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Chalk Masha from bedbugs

Last update: 2022-05-29
≡ Article 44 comments
  • Nastya: Tomorrow I'll go buy Masha. Hope that helps....
  • Sveta: We also fight with strong chemicals. Living creatures, hands on...
  • Beka: I smeared everything around the perimeter with Mashenka, I'm waiting for the result. Very on...
See bottom of page for details

Chalk Mashenka

Bedbugs are the scourge of many modern houses and apartments. These parasites have extremely high adaptive abilities, so various means are used in the fight against them: home-made poison, liquid solutions, traps. And also Masha's crayon, which has proven itself in the fight against cockroaches, also finds its application in the destruction of bedbugs.

Insect crayons gained great popularity back in Soviet times. With their help, residents of apartment buildings removed cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, moths and other unwanted animals from the premises. The chalk was easy to use, just like ordinary school chalk, and unlike most other household insecticides, it did not have a specific smell.

In addition, the chalk itself was perceived somehow positively and with a small amount of humor.

Maybe it was the quality of the composition or the convenient form of the remedy, but Masha's chalk from bedbugs turned out to be no less effective than from cockroaches, and saved more than one family from these harmful and annoying insects. Now it can also be found on store shelves and market layouts next to other, more modern means.

I must say that the crayon Mashenka still enjoys stable popularity. This is not surprising, because it is very easy to use, non-toxic to humans and animals. You can use it not only to kill insects, but also to prevent their appearance: for example, if bedbugs have started up with neighbors and can get over from them.


The composition of the product

Chalk Mashenka consists of only four components, two of which are auxiliary (chalk and gypsum). The active ingredients of the remedy are:

  • Zeta-cypermethrin - 0.1%. It is an insecticide that is used to get rid of crop pests, as well as domestic pests. It acts on the nervous system of insects, blocking the transmission of impulses. As a result, when a substance enters the body of an insect, the work of all muscles stops, due to which the parasite dies. At the same time, the substance in small quantities is safe for humans and warm-blooded animals.
  • Deltamethrin - 0.05%. This is an insecticide that complements the action of the first and has a similar mechanism of work. It has a similar paralyzing effect on insects.


Of all the substances of the pyrethroid group, it is Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin that are the most effective blockers of nerve transmission in insects. It is thanks to them that Masha has such high efficiency.

Due to the consistency of the chalk, the applied substances are clearly fixed on the surface and are not erased from it. Upon contact of the bug with the treated surface, the poison enters its paws, and then through the proboscis into the digestive system. Already absorbed in the body into the blood, it begins to work.

Bed bug

If an infected bug touches another individual before it dies, it will also be poisoned. Thanks to this, Mashenka works according to the “viral” principle.

Feedback on the use of Masha's chalk:

When bedbugs were noticed at the dacha, they decided to act in the old fashioned way and smeared all the rooms with Masha's pencil a week before the vacation. The crayon helped again: for two weeks not a single bug has bitten us. Only mosquitoes tormented ...

Alexandra, Samara

The toxic substances of Masha's chalk have an active effect within 4-6 weeks after application.

On a note:

Unlike most other insecticides, Masha's components are quite resistant to weathering and moisture. Therefore, the chalk, being smeared on the surface, retains its activity for a long time. But these same properties require the protection of small children in the house.

The composition of Masha and the form of the drug determine the specifics of his work: the pencil does not act quickly and immediately, but prevents the movement of bedbugs in the apartment and destroys most of them within a few days. With a systematic fight against parasites, it will completely rid the apartment of them.

It is also useful to read: Reviews on the use of Foresight bedbugs

And further: Deadly methods of destruction of bedbugs that really work in practice


Rules for using the crayon Masha

It is imperative to store an unused or started product in a dark place, since its active substances tend to decompose when exposed to sunlight.

After opening the package, the crayon should be stored in a dark place.

Depending on the preferences and type of room, you can use one of three methods of treatment for bedbugs:

  • directly "drawing" with chalk;
  • dusting with crushed chalk (this method is the most toxic because of the risk of inhaling dust);
  • wet processing - lubrication of the room with chalk dissolved in water.

There are no fundamental differences in efficiency depending on the method of using the chalk. The easiest and fastest way, of course, is to treat the room with a stick of chalk. In the fight against bed bugs, one pencil is enough for a room of 30 square meters.

It is advisable to work with protective gloves, especially if you plan to use several crayons at a time. After finishing the treatment, hands and face must be washed with soap and water. If the dust from the product gets into the eyes, rinse them with plenty of running water.

When dealing with bed bugs, it is advisable to move the furniture away from the walls in advance, check the baseboards for cracks and detachments. This is where bed bugs can live. It is necessary to take pictures from the walls, as they will also be processed. If it is possible to disassemble the sofa or bed to the base (solid base), this should also be done.

Pictured is a bedbug nest at the base of the bed

Bed bug nest: enlarged photo

Another review:

“When we moved into a new apartment, we were horrified! Bed bugs were everywhere - both in the wallpaper and in the sofa. They bit us and a small child (3 years old). They thought to run away from there sooner, but the parents advised Masha's pencil from bedbugs. It is cheap and sold everywhere. The husband sent us to my mother, and he himself pushed all the furniture and missed it everywhere. Do not believe it, but after 2-3 days the whole misfortune ended. Although, just in case, I keep the crayon and periodically smear it for prevention.

Marina, Moscow

Before use, it is necessary to free the crayon from the packaging, leaving its lower part. It should be taken precisely for this half protected by polyethylene. Then the necessary surfaces are smeared with chalk. The strips are carried out boldly, they should be 2-4 cm wide. First of all, the following areas are processed from domestic bugs:

  • The whole room around the perimeter, the surface of the floor and baseboard, the lower part of the walls. If the skirting boards are damaged, then all cracks are processed additionally. By the way, it is for such hard-to-reach or narrow areas that you can use an aqueous solution of crayon, picking it up with a brush for drawing. Dissolve the crayon in a small amount of water to obtain a slurry, it should be sufficiently concentrated.
  • The back surface of carpets or carpeting.
  • The back surface of the furniture, special attention is paid to its lower part.
  • Bed frame, if possible the bottom of the mattress or cushions.
  • The back surface of the paintings.
  • If there are lagging old wallpapers on the walls, places where the walls are “exposed” where the wallpaper is lagging behind them (bugs and their larvae like to hide there).
It is also useful to read: Choosing the best bed bug remedy

The main part of the insects should disappear literally 2-3 days after treatment.Even if all individuals do not disappear immediately, this will happen within a week or two.


“When I lived in Khrushchev with my parents, everyone who was bitten woke up in the morning. Although the houses are clean, the neighbors are all normal. We guessed somehow to look under the mattress - it's terrible, everything is teeming with bedbugs. I sat down at the computer and read that they do not like the smell of wormwood. And the parents remembered that Masha's chalk helped from bedbugs. We bought this pencil, smeared it everywhere, hung wormwood just in case. I won’t say that right away, but after a couple of weeks the parasites disappeared. They found many dead and dying, then they disappeared too.”

Igor Alekseevich, Tver

An example of bed bugs in a mattress

After 4-6 weeks, traces of the drug on visible and large surfaces are washed off with a soap and soda solution.


Pencil Mashenka and protection of the apartment from the appearance of bedbugs

It is convenient to work with chalk and to prevent the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment.

Prevention is carried out in cases where bed bugs have already appeared in the room before, or if it became known that one of the neighbors has them. The bedbug remedy Masha is perfect for such cases, since it will be possible to use the room immediately after it has been processed.

The algorithm for preventive treatment is almost the same as for the destruction of insects. The only difference is that you do not need to coat the treated areas so thickly, a strip 1 cm wide is enough.

In order to prevent the penetration of bedbugs into the apartment from neighbors, it is necessary to process the areas under and around the windows, as well as the box and threshold of the front door. If there is a vestibule near the apartment, it is advisable to carry out preventive treatment there as well.

After the expiration of the insecticide (4-6 weeks), it will also need to be washed off with a soap and soda solution.

Chalk Mashenka allows you to fight bedbugs with small forces and without serious financial costs. The price of one pencil today is 6-10 rubles, and it will take about 3-4 pencils to process an apartment. Therefore, if it is very expensive to call a pest control team, but you need a really working method, you can use Masha's chalk.


An interesting video: an experiment on the effects of Hector powder on bedbugs


How can you destroy bedbugs yourself and what nuances should be taken into account


Last update: 2022-05-29

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Chalk Masha from bedbugs" 44 comments
  1. Bakhtiyar

    Anointed, the effect is zero.

    • I need to sleep )

      Once, about 15 years ago, Masha's chalk helped a lot. Already forgot what bedbugs are, and here you are. I anointed one, caught and planted with chalk, I'm waiting for the effect))

  2. Olga

    I caught a bug in a jar, cut off a small piece of Mashenka (chalk) - zero effect.

    • Paul

      Bought in Ashan. During the night the bug turned over, dies.

    • Anonymous

      We had to wait a day. And I, too, did the same experience - I died.The poison does not work immediately, as I understand it, and this is good, it has time to return to the nest, and there, according to the effect, everyone starts to become infected and die. Coated all the walls, floors, beds, cabinets. True, it became a little bad, I probably overdid it) Well, so far I haven’t seen a single one yet, I’ll wait at least 2 weeks, the eggs hatch.

  3. Peter

    Did not help.

  4. Bolat

    After being smeared with a pencil, everyone in the apartment became ill. Do not buy, dangerous to health.

  5. Anonymous

    Helps, how! A week ago, there was an invasion of bloodsuckers (apparently, the neighbors drove), I outlined several lines around the rookery with Masha and pretended to be asleep. An hour later, he turned on the light and observed the following picture: insects that went out to hunt at night, who stood in a stupor, instead of quickly making their feet, who, in a crazy death frenzy, barely crawled, bumping into each other. I caught some of the latter and put them on the table for further observation, but even there they did not show anything intelligible, gradually fading away, lay on their backs, one at a time and, pulling their paws more and more slowly, shamefully died, according to the arrangement. In the end, having lost any interest for me, they were sent to the ashtray. And those on which the Estonian skating rink rode did not stay in a stupor for a long time, but simply stupidly turned off, fell off and made a mass grave, first at the junction of the sidewall of the sofa and, in fact, the rookery, and, finally, at the last registry point - in the belly of the vacuum cleaner . It should be noted that this fight is not the first. Two years ago, these “guests” came to me, but then I was in a panic, frantically leafing through the sites, horrified by the hopelessness of the struggle (apparently, the authors-employees of the company who go and poison these and similar animals).And, finally, he settled on "Mashenka", but he started this business a bit and therefore it took longer to fight, but in 2-3 weeks they completely disappeared. What a pity that I did not think of cutting off a piece of chalk, throwing it into a jar and launching a couple of insects into the same cabinet of curiosities! Well, I was not born for such research, what can you say!

  6. Sveta

    It seems to me that Masha is not in vain on the market for so many years. As far as I can remember - to whom you do not come to visit, it was smeared with chalk everywhere. It is now forgotten about this chalk! At the moment, bedbugs have appeared in my house and a small child is 2 months old, another poison will not work, so Masha ordered her parents to buy chalk!

  7. Anonymous

    Yes, it helps, but you should buy fresh crayon and repeat after 2 weeks. That's only if there are mice or neighbors in the house, after some time (about a month) they will appear again. It causes allergic reactions, but this is perhaps the most effective available. Dichlorvos has almost zero effect.

    • Paul

      I have climbed on the ceiling from dichlorvos.

  8. Eve

    Tell me, I have a feeling that the cat ate this chalk, licked it off the walls, although it eats. Help!

  9. Oksana

    They used the Raptor from bedbugs, and then missed everything with Masha, as it is written in the article. Helped! Now once a month we smear this chalk for the prevention of baseboards behind sofas.

  10. Alex

    The chalk helped me, I have been living without bedbugs for 4 weeks now! For primary processing, I used chalk and Raptor. Since the Raptor immediately acts (once processed everything), but instantly, and the chalk gradually, but longer on bloodsuckers. Until I wash the chalk))

  11. Luba

    Masha helps a lot. Now we use it for prevention.

  12. Christia

    I anointed everything with small Masha, I'm waiting for the effect)) I really hope that it will help.

    • Anonymous

      Tell me, where did you buy Masha, I won’t find it in Moscow?

  13. Oleg


  14. Anonymous

    Does not help! The bugs, on the contrary, are delighted with him, ran out of their hiding places right at my side while I was sleeping.

  15. BB

    I don’t know how it will help or not help, but this is the first time I encountered them. I’ll call, it’s clear, disinfection, so that immediately, and then I’ll smear it with small things, I’ll smear everything, clean it up. These creatures got it.

  16. Alex

    Don't listen to the whiners - the crayon helps. It should simply be understood that in an extended period. Not for you "immediately", hop and everyone died. Be patient.

  17. Denis

    I walked a couple of lines behind the refrigerator and the table, in two weeks there are so many corpses of cockroaches. Helps well. For prevention, I applied another package.

  18. Nina Lezina

    About 20 years ago I worked in a kindergarten. We had one boy with lice, his parents did not take them out. I smeared his hair with Mashenka and tied it with a scarf to sleep for an hour. The lice were gone. Mashenka is power!

  19. Sasha

    I'm going to look for Mashenka. Hope it helps. I'll write back in a week.

  20. Marina

    Sasha, a week has passed) Did it help?

  21. camola

    So today I smeared, let's see what happens.

    • Simple

      Kamola, is there a result?

  22. Simple

    Maybe I'll buy Mashenka too.

  23. Catherine

    Someone ate me today! I know that the neighbors have bedbugs, but for 30 years they haven’t come to visit us ... We should probably buy a miracle pencil ... I just have a question for those who used it: what about pets? I have cats, I'm worried that they won't get poisoned.

  24. Elena

    Zero effect from the chalk, the whole room is already smeared with it, and the bugs do not pay attention to it.Either the manufacturers of crayons began to make a low-quality preparation, or the bugs have already developed immunity to these crayons. Although I think that the first option is more plausible.

    • Ilya

      Is there any human immune to tree frog venom? Correct: no. Chalk causes paralysis of nerve tissues, which leads to a violation of the motor system and, subsequently, to its failure. It does not act immediately - you have to wait a week or two for the effect, since the bugs of the creature are tenacious. And it’s not worth smearing directly “everywhere” (skirting, under the bed, door frame, around furniture, a 2 cm line is enough). Imagine that you are tracing the corpse with chalk, it turns out much more interesting 🙂 Today I will draw pentagrams 🙂 Here. Naturally, they will crawl from the poison like cockroaches. By the way, dichlorvos is ineffective and activates the gag reflex - be careful!

  25. Elena

    Here, too, attack, there have never been bedbugs, I didn’t even know what they look like. And here on you, they bite. I thought it was mosquitoes, but winter is in the yard. When they caught the first one in clothes, they immediately climbed into the Internet - it turned out to be him. Then they found me in bed, in a crib, I have a panic. I wanted to call the SES, but I can’t afford it at the moment. I climbed into the Internet and read about Masha, bought it, smeared it. Two days passed: one was found dead. I will continue to wait, but they still bite. I'll let you know in a week if it worked or not. But I think it will help, because one was found dead.

  26. Alim

    And where can I buy Masha's chalk?

  27. Pablo4es

    Who has to attack with bedbugs, be patient. I bought an apartment in an old house. I drove there already at night, started washing everything, found bedbugs. A whole bunch, until 4 in the morning I ran with a bag and wet these creatures with my hands. The next morning I woke up - bitten, demons, there was a lot of blood on the sofa and around.Well, I killed them too, of course. I immediately went to buy whiteness, karbofos powder (40 rubles) and a spray bottle. In general, I took off the baseboards, there were huge gaps between the wall and the floor, washed all their poop with bleach and filled the whole room with karbofos, two packs of powder were enough. I packed all my clothes and things in garbage bags. In general, it did not help much, the bugs became much smaller, they were not visible at all, but they bit at night. I started shooting wallpaper, and there are a whole bunch of these freaks. I bought another karbofos, took off the wallpaper - threw it out the window and treated the wall and cracks with karbofos. Later I bought a mashenka (10 rubles), ground it on a grater and mixed it with water, filling all the cracks. I bought mounting foam and immediately filled in absolutely all the cracks in the apartment that could lead from neighbors. I bought a raptor from bedbugs (250 rubles) and removed the upholstery from the sofa, processed everything well (surprisingly, there were almost none in the sofa, but just in case). All the cracks were sealed with cement (250 rubles). I smeared everything in a car, which is possible (during all the procedures I slept in the bathroom, while plentifully treated myself with cheap cologne (bugs do not tolerate pungent odors). The main thing is not to be lazy, if everything is done quickly, then you can withdraw and fence yourself off from drunk neighbors I saw a bug in the entrance - I was not too lazy and washed my floor with bleach. I live for a week and rejoice, there are no bugs, no one bites (wild bliss) 🙂 The apartment was saved, everyone died, although the stench was terrible.

    • Wanderer

      And how are you doing now?

  28. Dalia

    Tell me, please, does Mashenka also work on fleas?

  29. Evgeniy

    Dichlorvos helps, but if there is an alcoholic in the next room, then you need to outline your room with a pencil.

  30. Olga

    If the owners of apartments had not rented them out to illegal immigrants from Central Asia, who breed unsanitary conditions and arrange transshipment bases for their compatriots from apartments, then there would be no bedbugs in Moscow. And now there is a real epidemic of these creatures in the city. I am among those who suffered precisely because of the “kind” neighbor, in whose apartment a “clean” visiting family bred a real bed bug. But then we did not even suspect what awaited us. A neighbor, seeing what her inexhaustible source of additional income had been turned into, secretly evicted illegal immigrants from her neighbors and processed her apartment without telling anyone. And the bugs rushed to us! A month of useless struggle did not lead to any positive result, since none of the so far not affected neighbors did the same treatment. The people now greedy went ... "My hut is on the edge."

    I developed a terrible allergy from bites. I hardly sleep at night. Processing my apartment by a SES employee did not help. Repairs began at the neighbor's bedbug, and new creatures appeared in my apartment, as workers disturbed the rest of the surviving insects by throwing out infected furniture, tearing off wallpaper and ceiling tiles from foam. And they rushed to me again. If Masha's crayon doesn't help, I don't even know what I'll do. I will definitely sue my neighbor. At her expense, I will reimburse all conceivable and unthinkable costs, including medicines and moral damages. Of course, I will fight bedbugs with all available means at her own expense. What if nothing helps? After reading the "horror stories" about bedbugs, I no longer believe that this attack is generally victorious!

    • Ulyana

      Olga, so these bedbugs are not from guest workers, but simply in Russia. I am also visiting, but we do not have such animals in our country.I saw them for the first time in Russia. So do not invent fairy tales about the fact that visitors brought these animals to you. In our country, I have not even heard of these misfortunes. I now live in Novosibirsk, initially there were none, then they began to appear from somewhere. It turns out that the neighbor has an apartment on the top floor. Why blame people when they themselves launched to such a state? It was necessary to carry out the processing in time - and nothing would have happened to you, and these little animals would have died long ago. You are probably one of those people who are looking for someone to blame. Sorry if it's rude.

      • Olga

        Ulyana, you can’t, without knowing a person, hang labels on him. I am not one of those who are looking for the guilty, I am one of those who knows them by sight and makes them answer for their greed and stupidity according to the law. They have no excuse. You must have misread my text. And one more thing: you perceive the word "Muscovite" very painfully. I understand that people go to our country and our cities not because of a good life. All this I understand. The only thing I don’t understand is how you can’t give a damn about others (neighbors) and be such an uninformed person in the age of the Internet so as not to report the problem to your neighbors and start fighting together! The problem is a general one. All the "myths about Muscovites" are spread by those who do not like our city and Muscovites at the genetic level, completely unaware of us. People who came here less than 20 years ago already consider themselves Muscovites, although they live in our city with their own mental habits. And it is these people who are mistaken for the indigenous population of our city. And it is by their behavior that all of us are judged. Lack of culture, rudeness, foul language - all this has come to us, unfortunately, and has already taken root.So, bedbugs are just a consequence. The reason is different. We have always welcomed all the guests of the capital, but the guests wanted to become hosts here…

    • Sveta

      We fight too, with strong chemicals. Tenacious creatures, hands down.

  31. Andrew

    How helpful Masha! In the same store, I also bought Chinese chalk Ke-Hai, it is even cheaper, smeared the ottoman from the underside - the bugs crawled out inadequate. For two months I could not understand where my rash came from, and with Masha a week later the bugs were gone. Great tool and inexpensive!

  32. Beck

    I smeared Masha all around the perimeter, I'm waiting for the result. I really hope it helps.

  33. Nastya

    Tomorrow I'll go buy Masha. Hope that helps.


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