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Find out where and how bed bugs live

Last update: 2022-05-08
≡ Article has 148 comments
  • Anonymous: That's right. Friends in the house had a case: they found a Soviet di...
  • Anonymous: So out of your 9000 bedbugs there is a rollback of 50%. Here are more of them....
  • Anonymous: "It seems to me that they came to me from an online store." That...
See bottom of page for details

Bed bug

Like any parasites, bedbugs are very unpretentious to habitat conditions. All they need is the availability of food and a more or less tolerable temperature regime for life.

The only food for bed bugs is human blood, and only in the absence of it is the blood of small domestic animals: birds and rodents. And the temperature ideal for life and rapid reproduction of bedbugs coincides with a comfortable temperature for a person, this is 25-30 ° C. That is why you should look for where the bugs live, in the same place where their main victim feels best - a sleeping person ...


Bed bug habitats

You can guess where bed bugs live from their name alone: ​​most often they settle in the bed. The spaces under the mattresses of the beds, the gaps in the sofas, especially those that have a complex shape, the old holey pillows, various beds with a lot of holes and gaps in the frames are ideal places for these parasites to settle. Here they are literally within easy reach of the main source of food, and here they feel the most secure.

It is interesting

Like most secretive insects, bedbugs have an instinct to hide in places where they can touch two surfaces at the same time, belly and back. This gives them a sense of complete security. In nature, they find such places under stones and snags, in a person’s apartment - behind baseboards, in the crevices of upholstered furniture and between books. Thanks to a very flat body, the bug can crawl into a gap that may seem completely inaccessible to anyone.

In addition, optimal and stable temperature conditions are usually maintained in the bedrooms. Although bedbugs can normally exist in the temperature range from +15°C to +40°C, sudden temperature changes create a feeling of stress for them.

In cozy bedrooms, and especially under mattresses, the space is poorly ventilated, thanks to which a constant temperature is maintained. Therefore, there bugs live in comfort.

Nest of bed bugs in an old mattress

However, beds and sofas are not the only places where bed bugs willingly spend their days, molt and breed. If they settle in an apartment, they should also be looked for:

  • behind skirting boards and curved corners of linoleum
  • under parquet
  • Behind cabinets and other close-fitting furniture
  • under carpets
  • in clothes in closets
  • honey books on the shelves
  • behind the pictures
  • in nightstands and chests of drawers
  • in various household appliances (in it, bedbugs are attracted by elevated temperatures near coolers and compressors)
  • bed bugs live even in sockets
  • under window sills, especially near radiators
  • under upholstery.

Separately, it should be said about wardrobes. Before processing an apartment, many people think about whether bedbugs live in clothes and whether it is worth processing it.

And further: The Get Express tool really killed all the bugs quickly - after 42 minutes only corpses were lying around

We can definitely say that it is necessary to process clothes: bugs hanging on trempels are rarely chosen, but sometimes individual individuals and mobile larvae can live here. If at least a few insects are left alive after processing, after a certain period the number of bedbugs in the apartment will be restored.

But to the question of whether bedbugs live in pillows, one can definitely say that they do not. They are too large to penetrate the fabric to the down itself. But under the pillowcase, parasites may well live.

It is precisely because of this “universality” of bedbugs that getting rid of an apartment from them requires a total processing of all surfaces and a maximum of things.

But regardless of what exactly the bugs live in, the image and terms of their life are always approximately the same.


How long do bedbugs live?

The average life span of a bed bug is 10-12 months. Bedbugs that live in cold rooms at an average lower temperature live a little longer - up to 14-15 months. For those that inhabit rooms with an average temperature of about 30 ° C, the life span is reduced to 8-10 months. But the development of their eggs and larvae, as well as the overall rate of oviposition, increases.

Bed bug egg laying

It is interesting

An increase in life expectancy with a general decrease in air temperature in habitats is characteristic of all animals, including humans. Bedbugs in natural populations sometimes live up to one and a half years. But at the same time, they all turn out to be smaller than their heat-loving counterparts.

Of the entire period of life, about a month or two leaves the bug at the larval stage, during which it cannot reproduce. The rest of the time, the males work as active inseminators, and the females as non-stop conveyors for the production of eggs.

Speaking about how long bed bugs live, one cannot fail to mention their ability to survive periods with unfavorable living conditions ...


How the bug survives starvation: a little about hibernation

Bed bugs are typical parasites. Like all parasites, they are perfectly adapted to survive hungry periods. For example, when the owners of the apartment leave for a few weeks or put the furniture on the street.

And further: We caught bedbugs and tested the effect of GEKTOR powder on them - a pretty killer thing turned out to be ...

Bed bugs can live for a long time without food.

Without food, the bugs fall into a state that vaguely resembles suspended animation. Most of the processes in their body slow down, and they are able to survive almost a year of hunger strike. Their chances of survival are especially increased if such a hunger strike is accompanied by a decrease in air temperature.

On a note

In a similar state, reminiscent of stupor, bed bugs fall when the temperature drops. Therefore, taking out an infected sofa or mattress to frost at minus 5 - minus 10 ° C is not terrible for bedbugs - they will stiffen for a while, and then thaw again and attack food with increased appetite. Only a temperature of minus 22 ° C or below will kill them.

This duration of admissible hunger strikes coincides with the life span of other species of bedbugs without food. For example, water bugs and water strider bugs go into hibernation during the winter season and normally starve for 5-6 months.

Given such abilities of bedbugs, one should not have the hope that during a two-week vacation and the absence of people in the apartment, the bedbugs will leave it in search of food. Most likely, insects will not even notice such a temporary abstinence.

On a note

The bed bug feeds every 5-10 days. And a week-long hunger strike for him proceeds without problems at all.

And, finally, it is worth saying how many bugs live after processing the premises with special means.

If the treatment is done as carefully as possible with water-based aerosols such as Hangman, Klopomor or Tetrix, the bugs live after it for no more than two to three hours. When ingested by insects, these drugs lead to the death of parasites in just a few minutes. The life of bedbugs in an apartment after pest control is determined only by the period until the agent gets on the insect.

In total, the moral of the whole fable for those who are looking for a way to quickly and easily destroy bed bugs in an apartment: a vacation for two weeks and taking the sofa out to a weak night frost will not give an effect in the fight against bed bugs. And they should be destroyed by powerful and really effective means.


Useful video: where do bed bugs come from in the apartment


An apartment heavily infested with bedbugs. You can clearly see where the parasites are hiding


Last update: 2022-05-08

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Find out where and how bed bugs live" 148 comments
  1. Olga

    Today I sent my husband to work and my daughter to the garden, started to make the bed and just lost the power of speech ... Lying to myself a drunk bug. I'm in panic. I began to slowly stir up the sofa and there are these parasites. I am terrified! Can they appear in other rooms as well?

    • ALEXEI

      Of course, you will bring them yourself with things and linen.

    • Victoria

      Hi all. We rent a room and saw that we had bed bugs in our clothes. My husband and I began to buy funds for destruction, but it did not help. And I'm in position, at 8 months. I don’t even know what to do, my husband works and comes home late!

      • Natalia

        Solfisan try, odorless and very effective, sold in veterinary pharmacies, inexpensive.

        • Olga

          And how to use it?

    • Karina

      I don't go for these parasites.

      • Catherine

        Me too... My legs are all bitten, I can't wear shorts, I walk like an idiot, at +30 in my pants...

    • Anonymous

      Yes, they can, if they are not destroyed in time.

    • Kirill

      Yes they can. If you process the room, they will crawl into another.

      • Anonymous

        But no, if the apartment is one-room!

  2. Sergey

    I only had them in the room where I live and sleep, they were not in the kitchen. And by the way, after treatment, even flies did not fly into my apartment for two months. Everything that crawls and flies is dead.

    • Anonymous

      What kind of means, can you say?

    • Anonymous

      And what is the remedy?

    • Tanya

      Tell me, please, how did you get rid of bed bugs?

      • Alexander

        The current folk remedy is camphor oil and turpentine ointment ... Remember, they are very afraid of smells! Together we stir and smear the sofa (the legs are a must, because they won’t be able to climb on it), and we process the cuckoo room. Good luck.

    • Anonymous

      Please, tell me how you got rid of it. We need it urgently, there are small children in the apartment. I do not know what to do. All bitten.

      • Misha

        Have you solved the problem?

    • Anonymous

      What was processed?

  3. Sergei

    Got it! I've tried so many things and it's all to no avail!

    • Michael

      I got rid of it by buying 2 cylinders of dichlorvos: I carefully sprinkled it, opened the windows and went out into the street. disappeared after processing.

  4. Alyona

    Today I found some strange insect in the closet in shorts ... It does not look like bedbugs in the photo! I crushed him, there was no blood, there was nothing ... He has small wings and he is black! Tell me who it could be?!

    • ALEKSandr

      If it has wings and has EIGHT legs (bugs have SIX), then it may be a tick. Also a nasty creature. And touring, that is, accidentally flown in or brought on clothes. This one does not breed outside the forest, but it must be killed!

    • Mika

      This is a kozheed, most likely - they love clothes and carpets.

  5. Nastya

    How many things I have not tried, all to no avail, they are all exactly there.

  6. Victoria

    I found someone very similar to me in baby clothes yesterday, I was able to photograph him before killing him, but the quality is not very good. But still, at first I thought we brought a tick from the street, but after reading and looking closely, I determined that it was a bug. And one more thing: the neighbors from above have been poisoning bedbugs since the fall, could they run to us from them?

  7. Lana

    My sister had insects on the couch that looked exactly like bed bugs. But they don't bite at all and don't smell when crushed. Only the filling of the sofa turns into dust. Question: can bed bugs mutate and feed on foam rubber instead of blood? And can they not smell at all?

  8. Maksim

    I know how many years the bugs live, which they drink blood: 2 years and 1 month. I lived with bedbugs for 2 years and one month - and they dried up.

    • Love

      I wonder what you have instead of blood, that the bugs have dried up, feeding on you? )

    • Anonymous


  9. Olga

    Hello. If you invite specialists for processing, how do the products affect bedbug eggs? In theory, they are resistant to everything, and after a while they will hatch safely.

    • Love

      Poison usually does not affect eggs. The dressing must be repeated after 2 days, when the larvae hatch.

  10. ale

    I suffer with them for about a year, poisoned by various means and it is useless. It's just awful. The dream was broken. Now I'm trying traps from bedbugs on glue.

  11. Olga O.

    Tell me, what is the best way to poison bedbugs. I filled it with dichlorvos. There are three bottles per room, and I realized that for bedbugs this is an air freshener. So what to do! Wait to be devoured or sif. which one we will pick up because of them. Can they carry diseases?

  12. Anonymous

    Try karbofos.

  13. Marina

    Can bed bugs live in the mattress itself? The handling was professional.

  14. Orsk

    As I understand it, active hostilities are needed for two weeks, to pickle everything that is possible, to wash everything that is, to freeze furniture for -25 for a couple of days. And it's better to throw it away altogether, buy a new one and put it in traps.

    • Regina

      And we just brought the bedbugs home with a new sofa. We lived with them for six months, fought in different ways. Dichlorvos, freezing in winter, washing-boiling, nothing helped. Today there were paramedics. The whole apartment was processed, but after 4 hours (everything was tightly closed) 6 pieces were caught again. They said that within 3-5 days they will still be there, then they will disappear. Let's see…

      • ale

        Well, are they gone?

        • Anonymous

          Judging by the lack of response, the bugs won. And people disappeared

  15. Well

    Good afternoon. We also have these parasites in our apartment! What I just didn’t poison: both petty Mashenka, and the vaunted Get, and the Executioner, and the Raptor. All to no avail. A friend gave advice on how to get rid of this infection. For the past 3 months we have been sleeping peacefully and the bugs do not bother us anymore. What we did: we bought smoke bombs from bedbugs. Based on 1 piece per 14 square meters. meters.We put 5 pieces in our apartment. Checkers were not placed in the kitchen and toilet with a bath. We closed all windows and doors so that there was no draft and did everything according to the instructions. They did it in the morning before leaving for work, at 8.00. At 17.15 I came home from work, there was almost no smell in the apartment. The next day, at the sanitary and epidemiological station, we bought des. Extermin-F solution. This is a professional bed bug remedy. A day after the treatment with smoke bombs, we all processed the misinformation. means (where bugs usually live). We have been sleeping peacefully for 3 months now. There are no bedbugs!

    • Anonymous

      Where can I buy these vaunted checkers, otherwise I want to burn the apartment already ...

      • Anonymous

        They say you can also use the Raptor fumigator. Same action too. Plugged in for 3 hours.

    • Ruslan

      Where to buy checkers, otherwise you want to burn the apartment, all to no avail.

      • Denis

        I had a similar desire when I found out about these parasites in my apartment!

    • Victoria

      Can you please tell me where to buy smoke bombs?

      • Anonymous

        In the same place where tanks, machine guns, grenade launchers and military uniforms for "polite people" are sold. In any military store.

    • Anonymous

      Where can you buy them?

  16. Nastya

    What kind of smoke bombs and where to buy them?

  17. Lena

    Where to buy such vaunted checkers?

  18. Anna

    I poisoned with dichlorvos on my bed, they crawled onto the children's sofa. If you poison with dichlorvos everywhere, will they die?

    • Anonymous

      If you poison with dichlorvos everywhere, everyone will die. And not only bedbugs.

  19. Alyona

    Where can you still buy these checkers from bedbugs? I don’t have many of them and they only eat me, every week I find 1-2 and destroy them, fill them with dichlorvos - and until the next change of linen. Could they wind up in an old duvet? Or did we really move into rented housing with these bastards?

  20. Alyona

    Well, help me ... Yesterday I processed everything, and in the morning I found 2 in sweat again. Horse and change, where can I find these checkers?

  21. Michael

    I am over fifty years old. As a child, I remember, we also had bedbugs. In those years (sixties and seventies), almost everyone had them. It is very difficult to fight them, but then the mother got a new remedy somewhere - karbofos. They processed all possible habitats for them. And since then I have never seen them again! I still remember how effective it was. True, it smells specific and unpleasant. I also remember that, it seems, it was necessary to dilute with water (I don’t know in what proportion), or maybe they smeared all the cracks with a concentrate. However, the effect was unequivocal. KARBOFOS will help you. True, many years have passed - maybe the bugs have adapted to it))

    • USSR

      Yes, there was a time! Here are those, here are the Soviet bugs - these were the real bugs. Our. Native. Not the same as now, a trifle. Such a country was requested ...

  22. Max

    Today I spent the night with a friend, the bugs bit me. A friend lives there - not a single bite.

    • Anonymous

      Are you sure about your friend? He is resourceful with you - he dumped everything on bedbugs.

  23. Victor

    Professionals processed 3 times with an interval of 2-3 months. I changed the furniture, and again the bugs returned, they even run around in the book ... Super says that I do not clean the room ...

  24. Elena

    Hello. Please tell us, we got bedbugs, they treated us for 4 days in a row: with karbofos, and dichlorvos, and kerosene, but still no, no, yes, one appears. How long should they disappear after processing? )) Thanks.

    • May

      And they generally climb to us from the street through the window. What to do, how to poison?

  25. Vika

    If you got rid of large bugs, then a completely hot iron will help to get rid of the larvae on the linen. 100%, I checked it myself.

  26. Nastya

    100% effect is given by aviation liquid from bedbugs. Once and forever.

    • Andrew

      Set her on fire?

    • Anonymous

      Hello, where can I buy it?

  27. Olesya

    God ... I already have no strength to live with these parasites ((

    • BUGS

      We think the same about you, Olesya. But what to do - we endure.

  28. Valery

    And I pour boiling water over them, catch them with needles so as not to stain the walls and burn them on fire. Where to buy karbofos? Bed bugs are said to adapt to chemistry. Yes, and for some reason the funds for this infection are expensive, what kind of business is this?

  29. Alya

    Horror, for the first time in 30 years of her life she herself encountered them! They treated it with a ram, and they began to climb the wall. Tell me, the ram can help?

    • Anonymous

      My friends used a ram. Did not help. Only the apartment was torn to pieces.

  30. Fainna

    I called the orderlies, there was no sense ... I poisoned everyone in a row, also no. Winter is expected ahead, I will leave the house for a week and leave the windows open. They say that they freeze from this and die. I don’t know what to do anymore, I have a small child at home. They don't bite us, only my husband.

    • Anonymous

      They love positive blood type...

    • Anonymous

      If the orderlies are called again for the husband, the problem will be solved.

  31. Andrew

    I think that a steam generator will be a good treatment tool. Treat everything properly with steam at 120 ° C, under high pressure, including hidden cavities.

  32. Raisa

    Why are bedbugs found in cities, but not in villages?

    • bedbugs

      Only people survive life in the countryside. We are not.

  33. Anastasia

    In my room, I did not see any bedbugs or any other insects.But when I go to bed, someone runs over me. There are no bites on the body. Guys, tell me what is it?

    • Stas

      You need to smoke less rubbish))

    • bedbugs

      Yes, we are, we are.

    • Alexander

      Maybe it's lice.

  34. Daria

    We don't know what to do either! My child was bitten very badly. We used the Raptor. We decided to make repairs. Horror. At least go.

  35. Kralya

    Try Fufanon, sold in the departments with seeds, fertilizers, it costs 25-30 rubles. Now a new type of this poison has come out, it almost does not smell. It is necessary to process not only the bed, but also everything that is nearby, preferably the entire room. If possible, leave the room for a long time with the windows closed, then thoroughly wash and ventilate everything. The advantage of this poison is that when they hit the eggs, they die, it is difficult to achieve such a result with ordinary dichlorvos.

    • Oksana

      The bedbugs were brought from friends. For a long time they were not noticed until they began to walk on the walls during the day. Poisoned with this remedy, spent the night with their parents. In the morning I washed everything with bleach and soda. Thank God they got rid of it.

  36. Hope

    In July, they were poisoned by an executioner. Looks like they haven't seen him for half a year. And today I found it alive, but without blood. It's unbearable! What now, endlessly poison and poison?!

  37. Eldar

    We poisoned bedbugs 2 months ago. They seem to have disappeared, but yesterday they were found again. We live in a rented apartment, we want to move. Tell me, can they be in things and how best to protect yourself from them so that they don’t move with us?

    • Anonymous

      Give them your realtor to eat, and while they eat him, quickly move out.

  38. Love

    It is good to poison bedbugs with kerosene, spray furniture in cracks and joints, baseboards, behind paintings, in general, where they can live.

  39. Akma

    We want to move to a new apartment, now we have been living with bedbugs for 4 months. I'm afraid to poison - my son is allergic. We leave all the furniture, the only thing is we take things. I'm afraid they can move to a new apartment with things ((Nightmare. What to do so that they do not move with us to a new apartment Tell me, good people?

  40. Maksim

    Yes! This is trouble instead of cockroaches. The bugs also came. This is from visitors and from unironed children's things that my wife has lying around everywhere.

    • Anonymous

      Maxim, things are lying around with you, not with your wife. Help your wife!

  41. Olga

    We have been fighting these creatures for 4 months already ((The first time we processed the whole apartment and the sofa. After some time I saw them again. I didn’t sleep for several nights. this means, they bring poison into the nest and everyone dies there. Nothing like that! Even in the super flooded places of the sofa, after a while, these creatures live perfectly. There are no forces anymore. We came up with the idea to take the sofa to the garage, buy a bed with a minimum number of comfortable places for "Clusters of parasites. They are not afraid of anything. It's great to kill them on the ferry. You can see how they curl up. But it's also not possible to climb into all the cracks, so the effect is temporary. I wish all of us strength and patience, and most importantly - victory over the bloodsuckers!"

    • Anonymous

      “buy a bed with a minimum of comfortable places for the accumulation of parasites ...” What an interesting name for a double bed)

  42. Ira

    Do bedbugs live in technology? The mother-in-law gives the washer and microwave, but she has bed bugs in her apartment. Is it possible to transfer bedbugs to yourself with this technique?

    • Anonymous


    • Anonymous

      Yes! Cheaper to buy new. How do you visit her?

      • Anonymous

        Cheaper to change mother-in-law.

  43. Julia

    From old someone else's furniture that stood on the street in the country, if cockroaches and bedbugs ran out, and they lived there, can they crawl into the house?

    • Anonymous

      Yes, they can return to the house, moreover, there have been cases when bedbugs brought a sofa exposed to frost back into the apartment.

  44. 3ami

    We moved to a rented apartment, bedbugs run across from a neighbor. Poisoned with dichlorvos. Seems to be quiet for a couple of days. Is it possible to poison this dichlorvos again? Or is it money down the drain?

    • Anonymous

      If there is silence in a neighboring apartment for a couple of days, then the drug worked. The neighbor is no more.

  45. Katia

    They rented an apartment, and there were bed bugs. Before removing it, I checked it, there was nothing. Got bitten the first night. How to move out, what can be done with things? We also have a newborn.

    • Anonymous

      Throw away without regret.

  46. Incognita

    This is how you read all the comments and think: is there any point in fighting them, you just want to give up. They appeared about a month ago, but I realized that these were bedbugs only a few days ago. I thought that some kind of allergy had gone, I even turned to a dermatologist, everyone said that it was an allergy.
    The only plus is that it’s only in one room, I’m very afraid that it won’t go further around the apartment, and I don’t even know how to process it all correctly. I bought three bottles of dichlorvos yesterday, I started from the sofa. Realizing after a while that they begin to multiply along the walls and ceiling, she also processed the baseboards and partially the floor, processed, just in case, the door jamb. Now I gradually take out all the things and underwear and immediately start the machine, I try to 90 °.

    After processing the room, I closed the window and left it like that for the night. This morning was more fun, I vacuumed the sofa, the walls where I saw them, partly the floor.After she shook out the bag, she immediately filled it with boiling water.

    Today I again processed the room in the same way, now I'm waiting for tomorrow to come to repeat everything. To be honest, I don’t know if it will work or not, because I’m still in some kind of horror from all this ...

  47. Ludmila

    Six months ago I found bedbugs in my bed, before that I thought that I had an allergy, I even went to a dermatologist. They called a disinfection specialist twice, gave a lot of money, no result. We moved to another apartment, bought new furniture and ... again, the bugs, apparently, were transported with things. We decided to poison ourselves. I bought a Lambda Zone, sprayed the sofa, I’m waiting for the result ... If it doesn’t help, then I don’t know what to do, but I don’t want to live with them either ((

    • Anonymous

      They (bugs) are also from you, most likely, not happy. One worry from you - either you move, or you change the furniture.

  48. Lena

    It's all useless. We've been poisoning them for about 2 years now. Called services for poisoning bedbugs. They seem to disappear and then reappear. This must be poisoned with a boner. Our neighbors have them, but they won't admit it. We are trying to negotiate with them in order to poison everyone together, but they say we don’t have it and we don’t need it. And I know what they have, they have all the walls stained with these bugs. I don’t know what to do, it remains only to burn the apartment. Where to buy smoke bombs and what are they called?

    • Anonymous

      Lena, well, why these "half-measures" - smoke bombs, it's better to demolish the whole block.

  49. Vadim

    There is no way to get rid of bedbugs, just burn your clothes and go to the North Pole. This is a business of people who sell funds from them, they are specially thrown into multi-storey buildings))

    • Anonymous

      “Specially in high-rise buildings they throw them” - this is paranoia! But how insulting it can be - some businessmen throw up, and then people buy funds from completely different people)

  50. Catherine

    We also had bedbugs, they called the service twice, there was no sense - they puffed there, they puffed here, a scam for money. I did a general cleaning at home, threw the bag out of the vacuum cleaner, because they were comfortable there. I ironed all the clothes with an iron with steam at a high temperature, put them in sealed bags, packed them, bought a protective disposable suit, a respirator, gloves, packed everything. I spread the "karbofos" according to the instructions and sprinkled everything that was possible, every crack. And all this cost me 1500 rubles. They left the house for the whole day, left all the windows open to ventilate. There was a stench, of course, but it was better that way than with bedbugs. Two weeks later, the procedure was repeated (necessarily during the period of maturation of the larvae). Now it's like a bad dream.

  51. Oleg

    I understand it's an epidemic! The Age of Bedbugs has begun! We also stained them with everything we could. They called specialists 3 times, gave from 3 to 12 thousand. The effect has not been achieved. There are no words and patience too. Already at least arrange a fire on purpose. These creatures have adapted to everything.

  52. Mitya

    Services were called 3 times, the effect is temporary, there are only fewer of them. Irons, steam, wormwood, dichlorvos, reyd - does not help yet. We smear Get with chalk, we want to stick double-sided tape around the perimeter of the sofa. This is real HELL, I didn’t think that this is how they affect the psyche and the atmosphere in the family. No wonder they say that the most effective war is biological.

  53. Svetlana

    I also have bed bugs, started two weeks ago. The first week they could not understand who was biting until they saw the bug.I immediately bought the Executioner, processed all the furniture, windows, doors, jambs, baseboards, batteries. In general, the whole apartment, she almost poisoned herself. She closed the apartment for 8 hours, then ventilated and washed everything. And the next day I caught a bug again - now I don’t believe these drugs. I don’t know if it will help or not, but I poured boiling water over everything, and washed things at 90 degrees. Tell me, who tried the treatment with boiling water - I wonder if it helps or not?

    • Elena

      A year ago, I found itchy spots on my body, the dermatologist claimed that these were flea bites. There are two cats at home - clean, without parasites. After a couple of days, blood spots remained on the white sheet ... Scribe, 100% bedbugs in the sofa. Sheathing is multi-layered, a lot of grooves and folds. She dragged the sofa to the middle of the room, took it apart as far as possible, tore off the back paneling and threw it away. I started the steam generator and slowly, millimeter by millimeter, steamed the entire sofa, at the same time went through all the baseboards and cork trim of cabinets and walls. I left it for a day, the next day I repeated everything - at home it was, like in a Turkish steam room, hot and damp - but I have been living quietly for a year now, and the sofa did not have to be changed))

  54. Catherine

    Bed bugs were brought from the city to the village with a sofa. Now I have not lived in the house for two years, and there is no heating. Can they freeze out for such a long time?

    • Anonymous

      Yes, you are a real flayer, there is nowhere to put a sample. So mock the animals! It’s okay not to heat the house yet, but transporting bedbugs to the village is real sadism.

  55. Victoria

    We fought with them for 4 months, changed 2 beds, made repairs, but everything was useless. Dichlorvos, Executioner, specialists - zero sense. But then the husband poisoned himself, with karbofos, for a year now, peace and quiet from these parasites.After the poison of day 4-7 they will appear, it will seem that there are even more of them, but they are crazy from the poison. A week later they repeated and, finally, the bugs disappeared.

  56. Siegfried

    I already want to die from these bedbugs, nothing takes them. Only SES, and preferably two treatments.

  57. Waist

    I woke up with an itch on my left foot, lifted the blanket - and was stunned by what I saw. 3 pieces are already trying to crawl away. But I killed them! Then I bought the "Bedbug" and sprinkled everything, down to the clothes. It is not harmful to people, you do not need to leave the apartment. And for a month there is not a single parasite!

  58. Marina

    Just not SES. They have no shame, no conscience. Made hot and cold fog. Didn't help at all. Warranty waited for a repeat of 3 weeks! Again fog, premium drugs. Nothing. Then the warranty was over ((Now they dismantled two sofas themselves, tore them all off. No one and no traces. They treated Get with the Get tool twice, liquid and solid. All the plinths were torn off. said friends in misfortune - the main thing is to find a nest. We searched everything, we can’t find it. Is it so important to find a nest? After reading everything here, I’ll try, perhaps with a steam generator. Just in despair. My daughter has a terrible allergy to their bites.

  59. Anna

    That's for sure, it looks like the era of bedbugs has begun, as someone wrote above. Four years ago we moved into a new apartment, however, in an old house, still built by Stalin. Everything was fine, no bugs, spiders, bedbugs, cockroaches. And a week ago I had terrible red spots on my face and blood on my pillow.The dermatologist didn’t say anything intelligible, I thought it was an allergy to something, but when another spot appeared a couple of days later, and two more days later, then I remembered the blood spots, and everything became clear. Today they opened the whole sofa, looked all around, found nothing and no one. And most importantly, they only eat me. The bites have been itching for a week now, red and swollen, no ointments and pills help ((How to deal with this garbage? It’s somehow ridiculous to call a brigade because of one unidentified bug, steam if you just try to treat it ... At least run out of the house.

  60. Vitya

    Yes, put all the furniture in the cold, clean the house with a solution of perhydrol, but be careful, you can burn the house, and wear a mask before use, mix with water. It is cheap, and if acquaintances work in the hospital, you can just ask. With dichlorvos, clean all the corners and crevices of the baseboards, closing the house tightly. Machine wash all items at 90 degrees. If summer, live in sunny places, then put all mattresses and sofas in the sun for a week: +35 - and they will die or run away to a dark cold place. One or two more cleanings of the house with perhydrol, then bleach, dichlorvos - and repeat all this daily for a week, closing all windows and doors. If the child is at home, then take him somewhere to relatives for a week ...

  61. Natalia

    Tonight I woke up from the fact that I crushed a bug in a dream with my finger on my hand (not at all knowing that I had bugs). If it was summer, I would have thought it was a mosquito. I jumped up from the couch and started checking the bed. And, OH HORROR, I found there about 10 greasy bugs! Got everyone in a bag. As I write, my hair stands on end. Due to the fact that it is night, of course, I will not look at things or furniture - I will put everything aside until morning.The dream disappeared completely, I sat down on the Internet to look for information.

    It seems to me that they came to me from an online store. I ordered gel polishes and a lamp for gel polishes. They write here that they can also live in technology - maybe they came to me with a lamp.

    People, check all goods from online stores! I only have it from there, nowhere else. I never had them. In early childhood (and I am now 50 years old), when we got an apartment, we got bedbugs from the old tenants. Mom then took out some smelly dark brown liquid from the sanitary and epidemiological station, diluted it with water and poisoned it. And blew everyone away. And before that, they struggled with them for a long time - nothing helped. But it was not in Moscow and a very long time ago.

    In the next comment I will write how I fought them and what came of it. And I plan to fight hard. I will not call any services. I have read so much now from the people and no one said that these services helped, they only ripped off the money.

    • Anonymous

      “It seems to me that they came to me from an online store.” Exactly. From the online store "World of Bedbugs".

  62. Irina

    I treated the sofa with acetic acid (70%) from a spray bottle, and for a week now it has not been visible, I check every day.

  63. Igor

    We brought bedbugs from the hotel in suitcases. They crawled into the sofa. We bought a steam generator and the sofa was treated with hot steam. Then repeated a week later. The bugs are dead! Natural remedy for bed bugs!

    A year later, he went on a business trip again - his wrists, stomach, legs were bitten. Came home and brought these parasites. They bite! But not bedbugs. I can't figure out who. The bed is clean, no one is in the corners. Who could it be???

    • Nina

      This is scabies.

    • Dmitry

      One hundred pounds of scabies

  64. Rina

    Can feather pillows have bed bugs? I borrowed old feather pillows from my grandma's shed and turned them in for restoration! They were properly cleaned and changed into a new pillowcase, and after these new pillows, I began to notice one bedbug every two months (I searched everything: the mattress, bed linen - you can’t see them anywhere).

    Our apartment is being renovated, there is no furniture, we sleep on foam mattresses! I'm confused, where are they from? So I'm thinking about restored pillows ...

    • Alexander

      No, it's not about the pillows. They can be in household appliances. I also find one at a time, but I can’t understand where they are hiding, I searched everything.

  65. Catherine

    Well, they got to our apartment. Just from where, I do not understand. Furniture was not bought in the near future. Maybe crawled from the neighbors. They only bite me. I looked for a mattress but couldn't find it. The husband in the afternoon, like, noticed one. Here I sit and think what to do. The children have not yet been reached, but this must be prevented.

    • Anna

      We have been suffering for 2 years now. Everyone has tried...

  66. Evgenia

    My husband and I rented a room in a three-room apartment as needed (by the day). Not to say that fashionable, but decent in appearance. The sofa was checked, no one was found. At 3 o’clock at night, we woke up from the fact that we were itching for a couple, on me like mosquito bites, on him there were swollen blisters. Swollen arms, legs, back. As a result, it all came down to him with bruises. It turned out that he had previously encountered bedbugs and he had such a reaction only to them. Allergic reaction. They began to crawl with a flashlight under the bed, over the bed, to climb into all the cracks in the bed - they found two pieces. We immediately got up and went to sleep in the car. They made their bedding, put it in a bag, and in the morning they took it to the laundry to be boiled, ironed and steamed.Now we are renting a room in a new building, all the furniture is new. It seemed that everything was fine, then someone started to bite. Crawled, searched - there is no one. We live for a month. Yesterday, a fat bug appeared on the table, and the corpse of another was found in the sofa. I don’t know how to sleep, constant paranoia that someone is crawling on me. They put the sofa in the middle of the room - it seems that the night passed quietly. But all the same, at night with a flashlight, I get on the bed, looking for them. How to deal with them? After all, we have neighbors, they will crawl to them ...

    • Anonymous

      “They found the corpse of another one in the sofa.” I wonder why he died...

  67. Carey

    They've been poisoned 3 times already - they called in specialists, the last time from the SES. Anyway, in a week or two again here-like here! We have been fighting them for 4 months. I'm desperate, nothing takes them. They threw away almost all the pillows and blankets, the bed and sofas with armchairs. We are not buying new. It seems that they were not visually identified anywhere, but there are bites. Today I found one small living thing in the book. Already got there! The husband offers to raise the floors and make repairs. I'm already ready to move, I'm afraid that they will come again from the neighbors. How did you get rid of it, I beg you, tell me!

  68. passerby

    They were started three times with an interval of several years - all three times they were withdrawn without problems. Everything that is washed - in the machine at 70 degrees, that is not afraid of temperature - is ironed. Targets in open places are sprayed with dichlorvos, in closed places they are smeared with insect glue. Bed legs too. Processing is carried out 5 times with an interval of 2 weeks, regardless of the presence of insects.

    A steam generator is probably even better for cracks. But in my time, they were not 😉

  69. Anonymous

    Hello, our neighbors have bed bugs, they are going to poison. And a neighbor brought me her indoor flowers.Can they be there and come to us in this way? Very worried.

    • Anonymous

      They can. And in flowers, and in the neighbor itself they can live. Do not let your neighbor into your apartment anymore.

  70. Alina

    We have also been fighting for a long time. Called all sorts of services, but to no avail. Already poisoned themselves many times. The sofa has been thrown out. And they started crawling again. The kid's room is horrendous. The mother-in-law processed cucaraches in her apartment. It seems that no one has bitten for 2 weeks. We also processed yesterday. I don't know what
    wait. Today I saw one half dead. How long can they live after treatment, does anyone know? I really hope it helps. And then my children wake up screaming at night.

  71. Anya

    There is no life! We have already found out for a couple of weeks, I don’t sleep at night, I catch, I kill them. As they found out, the mattress was thrown out immediately. I don't know how to be. I have a small child, sleeps badly at night, wakes up crying! Has anyone tried the repeller?

    • Anonymous

      A repeller is not recommended in your case, as children get scared before bedbugs.

  72. Anonymous

    If you find bedbugs at night, be sure that you already have hundreds of them. And if you saw at least one during the day, then you already have thousands of them. These creatures are masters of hiding. This is hell... We live in the age of high technology, but there is no remedy for this muck!

  73. Maksim

    Hello. Everything is useless, no disinfection will help. I did everything, the last time I ordered for 9000, but there were even more bedbugs. Right now we are doing some cosmetic work.

    • Anonymous

      So out of your 9000 bedbugs there is a rollback of 50%. Here are more of them.

  74. Inna

    A month ago, I discovered bites on the body. As many thought it was an allergy, I took pills. The bites appeared again and again, in a new place on the body.Until one night I saw a fat bug - I killed it. I processed everything with the Raptor, they did not bite for a couple of days. After that, I ordered a treatment, cold, odorless steam for 3,000 rubles. After processing, I found small dead bugs. Experts did not find the source and their habitat, now they say that I need to do another treatment, again for 3000. But the bugs still bite me, that is, the effect of the first treatment is zero. At night I wake up, looking for them with a flashlight, but I don’t see them. Tell me, is there any point in re-processing? Is there a tool that I can use to process the apartment myself?

    • Anonymous

      Processing the apartment will not help. But there are people whom the bugs do not bite, because the bugs do not like their blood. Try two or three blood transfusions.

  75. Fedya

    We need an old Soviet dichlorvos. All modern means, including modern dichlorvos, are useless. Modern means cause only friendly laughter from bedbugs.

  76. Victor

    Found a bed bug in my bed. The name is Yulia. He will drink blood from me in the evening and then sleep peacefully. I don’t know how to withdraw ... Tell me!

    • Anonymous

      There will definitely be some bug Vasya for your Yulia.


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