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Signs of the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment

Last update: 2022-06-19
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Signs of the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment

Guessing that insects live in the apartment is not so difficult. All living beings, including parasites, cannot but leave traces of their vital activity. Symptoms of the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment are very characteristic and will help to find the habitats of these insects. If you notice them in time, you can get rid of bed bugs much faster and return to a quiet life.


Bedbug bites: the surest sign

Bed bugs' only food is human blood. In order to get enough of it and at the same time protect itself, the bug prefers to hunt in the dark.

It crawls onto unprotected parts of the body, pierces the skin with its sharp mouth apparatus, getting into a blood vessel, from where it sucks out the necessary amount of blood. At the same time, a special channel in the proboscis allows the bug to secrete a special substance that makes the skin insensitive for a while, blocking the nerve endings. People often do not wake up from bites and do not feel them.

The regular appearance of bite marks on the body is one of the signs of the presence of bedbugs in the apartment.

After drinking the first portion of blood, the bug moves a little further and makes the next bite. The photo shows that the traces of several bug bites resemble peculiar paths:

Paths from bedbug bites


“We thought that the children were allergic, it is not clear what. There were too many red dots. It looked like a windmill. We began to sort out the products, look at the plants. But I was embarrassed that many points are clearly located along the lines. Like something is crawling under the skin. So the pediatrician immediately told us that it was bedbugs. They overturned their sofa in the nursery and pumped me out with ammonia. I have never seen such horror before. These bugs swarmed there, as in an anthill ... "

Anna, Kharkiv

In addition, bed bugs usually do not touch areas of the body with hair. It prefers smooth skin that can be bitten through quickly and easily. A red spot appears at the site of the bite. A sign of a bed bug bite is severe itching and burning, often severe swelling.

Swelling at bed bug bites

As a rule, traces are found only in the morning and a person can take them for an allergic reaction. However, the corresponding preparations do not give any relief, and the area of ​​​​red spots only increases every day.

Bedbugs bite everyone, but women and children are often more bitten. This is due to the fact that it is easier for the bug to bite through their thin skin, and the blood vessels in women and children are located closer to the skin.

The number of bites depends only on the population of bed bugs in the apartment. There were cases when, with a strong infection with parasites on the bodies of people, there were 300-400 bites per night.

It can be said with all responsibility that bites are one of the most characteristic symptoms of a bed bug in an apartment.It is only important to distinguish them from the bites of other insects and allergic manifestations.

It is also useful to read: Bed bug breeding details

And one more thing: it is generally accepted that if you leave the apartment for a long time, then all the bugs will die of hunger. Let's see if bedbugs can still eat something and how long they can live without human blood


The smell of bedbugs in the apartment

You can often hear the following phrase: "The apartment smells like bedbugs." She seems funny, but it's scientifically proven.

Both adult bugs and larvae have a special gland that other domestic insects do not have. The gland secretes a special secret that exudes a smell characteristic of bedbugs.

The feces of insects, which look like small black dots, have the same smell. Those who have felt it describe a slight stench, similar to the smell of spoiled cognac or sour raspberries.

Experts are well aware from experience that such a smell in the apartment is a sign of a large number of bedbugs in the house.

The smell of bedbugs will be felt most strongly near their permanent habitats - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bed, behind cabinets, behind window sills, behind picture frames.

The smell of bedbugs


“I never believed that bedbugs in a room could really change the smell. My mother-in-law said that our apartment smelled of bugs, but my wife and I thought it was just the smell of old furniture. When we arrived from a two-day fishing trip, we were horrified: there really is an alien smell, this is not fiction! They began to carefully review the furniture and found these parasites behind the sofa.

Sasha, Kursk

Of course, the smell is almost one hundred percent a sign of the presence of bedbugs, but people do not always feel it, because the sense of smell quickly gets used to constant aromas. The greatest probability of re-"sniffing" at your own apartment - arrival from rest, from the dacha.

If there is no complete certainty that the smell really matches the description, you need to pay attention to other signs of bedbugs in the apartment.


Bed bug marks

Sometimes the previous symptoms of the presence of bedbugs in the apartment do not give a 100% guarantee, and you want to see the bloodsuckers, as they say, “live”. To do this, there is this way: you need to spread a white sheet on the bed in the evening (on which dark insects will be clearly visible), turn off the light and wait until 2-3 am.

After that, the light must be turned on sharply. If there are bedbugs in the house, then at least a few of them will definitely be on the bed.

It is also useful to read: What do bed bugs look like

And further: The Get Express tool really killed all the bugs quickly - after 42 minutes only corpses were lying around

Bed bugs

When bed bugs bite you, unlike mosquitoes, they don't inject an enzyme into your blood that helps it clot faster. Therefore, immediately after a bug bite, a few drops of blood are released from the wound. Naturally, during sleep, a person turns on the bed and small specks of blood often remain on the sheets.

Blood stains on the bed

In order to detect them, you need to remove the blanket and carefully examine the sheet in daylight. Drops of blood on bed linens are one of the most accurate signs of bed bugs.


Bed bug traces

Bedbugs mark their presence in the apartment not only with the smell or bite marks on the human body, but also with other symptoms and signs.

  • Like other living beings, they undergo a process of digestion, which ends with the release of the remnants of undigested food.
  • Bed bug discharge is thin and dark brown in color. However, when exposed to air, they quickly solidify and become hard.
  • Bed bugs usually excrete feces shortly after eating. Therefore, you can find the waste products of an insect anywhere, especially there will be a lot of them in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bed and, possibly, on it itself - this is also a sure symptom of bedbugs hiding somewhere nearby. Bedbug feces have a characteristic smell of low-quality cognac.

The bug excretes the remains of undigested food

The black balls are bed bug excrement.

To identify the population of parasites in the apartment, there is another important sign. After hatching from the egg, the bedbug nymph grows and molts several times. The insect sheds the upper chitinous cover, which each time becomes more and more dense and darker.

If a large number of bedbugs live in the apartment, then you can find such “skins” almost everywhere.

All signs of the presence of bedbugs in the apartment with a high degree of accuracy will determine the presence of insects. However, the most shocking and surest confirmation of the fact that an apartment is infested with insects will be to see the parasites with your own eyes.

When even the slightest doubt arises, it is imperative to check all possible habitats for bedbugs. This also needs to be done if the bugs are wound up with the neighbors. It is likely that soon they will begin to settle in neighboring apartments.


Where do bed bugs come from in the apartment and how to deal with them correctly


How to choose a bed bug extermination service?


Last update: 2022-06-19

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Signs of the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment" 24 comments
  1. Dima

    How to get rid of them?

  2. Tanya

    I live with my husband in a rented apartment, the furniture is all my own, a couple of months ago spots similar to a mosquito bite began to appear and itch. I went to visit, everything went. I returned home a couple of days ago, there were more bites: there were tracks of 5 spots on my hands. Could it be that these bugs came from neighbors, since the furniture has been around for a long time and this has never happened before?

  3. Katia

    People, help! How to remove bedbugs? As the evening begins, the whole body itches and itches, the bugs are not visible, but only some kind of black dots. What's this?

    • Anonymous

      This is their poop.

    • Natalia

      Black dots are poop. Call SES, nothing else will help.

    • Alexandra

      And these poo do not wash off ((

  4. Anonymous

    Somehow, these bugs started up with us, in the middle of the night I got up to drink some water and found it. My panic knew no bounds)) On the same night, my husband and I took the sofa to the trash. Then, in 3 visits, they sprayed the entire apartment with dichlorvos - and the bugs were gone.

  5. Natalia

    Two years ago, before moving, we had bed bugs: a lot. What we just did not splash ... But all in vain. Then they called the SES, they arrived, processed everything (for money, of course), and so far there are no bedbugs in this apartment (four years have passed). But now in a new apartment, a week ago I noticed a bug on the sofa, and without thinking at all immediately called the SES. Today they processed it, and I am sure that I will not see these creatures again.

  6. Victoria, Moscow

    I was also bitten by these creatures, I woke up in the morning and found a trace of 5 bites on my knee. God, mom said it was mosquitoes, but at night she went on the Internet, read and found out that these are bed bugs!

  7. Alexandra

    We have already called twice ... The result is zero, we don’t know what to do! Advise!

    • Marina

      Raptor from all living creatures in the apartment. Helped us...

    • Lyubava

      Karbofos is a smelly remedy for flowers, weathered for years! But the result is 100%.

  8. Alina

    Dichlorvos, odorless! It is necessary 2 times, the interval is a week. There were no 6 months and reappeared, from the neighbors - they poured, and again spread. Just TROUBLE. Many in the house, they pour everything on the sly! ..

  9. Stranger

    Bought a sofa from hands for a very low price. There were some doubts in him, they also took him from the hostel. There were suspicions, but nothing was found at that moment. A month passed, I saw one on the wall during the day, at first I was taken aback - from where? I reviewed everything visually, without looking closely. It seems to have calmed down over time. Another month passed: as usual, I made the sofa after sleep, where the eldest son and her husband slept, and saw a bug in the place where the pillow was (that is, under the pillow) ...

    The panic began. I started looking at everything and found the whole hearth of our trouble - it was that fucking sofa. My brother and I quickly dismantled the sofa and carried it out. I bought dichlorvos, sprinkled another sofa, a few pieces fell. When my husband came home, he was stunned by the news. Immediately called the service for baiting insects. The next day, the entire apartment was sprayed. The next day I killed five more bedbugs, and today two more. I called the company whose services I used and asked what it was, to which they answered that it was normal, they would die within three weeks and that they should not be killed. I was just amazed - I can't kill them?! After all, they will bite my children until they die. Now I really hope that this processing will help us. Tip: never buy furniture for a dubious price and from a hostel.

  10. Mythodius

    We also have one bed bug named Robinson (I call him that). Well, in short, I tried everything, but I just can’t catch him, he’s smart, he knows how to hide. 3 bites a day, sometimes 1 bite - it depends on his mood, I guess. Well, God forbid, I will catch him and I will mock him for a long time, torture him, and in the end I will fry him and feed him to the bird.

    • Nata

      Ahaha... A resilient fighter. The bug, having drunk blood, rests from a week to two.So you don’t already have Robinson there, judging by the frequency of bites, but the children of Captain Grant with the rest of the travelers)

  11. Irina

    The bug cannot be alone. They breed hundreds per day. We brought with us from friends, and when we rushed, they already multiplied in all the rooms. Only the executioner helped. You only need it more than once. A week later, the persecution is repeated. Eggs do not take poison.

  12. Light

    Never knew this in my life! The husband brought bedbugs to the apartment from his parents. At first, there was one bite a day, then two or more, they still become so swollen on the skin, then they even look like bruises! Kick-Ass! We will call the SES - I'm afraid that if we poison them ourselves, there will be no sense, but they will only multiply ... Although I don’t know, I myself also need to probably buy something for persecution.

    • Maria

      Karbofos packs 20 by 50 square meters. And say goodbye to them forever. Dilute karbofos in a spray bottle, then just pour over the entire hut.

  13. Olga

    When bedbugs appeared in the apartment, I called the SES, but little helped. Then I ditched the wooden sofas and replaced them with metal frame sofas where everything can be removed and washed. The bugs tried to adapt there too, but after washing the covers they disappeared ... I bought sofas in Ikea.

  14. Ivan

    My wife has gone crazy. Thinks there are bed bugs everywhere. Tell me, if I don’t see them and no one bites me, how can I find out if there are bedbugs in the apartment? How to find a living one, what do they look like? If they are in the apartment, then in any way they can be caught doing their business? And then I'll put her in a psychiatric hospital. Like, you know, grandmothers gossip on the bench, and pest control is fed for free.In short, how to identify them 100% and see at least? And not the way you write - marks on the bed, scales, feces ...

    • Darmidont

      From experience, it's very hard to see. In bed at night (between 3 and 5 am approximately), turning on the light abruptly and examining the bed. The size is different: from 1 mm to about 5 mm, depending on age. In short, it's problematic. They run away pretty fast. Use white underwear while hunting - it's easier to notice.

  15. Anastasia

    Hector powder helps against adults and larvae, but it will be necessary to be patient with wet cleaning. Harmless to people and animals. We poured right under the sheet on the sofa, mixed with Ecokiller powder. Services that poison - bullshit, scammer ...

  16. Anon

    I saw these creatures last night and was horrified. I have a small grandson. I dismantled the sofa and sprayed it with dichlorvos, in the morning I will take out the sofa in the cold. Do you think it will help?


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