a week later there were more of them. They devoured the whole body - both mine and my daughter's.They eat everyone, but only we have such a wild allergy. Then she poisoned herself with a sonder, shed everything with all her heart, pushed furniture aside, dismantled beds and sofas and watered everything. The apartment was closed for the day. At first, the bites were single, I thought that the old ones itch. Four days later I caught a large bug, going to bed, and five days later (that is, this morning) I collected 7 bugs from the walls, two of them had just got drunk. So it's a bummer again.

  44. Sergey

    Has anyone used Hector?

  45. Natalia

    The Delta Zone helped me. But I sprayed it wherever possible, everything was literally buried in the solution.


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