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We test the effect of Hector powder on bedbugs in two versions: simple processing and preparation of traps. See the results of the experiment.

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Powdered remedy "GEKTOR from bed bugs" is considered one of the safest for humans and pets. During the experiment, we will check how quickly this powder destroys bedbugs, including if we use it to prepare special traps for bloodsuckers.

Watch video:

0:34 - A few words about the effectiveness of Hector in the fight against bedbugs and other synanthropic insects.

0:50 - Pay attention to the expiration date of the drug and how long it remains effective.

1:33 - Can bed bugs and other insects be resistant to Hector.

2:14 - About the high safety of Hector for people and pets. The active ingredient of the powder is actively used today in the food industry (food additive E551), that is, it is a powder that is highly safe for health, chemically inert, and does not cause any poisoning or allergic reactions.

4:45 - By chemical nature, the active substance of Hector is almost 100% silicon dioxide.

5:02 - Appearance of the container (plastic bottle) and the powder itself.

5:23 - Is Hector capable of dusting indoors?

5:35 - The product has no smell at all.

5:43 – Tasting Hector.

5:59 - The product adheres well to clothes and skin.

6:24 - Useful information about the principle of the tool. Finely dispersed silicon dioxide adsorbs wax from the body of an insect on its particles, thereby leading to a violation of the insulating properties of the cuticle. The consequence is the rapid evaporation of moisture from soft tissues, that is, dehydration of the body.At the same time, the powder itself is very hygroscopic, due to which it additionally "sucks" the liquid from the insect. All this eventually leads to relatively rapid dehydration of the insect.

7:54 - The Zacher effect and its implementation at the expense of Hector.

9:08 - After treatment with a room agent, most insects die already on the first day.

9:45 - Place 4 adult bed bugs in a plastic container. Then we will put the Hector remedy here and see if the powder kills the parasites and how quickly it does it.

10:01 - There are 4 more bedbugs in the second plastic container. On them, we will additionally test whether they are afraid of the powder and whether it will turn out that in real conditions (when processed in an apartment), bloodsuckers simply will not run around the facility.

11:50 - Pour Hector into the container with bedbugs and start the stopwatch.

12:51 - Bedbugs begin to actively run on the powder.

15:26 - Parasites drag the product along the bottom of the container. In practice, they will also carry the powder on their bodies into hiding places and nests.

16:08 - After an hour and a half from the start of the test, all the bugs were very dirty in the product.

18:20 – After 4 hours from the beginning of the experiment, all the test individuals died.

And further: The Get Express tool really killed all the bugs quickly - after 42 minutes only corpses were lying around

20:40 - Conducting the second test. We will make a kind of shelter for bedbugs from paper - an “envelope” into which we pour Hector. In this version, the insects will get dirty in the powder only when they run into the shelter, but they may not do this if the powder scares them away.

22:11 - We prepare paper "envelopes" for the powder.

22:28 - We put the prepared traps in a container with bedbugs.

22:55 - Parasites quickly crawled under and inside the makeshift shelter. It can be concluded that the presence of bedbug powder nearby is not scary.

25:00 - Half an hour after the start of the test, the parasites were already very dirty in Hector;

27:12 - After 3 hours from the start of the experiment, 3 individuals died, one is still alive, but signs of deterioration are already observed.

30:30 - After 5 hours and 20 minutes, all test bugs in the container died.

32:39 - Instructions for using Hector and some additional nuances that are useful to consider for a successful fight against bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects.

39:49 - The use of Hector does not require significant work in the apartment (you do not have to tear off the baseboards, wallpaper, move heavy furniture). It is enough to pour the powder in those places where the bugs can hide and move, and also make shelter traps for the parasites with the powder inside.

42:11 - The duration of retention of Hector's effectiveness is much higher than that of aerosol preparations.

The price of one bottle of funds today is about 650 rubles.


Last update: 2022-06-01

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To the entry "We test the effect of Hector powder on bedbugs in two versions: simple processing and preparation of traps. See the results of the experiment." there is 1 comment
  1. Natalia

    And how do you propose to isolate the sanitary closet in the toilet?! From it, both bedbugs and cockroaches will always enter the apartment ((


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