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How to deal with bed bugs

Last update: 2022-06-01
≡ Article has 12 comments
  • Goga: I also had occasional bed bugs. Poisons were given only ...
  • Wrestler: Use incense. Hello! Guys and girls...
  • Katyusha: Steep boiling water is a 100% remedy, and insects and larvae...
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Bed bugs on the mattress

Compared to the fight against other domestic insects, the fight against bedbugs has several characteristic features.

First, bed bugs are somewhat more resistant to various insecticides. It often happens that a remedy that is effective against cockroaches and ants against bedbugs gives a very weak result.

Secondly, bedbugs are able to quickly adapt to various poisons against insects. As a result, many yesterday effective drugs are actively losing ground on the market today.

And most importantly - bedbugs prefer to settle in places closest to those where people rest. This means that the fight against bed bugs is associated primarily with the treatment of bedrooms and children's rooms, sofas and mattresses. This means that the methods applicable to deal with typical inhabitants of kitchens will not work here.

Nevertheless, bed bugs can and should be fought: the means and methods for this are available today in abundance. However, before you fight bedbugs, you need to choose the right method for their destruction.


The main methods of dealing with bed bugs

The methods of dealing with bedbugs are quite diverse, and the ultimate goal is the complete destruction of these insects in the house. If, in the case of fighting ants and cockroaches, they sometimes resort to expelling them from the apartment, such methods are not suitable against bedbugs: they return very quickly, managing to infect neighboring premises during their absence.

Fight against bed bugs

Among the main methods of dealing with bedbugs in the first place, the following can be distinguished:

  • The use of insecticides. They can be in powder, aerosol or concentrate form to be diluted and then used as a spray. The main task of such funds is to destroy all bedbugs within their radius of action as soon as possible. To date, this method is the most common and versatile, allowing you to do without sophisticated equipment and fight bedbugs on your own, regardless of the season and region where the apartment is located.
  • Temperature methods - freezing bedbugs, treatment with heat or boiling water, washing infected linen at high temperature. These methods of dealing with bedbugs have a number of disadvantages and limitations. For example, freezing an apartment is fraught with rupture of pipes of the heating or water supply system and can only be carried out in those regions where the air temperature outside drops below minus 22 ° C. But treating an apartment with heat requires the use of powerful industrial hair dryers, which not every pest control service has. However, these methods also have a plus: they are harmless to humans and do not lead to any consequences for allergy sufferers.
  • Mechanical methods of dealing with domestic bugs - the destruction of the nests of bugs and the insects themselves with a vacuum cleaner or manually.Very ineffective and time-consuming, they are most often used to temporarily reduce the number of bedbugs in an apartment in anticipation of its complete treatment with insecticides.

Feedback on attempts to independently combat domestic bugs:

“Probably, for a month he did not dare to call the sanitary service, he thought that he crushed the last bug today. I got to the point that they occupied the entire sofa. I've tried vacuuming them up, but it doesn't help. Only the guys with the superfan helped…”

  • The use of folk remedies. These methods cannot be called a typical fight against bedbugs. Most folk remedies only scare away bedbugs, but do not destroy them. It is rational to use folk remedies to prevent infection of the apartment with bedbugs and, if necessary, wait a few days for the arrival of the sanitation service.

You should be very responsible in choosing the method by which the fight against bedbugs in the apartment will be carried out.

And one more thing: it is generally accepted that if you leave the apartment for a long time, then all the bugs will die of hunger. Let's see if bedbugs can still eat something and how long they can live without human blood

With a strong infestation of the apartment, when bedbugs hide not only in furniture, but also under floors, behind baseboards and in household appliances, it will be much more efficient to use the services of professional exterminators.

Exterminator at work

Firstly, for the total thorough processing of the premises, a lot of drugs will be required, and at a price they can be comparable to the services of services. And secondly, it is very difficult to carry out pest control with detailed processing of all insect shelters without special equipment and experience.


Video: exterminator destroys bedbugs in the apartment


Means for the fight against bed bugs

Choosing the most effective means of combating bedbugs, first of all, it is necessary to consider the most popular household insecticides today.

Executioner, a fenthion-based remedy, is a relatively safe and very effective drug against bedbugs.

Remedy for bed bugs Hangman

The instructions for its use are simple: the liquid from one bottle must be dissolved in half a liter of water, poured into any container with a spray bottle and carefully treated with it all the surfaces of the apartment and possible places where bedbugs accumulate. One bottle is enough to treat a large mattress or sofa.

It is important to remove all residents and pets from it during the processing of the premises by the Executioner, close the windows. After carrying out all the operations, let the apartment stand for several hours, and even better - a couple of days.After that, the room should be thoroughly ventilated, wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth and wash bed linen and clothes.

Karbofos, a fairly old and well-known remedy. Recently, bedbug populations that are resistant to it have begun to appear in many cities, which, however, does not prevent Karbofos from confidently leading the sales of anti-bug products on the market.


50% solution of Karbofos

Karbofos is good because it is produced in large canisters, each of which is enough to process a large area. The principle of operation of Karbofos is nerve-paralytic, and consists in influencing the nervous system of an insect.

The treatment of the premises with Karbofos is carried out in the same way as with the Executioner, but when using it, it is imperative to use the most closed clothing, gloves and a cotton-gauze bandage.

Feedback on the use of Karbofos: “Whatever they release now, Karbofos is the most effective remedy. Already in the apartment, and in the country, and from their parents, bedbugs were taken out from one time. And all other means are just for fun ... "

Combat is another powerful anti-bug spray. It is produced in Russia under a Korean license and is good because it is already produced in the form of spray bottles similar to deodorant ones.

Spray against bedbugs Kombat (Combat)

The battalion commander is very effective, but to process a large apartment, you will need to purchase a lot of cylinders (at the rate of 1 cylinder per 5 square meters of area).

It is also useful to read: What are bed bugs most afraid of?

And further: Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which have shown high efficiency

Microphos differs from bedbugs in that it has a long residual effect. After its application to various surfaces in the apartment, the effect persists for 1 month.

Bed bug remedy Microphos

Thanks to Microfos, not only bedbugs, but also cockroaches with ants disappear in the room.

Feedback on the use of Microphos: “We poisoned bedbugs with Microphos in the country. Good thing, better than Reid…”

Feverfew - comes in powder form and is an extract of chamomile flowers. In fact, of all the currently popular insecticides, this one is the only natural one.

Feverfew insect repellent

To combat bedbugs, Feverfew should be poured into places where insects accumulate and where they most often move.

Similar in release form and properties are Raptor, Chlorophos, Tetrix, Fufanon and some other drugs, which, when fully processed, allow the apartment to completely destroy bedbugs in it.

All of these bed bug drugs are available to buyers on the Russian market, and which one to use is the individual choice of each user.


A few words about folk methods of dealing with bedbugs

The folk remedies for the fight against bedbugs include the following:

  • denatured alcohol, which repels bedbugs with its smell, and when it fills nests with it, it kills them;
  • turpentine, used alone or in a mixture with other means;
  • dust, often mixed with vinegar or denatured alcohol;
  • vinegar, which does not destroy, but repels bed bugs for a while;
  • herbs - tansy, bitter wormwood, birch leaves, freshly emitting an unpleasant aroma for bedbugs.

Despite their not very high efficiency, it is folk remedies that have been used in the fight against bedbugs for a long time and sometimes they can still help rid the apartment of these insects. Well, they manifest themselves in the prevention of infection of the apartment with bedbugs.


Important rules and instructions for dealing with bedbugs

All measures to combat bedbugs at home are effective only with a complete and fairly quick treatment of the premises. You can not get rid of insects first in one room, then in another. Everything must be done at the same time, because the bugs move very quickly and settle around the room.

For the same reason, processing only upholstered furniture is ineffective in most cases: individual bedbugs and their eggs will definitely hide behind baseboards or in various crevices in the floor or walls. And in the future, they will give rise to new populations.

Bed bug eggs

If the bugs still live in at least one neighboring apartment, they must be poisoned simultaneously in all infected rooms. Otherwise, even the most effective fight against bedbugs in one apartment will provide only a small respite: after some time, the bugs will migrate from the neighbors, and the whole procedure will have to be repeated again.

It should be remembered that many insecticides can lead to allergic reactions and sometimes even poisoning. Before using them, the apartment must be freed from all inhabitants, and after that it must be well ventilated. Therefore, it is advisable to initially focus on drugs that are as harmless to humans as possible and at the same time highly effective against bedbugs (for example, a fairly powerful modern remedy for bedbugs Get, which has no smell).

In general, the most effective way to deal with bedbugs today is perhaps the call of special sanitary services. When ordering their services, you can count on a quick result and the complete extermination of bedbugs in your home.


Five effective ways to kill bed bugs


A good example of an apartment heavily infested with bedbugs


Last update: 2022-06-01

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How to deal with bed bugs" 12 comments
  1. Natalia

    We rented the apartment for a few months to the workers and they turned it into a bed bug house. We have already tried everything - nothing helps. Specialists were called three different times and we kill ourselves, and still they climb. From where, I don't know. It's a pity for the child, we are already tired of fighting.

  2. Sergey

    Good afternoon! You need to add a letter, otherwise it’s somehow undignified for such a site - A few words about the folk method of dealing with bedbugs.

    • Admin

      Thanks, typo corrected

  3. Andrew

    Good afternoon, thank you for such a detailed topic. Tell me, how is it a temporary measure - to make a canopy from a mosquito net? She has cells of 1 mm2 - or will small bugs still crawl through?

  4. Olga

    Good afternoon. I want to tell you how we dealt with bedbugs. At first, what we not only didn’t try - tsifoks, karbofos, a bunch of aerosols. They began to fight with the whole entrance, bought - KUKARACH (a wonderful remedy). A neighbor bought from a store. But in order to have an effect, they made a very concentrated solution (a whole bottle for 1.5 liters of warm water). Good luck.

  5. Tamara

    Hordes of bedbugs poisoned butox for dogs in a stronger concentration than for its intended use. And the eggs of bedbugs were dissolved with an aerosol Raptor for crawling insects.

  6. Natalia

    The husband went to work on a rotational basis. Now I called and said that they have bedbugs there. He has homemade bedding, a blanket, a pillow, an inflatable mattress, and, accordingly, things, outerwear. Tell me what you need to do immediately with these things to avoid infection of the apartment? With things, I roughly know what to do (wash at 90 degrees). And what to do with a pillow, a blanket, an air mattress, outerwear? I must say right away that there is no car and no garage so that things can rest there. But! After all, they can breed there. And in the future, I would not want him to ride on shifts with these bugs. In general, we need a way to prevent infection of the apartment, but without prejudice to some things. Thanks in advance.

  7. Paul

    We tried everything we could until we called the SES and they treated the apartment with Tsifox. We waited a day after treatment, then we came home, washed everything with my wife, ventilated it - and pah-pah, thank God!

  8. Julia

    Help me please! SOS )) I rent an apartment in a multi-storey building. The apartment is clean and renovated. I lived here for 3 years, and that's it, hell began here! I bought a remedy, poisoned ... They disappeared. But a month later, I again observe them on the wall (but they don’t bite yet). As I understand it, they climb from someone. I just can't stand the horror! Please, who faced and achieved results, tell me!

  9. Katyusha

    Steep boiling water is a 100% remedy, and insects and larvae die. She tried everything she could.The last time I did this: I dismantled the sofa in detail, the bed linen into the machine at 95 degrees, poured boiling water over everything I could (even from the jambs fell down). Plus, she spread the tsifox in a strong concentration, sprinkled the stretch ceiling with it (it’s good that they didn’t hang the chandelier - there is a hole under it, put the sprayer and sprayed it around the entire perimeter) and the walls.

  10. Fighter

    Use incense.

    Hello! Guys and girls, I have been suffering from these parasites for about 4 years. Than just did not try to poison them, but they reappeared. The remedy was found, it is Indian incense. Cheap ones will do. The room is fumigated, pests are gathering. After each fumigation, there are fewer and fewer of them. Repeat fumigation until the bugs completely disappear. And they must disappear.

  11. goga

    I also get bed bugs from time to time. Poisons gave only a respite. But then I discovered diabetes, and I began to take metformin ... And I see that the bugs disappeared without any etching.

    Bed bugs are dying from my blood. From time to time I find dead ones. I have been taking metformin for six months now and there are no live bugs in my room for six months. Sometimes it crawls, bites, crawls half a meter and dies. Then, during cleaning, I find a dried up corpse somewhere on the wall. There are no small ones, they do not reproduce, they do not survive. That's because what kind of muck feed the sick ...


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