Website for pest control

The use of insecticidal smoke bombs for the destruction of bedbugs in the room

Last update: 2022-05-22
≡ Article has 45 comments
  • Maxim: But it’s not a lie, you need to poison in two stages, the first time checker ...
  • Maxim: I recommend poisoning at night when everyone is sleeping...
  • Maxim: UPD: as of November 2, 2020, I don’t remember bedbugs, but ...
See bottom of page for details

We find out if smoke bombs help get rid of bedbugs ...

Next you will learn:

  • Are insecticidal smoke bombs really effective against bed bugs;
  • How to choose the right smoke bomb for self-control of bedbugs (taking into account the fact that some products may be completely useless in the fight against these parasites);
  • What is the mechanism of action of smoke bombs on bedbugs, and what important rules must be observed during processing;
  • And also how much insecticidal smoke bombs cost and where you can buy them without the risk of running into a fake.

Insecticidal smoke bombs against bedbugs are used quite rarely, since few people know that in terms of their effectiveness they are not only not inferior to traditional sprays and aerosols, but also significantly surpass them. At best, someone is aware that special smoke bombs can be used against mosquitoes and flies in the country, but they do not suspect that bedbugs can be removed from the apartment with their help in just a day.

Many people do not even suspect that bedbugs in an apartment (as well as other insects, for that matter) can be effectively destroyed with the help of smoke bombs.

Due to what the smoke bomb is so effective and at the same time easy to use:

  1. The smoke from the checker spreads in the room on its own.Here, the bug fighter does not need to spray an insecticidal spray or aerosol into every crack - the smoke with air itself penetrates even into such hard-to-reach places that a person cannot physically reach. Remember how quickly and everywhere smoke spreads, for example, from a cigarette, soaking literally everything in the room - from furniture and walls to clothes. Similarly, insecticidal smoke from a special checker will fill all the rooms of the apartment, penetrate under the baseboards, into the cracks of the parquet, under the linoleum, into the sockets, into the furniture, including through its upholstery.;The photo shows a bed bug nest under furniture upholstery.
  2. The smoke bomb generates, in fact, the finest insecticidal aerosol, which has a high penetrating power even through tissues. Therefore, the insecticide in the form of smoke will get bedbugs almost anywhere they hide inside a sofa or bed, and the rate of parasite infestation can be further increased by removing the mattresses from the beds.

It is also important that in order to use a smoke bomb from bedbugs, there is no need to first search for places of their shelter. In any case, smoke will penetrate into the nests of parasites, even those that would be very difficult to detect during a visual inspection of the apartment.

Insecticidal smoke will penetrate into the smallest cracks and holes, where bed bugs can also hide.

However, if you have already decided to buy a smoke bomb from insects, then you should keep in mind that not all of them will be equally effective against bedbugs. For reliable pest control, it is important to take into account the type of active substance in the checker and buy exactly the option whose effect on bedbugs will be maximum.

About which smoke bombs from bedbugs will be effective and which are useless, let's talk in more detail ...


“In general, I have never heard of smoke bombs from bedbugs before. At my mother-in-law I poisoned cockroaches with a battalion commander, I used dichlorvos at my place.And then bedbugs appeared, and no aerosols from them help. To be honest, I got tired of poisoning seven (!) Times in two months, and at least something. I even bought a special poison in a bottle, took a garden sprayer from my mother-in-law and processed the whole bed, but it helped for a couple of days. Then, just for the sake of interest, I bought a smoke bomb from Samuro mosquitoes. I did everything according to the instructions and still doubted that everything was so simple, set it on fire, closed it in the apartment, came, ventilated it, my wife did the cleaning. And that's it, no bedbugs! A couple of handfuls of them were collected dead and for a month I have not seen a single bite, not a single parasite anywhere. This, of course, was a surprise. Moreover, given the price, it costs something around 300 rubles, cheaper than a vial of that odorous poison ... "

Pavel, Moscow


What smoke bombs effectively destroy bedbugs

Insect control smoke bombs commercially available today may contain the following active ingredients:

  1. Pyrethroids are modern, highly effective insecticides, also used in some household sprays;
  2. Hexachloran is a fairly powerful but outdated insecticide used mainly in agriculture;
  3. As well as sulfur, which forms sulfur dioxide (aka sulfur dioxide) during the combustion of a smoke bomb - such bombs are more often used to treat basements, greenhouses and cellars from mold.

Of these funds, in the case of the destruction of bedbugs in a residential area, only checkers based on pyrethroids are suitable.

Structural formula of permethrin (an effective insecticide, the active ingredient in Samuro smoke bombs).

Means with hexachloran are very toxic and have long been banned for use in civilized countries (hexachloran has a cumulative property and can cause deformities of the embryo).

Sulfur checkers against insects are not recommended, since sulfur dioxide is significantly inferior to pyrethroids in terms of insecticidal activity. But as a fungicide, sulfur dioxide works well - so it makes sense to use sulfur checkers in cases where it is necessary to suppress mold growth in a humid room.

The use of sulfur checkers against bedbugs is in most cases impractical due to their reduced insecticidal activity.

On the basis of pyrethroids in Russia, three checkers are most common on sale - City (permethrin concentration 13%), Quiet Evening (permethrin concentration 10%) and Samuro (5% permethrin). Checker Quiet Evening is popular with summer residents and fishermen, who use it to repel and kill mosquitoes, and Samuro is specifically designed to kill bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects in the premises. Further, we will talk primarily about the checkers from insects Quiet Evening and Samuro, implying that other checkers with pyrethroids are quite similar to them.

Insect smoke bomb Quiet Evening

Samuro smoke bomb for insect control

It is interesting

Pyrethroids, which include the insecticide permethrin, got their name because of the similarity in chemical structure and action with natural pyrethrins. In turn, pyrethrins (that is, natural pyrethroids) are found in the flowers of some types of chamomile, called in lat. pyrethrum.

Therefore, Feverfew powder, made from dried chamomile flowers, is effective against a wide variety of insects, including bedbugs.

A good alternative to permethrin smoke bombs is the Raptor aquafumigator, which works on the basis of cyfenotrin. However, in the case of using such an aqua-fumigator, the active substance is distributed with water vapor, and the penetrating power of the resulting aerosol will be somewhat lower than that of smoke. Therefore, keep in mind that the Raptor is not a smoke bomb, and it is not as effective against bedbugs as the same Samuro.

It is also useful to read: Are there unscented bedbug treatments?

The higher the penetrating power of the insecticidal aerosol (for example, smoke), the more effective this treatment will be to destroy bedbugs in their shelters.

Judging by the reviews, popular Japanese and Chinese checkers from cockroaches do not always live up to expectations. In addition, since they are purchased and imported into our country without control, you can never guess which active ingredient will be contained in a particular purchased checker. It is possible that some of them contain substances dangerous to humans. In addition, Japanese insect smoke bombs can be difficult to buy even in Moscow.


The mechanism of action of insecticidal smoke bombs on bedbugs

A smoke bomb against bedbugs works on a principle similar to that of aerosols and sprays:

  1. The insecticide with smoke penetrates into the hiding places of parasites, settles on the chitinous covers of their bodies and penetrates into the spiracles;
  2. When it enters the integument of the body, the substance penetrates through the cuticle into soft tissues (pyrethroids in general and permethrin in particular have a contact effect), is absorbed into the hemolymph and reaches the nerve ganglia. In addition, when penetrating with smoke through the spiracles, the insecticide penetrates into the hemolymph immediately through the system of respiratory tubules;
  3. Once in the nervous system, permethrin causes incessant excitation of nerve cells, which manifests itself in the paralysis of the insect and its rather rapid death.

Permethrin acts primarily on the nervous system of bedbugs, causing paralysis and subsequent death of the insect.

When the smallest particles of permethrin from smoke settle on various surfaces of the interior, the insecticide remains here for some time. In the future, if the bugs run over such a surface, then they inevitably cling to the paws and abdomen of the particles of the substance, which then penetrates into their bodies, in the same way as it does with simple settling on the covers. This provides a prolonged effect after a single treatment - the product remains for a long time in small cracks (for example, behind baseboards), where the hostess's hand with a rag does not reach, and continues to protect the room from single surviving bedbugs, as well as from young larvae hatching from eggs.

On a note

Permethrin also has a well-defined repellent effect on insects. For example, smoke bombs used in open spaces destroy only a small part of mosquitoes (which stay in a zone of high concentration of smoke for a long time), but they can literally scare away entire hordes of these insects - flying bloodsuckers quickly retreat from places where insecticidal smoke spreads.

So keep in mind that when treating an apartment with a permethrin smoke bomb, partial migration of bedbugs from your apartment to your neighbors is possible if you do not create obstacles to this in advance, blocking such paths of possible “retreat”.

When getting rid of bedbugs in an apartment with a smoke bomb, it should be borne in mind that parasites can run across to neighbors.

The penetrating power of insecticidal smoke from a checker is generally comparable to that of a fine aerosol produced by a cold fog generator - such installations are used by professional pest control services. The particle size in the aerosol cloud is only a few tens of microns (in the case of using the Raptor aquafumigator, as noted above, the penetrating power of the aerosol is somewhat lower).

When using an insecticidal smoke bomb, the smoke is scattered throughout the room and penetrates almost all cracks and openings.

It is also worth considering that the price of treating a one-room apartment with cold fog from bedbugs is today 3000-4000 rubles. Self-treatment of an apartment with the same efficiency with the help of a smoke bomb will cost almost 10 times cheaper.


Important rules for using checkers

Before using a smoke bomb, all people and pets must be removed from the room, if there is an aquarium, cover it with a cover glass and turn off the compressor.

Bed linen from beds and sofas is recommended to be removed and hung in a room or on a balcony (if it is glazed), leaving free access to it for smoke. The idea here is to spray the furniture and bed linens with insecticidal smoke.

Mattresses are removed from the bed - they should be placed vertically, slightly tilted and leaning against the wall. In this case, they will be treated with smoke from all sides.

Accumulation of bed bugs on the underside of the mattress.

It is important to remove the mattress from the bed before processing to ensure good access of smoke to all its surfaces.

A bedbug-infested mattress can be placed vertically, for example, or tilted slightly against a wall.

Food, utensils, electronics, clothes, shoes and children's toys should be packed in plastic bags. Such hermetically sealed bags can be left in the room itself.

Furniture is moved away from the walls to make it easier for smoke to reach its rear surfaces. The windows are tightly closed so that the smoke is not drawn out into the street. If there are fire detectors in the room, then they must be turned off or covered with tape. Ventilation grilles are also sealed with adhesive tape.

A smoke bomb from bedbugs is installed in the middle of the bedroom in a metal basin or pan on the floor. This will help to avoid spillage of smoldering products and accidental ignition. Then the wick is lit, and as soon as thick smoke begins to stand out, the handler leaves the room, closing the door to it.

It is also useful to read: Remedy for bedbugs Tsifox

And further: We caught bedbugs and tested the effect of GEKTOR powder on them - a pretty killer thing turned out to be ...

The saber smolders for about 5-10 minutes. For another two hours, the smoke spreads evenly throughout the room and settles on surfaces. For example, one Samuro smoke bomb is effective for removing bedbugs in rooms with a total area of ​​​​up to 30 square meters. m. (if the apartment has a much smaller area - it's okay, the more efficient the processing will be, and without any harm to the walls and furniture).

One Samuro smoke bomb is enough to destroy bedbugs in a room up to 300 square meters. m.

Two hours after the ignition of the checker, you can return to the apartment, open the windows wide open and thoroughly ventilate the room for at least an hour. Then, all surfaces with which people and pets can come into contact should be wiped with a damp cloth (using a weak solution of soap or washing powder).

The furniture is put in place and the smoke-treated bed linen is washed.

It should be borne in mind that even after the use of a smoke bomb, eggs laid by female bedbugs remain in shelters.The vast majority of insecticides generally have minimal or no effect on bedbug eggs (no matter how disinfestation service managers try to convince you otherwise).

Thus, after about 1-2 weeks, young bedbug larvae will begin to hatch from the eggs. Therefore, do not panic if after a couple of weeks (or even after a few days) bites are found on the body again - this situation is also typical for professional pest control. The main thing here is to re-process in time, preventing the larvae from growing up and laying new eggs.

It is very important to re-treat the apartment (or house) in time to prevent the larvae hatching from the eggs from growing.

The photo shows a cluster of bed bug larvae that have just hatched from their eggs.

You should buy one additional checker in advance, and no later than three weeks after the first pest control (but not earlier than 2 weeks) carry out another treatment. It will finally finish off the young shoots of parasites.


“How many years I live, but I encountered bedbugs for the first time. They ran to our apartment from the neighbors, they moved out and now they are renting it out to some visitors. It's just a real horror, for three months the whole family went bitten! And the SES was called, and a private company, they themselves poisoned three times. And all to no avail, the bugs crawled over us. I read a lot on the Internet, and about smoke bombs too. I confess, I did not believe that they would help. Well, nothing, bought, used. This is processing, so processing, this is not dichlorvos for you! Smoke stood like a rocker in the apartment. But by evening, what happiness it was to see the corpses of bedbugs, which were still writhing on the floor. They scooped them out with a shovel from under the sofa ... "

Olga, St. Petersburg


Safety when working with insecticidal smoke bombs

Permethrin, as the active ingredient in smoke bombs, is highly toxic to insects and is relatively safe for humans and pets.However, if insecticidal smoke enters the respiratory tract, especially in large quantities, it can cause intoxication, accompanied by dizziness, nausea and coughing. With prolonged contact with the skin in people prone to allergies, the substance may cause appropriate allergic reactions.

A significant disadvantage of using insecticidal smoke bombs in an apartment is the long-term preservation of a specific smell in the room: furniture, clothes and carpets can retain the smell for more than a week. This must be taken into account in advance if you decide on such processing. The residual odor is more characteristic of Quiet Evening and less pronounced for Samuro.

As with any insecticidal product, the use of insect smoke bombs requires certain safety rules to be followed.

On a note

Cats are especially sensitive to permethrin. For this reason, if such a pet lives in the treated room, then before processing and 3-4 days after it, it is advisable to send the animal to relatives or friends.

For maximum safety, a smoke bomb when destroying bedbugs in an apartment should be used in compliance with the following measures:

  • The handler must quickly leave the room after ignition of the checker, without inhaling smoke;
  • To enter the room after processing for ventilation should be in clothes with long sleeves and a respirator. If possible, windows should be opened without inhaling air at all, but opening them, again leave the apartment for 5-10 minutes;
  • After the treatment, the apartment should be wet cleaned.


Where can I buy a smoke bomb to kill bedbugs and how much does it cost

You can buy a smoke bomb from bedbugs in St. Petersburg and Moscow in some specialized stores for fishermen and hunters (most likely, you will be offered a Quiet Evening bomb).However, it is much easier and with less risk of running into a fake to purchase an insecticidal smoke bomb in large online stores that sell insect repellents. Moreover, the main warehouses of most of these stores are located in Moscow, and after the purchase, the checker will be delivered to the customer quickly enough.

It is advisable to buy several checkers at once, so that it is enough to re-treat the premises.

The price of Samuro checkers in online stores today is about 300 rubles (and even less than 280 rubles, if you take a lot). For comparison: processing a one-room apartment from bedbugs using a cold fog generator costs about 3,000-4,000 rubles with approximately the same efficiency.

Some online stores send purchases by mail and transport companies to any city in Russia (the price of a smoke bomb increases by the delivery price). Remember also that buying smoke bombs in bulk can be more profitable than buying one piece, and therefore if bed bugs are a problem not only for you, but for all your neighbors on the floor, then it may make sense to organize the treatment, saving a decent amount. .

If you have your own experience of using smoke bombs against bedbugs, then do not forget to leave your feedback in the comment box at the bottom of this page.


An interesting video: an example of using a smoke bomb Quiet Evening from mosquitoes


How to choose the right pest control service for bed bugs


Last update: 2022-05-22

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "The use of insecticidal smoke bombs to kill bedbugs in the room" 45 comments
  1. Vyacheslav

    I've tried mosquito sprays and they don't help. The day before yesterday I lit such a checker. The whole apartment stank of this burning, on all surfaces there was a layer of this dust a millimeter thick. Tonight again three bites on the elbow. I don't know anymore...

    • Igor

      They wrote to you that the bites will continue, you need to re-etch in 3 weeks!

  2. Anonymous

    So you don't recommend. So what to do? Trouble.

  3. Askar

    Tired, can't get rid of. I tried everything, only it remains to make repairs and throw away all the furniture.

  4. Tamara

    We have been fighting bedbugs for the third year, I don’t know what to poison with. There are no forces. How to get rid of them? Help me please! The child is small, I also find bites on it.

    • Olesya

      Hello, we also suffered for 8 months, two children suffered from bites. Called the service - no result. They took a Quiet Evening smoke bomb, set it on fire and kept the house closed for four days without airing it (the house is 55 square meters). The children were taken away from home. And the result from one time. We were waiting for the bug to come out at any moment, but no, it's been like six months now, but there are no bugs. Try it, it's cheap.

  5. Andrew

    Call the service, you yourself only develop immunity to them, the further you go, the more difficult it is to find a drug for complete destruction. As a pro, I recommend starting with ovicidal drugs, then rotating according to the scheme.

  6. Elena

    I have a question... What about the plants that are in the room while using the smoke bomb?

    • Igor

      I used one Quiet Evening checker in a room with an agave - apart from a plaque of smoldering products on the leaves, I did not find any side effects. True, he did not find the corpses of vampires either, in the evening he went to bed with confidence in victory over the enemy, and fell asleep with the dream of a winner! BUT at 5 o'clock in the morning, without declaring war, he was treacherously attacked and bitten by a gang of five bugs of different ages ... It seems that we are again ... Before that, Gete tried, the effect is zero. The last hope is Tetrix. And suddenly it will help.

  7. Hope

    Tell me, they say that the Executioner is a very effective remedy, have you tried it? We found these parasites in ourselves.

    • Andrew

      Seems to be OK. Process twice. Here, I'm looking for something to prevent. Maybe, too, bang a saber))

    • Anonymous

      The executioner does not help, they poisoned me 3 times - the result is zero.

    • Svetlana

      We have one room. We bought this Executioner, we ourselves got more sick, and these parasites are crawling. It is necessary, probably, to use 20 bottles at a time, but then with full ammunition - a suit, a respirator, otherwise you can die yourself. Now we want to try with a saber, the smoke will certainly climb into all the cracks. We will buy with a margin for several times.

      • Gennady

        Dichlorvos is the most reliable tool ... Or even better, a cold fog generator, in fact the same smoke bomb with a poisonous substance. Repeat the treatment after two weeks.After three control.

    • Anna

      The executioner is nonsense, does not help at all ...

    • Ludmila

      Tried, no result.

  8. Maksim

    I set fire to 2 checkers for a three-room apartment today. I sealed the hood with adhesive tape - and it rushed, I barely managed to carry my legs away from the smoke, it's just some kind of horror. Let's look at efficiency...

    • Maksim

      Hello everyone) Veterans and beginners in the fight against bedbugs. They don’t exist, well, in a sense, they don’t exist at all) And what prompted me to write a comment was that a colleague at work “suffers” and bought an ultrasound - how I doubt this idea ...

      • Maksim

        UPD: as of 07/24/2018, there is no one - CHECKERS RIGHT!!!

        By the way, they continue to bite a colleague, he sits and looks at x * nude for 1500 rubles with flashing LEDs) Every week he still pours a bucket of "executioner" and other slag. There is strength in checker!

        • Maksim

          UPD dated 03/25/2019. All is quiet in Baghdad

          • Laysan

            Loved your optimism

          • Maksim

            UPD: as of November 2, 2020, I don’t remember bed bugs, and the review was prompted by the fact that I put things in order in the chosen order. Checkers really work.

  9. Nicholas

    I set fire to a saber in a room of 16 sq.m. before dawn. And by nightfall, the entire company of different ages, as if nothing had happened, crawled out of the cracks again.

  10. Sergey, Nizhnekamsk

    Today I bought an aerosol Kombat, 700 rubles down the drain. That same night, the bugs came to take revenge ... Ha ha!

    I read the reviews about the smoke bomb and already doubted that it would help.

  11. Sergey

    Are Quiet Evening checkers allowed in high-rise buildings?

    • Maksim

      I recommend to poison at night when everyone is sleeping

  12. Anonymous

    The executioner is a great tool, but you need to poison 2 times. Tested on myself.You just need to carefully read the instructions - we even flooded the sockets around. And when they left for a day, the bug crawled out of my mobile phone ... Kick-ass. After the executioner, we have been living quietly for a year now. Expensive but effective. Before called services - did not help.

  13. Svetlana

    I spent a lot of money on GET - the result is zero. I called SES - the same thing, they said do not disturb for 15 days. Where does this attack come from? 35 years old at home, there were no cockroaches in my life, not to mention bedbugs.

  14. Boris Stepanovich

    For two weeks we have been fighting with these reptiles - bedbugs. First, out of inexperience, dichlorvos and similar "pshikalki". Naturally, in vain ... I read here about checkers and other means. Tomorrow I will go to Chelyabinsk to look for this Quiet Evening. I'll post the results later.

  15. Var

    1. Sprinkled with dust - the effect is zero.

    2. Cypermethrin (aka Cyfox) in a horse dose, half a bottle per liter. Rooms 15 m2. At least hell.

    3. They called a specialist with cold fog, the effect lasted 3 days, then the victory of bedbugs.

    4. Quiet evening, half a checker on 15 m2, the effect lasted 5 days, then bedbugs again.

    5. Karbofos - the effect of 5 days and again the bugs.

    I caught several individuals and put them in jars with Tsifoks and karbofos, they die only if you splash them directly in the face, otherwise they run as if nothing had happened! I think to apply warming up the room to 50-70 degrees. If they appear again, it means that somewhere there is a way to good neighbors who share their bedbugs with us.

  16. Dmitry S.

    Thanks for the article, I ordered a SAMURO checker on your recommendation, I will try. Hope it helps.

    • Lily

      Hello, did the bedbug checker help you?

      • Gorokhova Alevtina

        No, absolutely worthless drug!

  17. Elena Okuneva

    We have lived in the apartment for over 20 years.They didn’t know bedbug parasites, and suddenly one son was bitten, then another woke up in spots. Whatever they did not poison ... The decision came by itself - a pencil (chalk) like Mashenka. 6 years have passed and now a new invasion. And nothing helps. The children have left, and they just eat us. I don't know how to get rid...

  18. Alexander

    We have bedbugs for 4 months, nothing helps! We tried professional gas treatment 3 times, and Combat, and Raptor, and Samuro's smoke bomb, and Masha's chalk ... Everything is on the drum for bedbugs, they crawl and bite ...

    • Anonymous

      Try special glue for insects.

  19. Vladimir

    Try dichlorvos.

  20. Nataliya

    I don’t know how to deal with these bastards, I just got tired of everything. Maybe someone can give some advice? Has anyone brought these bloodsuckers out on their own?

  21. Irina

    We've been fighting for I don't know how many years. Helps a little - and again. How many things have been tried ... How many times the SES was called. They called again, they tried the saber. We are waiting, but at night they crawled, cattle.

  22. Gorokhova Alevtina

    I ordered 2 Samuro checkers in the online store. I processed two small rooms - 28 square meters. I closed all the windows and doors, did everything according to the instructions, but the result is zero. Not that the bugs disappeared and their larvae, even the cockroaches did not die. A real scam and waste of money. All the above comments are lies!

    • Maksim

      But it’s not a lie, you need to poison in two stages, the first time with a saber, then repeat after 8-12 days.

  23. Hope

    Got rid of! But only themselves. The services did not help: they called several times, all to no avail. After a while they reappeared. We tried to remove it ourselves. The experience is this: if you poison yourself, then any poison will do, not necessarily expensive (there are a lot of them on the Internet now).The main thing is that the concentration should be 10 times higher than in the instructions. Sellers of poisons will tell you more about everything. But immediately you need to tune in: you will have to poison 3-4 times, no less. Not with an ordinary spray gun, but with a garden sprayer. It is necessary to spray everything except bathrooms, corridors, kitchens. They only live very close to where we sleep.
    So withdraw really, but sooo unhealthy! We ended up escaping otherwise. Bought a steam generator. I treated each room with ordinary steam at first every 3 days (takes about 2 hours), then 1 time per week, then 1 every two weeks, then 1 per month. So 3-4 months. Then I realized - they are not!

    • Vlad

      Can you tell me what steam generator you used? And what is the result so far?

  24. Natalia

    My grandmother told how she got rid of bedbugs in 1958 in an apartment with stove heating: she melted the stove, spread pieces of ordinary sulfur on the stove, closed the apartment and moved for a month. A month later she returned - and still not a single bug.

  25. Basil

    Caught a few bed bugs and planted in a jar. Since reviews of chemicals are contradictory, with an ineffective bias, it has become a selection method to look for funds. The idea is not to do full processing, who processed it knows how tedious and time-consuming it is. And here I model everything in a jar. Simple and easy. But more to the point. Injected Kombat - zero effect. The executioner too. Some kind of American remedy was brought from the states (relatives) - all garbage. We lived in a jar successfully, just like a mockery.

    One day I was visiting a friend. He is a professional brewer. I took the bubble and began to pour myself into a glass. And he felt an incredible nauseating fusel stench.A friend took the bubble, and poured it out of the glass into the sink, which caused my annoyance. But he poured from another bubble, and I was happy. Just class. He asked: what for does the stink that he wanted to drink from the beginning. And here's what he said. When the mash begins to be distilled into moonshine, some part (pervach) should be poured out, you can’t drink it - it is poisonous and smelly. But it's almost 100 degrees.

    In short, I took this bubble with pervak ​​and dripped three drops into a 250-gram jar of bedbugs. After 10 seconds, the bugs seemed to have been shot! This is a chemical, I thought. And the next day I sprayed upholstered furniture (though without much enthusiasm). It is necessary to spray - so everything is sprayed. In general, he made a stink and went to the guests, locking the apartment. Aired out in half a day. Friends in misfortune, this was the best of what I have tried. For more than a month he went unbitten. And then I’m sitting at a laptop and I see that a bug crawled out from under the keyboard button. I ran to a friend and took a liter of this cool fuselage. Conscientiously processed the rooms with a spray gun (beds, floors, door and window openings). While he processed it, he almost collapsed from the smell, stunned.

    He kept the apartment locked up for about 10 hours. Further ventilated. And I sleep peacefully for the fourth month. But we are experienced people, we know that the eggs remained and life will be reborn on Mars again. In theory, the new generation should hatch in a couple of weeks. And here it would be necessary to finish it one more time. But I was lazy and, probably, in vain. I'm already waiting for the invasion, but for now, anomalous silence. I'll wait until the bedbug victory. In general, experiment on yourself. Unsubscribe after the first bedbug kisses. But until record silence. I think they will die from the fact that I do not let them get drunk. Be sure to unsubscribe, do not be lazy.Because I know in my own skin a fruitless struggle with this scourge.


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