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Reviews on the use of Karbofos in the fight against bed bugs

Last update: 2022-06-08
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  • Anonymous: And how did you get rid of it? ...
  • Arkady: I ​​have 4 years of combat experience in bedbug wars (two state ...
  • Zulfiya: We had bedbugs, about 3 years ago. And then suddenly I sing again ...
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What people say about Karbofos

If you find uninvited guests in your home - bedbugs, then you are probably faced with the choice of an effective means to deal with them. One of them rightfully deserves attention along with other drugs, as it has proven its effectiveness for a long time - this is Karbofos.

Below are reviews on the use of the drug Karbofos against bedbugs.


the drug is produced in Russia and is a yellow liquid of medium toxicity with a sharp specific odor. Karbofos belongs to the group of broad-spectrum insecticides and acaricides and is used to kill bedbugs, mites, aphids, caterpillars and other pests both in residential premises and in agricultural enterprises and warehouses.

Karbofos has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects, has a long period of barrier action, and is also compatible with many new generation insecticides.

Despite all the advantages of the drug, reviews about it are sometimes diametrically opposed, but in any case they will help to learn about this remedy in more detail.


Why is Karbofos famous?

Due to its chemical properties, the agent has become widespread in the fight against insects in general and bed bugs in particular, therefore many pest control services use Karbofos or modern preparations that have it in their composition (for example, Fufanon) in their work.

Karbofos powder


Previously, bedbugs were poisoned only with Karbofos - then it was sold in a bottle and in the form of a spray. It stinks very strongly and for a long time, but it is 100% effective. I read somewhere that it is necessary to mix with glue when decorating the walls with wallpaper so that the bugs do not come running from the neighbors. And so we did - and for a long time we have not seen these vile insects.

Recently, the child began to observe some strange bites. They thought about flies and mosquitoes, but then, when they saw bedbugs on the side of the bed, they experienced a real shock! Trafili Dichlorvos, dried and laid out the wormwood in the corners, the last straw in this war was Karbofos. I don’t know if he helped or all our methods at once, but there have been no bedbugs for six months now, and I would like to believe that there will be no more.

Karbofos in ampoules

And I thought I was the only one with this misfortune! Every two or three months, the poisoning of bedbugs with Karbofos in powder, which the SES left us after their first treatment. There is no way to get rid of them completely, but at least temporarily they are gone, and that pleases - nothing else takes them! We were also “lucky” with the neighbors - they don’t want to unite with us, so these bugs go back and forth.

Karbofos will help you, you won’t take them with anything else. And then we somehow came from a vacation and saw these insects, which, apparently, came from the neighbors. I had to process everything, up to cabinets, with Karbofos. It stank for a week, but we did not see more bedbugs.

Three times we processed a rented apartment with Karbofos in large quantities - nothing sensible, it’s good that it’s cheap and doesn’t hit your pocket hard.They sprayed everything, even bred it thicker than it should - it doesn’t take. Apparently, if the bugs have been living for quite a long time, then you will have to turn to specialists, it will be hard to cope on your own.

As you can see from the reviews, cases are different. The drug is effective, but to completely get rid of bedbugs, many factors must be taken into account. - such as the desire of neighbors to say goodbye to insects and help you, the condition of the home and much more.

And one more thing: the bugs hid in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest? And smoke bombs find bedbugs where even a needle cannot squeeze through ...


Benefit or harm?

Oddly enough, when fighting bedbugs, Karbofos can also harm human health if you do not pay due attention to the protection of the respiratory system and the skin of the hands. Like any other insecticide, Karbofos has its own characteristics of use and often becomes a source of doubt on the topic: “Isn’t it harmful?” Numerous reviews confirm such concerns.

Karbofos is a great tool! You dilute one bottle per liter and apply it wherever the bugs have walked, and especially in habitats. Work carefully and with gloves, Karbofos is POISON! Of course, it is unlikely that most of the house will also have a combined arms gas mask, but a respirator is enough.

Karbofos in cans

I processed the apartment with Karbofos, a day later the bugs bit me even more. In addition, I developed an allergy to Karbofos itself, because the smell is absolutely disgusting! Be careful and don't get poisoned.

They processed the apartment with Karbofos, re-pasted the wallpaper. The smell is terrible - the third week has gone, but we cannot weather it, the head is splitting. And this despite the fact that absolutely everything was washed after processing, right down to furniture and windows. I can definitely say: there are no bedbugs, but if there is a smell, live somewhere else, do not risk it! Especially if you have children.

Karbofos from insects in small glass bottles

Yes, Karbofos helps a lot, but the smell from the sofa has been standing for several years. And one more thing: the new powder does not help, look for liquid, in bottles, as they used to do. Those bugs that did not die immediately will leave later on their own, the main thing is to remove the children away from the apartment. And if you have a mask or a respirator - definitely! Since, along with the bugs, we were poisoned, of course, by our own stupidity.

Obviously, when using Karbofos, caution, a responsible approach to the process and a detailed study of the instructions, which spell out all the symptoms of substance poisoning, will help you avoid the consequences.


Karbofos: the opinion of professionals

The word "expert" inspires confidence: many people are used to trusting the opinion of professionals, which is not surprising. Based on the advice of pest control specialists, you can understand why it is worth using this or that remedy and how to do it correctly.

And further: Poison bugs, but they appear again? It's time to think about prevention, and this is a delicate matter ...

Expert reviews about Karbofos:

Unfortunately, there are no unconditional methods for the complete destruction of bedbugs. Infected equipment, for example, cannot be cleaned of them, and the bed bug is not very susceptible to drugs such as Dichlorvos. For a more or less successful fight, drugs are needed that contain potent Karbofos in the form of a 0.31% solution. With a brush or with a spray gun, the product is applied to furniture, wallpaper, under skirting boards. At the same time, ensure good ventilation of the room and your own protection, otherwise poisoning is inevitable. After 60 days, you will find bedbugs again - be prepared for a second treatment, after which you will most likely achieve a "sustainable remission".

The good old Karbofos still works flawlessly, but it still has drawbacks: a strong smell will require good ventilation for more than 10 hours, while it can be faintly felt even for a year after application; forget about Karbofos if allergy sufferers live in the house; for a good result, you will need three treatments with an interval of two weeks - take care of temporary housing for this period. If you are not confident in your abilities, call the experts!

Bed bugs are difficult to eradicate.But these insects respond well to a combined solution of insecticides from the group of pyrethroids and organophosphate preparations: Tsifoks, Tsiradon, Karbofos, as an option. Pyrethroids are prepared at the rate of 4 grams per liter of water, organophosphorus - from 5 to 7 ml per 1 liter of water. But the most reliable from bed bugs is dust Karbofos, which is available in ready-made packages of 30 and 60 grams.

Instructions for use of Karbofos from insects

So, if you decide on a difficult and lengthy fight against bedbugs, carefully study reviews about Karbofos and ask sellers in stores, do not forget: cases are different. The effectiveness of your actions will depend not only on how strong the drug is, but also on your care and caution when using it. Only in the case of competent application there is a chance to win the fight and get rid of the hated insects.

If you have experience using Karbofos in the fight against bedbugs, be sure to leave your feedback in the comment box below on this page.


Useful video: does karbofos help with bedbugs and how to use it correctly


And this is what bed bugs themselves and their larvae look like


Last update: 2022-06-08

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Reviews on the use of Karbofos in the fight against domestic bugs" 41 comments
  1. Galina

    The bedbugs were brought out with CARBOPHOS six months ago. They wound up in a new sofa. They didn’t dilute it with water according to the instructions, but poured it into a bottle and sprinkled concentrated places where these terrible creatures accumulated. Removed in one treatment. But SMELL! Six months have passed, and the sofa smells very strongly. Washed it with soapy water, didn't help. They called a cleaning service to wash the sofa - it didn’t help (they gave decent money). So now we breathe heavy air in the apartment. When airing, for some reason, it smells even stronger. Karbofos helped bring out bedbugs, but poisoned all the air in the apartment. Maybe someone will not repeat our mistakes. And we'll probably have to throw out the couch.

    • Anonymous

      Galina, tell me, please, where to buy the same liquid karbofos? Dry in bags - this is for gardeners, and the bugs on the site look different.

  2. Boha

    I first treated the apartment with the Executioner, the bugs began to die. I worked every 4 days for 2 weeks. From poison and the search for clean air, they began to climb into the ceiling and curtains, and I soaked them there with a spray gun.
    After 2 weeks, Karbofos began to be used, on the very first day of use, bugs crawled out from all the cracks and began to die on the floor. I poisoned them only at night, and be sure to turn off the light, because they come out in the dark. After Karbofos, I closed the room until the morning, and then ventilated it, and so the second room and the kitchen. I applied Karbofos 3 times with a period of a week.
    Everything is clean, not one creature. But it’s a pity for the spiders, they also died, they are enemies of bedbugs, bedbugs get into their nets and die.

  3. Ruslan

    I'll go tomorrow for Karbofos, nothing takes them.I can’t bring out the second year in the country. Sprinkled with Clean House - disappeared for two months, then all over again.

  4. Elena

    I used karbofos (powder): the smell is not as strong as they say. All creatures upside down, excellent tool.

  5. Nicholas

    24 years ago I treated an apartment with this drug. The impression is that there are no more bedbugs on the globe. Manufacturer of karbofos mhp soyuzbytkhim Novomoskovsk, Tula region, GOST 14877-69 weight 100g. So 4 bottles remained unclaimed, once was enough!

    • Anonymous

      Nikolay, is there an expiration date on your bottles?

  6. Elena

    They called the specialists 5 times already, it did not help. Sometimes I think these creatures will outlive me. Bought Karbofos - our last hope. Hope it helps.

    • Anonymous

      In the autumn they played the daughter's wedding, guests came in large numbers, and these creatures started to grow in our country. Apparently, they took it from the plane. They called the service, gave 4 thousand rubles - it did not help. We read reviews about karbofos, bought powder in the Ob, diluted: 1 package for 5 liters of water. They sprayed everything, the sofas were wet, the floor, the baseboards. Creatures died at once. We advise everyone.

  7. Elena

    And we tried to etch ourselves, but it didn’t work out. We just scared them off. I had to call the service. Thank them very much. HELPED. True, she herself had to drink sedatives, she could not recover after these creatures.

    • Anonymous

      What is the service?

      • Anonymous


    • Anonymous

      We called SES 3 times, to no avail, but gave 10,000. We bought a steamer and Karbofos - the last hope. We can’t take a year out, and the children are at home and have nowhere to go. Let's hope this helps.

      • Anonymous

        It will help, no doubt. Helped us. Before that, they were poisoned by the Battalion Commander - it did not help.

    • Timur

      Lena, hello.Can I find out the name of the office through which the bedbugs were poisoned? And how much did it cost? Thank you.

  8. Marina

    They poisoned me 3 times, called the service, the cracks were covered up, repairs were made on the first day, as they moved to live. The bastard crawls and has already drunk the blood of a child! I'll try Karbofos, maybe it will help.

  9. Elena

    We also faced this problem. They just didn’t use it: some powders, dichlorvos, they were in the sanitary and epidemiological station 3 times, they bought poisons. Nothing helps. Time passes, they appear again. Today we were again at the sanitary and epidemiological station, now they advised us Super Fas powder, but I don’t know if this will help. Just some kind of nightmare. If anyone has dealt with this problem, please help. Tell me. We even threw out the sofa from one room, what now, throw out all the furniture.

    • Yana

      Elena, we had the same problem. We also tried everything we could. As a result, they were saved by means of the Executioner. Processed according to instructions. Phone for ordering funds found on the Internet. We are from Penza. We have a person who is engaged in distribution. Ordered and delivered the same day. Did two treatments. The first time they processed the entire apartment. The second time only sleeping places. The smell dissipates within a day. No furniture was thrown away, there are no traces anywhere.

      • Anonymous

        The executioner is not certified in Russia. Buy at your own risk.

  10. Natalia

    At one time, in the north, these insects were very seized. I learned about karbofos. I did not process anything, I just put it to boil. 3 hours he languished on the stove. I ventilated the apartment for 6-8 hours. And I forgot about those bastards. And then there was no smell.

  11. Evgenia

    We also faced the same problem! I rummaged through the entire Internet in search of a remedy ... First, they treated Your House with the remedy: they, of course, climbed out and died, but not all of them. Then she was saved by the Executioner - it kills not only the adult bug, but also the larvae, and this is very important! And the smell is tolerable, but, of course, the treatment must be carried out in protective equipment (gloves, a respirator ...) And to be sure, they also processed the plinth Masha (special for cockroaches). So times 3 with periods. Thank God they were never seen again!

  12. Evgenia

    I made a little mistake, Mashenka - there is crayon from cockroaches, but there is specially from bedbugs + cockroaches!

  13. Camilla

    We also faced this problem, we have been fighting these mutants for 10 months already, you can’t call it otherwise. And they called SES, and they treated it with a GET, and they themselves bought all sorts of poisons in the SES, and with chlorine, they even used shumanit. In the process of each treatment, I wash everything at 60 degrees, and what cannot be washed, I put it in the freezer for two days. So much effort, nerves and money put on these creatures, but nothing helps. It seems that they are immortal. We process every 10-12 days, we have already bought neacidol in a veterinary pharmacy - it’s useless ... Help, please, advise who has a method of getting rid of these bloodsuckers. I'm probably going to be nervously ill soon...

    • Ludmila

      Only SES helped us! There have been no bed bugs for two years now. And then they just didn’t poison, they almost poisoned themselves. And at least they have something.

    • Anonymous

      There is a remedy called Fufanon. But it's better to call the SES - they will find their nests. You may have to throw away some furniture. 100% need to throw away sofas and beds and buy inflatable ones for a while. And also close up all the cracks in the apartment so that it is airtight.

  14. Anonymous

    I will buy and try.At least it would help, the creatures are tired.

  15. Anonymous

    Napalm, to be sure) And so, karbofos is the most correct. Thicker dilute and fill everything up to the ceiling. I don't wash it for a couple of weeks. After 2 months again. I lit up the entrance, and went to the neighbors. Forgot about the bedbugs until now.

  16. Faith

    I treated the whole apartment three times with an interval of 3-4 days with an aerosol with a “Clean House” straw. Repeated after 10 days - the bugs disappeared. But then she could not understand where the bites with blisters come from, especially after reading in bed. I found a source of bloodsuckers - BOOKS, from where small, almost invisible light insects crawl out, not even like bedbugs. I thought that some paper fleas had got in, but I crushed them, and the smell gave them away, these bugs. I had to throw out the entire library and notebooks with notes, and notebooks with recipes, and sort through all the documents, and throw away photo albums, and wipe all the pictures on both sides. Madhouse and panic neurosis! I wish you all victory!

  17. Anonymous

    Well, I don’t know how to process the whole apartment, because. our neighbor drags everything out of the trash and it seems to us that this is rubbish from her. We tried everything ... And it remains to try with karbofos.

  18. Rustaveli

    They treated with karbofos, raptor, masha and permethrin smoke bomb. We were able to reduce their number by 98-99%. But, unfortunately, they come from neighbors, but they don’t do much processing. And they show up from time to time. So if you have understanding neighbors, then join forces.

  19. Anticlops

    The room was treated with karbofos twice. The nest was discovered by accident - killed! After two treatments, I accidentally go into the room at night to close the balcony, and a flat old bed bug crawls on the mattress. And there are two options: they began to fake karbofos, or karbofos no longer takes them.Tomorrow I'm going for tsifoksom. Another problem is that after being bullied, they didn't crawl onto the walls like the others. Frustration, feeling of trouble! Dichlorvos is clearly not going to help here. From the neighbors could not come running, everything is closed. If tsifox does not help, then this is already a madhouse! I don’t want to call SES yet - they write about deceptions, wind up amounts on the go.

    How could someone survive after karbofos? Yes, the bugs are tenacious, they tolerate -20 well, but something went wrong. I won’t throw out the mattress for now - if the bugs are alive, they will crawl to the feeder.

    The trouble is that it is not clear when they will be destroyed.

  20. Ludmila

    My advice - at the very first detection of insects, call the SES. It makes no sense to use products bought in the store. You can poison yourself with Karbofos, while other means are ineffective. Know that bedbugs are the same age as dinosaurs. Imagine what vitality and endurance they have! All modern chemistry is powerless against them.

  21. Salimat

    Hello, I want to tell you from personal experience in the fight against bedbugs. I brought them out myself personally, before that they called the SES service three times, but the result was only 3-4 weeks, and they appeared again. Tried GET, but also the result is short-lived. We spent a lot of money. ZIFOX helped us (I bought 2 jars at once) and Cypermethrin (3 jars) - it all took me 1 room (our room is 3x5 m). Although it says there that 1 bottle is enough for 5 liters of water, I did this: I took 6 ml of the product with a syringe and diluted it with 0.5 liters of water - for a better effect, because we had a lot of them. Many bedbugs died right before my eyes. But you must at least wear a medical mask, the stench from these drugs is there, but not so strong.But this remedy will not kill eggs (larvae) from bedbugs; for any reason, you will need to re-poison them. A week later, or rather, today I bought karbofos in powder, 60 grams per pack, 6 packs. And I ordered 1 liter of liquid karbofos via the Internet (because according to reviews, I considered karbofos the best, I also consulted with friends who encountered such a problem, they also advised karbofos in powder). But here you still have to work with a respirator, because the smell is really creepy and smelly - even my whole floor stinks. And I bought another spray gun, because I understood what I would poison with, and that it would not work for a long time to breathe.

    Yes, the spray gun is a cool thing, I alone managed the room in 2 hours. The bedbugs were eventually killed on the spot. Now I'll wait a week, see if I managed to kill the larvae or not. And there are no big ones left. Yes, even from karbofos the walls in the room heat up. I think I got rid of it forever.

    • Elena

      Tell me, please, did you get rid of it forever?

  22. 3umrad

    Hello, I read the reviews, the whole body is already starting to itch. These parasites appeared a year ago, to be honest, I didn’t even know that they were bedbugs, and didn’t pay attention to it, since I’m constantly at work. Now on vacation, and my mother began to complain that these creatures are still crawling around the house. You can't imagine what I found on the carpets, on the wall - it was just awful. I looked on the Internet - bitch, bed bugs (sorry for the expression). I read that they cannot stand the cold - they put everything out in the cold for three days, and treated the house with dichlorvos. And of course it didn't help. SES is expensive. Now I devote every free time not to children, but to bedbugs. I re-read the entire Internet: I'll try karbofos.I hope it helps, but only in the summer I will start processing - where in the cold with my family. For now, I will continue to use folk remedies and do wet cleaning with whiteness. Ahhh, damn it, I want to cry already ...

    • Anonymous

      And how did you get rid of it?

  23. Maxim, St. Petersburg

    I've been fighting with these creatures for 2 months now. And parents for almost a year. Apparently, he brought it from them. I processed Getom Express twice, just Getom. Powders. And another fool. It's time to call the SES ...

  24. Anonymous

    I treated the room on Sunday with karbofos, repeated it on Tuesday, on Wednesday they bit me all over. On Thursday, it seems, it was already tolerable to sleep, did not jump off like that. Large ones are not visible - apparently, new ones have hatched. I called the SES, they said to wait until Monday, maybe they will come out! I'm waiting for Monday, I don't know what to do, I'm all on my nerves. Although when I poisoned, I didn’t see a single one, and then I couldn’t see the dead either. And I noticed two quite by accident and immediately began to poison.

  25. Anonymous

    Has anyone tried to make a grid of double-sided tape on a mattress to catch these creatures?

  26. Zulfiya

    We had bed bugs, about 3 years ago. And then suddenly they reappeared. My girl started waking up with bites. Apparently one of the neighbors has bed bugs. As an experienced person already in this matter, I know that bedbugs cannot be killed at once. But sometimes, they say, someone is lucky. I went to the obi, bought a solution for 700 rubles, processed everything. Although the seller said that today this is the most powerful tool - nonsense. 2 step. I bought aerosols: Raptor from bedbugs and a few more aerosols from bedbugs. Everything boomed. A little smaller, but still creeping.

    The sofa is new, so beautiful, I doused it with boiling water and poisons. But they crawled like that, you bastards.I became completely crazy at the end)) I threw out all the sofas from the apartment, peeled off the wallpaper (it was only half a year since they pasted it, it was a pity), tore out the baseboards. Houses like after the bombing. I bought Karbofos and Kukarach's solution, diluted 3 packs of Karbofos into 5 liters, and poured 25 grams of Kukarachi there (this is for a bedroom of 12 sq. M.). Every rag, every handkerchief, I sprinkled and dumped in a heap. I walked along all the walls with a brush, sprayed the ceiling. I poured the remaining solution into the cracks from the baseboards. And so in a new way she bred, into the hall, the corridor. Without regret, I filled everything.

    Here already as two days there is nothing, pah-pah. I don’t wash anything, I don’t clean it, in two weeks I’ll carry out another treatment, but not with Karbofos and not Kukarachi, bedbugs are addicted to these poisons.

    In general, there is nothing better than Karbofos from bedbugs, you just need to process it with high quality. I threw all the blankets and pillows into the clothes dryer in the washing machine, and warmed it up for half an hour. From hot bugs die instantly. Good luck, I advise Karbofos - cheap and cheerful.

  27. Arkady

    I have a combat experience of wars with bedbugs for 4 years (two hotels near the market - this says a lot). Tenants often change, and Asians live in villages of 12 sq.m. After each, you have to fight with bedbugs and cockroaches (the latter are just hordes). I start the first attack with Cypermethrin. I pull the furniture away from the walls and with a garden sprayer I process literally everything: wallpaper on the walls and ceiling, gaps between baseboards and floors and walls, sofas and wardrobes (outside and inside, top and bottom). In general, wherever there is even the slightest gap.

    For ten days I leave the hotel without people, but with open windows. Ten or fourteen days later I repeat the attack, but with Karbofos. And again 10 days of airing.And so I rent until the new tenants begin to complain (about biting bugs).

    But in my apartment there was a fight once and lasted for 23 years. I recommend my tactics to all victims of the attack of these creatures. These creatures adapt quickly to one substance, but they cannot cope with two. REMEMBER about personal protective equipment during processing, do not neglect them. Yes, it is somewhat uncomfortable, but after treatment you will not have to experience discomfort (dryness and burning in the mouth and respiratory organs, headache, jumping pressure, etc.).

    Good luck to everyone who needs a fight.


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