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How and with what can you quickly remove bed bugs from the apartment?

Last update: 2022-05-06
≡ Article has 4 comments
  • Mona: Tired of fighting bed bugs! Called people several times...
  • Nelly: And what did you do with things?...
  • Love: Hello. I want to share how we got rid of this...
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 Pictured are bed bugs and their larvae

Bed bugs are the most domestic of all human insect parasites. Nowhere else, except in a human dwelling, they can not find a source of food, and therefore they are literally tied to apartments, houses and hostels.

Compared to other insects - cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes - bed bugs are less versatile in terms of habitats and food items. However, they are also more resistant to various methods of struggle, which is why removing bedbugs from an apartment is a rather time-consuming process.

However, bed bugs can be removed quickly and reliably today. The method of disinfestation of a wide variety of premises is well developed, and regardless of whether professionals will rid the premises of parasites, or the tenant of the apartment will do it himself, the chances of success in getting rid of bedbugs are very high.


How to remove bed bugs: an overview of methods

Before you remove bedbugs from your home, you need to figure out what methods exist for this and which one should be preferred in each case. The main methods include the following:

  • Direct destruction of bedbugs with special toxic substances.It can be Combat, Executioner, Dichlorvos, Karbofos or any other remedy. It is only important to initially rely on the complete processing of the room and not have illusions about the possibility of poisoning bedbugs only in the sofa: parasites almost always inhabit many places in the apartment, and only in upholstered furniture can be found by the owners. Before you remove bedbugs from the apartment in this way, you must comply with all safety requirements.
  • Freezing or "burning out" of bedbugs. The first operation is carried out when the apartment is completely cooled down in winter or the furniture in which insects live is taken out into the cold. The removal of bed bugs in the second way consists in heating the apartment with industrial fan heaters with an increase in temperature up to + 50 ° C for several hours.
  • Picking up bedbugs with a vacuum cleaner or by hand. This method is very time consuming and will not allow you to completely get rid of bedbugs in a residential apartment. But as support for other methods is often considered.
  • The use of strongly smelling substances - dust, turpentine, denatured alcohol, some herbs. Very rarely, with such means, it is possible to completely rid the apartment of bedbugs, but it is possible to partially expel them.


Bedbugs quickly develop resistance to the means by which they are regularly poisoned. Therefore, if bedbugs got into the apartment from neighbors, you need to find out what they were poisoned with and use another drug.

Feedback on the removal of bedbugs:

“I don’t know, fortunately or not, but we got bedbugs just before the repair. We did everything - we changed wallpapers, floors, ceilings, and therefore all this muck was simply swept away and crushed. They threw out two sofas, which were directly teeming with bedbugs. The house was not processed by any means, they just didn’t heat it for a month, but it was still warm in it.Already six months after the repair, there are no bedbugs. I think we got rid of…”

The most effective expulsion of bedbugs from the apartment will be when professionals deal with it.

For the effective destruction of bedbugs in the apartment, it is useful to contact professional exterminators

Equipment for the destruction of parasitic insects

For this, teams of sanitary services are usually called, whose specialists know perfectly well where bedbugs can hide and in what cases what means and methods are best used. In addition, heat treatment of an apartment can only be done with the help of specialized equipment that such specialists have.


Removal of bedbugs depending on the specifics of their localization

Bed bugs in an apartment usually settle in different places. This can be a bed, and furniture, and cracks in the floor and behind the baseboards, and household appliances, clothes or a pantry. The main thing for them is darkness, normal temperature conditions and the availability of food.

It is also useful to read: How to get rid of bed bugs on the couch

And further: We caught bedbugs and tested the effect of GEKTOR powder on them - a pretty killer thing turned out to be ...

The figure shows the places where you should first look for bedbugs in the apartment

Bed bugs are most often found in beds and sofas where people sleep. There are several ways to get them out of here:

  • take out the furniture in the cold;
  • treat it with special preparations - Executioner, Karbofos, Tetrix, etc .;
  • scald over the entire surface with boiling water or walk with a hairdryer.

It is important to understand that if the bugs are hiding in some other place in the apartment, processing one bed will not work - they will return to it sooner or later anyway.

Feedback on removing bed bugs from the sofa:

“We have already processed this sofa this way and that way. And Dust, and Dichlorvos, and Karbofos. The bugs still remain. In the end, they threw it away and bought a new one. But they still came back! They called the service and showed us that all the parasites were in the closet and behind the carpet on the wall. In general, you need to poison the whole apartment ... "

If the bugs have chosen very hard-to-reach places, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive disinfestation of the entire premises, either on their own or by attracting specialists. The latter, by the way, have special tools for introducing poison into narrow gaps.

Feverfew and some powders and solutions similar to it are widely used in everyday life, with which such slots, baseboards and sockets can be treated. These funds are relatively inexpensive, but do not give a quick effect.

Many powdered insecticides are not effective against bed bug eggs. This means that even after destroying the main nest with these means, in a few weeks you can meet bedbugs hatched from previously laid eggs.

And finally, the settlement of bedbugs in clothes is the most favorable option.It is easiest to get rid of them here: it is enough to wash clothes at temperatures above 50 ° C or simply warm them up in the sun or with an iron, and all parasites will die.


Removing bed bugs from sofas, beds and armchairs

Bed bugs on the couch

Upholstered furniture is a favorite haven for bed bugs. Here, a sleeping person is most accessible to them, the optimum temperature is constantly maintained, and the insect is less at risk of dying while feeding, being crushed.

Important: the smallest bug larvae can crawl inside mattresses. Because of this, it is much more difficult to detect and destroy them.

But upholstered furniture is the easiest thing to process. It can be scalded in the old fashioned way with boiling water from a large saucepan, it can be taken outside into the cold, or it can be treated with insecticides on the street. It is important before you remove the bedbugs from the apartment, to check that they are nowhere else. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.

Bed bugs in the folds of the mattress

It is possible to process upholstered furniture with turpentine or denatured alcohol. These substances will scare away bedbugs, and therefore such treatment should be carried out on the street. However, it is usually impossible to completely get rid of parasites in an apartment with such means.

And further: Aquafumigator Raptor - a non-standard contraption that gets bedbugs in all cracks, penetrating there in the form of poisonous vapor


How to get bed bugs out of clothes

Bed bugs love to hide in clothes.

The easiest way to get bed bugs out of clothes is to heat treat them. Almost everything is effective here:

  • washing at high temperature;
  • scalding in a large bowl;
  • ironing;
  • steaming clothes in a closed car in the sun on a summer day;
  • dry cleaning - they usually include the treatment of clothes with special preparations from insects.

It is possible, during the complex treatment of the apartment, to put all the clothes in bags, carefully treat with an insecticide and tie the bags. After a few hours, all the bugs on the clothes will die. The main thing is not to forget to wash the clothes thoroughly after this.


What to do if the whole apartment is infected with bedbugs?

A representative of the sanitary service will best tell you how to remove bed bugs from a particular apartment. Here it is necessary to take into account:

  1. The size of the apartment;
  2. Bed bug infestation in neighboring apartments;
  3. Season of the year.

As a rule, highly effective insecticides are used in the complex treatment of an apartment, and only sometimes they resort to treating the apartment with heat. Both methods are quite reliable, but temperature treatment is much safer for permanent residents of the premises.

When processing an apartment on your own, you must:

  1. Carefully choose the drug to fight. Today, Karbofos, Executioner, Fufanon, Kombat and some others are considered the most effective. When choosing which means to poison bedbugs, you need to find out which one is used by local sanitary services. They are usually most effective in specific conditions.
  2. Observe all precautions indicated in the instructions. In any case, it is necessary to remove all residents and pets from the premises for a day, and carry out the treatment in a gauze bandage and gloves.
  3. Treat as carefully as possible all the places where bedbugs hide or can potentially be.
  4. Leave the room with the windows closed for several hours.
  5. Ventilate the apartment and thoroughly wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth.Most insecticides used today break down quickly in the air, but even a small amount of them remaining on walls and tables can lead to unpleasant consequences (for example, to allergies).

In the northern regions, in winter, an apartment can be frozen out, leaving the windows open for several days. It is only important to provide for the protection of engineering systems from freezing and make sure that the temperature outside the window has dropped below minus 22°C.

A particularly severe case is the simultaneous infection of several apartments in a multi-storey building with bedbugs. Here, for an effective fight, it is necessary to find out who has bedbugs in the house, to cooperate and coordinate their actions so that they either independently process the apartment at the same time, or call a pest control team into several rooms at once. It is important to understand that if bugs remain in at least one apartment in the house, they will quickly spread throughout the building.

Review of bedbug persecution in the hostel:

“In general, I never saw this disgusting thing in my eyes, and only after the move, when they started biting at night, did I sin on mosquitoes. And then I found out that almost the entire new hostel was amazed by them. Pickled once, the second, all to no avail. They run from neighboring rooms in a few days. In short, they coordinated the persecution for two weeks, called in a brigade, stole a lot of money (104 rooms with kitchens and pantries!), but they did notably poison it. For more than a year, no one has ever been bitten. They just called the sanitary and epidemiological station, without any services.”


5 proven ways to kill bed bugs in the apartment


How to get rid of bedbugs: useful tips


Last update: 2022-05-06

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How and with what can you quickly remove bed bugs from the apartment?" 4 comments
  1. Alexandra

    I have a small child, mother, father, I live in the same apartment. We were brought a sofa that year, at first there were no bedbugs, and then how they climbed ... It became impossible to sleep and live. I tried to poison them with dichlorvos, but so far without success. How to poison bedbugs if there is nowhere to go for a long time?

  2. Love

    Hello. I want to share how we got rid of this evil. We were brought bedbugs by friends. We tried everything we could think of. After weed, 2-3 days passed and they crawled out again. For 3 months, my husband and I got up at night and simply crushed them (so that the children would not be bitten). They climbed all that is possible - they did not find masonry. They tore off the wallpaper, tore off the plinths, the architraves on the doors. They treated it with Combat, Raid, Raptor (spray and steam fumigator) - zero result. They threw out mattresses, two sofas - it seemed to me that they were everywhere. Of course, there were significantly fewer of them, but ... When I saw a bite on a baby, I almost lost my mind. I went to a hardware store, bought karbofos (it costs about 50 rubles) and Varan.We moved with the children to a large room (there is nowhere else to go) and poisoned them. The stench is unbearable. They sealed the door from the outside with ordinary polyethylene and adhesive tape so that it would not stink. 3 days did not enter the room. Then they washed everything and did the same with the large room. We sleep peacefully for a month and a half! You can get rid of them if you really want to. I wish you all good luck.

  3. Nellie

    What did you do with things?

  4. Mona

    Tired of fighting bedbugs! Called several times people who poison them, but to no avail. A few days later they reappear.


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