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Means Medilis Ziper for the fight against bedbugs

Last update: 2022-05-29
≡ Article 51 has a comment
  • Elena: Just yesterday I did the treatment with Medilis. Well, what can I say? ...
  • Alice: We bought a remedy for home bugs Anticlops, 2 bottles at once ...
  • Olga: When they found bedbugs, they were very surprised - where did these TVs come from ...
See bottom of page for details

Insect control agent Medilis Ziper

Speaking about the remedy for bedbugs Medilis Tsiper, the scope of which is very wide, it must be said that its developers have not come up with anything radically new to combat various harmful insects. After all, the basis of the drug is the insecticide cypermethrin synthesized back in the 70s.

However, due to its low toxicity to humans and a good effect on insects, this poison is now quite widely used both in the agricultural sector to control crop pests like ticks and ants, and in everyday life to kill bed bugs, cockroaches and fleas.

In general, it can be noted that Medilis Ziper, according to the reviews of the people who used it, is a fairly effective and relatively safe remedy for bedbugs.


When we found bedbugs at home, we thought for a long time what remedy to use against them so as not to harm our cat. We decided to properly etch them with Medilis-cyper. In order not to risk, they took the cat for a few days to my mother. Bed bugs really managed to be destroyed. And before bringing the cat, we thoroughly washed everything and ventilated the apartment.

Julia, Bryansk

Medilis Ziper is a concentrated yellow liquid with a pronounced odor, from which a solution is prepared for spraying in places of possible accumulation and movement of bedbugs. The drug is approved by Rospotrebnadzor for use in personal and summer cottages, as well as in sanatoriums, boarding houses and camp sites, which also confirms its low toxicity to humans.

Medilis Ziper is effective not only against bedbugs, but also against many other insects.

The permission of Rospotrebnadzor is, of course, good, but let's take a closer look at how safe the remedy really is.


Is the remedy safe?

The substance cypermethrin in the preparation for bedbugs Medilis Ziper belongs to the group of pyrethroids, which are similar in composition to the natural pyrethrins contained in some plants and have a powerful toxic effect on harmful insects. Pyrethroids are synthesized under industrial conditions and act somewhat more slowly than pyrethrins. However, their effect is longer and they are more stable under the influence of light.

Cypermethrin: chemical structure

These substances act on many insects, and in addition, they are considered not as toxic to humans as insecticides of other groups. This is due to the fact that pyrethroids are quickly excreted from the body of warm-blooded creatures (humans and the same pets), while in the body of insects they linger for a longer period.


The mechanism of action on bedbugs

Like all pyrethroids, cypermethrin acts on the nervous system of insects, paralyzing both larvae and adults of bed bugs. When ingested by the bug, this substance can lead to a significant deterioration in the passage of nerve impulses. Accordingly, the entire nervous system of the insect is very quickly blocked, which ultimately ends with the death of the bug.

Cypermethrin affects the nervous system of bedbugs

On a note:

For a long time, people used plants with a strong smell against bedbugs: wormwood, tansy, wild rosemary. In addition, the flowers of Dalmatian chamomile (Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium), which contain pyrethrin, which kills insects, have a good insecticidal effect. Well-dried flowers of such chamomile can be used in the fight against various parasites. It is worth throwing them into a fire during outdoor recreation, and various mosquitoes and midges will not like it at all!


It is also useful to read: Remedy for bedbugs Tsifox

And further: Aquafumigator Raptor - a non-standard contraption that gets bedbugs in all cracks, penetrating there in the form of poisonous vapor

Pros and cons of Medilis Ziper

Cypermethrin in the composition of the drug is a contact-intestinal insecticide, i.e. a substance that can penetrate insects not only during feeding, but also through external integuments.It is this property of this poison that helps to effectively fight bedbugs with the help of Medilis Ziper in the form of a spray.

Contact insecticides are effective when sprayed

Since bedbugs are blood-sucking insects, it is not easy to hit them with poisoned bait or insecticidal gel, because bedbugs will not eat these poisons, like cockroaches, for example. But the spray is convenient and easy to process the nests of bedbugs in the apartment.


They diluted Medilis as written in the instructions and sprinkled well the places under the mattress and under the carpet near the bed. Just in case, we decided to go to the country for a few days, so as not to breathe poison. When we returned, we saw that the remedy really helped. Dead bugs lay under the mattress and on the carpet. Since then they have been forgotten.

Anna Igorevna, Nizhny Novgorod

The advantages of the Medilis product include the fact that it stays on the treated surfaces for a long time (about a month) and is resistant to ultraviolet rays, which allows you to forget about re-treatment of the room for a long time. In addition, recent studies (for 2003) show that Medilis-Ziper, like other drugs based on cypermethrin, is not addictive in insects.

The disadvantages of the product include the fact that it is sold in the form of a concentrate, from which you still have to prepare a solution for spraying yourself. The specific smell of the drug, too, will not inspire everyone when processing the room.

It's important to know!

If there are bees near the country house where the treatment for bedbugs is carried out, then this remedy can also affect them.


After the neighbors started a major overhaul, bedbugs appeared in our apartment. We tried to bring them out with different powders and crayons, but this did not give much effect.In a veterinary pharmacy, the seller advised Medilis Ziper from bedbugs and other insects. It is inconvenient, of course, that I had to dilute it with water. Sprayed from a conventional spray gun (with gloves and a respirator!). Surprisingly, the fact is that the very next day we swept the dead parasites out from under the bed! And for several years we have not found bedbugs.

Alexander, Tyumen


And one more thing: the bugs hid in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest? And smoke bombs find bedbugs where even a needle cannot squeeze through ...

And this is how the promotional video for Medilis Ziper looks like


Dosage of the drug and home treatment methods

To prepare the solution, the Medilis Ziper concentrate from the bottle must be stirred in water for five minutes. The finished solution will resemble milk in color. If the water is taken from a pond, it should be filtered or settled a little before mixing.

Table on the use of Medilis Ziper

The resulting liquid must be used within 8 hours, and even better, prepare it immediately before processing. You can spray the product using various sprayers and even a spray gun (in a small area). The main thing is that it can be sprayed evenly.

The tool is quite economical in consumption. Even with a large number of bedbugs, the manufacturer recommends taking about 2 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water, which will allow processing about 20 sq.m. area. The consumption rate in this case will be about 50 ml of the finished solution per 1 sq.m.

If the number of bedbugs is small, then you need to spray it only on the places of their greatest accumulation: on sofas, beds, the area under the carpet near the bed.If there are a lot of bedbugs, then, in addition to the places listed, it is also worth treating skirting boards, ventilation grilles, various slots, carpets and paintings (on the reverse side), that is, places where bedbugs can move and settle.

In addition, the absorbent properties of the treated surface are of great importance when calculating the concentration of the finished product. Wood, sofa upholstery or carpet absorb liquid well, so the concentration of the solution can be doubled when treating these places.

Although Medilis Ziper has low toxicity to humans and animals, be that as it may, it is a poison in its essence. Therefore, if you are going to destroy bedbugs with it, you should not forget about simple protective equipment like rubber gloves and a protective face mask.

After processing the room, it must be ventilated. It is better to take animals and children out of the house at the time of processing.

If you have your own experience of using Medilis Ziper for the destruction of bedbugs in the house, then be sure to leave a review - just write it in the comment box at the bottom of this page. Perhaps he will help other people make the right choice.


Is it worth counting on karbofos when fighting bedbugs


Residents of high-rise buildings attacked by bed bugs


Last update: 2022-05-29

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Means Medilis Tsiper for the fight against bedbugs" 51 comments
  1. Svetlana

    Please tell me, and then all the surfaces that have been processed, when to wash and is it necessary?

  2. Anonymous

    It is necessary to process it in protective equipment, as it burns the skin very strongly! An effective drug!

  3. Dasha

    Tell me, please, I poisoned the bugs that appeared on my balcony with the help of Medilis Ziper. And accidentally hit in the face, now it burns badly. And washed with water, nothing helps. What to do?

    • Anonymous

      It was the same! I first washed my face with a solution of soda and water, then smeared my face with baby cream. And she also made lotions with miramistin! It's all gone overnight.

  4. Svetlana

    I poisoned bedbugs with this remedy, it helped the first time. And in our whole house after the opening of a cafe where they make cakes, ants appeared, and when I poisoned the bugs, the ants also left, and not only from me, but also from the neighbors. Good remedy!

  5. bitten anonymous

    We have had bedbugs for 2 years now, tried a lot of things, but it didn’t help. Life during these 2 years was just HELL! I accidentally stumbled upon a review where the guy told how he effectively killed bedbugs with this remedy.I bought 2 bottles of 50 ml each and out of anger threw all 100 ml into a 3 liter canister, kicked my family out of the house, pushed everything away, equipped myself to the fullest for protection and started poisoning! I took a 10 cm brush and, like a priest, ran around the house joyfully in anticipation of a miracle, worked on all the walls, cracks, furniture, clothes, floor, push! I CONVENTED EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT PICKED UP WITH A ZIPPER! I’m sitting now in a respirator on a couch soaked with “beloved” bedbugs, and these scoundrels are running around me in a very strange way, dancing and falling! ) I'm happy! Now I have a desire to buy 1 liter of cyper and make a cyper bath out of it, to pour this holy solution from a hose around the house so that these bugs suffer even more!
    ps: I joked about the bath, but the remedy is super, the effect is visible to the naked eye 🙂
    pps: I kiss all those who came up with this wonderful poison! )

    • Anonymous

      Ltd! Let's laugh with the whole family! Thank you!

  6. Anonymous

    Very good and effective remedy for bed bugs. And they actually die within an hour. In the morning they sprinkled the whole apartment and in the evening they collected “corpses” with a broom.

  7. Tired

    Medilis-chiper is super. Got rid of bed bugs after two treatments a week apart. The smell is tolerable, the concentration was diluted according to the instructions. They processed walls, skirting boards, mattresses, sofas, back parts of furniture. The rest was washed or taken out in the cold. Before that, sprays, crayons, aquafumigators did not help. Tip: buy a pump for spraying.

  8. Natasha

    Is it possible to process the rooms one by one? We have kids and nowhere to go.

    • Anonymous

      For half a day, you can put yourself and your children somewhere. It's better to process everything at once.

  9. Natalia

    Bedbugs were poisoned with this remedy and there was little sense: on the 4th day after the weed, the invasion began again.What we did wrong, we poured 1.5 bottles on the floor of the bucket and sprinkled everything and processed it forward, bred it according to the norm. And all to no purpose, as they bite, they bite.

  10. Marina

    Bedbugs were also purchased with the new sofa - however, they did not immediately understand ... When they understood, there were already a lot of them. They tried it with frost, and with a steamer and different sprays. But everything calmed down only for a while, then it started AGAIN! THIS tool really helped. True, we bred a lot. But the cockroaches did not help much.

  11. Bogdan

    So does it help with cockroaches?

  12. Galina

    We poison the second time until the result is noticeable ((We will try the third.

  13. Tatiana

    We bought an apartment two years ago, before that I had never seen or encountered bedbugs. In a new apartment, they encountered bedbugs, they found out when there were already a lot of them. The first time Medilis Cyper helped, but a year later they returned. We've been poisoning for the second time in the last three weeks, I don't know if it will help or not. The solution was diluted thick. Maybe they mutated to this remedy? Could this be the case, or am I delusional? Are there other remedies for bed bugs?

  14. Nina

    A month ago we had bed bugs in our apartment. I sin on the neighbors who moved in under us. We have lived in the apartment for over 10 years and this has never happened before. I didn't even know what bed bugs looked like. But red spots began to appear on my body, which I combed in the morning and red bumps appeared. Just awful. I myself am a doctor - I went to the store from the dispensary, and they advised me the drug Medilis Ziper. We processed repeatedly, even increased the concentration. But as they bit me, they bite me. Today there was another treatment, but I decided not to tempt fate anymore and invited specialists for tomorrow.I’ll see how after them the dream will return to me ... I can’t do it anymore ...

  15. Natalia

    I had to order this drug on the Internet, it is not realistic to find it in stores. I chose a day, dissolved about 15 ml per 2 liters, processed the entire apartment. Left for the night. In the morning I found bedbugs in good health. On the same day I decided to increase the dose (approx. 20 ml per 0.7 liters). The smell was lethal (similar to the smell of a solvent), she almost suffocated herself, but she processed everything carefully. In the morning, bedbugs, as before, are more alive than all living things. As a result, money wasted, hopes were not justified, two days were wasted.

    • Anonymous

      It just can't be. Most likely, the tool is defective (fake).

  16. Tatiana

    3 weeks since they discovered the invasion of bedbugs for no reason. We tried different drugs, but nothing helped. So we decided to try Medilis-ZIPER. And lo and behold, for 3 weeks we slept well, not a single bite, I can’t believe it. Let's see what will happen next. Bred not according to the instructions, but cooler. Hope you get rid of it forever. Good luck to everyone in the fight against hellish insects.

  17. Ira

    I used Medilis Super, diluted 50 ml into 1.5 liters of water. One room with a total area of ​​12 sq. m. sprinkled everything and repeated a week later. Satisfied with the result.

  18. Anonymous

    The fight against the bug is the mobilization of all resources: the wife and children go to the dacha, the cat goes to the neighbor, money goes to ammunition and drugs (chemistry). Bottom line: it is not known until the vicious bug bites. Good luck in the fight against the hated creature. To tell friends about bedbugs in a big secret, so that they themselves get on this rack.

  19. Svetlana

    They rented an apartment, it turned out to be with bedbugs, although at first glance nothing of the kind was visible, the apartment was clean, the repair was relatively fresh.In the first week, the whole family was gnawed to the bone. We decided not to take risks and not waste time, called "super specialists from a super company." They came on time, processed everything carefully, explained everything intelligibly, left the product for re-processing after 10 days, explaining how and what to do. Everything was done at the specified time, as ordered. Additionally (I read it on the Internet), I filled all the baseboards, crevices, beds with 70% vinegar. Almost died themselves. And nothing! They eat. Power is running out! They tried to sleep in pajamas, while tucking their pants into socks, they put elastic bands on their hands so that they would not get into the sleeves, so these creatures gnawed their whole face. Tomorrow I want to try Medilis. Changing an apartment is probably not an option, because. We can now move them to a new home. I thought these creatures no longer exist, they died along with the dinosaurs. But no ... I'll unsubscribe as I try Medilis.

  20. Svetlana

    Medilis is great!

  21. Svetlana

    Finally bought Medilis super! Today I processed the apartment with Medilis, spread it in a frenzied concentration, i.е. 100 ml per 4 liters. water, sprinkled everything. It stinks! I hope these bastards don't like it either. I'll post the result in a week.

  22. Svetlana

    Today is 10/01/2015, medilis super stained 09/23/2015. The first two days they lived quietly, on the third day new bites appeared. Gritting their teeth with indignation, they decided to wait a little longer. On the fourth day at night they caught 4 reptiles on the bed (which should have already crawled along the treated surface). They put these bastards in a jar, tightly closed the lid, i.e. no air access. And nothing! Today, still alive crawl in the bank. Conclusion: invincible!

    • Alya

      Svetlana, how is your epic with bedbugs? I also bought this tool today, we will try it.

      • Svetlana

        Alya, I did another treatment, and during the first 2 days (when they calm down) I quickly packed my things, and only clothes and dishes, while looking through every seam, every fold, and on 10/10/15 I moved to another apartment. All sofas, carpets, curtains, blankets, pillows left in the old apartment. While quiet, only dream at night in nightmares.
        As I wrote earlier, after processing, we caught several pieces, put them in a jar, closed them tightly, and watched. So they didn’t die there, but they made a new brood, and a few days later there was already a whole “kindergarten”. So draw conclusions about the effectiveness of all these means. At the same time, keep in mind that I carried out the processing very carefully, not sparing the pestilence, I turned all the sofas, beds, carpets, filling all the cracks, folds, holes. The smell lasts for quite a long time, they themselves inhaled, got poisoned, the heads of the whole family hurt terribly. But don't lose heart, maybe it was from our neighbors (although the neighbors are all good, with children), or maybe the apartment has already been hit hard. Good luck to you!

  23. Ivan

    Bed bugs live in crevices in your sofa or bed. Right below you! When you start working, turn the bed over and spray all the cracks. Dilute Medilis in a higher concentration than indicated in the instructions.

  24. Elena

    I bought it, diluted half the bottle into 1.5 liters of water. Room 16 meters. I sprayed everything I could, and almost watered the sofa. And what do you think, at least they gnawed something, and they gnaw.

  25. Lyudmila.

    And what to do next? How to live? I have the same story.

    • Svetlana

      Lyudmila, do cap. repair (regardless of the condition of the apartment now), cover up all the holes, cracks, completely change all the furniture, negotiate with the neighbors to process the whole house or at least the entrance.Or change your apartment!

  26. Alexander

    Can you tell me where you can buy this product? )

  27. Natalia

    I bought MEDILIS ANTIKLOP on the Internet, in one room, when I was processing it, I found a nest, in the second - no. Three days have passed, the child is again bitten, I am horrified what to do, I don’t know. I will try again.

  28. Anonymous

    The tool did not help, processed 3 times. They are already used to it. I'll try to order processing by a sanitary and epidemiological station.

  29. Victim

    I bought Medilis ziper in the summer cottage department, advised the SES. They said to dilute 50 ml of solution per 1.5 liters of water. It was recommended to process 2 times with an interval of 7 days. Tomorrow there will be a war with bedbugs, where did the bastards come from. I will write about the results later.

  30. Anonymous

    Money down the drain - does not work.

  31. Sergey

    Etched 02/14/16. Dilute 5 ml per 1 liter of water. Filled all walls, baseboards, all furniture, etc. Today, 02/18/16, I went to look: there are many corpses, but there are also living ones. I haven't dared to spend the night yet, I'll see what happens next.

  32. Andrew

    How long should the room be ventilated after treatment?

  33. Evgeniy

    This remedy against bedbugs is ineffective. I have already sprayed twice with an interval of a week, bugs still appear.

  34. Amina

    When entering a new house, the walls and floors were sprayed. For a year there were no spiders, no flies, no small insects in the house. The drug is great. In the old house, the fleas "ate" us. Processed once, 4 ml per 1 liter of water, the next day there were many corpses of fleas, ants and small insects. We didn't see any more fleas.

  35. Hope

    I treated with Medilis in May 2016, now it's July, it's not visible yet.

  36. Yar

    For 4 years I have been treating with medilis every summer - it seems to be enough for a year, but they still crawl out in the summer / autumn. Now I've found it again. I will poison. Let's see what happens in a year.

  37. Kseniya

    Very satisfied with the result! Helps really. But we concentrated more. Well ... just in case)) I recommend it to everyone who does not want to live with this nightmare.

  38. Lika

    And how long after treatment should the room be kept closed? And is it necessary? I can't find it anywhere.

    • Anonymous

      It is written that 30 minutes minimum to ventilate. We, too, were tortured by these freaks, especially children. Today they sprayed the spray, they bought it ready. Let's see what will happen.

  39. gisa

    Oh, you all inspired and delighted me so much, is there really such a tool? I urgently need it! Just tell me where to find this miracle?

  40. Sasha

    The tool is really effective for bedbugs and not only (especially when compared with all sorts of Masha and Raptors, which I also tried). Applied according to the instructions, but the dose was increased by 5 times. When I processed it for the first time, even before the end of processing, I found about 5 bedbugs on the floor, already dead. We spent the night with our parents. The next day, the apartment was ventilated and all surfaces were washed (the baseboards were not particularly touched on purpose). About 3 weeks later, my wife was bitten at night, and at work on my shirt I found a small, but already blood-drinking bug. Processed again. Since then, no more to be seen.

    Conclusions: 1) It is necessary to apply the remedy according to the instructions, but the dose can be increased. 2) Protective equipment must be used. 3) The product does not work on bedbug eggs. Therefore, in order to destroy everyone, re-processing is needed when small bastards hatch. 4) As a bonus, some black bugs were taken out of the kitchen))

  41. Olga

    When they discovered the bugs, they were very surprised - where did these creatures come from? We process everything that is possible for a month. They wander from one place to another. After processing, they become lethargic, but still crawl along the walls. Whether they come to life, or adapted. But while there is nothing to brag about, the poison does not work on the larvae.

  42. Alice

    We bought a remedy for home bugs Antiklop, 2 bottles at once. We poured the product into a large sprayer. Although there is a smell, it is not strong. In general, they treated the apartment, so to speak, with a shock dose. And they left the house for 30 minutes. Returning home, we ventilated the room, and something indescribable was happening with the bugs. A day later, only corpses lay on the floor. On a five-point scale, I put 5, as it is a very effective drug, at least it seemed to me so. A month later, no bed bugs. I really hope that we will not see these guests again. Great tool!

  43. Elena

    Just yesterday I did the treatment with Medilis. Well, what can I say? It is not yet clear. I did not find the corpses, but the bugs somehow behaved strangely. On the mattress I caught two living ones, who did not even try to escape anywhere, they easily allowed themselves to be strangled. No one bit at night. What will happen next, I do not know. I do not hope to get rid of them completely. But more and more often I dream of chopping up all the furniture and burning the apartment, they pulled it up.


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