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Fufanon from bedbugs: reviews

Last update: 2022-05-26
≡ Article has 39 comments
  • Elena: We bought fufanon for gardening. Every second ampoule is under...
  • Rustem: They called the specialists. Treated with fufanon, as they say. But the smell...
  • Owl: These bastards crawled from the neighbors, we have 4 rooms, in two of them ...
See bottom of page for details

Fufanon, reviews

Fufanon, which has other names - Malathion, Fufanon Super, Taran - is one of the most effective remedies against domestic parasitic insects. This drug is a broad-spectrum organophosphorus insecticide with contact, intestinal and fumigant action against insects of various species.

The drug has an average level of toxicity for humans and animals and can be used in residential areas (from small apartments to agricultural warehouses) against cockroaches, ants, fleas, etc. In everyday life, people often use Fufanon for bedbugs. Reviews of this insecticide will help to study the characteristics of the drug in more detail and understand the features of its use.

If you also have experience using Fufanon, write your review in the comments box at the end of the article.


How effective is Fufanon?

Review number 1: Of all that I have tried, I prefer Fufanon. Very effective against these terrible bed bugs, and also against ticks - I use it for prevention in the garden. Only now I alternate the means so that insects do not get used to it, just in case. As long as they don't bother.

Fufanon, 5 ml

Review number 2: Fufanon is an imported Karbofos, nothing new. Dangerous, with a terrible smell, but surprisingly effective against bedbugs and other unnecessary insect living creatures, it is available in liter bottles.

Review number 3: But Fufanon did not help us. They sprayed the apartment three times, the last time they didn’t even dilute the concentrate - it’s useless. Tired of fighting, had to call disinfectors.

Review number 4: We ran into bedbugs in a rented apartment - there were a lot of them. I was advised Fufanon Super from bedbugs, ants and cockroaches - it is sold in any store like "goods for the garden and garden." Diluted in water, sprayed, aired for a week. For prevention, I processed it again a month later - there are no bugs yet.

Review number 5: Understand that it is useless to fight bedbugs on your own! We poisoned them with all known methods and means, including Fufanon - after it the effect was longer, but the bugs still returned after some time, and there were even more of them! Just call specialists, but they don’t give guarantees either.

Fufanon with a single application does not always help with bedbugs

Review number 6: Bed bugs tortured - they bite our whole family, such huge bumps on the body itch from bites! They turned the whole apartment upside down - they didn’t find it, they treated everything with Fufanon, the reviews on the forums speak of its strong effect. And the insects really left almost immediately, and have not yet returned.

Review number 7: It helps a lot with bed bugs. Dilute Fufanon according to the instructions, process all baseboards, door jambs, corners, furniture, and go somewhere to live for 3-4 days. Then you come back, ventilate the rooms, do a good wet cleaning, take things to dry cleaning or wash them at high temperatures - it’s the only way, tedious and unpleasant, but it really helps. The main thing is to be patient and tune in to a successful outcome.

Following the instructions when working with Fufanon

As can be seen from the reviews, Fufanon can really help in the fight against annoying insects, but the effect will depend on many nuances. For example, if your neighbors also have bedbugs, then your actions alone will not help much, and the pests will return again. In this case, it is worth joining forces.

It is also useful to read: Remedy for bed bugs Taran

And further: We catch bedbugs and put deadly experiments on them - this is a must see!


Is Fufanon dangerous for humans?

Review number 8: My fight against bedbugs is going with varying degrees of success. I processed everything with Fufanon, this smell almost drove me crazy. A week later, I thought that it was bites again - it turned out that I had earned an allergy. The tool may be strong, but dangerous for humans.

Fufanon can cause allergies

Review number 9: It seems to me that Fufanon is not the most suitable way to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment, yet toxicity, smell, etc. will not have a beneficial effect on health. If you have a predisposition to allergies, don't risk it! Use in the garden - it's safer.

Review No. 10: Fufanon, of course, smells very strongly - I got rid of the smell for a year, and then it was weak, barely noticeable. But if you want to remove insects, you will have to be patient and leave somewhere for a couple of days after processing the apartment, otherwise poisoning is inevitable.

Review number 11: Yes, this Fufanon is effective against bedbugs, but at the same time it is very dangerous for humans. With direct contact, it is quickly absorbed through the mucous membrane, affects the liver in particular and health in general. Is it necessary to take that risk? So many services now, they will bring out any insects.

Review number 12: If you use Fufanon or Fufanon Super, trying to get rid of bedbugs in the apartment, arm yourself with a respirator and gloves, otherwise you will get poisoned. I myself am an asthmatic, poisoned this misfortune for a long time, but brought it out myself, fortunately, did not suffer. Ventilate the apartment well and do a quality cleaning. I hope my review helps someone.

When working with Fufanon, you need to use protective equipment

So, the opinions of people allow us to draw a very important conclusion: Fufanon, like other insecticides, requires competent handling and the mandatory use of personal protective equipment for hands and respiratory organs, as it is a drug toxic to humans.


Fufanon in the fight against bedbugs: expert opinion

As a rule, people tend to trust the reasoned opinion of specialists more, and this applies to all areas of life, including the choice of means for fighting insects.

Expert reviews about Fufanon

Expert review: Imported Fufanon is a well-forgotten old, familiar to us Karbofos, only more pure and of high quality, and therefore less toxic.Of the positive nuances, I note the affordable cost and low consumption (after all, a concentrate). Of the negative - the smell, a strong and pungent smell that is difficult to weather.

I do not recommend using the drug in apartments, except perhaps in a suburban area for your garden. At home - only as a last resort and extreme caution. Can be used for prevention, since the price allows.

Expert review: If this is not the first time you have been treating an apartment from bedbugs with Fufanon, the larvae may develop a pronounced protective reaction to the components of the drug, and it will be very difficult to get rid of pests.

Bed bugs may develop resistance to Fufanon

Fufanon and Fufanon Super are best alternated or mixed with other powerful insecticides, diluting them at a concentration of 50-60 ml of the product per 1 liter of water and treating the premises no more than once every 21 days. Drugs can be purchased at any SES.


Expert review: At the first independent fight against bedbugs, I would advise using substances that have a fourth class of danger to humans (Fufanon has a third class). The fourth is good because it does not give a strong impact when it hits things and objects - when baiting insects from rooms, you can not take anything out.

If you are confident in your abilities and determined, then Fufanon can also be used to remove bedbugs, but for this you will need goggles, a respirator, gloves and a lot of patience. The smell of the drug is strong, but over time it will go away, and this is perhaps the only drawback compared to the effectiveness of Fufanon, which, by the way, is a widely used agent in pest control.

How many people, so many opinions - this simple truth has been proven more than once.In our time, it is unlikely that someone will blindly follow someone else's recommendations, but they can be taken into account, especially when it comes to human life and health.

And further: Well, what can I say - Get Total picked bedbugs for 2.5 hours, but still did its job ...

Maybe you managed to successfully get rid of bed bugs with Fufanon and have something to say? Or do you disagree with the opinion of experts and want to share your personal experience?

Even if you just have questions on the topic - write them in the comment box below. We (the site administration) welcome them, as we understand that this really helps many people to make their lives and the lives of their loved ones free from parasitic insects.


How effective is karbofos against bed bugs?


Video: how to treat an apartment from bedbugs


Last update: 2022-05-26

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Fufanon from bedbugs: reviews" 39 comments
  1. gulmaram

    Fufanon does not help 00% it will get worse

  2. Elena

    We have been suffering with bedbugs for six months now ...

    From the neighbors they should not, it seems like they just moved in recently, having made a European renovation. At first we didn't even realize it was bed bugs. Where they came from is unknown. That's when the war began with them. What I just did not flood the room: and kerosene, and vinegar, and Masha's pencil. Everything is useless. Recently I found out about Fufonon, diluted 2 ampoules per 1 liter of water, splashed everything, left the apartment for a day. It's been 2 days already, on the first night one of them (survivors) bit all my hands - apparently out of anger at me. Today I didn't notice anything. Let's hope I never see them again! The only thing that worries me is that the bugs were on the bookshelf, in the books ... ((If there were eggs from the bugs in them, what should I do with them ?! Do not throw away the books?

    • Vera Ivanovna

      To fight bedbugs, you need to study the enemy on the Internet - which means knowing the habits (how long they live and, most importantly, how the female breeds). And the female bed bugs breed in such a way that you faint! She scatters eggs after five days! You need to treat with fufanon in five days... Because all the adults will die, but the eggs will remain. So that individuals do not start laying eggs again, you need to fight them. There is no other way. This will take up to 2-3 months.

  3. Sasha

    Fufanon does not help. I poured it all over and it dried up and no effect. And the smell is not so stinky

  4. Angelina

    It doesn't help, they sprayed the whole apartment! Even concentrated, how the bugs ran and run.

    • Tatiana

      Try the Tsifoks tool, it is sold in stores for gardeners, we are also suffering, we called in specialists - it didn’t help, I went to the neighbors and it turned out they also had bedbugs. Here they all united, yesterday they poisoned the whole floor.

      • Sergey

        And what helped?

      • Anonymous

        Helped you?

  5. Hope

    Hello! They are processing the apartment with foresight, I decided to re-paste the wallpaper in misinformation. The store was advised to add fufanon to the wallpaper paste. Has anyone tried it, what do you think? )

    • Roma

      You need to add spent carbide to the glue, you can ask the mechanics of the housing department. Helps, checked.

    • Ygrek

      When moving into a room in a communal apartment, I re-pasted the wallpaper, added karbofos to the wallpaper glue (then it was sold in small dark bottles) and did the same with the next repairs. All the neighbors had bed bugs, but we didn't.

  6. Hope

    We lived in a shield assembly house and there were a lot of bedbugs. They poisoned by all means (kerosene, pencil, dust, karbofos), but the bugs appeared again and again. And after the use of carbide, not only bedbugs, but also all evil spirits disappeared for many years. But we applied it like this - about half a kg of powder was poured into an iron bucket and filled with water. This was done at night. We had to spend the night, of course, not at home. Then aired and cleaned up. True, the smell reminded of itself for some time.

  7. Natalia

    Was the whole apartment treated with carbide, or was it just diluted in a bucket and left in the apartment for smell?

  8. Raisa

    All these things must be done on the waning cycle of the moon. And you don’t need to pour over the floor and the apartment, but with a children’s douche in the skirting boards around the perimeter (if the skirting boards are old, then tear them off and throw them away), there is something to be surprised! And turn the furniture, sofas, chairs. And also prokarbofosit in all-all cracks. Whom she offered and helped - got rid of at a time!

  9. Anonymous

    To definitely get rid of bedbugs, you need the drug Cyfox (concentrate). You breed, look for a bug, spray it. The bastard is dying right in front of your eyes.

    • Anonymous

      Nice and clearly stated.

  10. Galina

    A very good tool. I used it twice in my life - one in the distant 80s, we drove into the apartment, and there ... bugs! And I have a small child. No matter what I did, nothing helped. That year there were a lot of flies in the summer, and in the store there was only karbofos in spray cans. Honestly - I only sprayed into the air, from the flies. After a while, I discovered that there were no bed bugs!

    The second time, about five years ago, I encountered this evil again. I was already smarter - I immediately bought Fufanon (the same karbofos). ALL. There are no bedbugs! The only thing is that the smell takes a very long time to fade. Then I read that they go away because of the smell. So, if the drug does not have a persistent smell, it is a fake. I poisoned in the summer, so it was easier.

  11. Masha

    Bed bugs got in, it's some kind of horror. There were a lot of them in the sofa, as they found out, they immediately threw it out. They treated them with "Clean House", "Combat", and a week later they reappeared. They ripped off the wallpaper and found it under the wallpaper, bought Fufanon, now they poisoned it, we are waiting.

  12. Safari

    Whom to believe?..

  13. Masha

    And again found 2 bugs!

  14. Shurik

    Fufanon, karbofos - all this is bullshit and a divorce. I can't find Nurel d, Karate Zeon. Here is the drug! Firstly, the cost of money, and secondly, the quality. 5 liter bottle is enough for the whole of St. Petersburg. 2 times I ordered from Uzbekistan, but both times they were taken away at the airport.

  15. Masha

    Fufanon did not help 🙁 Now they ordered ZIFOX. Who tried this tool, who helped?

    • Roman, master exterminator

      I think that tsifox helped you. Since Fufanon and Cyfox have different active ingredients - malathion and cypermethrin, respectively, in case of repeated processing, there should be a good effect. But much, of course, depends on the processing method.

    • Anonymous


  16. Alexander, 26 years old

    I brought a bedbug home from a friend, for two or three weeks I was bitten. I have a three-ruble note, I decided to call a team of craftsmen, they processed one of my rooms, where, in principle, they were the only ones. After processing, a maximum of a week later I saw a fat bug - I killed it! After that, no one has been seen for three weeks, there are no new bites ... The remedy was Fufanon, so for now I praise and am happy with the result. On the same day, he was already sitting all night in the room in which this agent was sprayed. And so a month has passed, alive, healthy, did not catch anything. Super tool, I recommend! And call the brigade for insurance, in which case you can not spare money.

    • Julia

      Alexander, what brigade was called? I can't find a good one. According to reviews, none of them can cope.

  17. Julia

    They rented an apartment, moved all their furniture, and bed bugs live there. They immediately moved into our newly purchased sofa. My husband and I were not bitten, and there was no living place on the child. Without thinking for a long time, we called a service that processes apartments, paid 2000 for a 1-room apartment, which turned out to be expensive for us, since we are on rent. They processed the apartment, the product was “fufanon”, they gave a guarantee for 1 year, they said there would be no 100% of bedbugs. For days we lived with relatives. And what do you think - three days have passed, and we still wake up all in bites, only now they bite me and my husband, I’m generally silent about the child. Tears on eyes. Maybe the bedbugs were poisoned, but the eggs remained, and that's the result! So the drug is not effective! We will call again, the benefit is free under warranty 🙁

  18. Katerina

    Fufanon helped me from red domestic ants. Not a single ant for many years!

  19. Basil

    As for me, Fufanon is an excellent tool! Especially in combination with Confidant and Cypermethrin.

  20. Ruslan

    If bedbugs are tortured, I advise you to take NUREL-D. Dilute in warm boiled water, stir well and spray everything you see around with a spray bottle! And then close the room for a day. And then ventilate and live peacefully and happily without bedbugs. It is advisable to repeat the treatment after two weeks in case the bugs managed to lay their eggs!

  21. Anonymous

    Relying only on the tool is not worth it. It is necessary to close up all the cracks where they can hide, close the gap under the baseboards with mounting foam. In general, it is necessary that everything be hermetically sealed, so that if they manage to escape during the persecution, they will not return. And fufanon helps, only it has a terrible smell, and if it gets on the equipment, then you can wash its figs.

    In short, the walls, floor and ceiling must be airtight, without gaps.

  22. Denis

    Against bedbugs 100% concentrate is SICHLOR. I have already poisoned many apartments for them, everyone is dying before our eyes.

  23. Svetlana

    Bed bugs were poisoned with Fufanon. They splashed everywhere. I have been smelling the smell in an empty apartment for 4 months now. What to do? Maybe soaked up the wallpaper? What to wash...

  24. Anonymous

    I also poisoned with fufanon, I can’t weather the smell for a month now. How to get rid of the smell, tell me?

    • Anonymous

      Only repair will help, this agent is absorbed even into plastic.

  25. Olga

    Exterminators were called several times and in two apartments. Nothing new. They treat with the same drugs that are on sale. Fufanon is the best that has been used. Or buy in SES stores.

  26. Owl

    These bastards crawled from the neighbors, we have 4 rooms, two of them had these creatures.Only Fufanon helped and the baseboards and the sofa were treated with a steam generator. Gone, but reappeared three years later on the riser from the neighbors. In general, it is necessary to cover up all the cracks, spray with Fufanon - the smell is persistent, but there is no other way. And clean up their places.

  27. Rustem

    The specialists were called. Treated with fufanon, as they say. But there was no smell. Maybe scammers. No effect.

  28. Elena

    Bought fufanon for gardening. Every second ampoule is a fake. Here and buy. And you won't know how to actually cultivate the garden. And in general, is this counterfeit harmful? And they bought in a good, one might already say “good” specialized store.


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