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An experiment on bedbugs: at what temperature do they die and how can this be used in practice

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During the experiment, we will see if bed bugs really die already at a temperature of + 45 ° C. We will also test how quickly they die at +50°C. The test method will be simple - we place pre-caught parasites in a plastic container, after which we gently and evenly heat it, fixing the temperature with an alcohol thermometer.

Watch video:

0:01 - The most comfortable temperature for bed bugs and the temperature at which they die relatively quickly.

0:55 - What methods of killing bedbugs using high or low temperature can sometimes be used in practice.

1:27 - Why it often seems that bloodsuckers can withstand temperatures that should be fatal for them.

1:56 - How fast parasites die at extreme temperatures.

2:31 - How low and how high should the temperature be so that the bloodsuckers and their larvae begin to die quickly enough.

3:13 - Let's do an experiment and see if the bugs survive at +45 degrees Celsius.

3:34 - This is what the bed bugs we selected for the test look like.

3:59 - We check the condition of the insects selected for the experiment.

4:10 - Gently heat the plastic container to +45 degrees Celsius, using a conventional alcohol thermometer to control the degree of heating.

4:51 - We put the parasites in a heated container and start the stopwatch. Let's see how quickly they die at this temperature.

5:16 - Explain why bedbugs tolerate low temperatures better than high ones.

5:37 – Typical habitats for bed bugs are human habitation and in the wild.

6:24 - What temperature conditions do bed bugs have to face in nature. What conditions do they more or less normally tolerate and under what parameters can they no longer withstand.

7:28 – Why are bed bugs almost never threatened by extremely high temperatures in the wild?

7:45 - Types of bedbugs that can survive in nature under extreme conditions.

8:34 - Do bed bugs hibernate when the room temperature drops sharply. What processes occur in the body of the parasite in the cold.

8:55 - We observe how the test insects feel in a container heated to +45 degrees Celsius.

11:43 - Summing up the preliminary results: the test confirmed that domestic bugs die quite quickly at a temperature of + 45 ° C.

12:02 - From a practical point of view, how effective and expedient is it to kill parasites at this temperature.

12:31 - We begin the second test: this time we put the parasites in a plastic container heated to +50°C.

12:53 - We observe how they feel at +50 degrees Celsius.

15:16 – Result: at +50°C all tested bugs died after 9 minutes.

15:25 - Can bed bug eggs withstand temperatures of 50 degrees?

16:10 - How to warm up a parasite-infested apartment.

And further: Well, what can I say - Get Total picked bedbugs for 2.5 hours, but still did its job ...

16:37 - How long will it take to keep the temperature in the apartment at + 50 ° C in order to destroy all the bugs?

17:11 - How to prepare an apartment for heat treatment.

17:29 - About the high efficiency of the thermal method for the destruction of domestic bugs.

17:37 - Another option for dealing with bedbugs is freezing them at sub-zero temperatures. We explain the key disadvantages of this method when implemented in an ordinary apartment.

18:18 - When it makes sense to apply low temperatures.

18:36 - Freezing bedbugs is not very convenient from a practical point of view.

19:13 - Why, even with all the desire, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely freeze out all the parasites in the room.

19:43 - Another option is to use a steam generator (to quickly kill bedbugs with hot steam).

20:18 - How often will you have to resort to using a steam generator to completely destroy the parasites in the room?

20:50 - Do bloodsuckers die after washing things with hot water in a washing machine? At what temperature is it better to wash things so that insects die for sure and whether it is worth boiling things that may contain bedbug nests.

21:29 - The optimal temperature for washing linen and clothes after pest control in the apartment.

22:02 – Like using an ordinary car left in the sun, you can quickly decontaminate pillows, bedding, children's toys and other things from parasites.

22:23 - Will bedbugs die in clothes and things if they are left in the cold for several days?

22:43 - Is it possible to completely get rid of parasites using temperature methods alone?

23:10 - The main reasons for the not always high effectiveness of these methods in the fight against bed bugs.

23:43 - Why attempts to remove bedbugs with a steam generator often fail.

24:07 - Why the use of low temperatures, as a rule, does not lead to the complete destruction of parasites.

24:30 - Insufficiently thorough thermal treatment as the main reason for the low effect or even its absence.

25:17 - In what cases will any attempts to get rid of bedbugs give only a temporary effect and, most importantly, what to do if it is not possible to destroy the parasites. What needs to be done to get rid of bloodsuckers once and for all.



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