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Getting rid of bed bugs in the apartment quickly and effectively

Last update: 2022-05-24
≡ Article 54 comments
  • Svetlana: Carbide to the rescue. A small lump in a jar, in every room...
  • Vikusik: I don’t know how anyone, but we were helped by a company of exterminators. Just...
  • Olesya: Hello! Please tell me where did you get this...
See bottom of page for details

Let's try to figure out how to get rid of bed bugs in the apartment once and for all ...

Next you will learn:

  • What are the general ways of getting rid of bedbugs in an apartment today and which of them are really effective, and which are not very;
  • Where is it necessary to start the fight against domestic bugs and why sometimes the success of this “operation” may depend on the neighbors;
  • What is important to know in advance about the work of pest control services in order not to run into scammers;
  • What insecticidal preparations will allow you to get rid of bedbugs in the apartment on your own, and very reliably and without a persistent unpleasant smell in the rooms;
  • In what cases does it make sense to resort to temperature methods of getting rid of bedbugs and what is useful to know about the use of folk remedies that are not losing popularity ...

Bed bugs are extremely unpleasant "neighbors" in the apartment, capable of poisoning the normal life of not only rural residents, but also quite respectable citizens. Unlike cockroaches, these blood-sucking parasites are practically indifferent to the sanitary conditions of the premises, equally willingly settling in barracks and luxury apartments.Therefore, generally speaking, not a single resident of a city apartment is immune from meeting bed bugs.

At the same time, the appearance of bedbugs in a room is by no means a reason to panic or, moreover, change an apartment. If you act correctly, then you can get rid of parasites quickly enough, and this will not always be associated with significant financial costs.

If you act correctly, then you can really get rid of bedbugs on your own, and in a fairly short time.

So, if in the morning your body is covered with itchy bites, there are traces of blood on the sheet, and when cleaning from under the bed you regularly sweep insect skins and traces of their vital activity (for example, small black excrement, egg shells), then the situation is most likely is already running. In this case, it would be naive to believe that it is enough to sprinkle the bed with Dichlorvos, and the problem will be solved by itself - no, a more thorough approach will be required here.

About how you can permanently get rid of bedbugs in an apartment, even in advanced cases, we will go on and talk in more detail. But first things first…


All ways to get rid of bed bugs

Before you get rid of bed bugs once and for all, you first need to choose the right method of struggle. This is one of the key steps in getting rid of parasites: the wrong method will take a lot of effort, time and money, but it will not help to effectively get rid of bedbugs.

We note the most popular today and effective (if performed correctly) ways to get rid of bedbugs:

  1. Calling the pest control service is perhaps the most effective, fastest, but at the same time quite expensive way to deal with parasites. Available to residents of large cities and suburbs, it allows not only the fight against bed bugs, but also the comprehensive disposal of large areas from a variety of insects.Calling exterminators is considered the most effective and fastest way to get rid of insects in the house.
  2. Independent use of insecticidal preparations. This method is much more affordable than the services of professional services, but it requires some effort and time. With a competent approach, it gives excellent results and allows you to get rid of bed bugs in a fairly short time;You can fight bed bugs on your own - with the help of insecticidal preparations.
  3. Temperature treatment of a room or furniture is considered the safest way for humans and pets to get rid of bedbugs. At the same time, this technique is very effective: bedbugs are sometimes resistant to chemical poisons, but at the same time they are always very sensitive to low and high temperatures. However, technically, it is sometimes difficult to organize the temperature treatment of a room (we will talk about this a little lower);The photo shows an example of the destruction of bedbugs in a children's mattress using hot steam.
  4. Mechanical destruction - in other words, it is the fight against bedbugs with a vacuum cleaner or slipper. A very inefficient and not fast method, which is suitable only if there are single parasites in the apartment;If you just crush the bugs or try to collect them with a vacuum cleaner, then the fight against parasites can drag on for many months ...
  5. The use of folk remedies for getting rid of bed bugs. This method is cheaper than the use of modern synthetic insecticides, but its effectiveness, depending on the set of agents used, varies greatly from case to case and is generally rather low. Practice shows that for the most part, folk remedies are significantly inferior in effectiveness to modern insecticides.Folk remedies for bedbugs, for the most part, are significantly inferior in effectiveness to modern insecticidal preparations.

In order to decide for yourself how best to get rid of bedbugs, you must first assess the current situation. For example, it is helpful to stick to the following plan:

  1. First of all, you need to talk with neighbors from the surrounding apartments (both on the side and on the floor above and below) and check if they also have bed bugs. In most cases, bedbugs get into a new apartment, settling precisely from neighboring rooms. If bugs live in at least one such adjacent apartment, then it is necessary to coordinate efforts with neighbors and get rid of parasites in all infected premises at once. Otherwise, even if it is possible to completely destroy the bugs in a single apartment, they can again run over here from their neighbors;
  2. If there are a lot of infected apartments, then it is better to call the pest control service - this way you can be sure that all the premises will be treated thoroughly (otherwise there are times when not very conscientious neighbors save money when buying insecticides, choosing cheaper ones, or even they are completely lazy to carry out processing. And this is not to mention cases when, for one reason or another, it is not possible in principle to reach an agreement with neighbors);If many apartments are infected with bedbugs at once, then it is advisable to call the pest control service in order to simultaneously destroy parasites in all rooms.
  3. If there are bed bugs only in your apartment, or the number of infected apartments is small, then it makes sense to use special insecticidal preparations. At the same time, you should not expect to get off with “little blood”: perhaps there are much more bedbugs in the apartment than it seemed initially. Therefore, processing should always be carried out carefully and as completely as possible. The choice of the drug must also be approached carefully - it must be highly effective against bed bugs, it must be relatively safe for humans and animals and, if possible, not have a strong smell bedbugs). We will talk about the choice of the drug in more detail a little lower;
  4. In rare cases, when bedbugs in an apartment settle in only one sofa or bed, you can quickly and effectively destroy them by temperature methods - hot steam, or, conversely, by exposing them to frost. But a complete low-temperature treatment of an apartment (freezing) is available only in winter and only in those regions where the temperature drops below minus 22 ° C (at higher temperatures, bedbugs and their eggs survive). At the same time, measures must be taken so that getting rid of bedbugs in this way does not lead to damage to engineering water supply systems;If furniture is infected with bedbugs, then it can simply be exposed to frost.
  5. It makes sense to use various folk remedies for getting rid of bed bugs only when treating non-residential premises and, if possible, disinfestation in several stages. As a rule, "folk remedies" have a strong and unpleasant smell, and those that smell tolerably usually do not work when used.

Review showing the importance of coordinated disposal of bedbugs at once in all infected apartments:

“I'm tired of poisoning bedbugs, constantly crawling from neighbors. In one apartment, an insane uncle lives in general, you can’t force him to treat him with something, we even gave him a tool for free, we bought it ourselves. Six months later, they got tired, called a normal company, in which the guys processed not only three apartments on the site, but also ventilation and a stairwell ... "

Irina, Kazan

Now let's see what important nuances it is useful to consider when choosing one or another method of getting rid of bedbugs - both in the case of calling a pest control service, and when getting rid of parasites on your own, there are many "pitfalls" that you should be aware of in advance ...


Calling sanitary services: nuances and features

As noted above, calling a pest control specialist is one of the most effective and fastest ways to get rid of bed bugs in an apartment. At the same time, service workers will decide for themselves which drug and which equipment will be best used in this particular case.

And further: Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which have shown high efficiency

The photo below shows an example of treating an apartment from bedbugs by a pest control worker:

Treatment of the apartment from bedbugs by the pest control service.

If the absence of an unpleasant smell in the room is critical for you, then it is useful to specify this point in advance, since highly effective insecticidal preparations used by sanitary services, as a rule, have a rather pronounced unpleasant odor (Tetrix, Sinuzan, Xulat C25, etc.). Sometimes this smell persists in the room for several weeks (although you may well be told that, after 3 hours of ventilation, there will be almost no smell). In some cases, it is possible to agree on the use of insecticides that are almost odorless.

The methods of processing, and indeed the approach to business, can vary significantly for different services: for example, in one case a student with an ordinary garden sprayer can be sent to you, and there are companies that send specially trained exterminators with overalls, protective equipment and related equipment ( for example, the so-called cold or hot fog generator).

On a note

The cold (and hot) fog generator allows you to transfer the insecticide solution into the finest aerosol, the smallest particles of which are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the apartment, penetrating into hard-to-reach places and crevices where bedbugs can hide. A conventional sprayer allows you to process only the place where the “torch” of the sprayed agent is directed - the particles are too large to stay in the air and quickly settle.

The photographs below show cold and hot fog generators:

Cold fog generator

And this photo shows a hot fog generator.

Also, large pest control services sometimes (rarely) use equipment for treating the premises with heat: industrial hair dryers and special air heaters. Getting rid of bed bugs in an ordinary apartment in this way is not always possible, since the temperature must be raised above 50 ° C, and this can be harmful to individual interior items.

It is interesting

Bed bugs cannot tolerate temperatures below minus 18°C ​​and above +48°C. Their eggs are a little more stable, but they also die with prolonged processing.

In general, bedbug eggs are somewhat more resistant to high and low temperatures than adult parasites and their larvae.

The terms of disinfestation of the premises by the forces of special services are usually short: getting rid of bed bugs takes several hours, and it is advisable not to enter it for some time after the treatment of the apartment. However, there are exceptions, depending on the area and the specifics of each object.

In general, the choice of a company to get rid of bed bugs should be approached quite carefully, especially considering that in this market there are a large number of small firms offering services of dubious quality.


“I turned here to one ohlamony. They said one price over the phone, and the master came and asked twice as much. I took it separately for some kind of barrier. As a result, processing kopeck piece cost me 5,000 rubles. And he worked for only 20 minutes. Well, all right, if all the bugs died, but no, after three days the same darkness creeps them. And lively, as if the apartment had not been processed. To my indignant call about the guarantee, they said that yes, there is a guarantee, but they will have to pay extra for re-processing. What kind of guarantee is this that you have to pay for?! Fraudsters. I wrote a review to them in contact, they deleted it and the entrance to the group was blocked.

Zhana, St. Petersburg

What you should pay attention to:

  • in reliable companies, the manager agrees in advance on the timing of disinfestation, learns about the residence of children, pets, the elderly, tenants prone to allergies, pregnant and lactating women in the premises;
  • the procedure for getting rid of bedbugs will not be constantly postponed and postponed in time (a characteristic feature of small offices);
  • the owners of the apartment will be instructed in detail on how to prepare it for processing;
  • the provision of services will be carried out only after the signing of the relevant contract, which should provide a guarantee for the quality of the services provided. That is, if after processing the apartment it is not possible to get rid of bedbugs, then re-processing should be carried out free of charge;
  • it is also useful to read reviews about the company on the Internet in advance - if the pest control service has been operating for a long time, then hundreds and thousands of grateful customers have probably already managed to mention it on various blogs and forums. At the same time, for obvious reasons, it is important not to limit yourself to studying reviews only on the company’s website.

There are many pest control services on the market today, and the quality of the services they provide can vary dramatically...


“…I really liked the way they work. The manager asked in detail how many tenants, whether anyone has asthma, whether there is an aquarium in the apartment, and specified the number of old sofas. The guys worked for three hours with special cylinders and sprayers. The next day, we swept the bugs in kilograms! .. "

Ekaterina, Moscow

The amount of work to prepare the apartment for the procedure of getting rid of bedbugs largely depends on the processing method chosen by the service, the composition of the residents and the size of the room. In any case, it may be necessary to vacate the apartment for several hours, having previously removed all pets and plants from it.

Before the arrival of pest control workers, the apartment must be prepared for processing.

Aquariums should be covered with coverslips, the compressor will need to be turned off.

The price of getting rid of bedbugs by specialists starts from about 2,000 rubles for a one-room apartment and can increase, depending on the size of the premises, processing methods and the city in which pest control is carried out. Typically, companies provide a guarantee that within a certain period - usually up to a year - bed bugs will not appear in the apartment.

Here are examples of average prices in Moscow for treating an apartment from bedbugs with cold fog (the so-called ULV irrigation):

  • one-room apartment - 2500 rubles;
  • two-room apartment - 3000 rubles;
  • three-room apartment - 3300 rubles;
  • four-room apartment - 3600 rubles.


Independent use of chemical insecticides against bedbugs

If you decide to get rid of bed bugs on your own, then instead of outdated insecticides with an unpleasant odor (Karbofos, Chlorophos, etc.), it makes sense to give preference to modern microencapsulated preparations adapted for domestic use. Some of these drugs, in addition to a very high efficiency, have a minimal odor level - for example, Xulat Micro, Get, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone and some others.

Examples of modern preparations for bedbugs are Xulat Micro, Get, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone.

On a note

Even with the most effective bed bug remedies, an apartment usually cannot be rid of parasites instantly. Adults and larvae can die fairly quickly, but new larvae will constantly hatch from surviving eggs, since most insecticides have little effect on bedbug eggs.

Even highly effective insecticides usually do not kill bedbug eggs, and these eggs will hatch into larvae at first.

Accordingly, already 3-4 days after the first treatment, you can again feel the bites of parasites. And here it is important not to fall into despair, as is often the case - people begin to think that the remedy does not work, that their bugs are simply indestructible and it is not clear what to do next. In fact, everything is simple: after the first treatment, the larvae will periodically hatch within two to three weeks from the eggs remaining in the secluded places of the apartment, and it is important to prevent the larvae from growing to the state of an adult capable of laying new eggs.

To permanently get rid of bedbugs in the apartment, it is important to prevent young larvae from growing up and laying new eggs.

Therefore, once every 1-2 weeks, it may be necessary to re-treat the apartment.This is the only way to get rid of bedbugs once and for all in advanced cases. By the way, pest control services are well aware of this, and therefore they provide a guarantee, and sometimes even give the residents themselves a remedy for re-treatment.

Generally speaking, insecticidal preparations suitable for getting rid of bedbugs come in different forms - it can be a concentrated liquid suspension for dilution, powder, aerosol, or even chalk - and they all require different approaches to use. Perhaps the least known remedy for bedbugs is insecticidal smoke bombs, which allow you to relatively inexpensively and quickly carry out a complete treatment of the apartment from parasites. For example, one permethrin smoke grenade Quiet Evening or City, the price of which is in the range of 500-600 rubles, is enough to process even the largest apartment, and the effectiveness of such treatment will be quite comparable to the treatment of a room with cold fog.

Quiet Evening insecticidal smoke bomb (usually used against mosquitoes, but is quite effective against bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects in the apartment).

An important point: when dealing with bedbugs on your own, it is necessary to take into account the certain toxicity of most chemicals. Yes, many of them are positioned as completely safe for humans and pets, but believe me that even odorless bedbug products, if they are inhaled for a long time in the form of an aerosol, will definitely not add health. And speaking in general, there are many known cases of poisoning due to improper handling of insecticidal preparations in everyday life.

Therefore, before processing the apartment, it is necessary to remove all residents and pets from it, clothes should be packed in airtight bags for the purpose of further washing (it can also contain bedbugs and their eggs), and the work itself must be carried out with rubber gloves and a respirator.

It is very important to carry out the procedure for ridding the home of bedbugs in one step, processing all the rooms, the kitchen, the corridor, etc. at once. Incomplete processing of the apartment can lead to the fact that some of the parasites will survive, and after a few months their number will be restored again.

It is necessary to carefully process the entire apartment at once, including all rooms, the kitchen, corridors, otherwise parasites can survive where processing has not been carried out.


How to destroy bedbugs with heat treatment?

Almost every rural Siberian house is well aware of how to get rid of bed bugs by freezing the room. However, for citizens, such a procedure may be something new.

In the simplest case, in winter, the owners of the house leave with their pets and plants for several days, leaving the windows wide open. Bedbugs die at temperatures below minus 22°C, so this approach is especially effective in northern latitudes. With less severe frost, bedbugs and their eggs will have a high chance of surviving.

Bed bugs die at temperatures below minus 22 degrees Celsius.

With such freezing, it is important to secure the plumbing in the house (and the water heating system, if any). Freezing pipes can lead to their rupture and further flooding of the room.

Freezing outdoor furniture also gives a very good effect. For example, if, according to the results of checking the apartment, it turned out that the bugs inhabited only a sofa, armchairs, or a bed with mattresses, then it is this furniture that can be taken out for several hours (or better days) in the cold.


“They poisoned bedbugs with the Kombat.A very good remedy, but larvae and eggs remained in the mattress, then after a while they began to pester. We thought about throwing it away, but it was just winter and we took it to the roof. For four days he got frostbite (it was -30), we brought him into the house and for a year we have not had bedbugs ... "

Sergey, Samara

However, you can get rid of bed bugs in furniture not only with the help of frost, but also with the help of hot steam, and some simply use boiling water for this purpose.

You can get rid of bed bugs in furniture with the help of hot steam from a steamer ...


  • if you walk with a steamer on the upholstery of furniture, having processed all its folds, this will allow you to destroy not only adult bugs and larvae, but also parasite eggs. It is important to make sure that the steam does not damage the furniture itself;
  • there are cases when people poured boiling water over the discovered nests of bedbugs (including along baseboards) and thereby got rid of parasites. However, in general, the method is ineffective, since in most cases not all nests of bloodsuckers can be found;
  • if eggs and larvae of bedbugs are found in clothes or bed linen, then you can quickly get rid of them by simply washing it all at a temperature of 60 ° C in a washing machine.

It should be borne in mind that bed bugs can also be found in clothing.

There is another good folk way to dry-treat clothes from bedbugs: it is folded in a closed car and left for a whole summer day in the sun. Bedbugs die within a few hours under such conditions.


A few words about folk remedies for bedbugs

Of the folk remedies for getting rid of bed bugs, kerosene, turpentine, denatured alcohol, vinegar essence, dust, camphor, wormwood, as well as their mixtures are considered the most effective. Moreover, there are a lot of different recipes based on these ingredients, but the effectiveness of all of them is approximately the same (low).

Examples of folk remedies for bedbugs are kerosene, turpentine, acetic acid.

In most cases, these means are recommended to treat places where bedbugs accumulate, as well as all approaches to the bed, baseboards, crevices in walls and furniture, and, in general, places where insects can hide.

The main disadvantages of these substances are a pungent odor that does not disappear from the room for a long time. However, it is this smell that repels bedbugs. In addition, in direct contact with the chitinous cover of the insect, kerosene blocks the ability of the bug to breathe (it spreads over the outer covers and flows into the spiracles), and concentrated acetic acid and denatured alcohol, to put it simply, "burn" the parasites.

It is important to keep in mind that kerosene, turpentine and gasoline not only have an unpleasant odor, but are also highly flammable.

On a note

The use of kerosene, gasoline, turpentine or alcohol is a very outdated method of dealing with bed bugs, especially today, when you can buy incomparably more effective and safe insect repellents. And in general, pouring kerosene on furniture, treating skirting boards and walls with it is not only ineffective, but also very unreasonable and dangerous in terms of the possibility of a fire or explosion of vapors accumulated in a closed room.

It is also believed that bed bugs do not like the aroma of freshly cut wormwood and tansy. Typically, such herbal remedies are used in villages, stacking bunches of herbs under the bed or smearing the legs of the bed and floors with decoctions. Such measures provide a temporary, short-term result.

In general, folk remedies for bedbugs in most cases will not help get rid of parasites, especially if the apartment is seriously infected.Even as a means of prevention, kerosene, wormwood, turpentine or tansy are significantly inferior to the same, for example, insecticidal crayons (an example is the well-known Mashenka crayon, which is quite effective not only from cockroaches, but also from bedbugs, but only as a means of prevention, when there is a risk of penetration of single individuals of parasites from neighbors; in more severe cases, insecticidal crayons have practically no effect).

With a serious infection of the apartment with bed bugs, as a rule, it is not possible to get rid of them with the help of folk remedies.


In conclusion, we note that with an independent fight against bedbugs in an apartment, it is still better to give preference to modern highly effective drugs. When choosing a remedy, one should pay attention not only to its effectiveness, but also to safety for human health and the absence of an unpleasant odor (an example of such a combination is a rather powerful drug for bedbugs Get, which has practically no smell).

There are many cases when furniture treated with an odorous agent had to be simply thrown away, so consider this point in advance.

Good luck with pest control!


How to choose the right bed bug exterminator


Interesting video: 5 effective ways to destroy bed bugs in an apartment


Last update: 2022-05-24

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "We get rid of bed bugs in the apartment quickly and efficiently" 54 comments
  1. Irina

    I don't believe! I thought they would divorce, but the Xulat micro remedy really works. It is simply magical, I recommend it, I myself still can’t believe that they don’t exist, that this nightmare is over! Thank you so much. Kamchatka.

    • Zhenya

      Tell me, please, where can I buy this magic xulat micro from bedbugs? Thank you.

    • Olesya

      Hello! Please tell me where did you get this product? I don't have the strength to fight...

  2. Vika

    Tell me, please, a good remedy for bedbugs, I'm tired of fighting them. Thanks in advance.

    • Svetlana

      It is impossible to get rid of bedbugs by yourself using folk remedies - it has been tested on yourself. I fought for several months, there was no life. It helped: 1) I bought a piece of chalk from Masha's cockroaches and missed all the joints between the panels, the corners of the walls, all the joints at the sofa (where the bugs lived), 2) I bought 3 cans of "Raptor" from insects, removed all the food and sprayed all the furniture in apartment, all hard-to-reach places, clothes (after that I washed everything!). Repeated two days later. Voila! I got rid of them. I advise.

    • Svetlana

      And I was also helped by a sprayer bought at a pet store for dogs (I don’t remember the name, about 200 ml bottle) from ticks and other insects. Feel free to go to the pet store and buy it - I sprayed the cat and things with it too, then don’t spray things with the Raptor.

    • Mia

      Vinegar is the best. Dilute with 70% water and spray over areas of accumulation. And all the bug larvae will die, you will sleep peacefully. They themselves could not get rid of it for 12 years. It's cheap, safe, effective.

      • Anonymous

        That's why they couldn't get rid of it for 12 years, because vinegar. I would also add sugar.

  3. Anonymous

    People, tell me what is more efficient: a steam generator or a sprayer?

    • Anonymous

      Fufanon or Cucaracha, dilute 10 ml per 1 liter of water and pour over everything, every crack in the apartment. After two treatments with an interval of 14 days, all the bugs died.

      • Anonymous

        Where could I buy?

    • Lyazzat

      Only poison will help.

  4. Anonymous

    Interestingly, a conventional hair dryer has a temperature of 60 degrees. Why don't they walk?

  5. Oksana

    For those who are desperate to get these bastards out! (I had real trouble 2 years ago). My apartment is always very clean, there is no overcrowding, and when red spots appeared on the body of children (bites), I could not even imagine that it could be bedbugs. In general, a separate story, how doctors treated our family for 3 months from allergies ... In general, I found the cause of red spots in the sofas and then, naively, I decided that I would get rid of it easily and simply. My mother, I could not even imagine that it would be a war! With all of the above means: aerosols, turpentine-based aerosols, taking sofas out into the cold, washing and washing the upholstery of sofas, processing the apartment many times (everyone suffocated themselves from these funds), general cleaning every week, joint raids on bedbugs with neighbors (one apartment is not wanted to be processed - drunks - a source of infection throughout the entrance! All the troubles come from them) ... It was a horror for six months, after all the treatments everything came back after 2 weeks ... In short, what helped me. TO ALL of the above. I described my trouble in detail in this way, tk. I am a person who is nervous about dirt, and the bugs generally killed me. This is my remedy, who is already completely crazy and does not sleep at night.The last thing I did was I WRAPED ALL THE SOFAS IN POLYETHYLENE. Tightly! Leaving no holes! You buy a rolled (strong enough) polyethylene (many meters will turn out, you can calculate for yourself) and the entire sofa or bed, the sofa in the unfolded form, if you sleep like that, along with the legs, wrap it with this polyethylene, and fix (glue) tightly at the seams. In several layers (not a pity) with a wide adhesive tape. These creatures cannot crawl on polyethylene and do not live on it! And we did! Eight months they creaked like that at night while these parasites died in the sofas (four months - it didn’t help, they removed it and it’s great again! They got out, we processed it again and closed it), but in the end everything was OK! I really wanted to wrap the lower apartment with polyethylene! Here, good people, to whom I give such a crazy recipe. Good luck to everyone in the unequal battle! I'll go and post it on a couple of sites ... The sun shines equally on everyone!

  6. Yoda

    I tried to spray butox 50, a solution, I meet dead large bugs, on the 4th day and night I see small live bugs. Tired of repeat spraying?

  7. Mila

    My husband is now working at a construction site in Moscow. Two days after leaving, he called and said that they were living in a trailer and they were tortured by bedbugs. A month later, he returns home, what to do, how to keep bedbugs out of our house?

  8. Julia

    I want to get rid of bed bugs quickly.

  9. Nastya

    On February 24, I saw itchy bites on my arm. In a panic, I caught a bug, crushed it, it just drank blood. Then silence, literally a couple of days later, 27, woke up in the middle of the night from the fact that the body itches. The guy spent the night at home, I don't know how to tell him. I looked - the side of my body, which was open and had no clothes on, was all bitten.There were small wounds, but when I combed them, they increased. I got up, reviewed the sofa, wardrobe, a couple more places - you can’t see it. What to do, I don't know. I rent a room in a 3-room communal apartment, lived for 2 months, everything was fine. On the third month, a drinking neighbor gave me things and immediately on the same day they appeared. Caucasians live in another room. Damn, I'm in a panic, I want to move out, but I'm afraid that I would not transport them with me. What to do? My nerves itch and I can't sleep. I keep looking to see if it pops up somewhere. I'll take things to the trash before it's too late. Terrible, I've never experienced anything like this.

  10. Madina

    Well, after all, it’s also not an option, to sleep on such a sofa for 8 months! But they hide behind the wallpaper and behind the cabinets. How then, and cabinets to wrap up?

  11. Anonymous

    I was tired of not even going to bed at night. I struggle with them, but the hostel is a place where it is always not for long. Now I sleep during the day in the sunlight: these parasites do not climb into the light, like ...

  12. Sergey

    Bought a Get. Many bedbugs died, but not all. At night, with the flashlight turned off, I caught 2-3 bedbugs daily. The bugs left the sofa behind the computer desk, into the kitchen under the plinth, into the rails of the wardrobe, curtain. Processed everything a second time more carefully, taking into account favorite places. Will wait. But I no longer hope. If it does not work out, I will remove all the baseboards, foam the cracks, and then seal the baseboards with sealant. Although GET manufacturers claim that there will be no bedbugs for half a year after processing, I found 5 live bedbugs behind the sofa. After the second treatment, I found a live adult bug on the curtains after two hours, the bug was active - I had to burn it. Either the bugs no longer respond to chemistry, or the GET manufacturers are lying. Tell me how to get rid of these creatures for good?

    • Ludmila

      Call the professionals...

  13. Artem

    Faced the problem of bed bugs in my hostel. What have you tried to get rid of them! And powders, and Masha, and vinegar. Nothing helped. Then he turned (advised) to the company. We arrived quickly. Now we carry out preventive maintenance once every couple of months, because the tenants are constantly changing.

  14. Ulyana

    After they found the bedbugs, they immediately left the apartment. The furniture was thrown away. We have been poisoning them for the 25th day, the wallpaper has been removed. Bedbugs mutate quickly, to all new poisons. Therefore, every 5 days, the methods of poisoning must be changed. Up to 20 days, larvae hatch - we also poison them. In short, a fight to the death, you need patience and not give any chance. All personal belongings in the sauna, in the steam room. Everything is absolute. Now repair without wallpaper.

  15. Evgenia

    They poisoned the bedbugs with a cold fog, two days later I saw bedbugs, crawling on the bed. Killed about 10 pieces. Is this how it can be, or did they not hatch? I'm in a panic!

  16. Natalia

    It is apparently useless to fight these vampires, it is easier to call the service or change the apartment.

  17. Anonymous

    About the creature, they tortured me. My husband and I have been bullying for the second month.

  18. Catherine

    A friend has a lot of bedbugs, all thrown out, but they are still alive. They called the service just like that, they did not die. Help, give advice. Thank you for your attention.

  19. Victoria

    We poison bedbugs already 4 times, all this time they called the pest control service, each time they promise that the bedbugs will disappear. Poisoned and hot fog, and cold, all to no avail. Advise where else to turn and what to do?

  20. Nina, 17 years old

    I live in a communal apartment, the neighbors are decent, the only thing is that repairs are underway, both in the apartment next door, and upstairs in the apartment, and on the stairwell, and on the roof.Just a week ago, I noticed three large bites on my leg, writing off mosquitoes, and went to the country. After 5 days she returned - and here you go, sign: in the evening I saw a bug on the sofa, killed and scored, went to bed and I see some kind of nonsense running in the dark. She shone the screen of the phone, and there again this beetle. I turned on the light, and small and large bugs run all over the bed. The feeling is disgusting. I immediately ran for the gloves and let's crush one by one. In the morning I found a small nest, literally 2 by 2 cm in the sofa. She crushed everyone too. Now I'm going to the store for a remedy, I hope it helps.

  21. Victor

    I have been at war for 4 years, I don’t know how to cope ...

  22. Svetlana

    We have been fighting for a whole year, all to no avail ... And they called the services, and tried it themselves, and even bought a Karcher steam cleaner. All in vain. Someone help me, I have no strength ((

    • Irina

      We also had such a misfortune, kind people suggested. I don’t know how to write correctly, there is such a substance, it is used for welding - carbide, it is in pebbles, put these pebbles in all the furniture and the bugs disappear. But now it's very difficult to get it.

  23. Anya

    Please tell me how to get rid of bed bugs?

    • Vikusik

      I don’t know how anyone, but a company of exterminators helped us. Simply the surest and most reliable way is to call specialists. We suffered for a very long time, and then we invited these people and that's it, neither bedbugs nor cockroaches have been gone for quite a long time.

  24. Dim

    During my studies, I lived in a hostel. And such a misfortune happened to me. It is really difficult to deal with them, it takes a lot of time, effort and nerves ... In general, I bought garbage bags and other plastic containers, sorted out and packed all the things (and you need to sort through very carefully, because they are not so easy to notice).Everything was in packages: books, clothes, everything that was possible. Thus localized the "area".
    Then it started ... Every evening before going to bed, I examined the bed and everything I could, smeared it with vinegar, smoked it, sprayed all sorts of “combat super spray” chemicals (as here in the middle of the photo article), and nothing helped.
    But I was able to get rid of it. We bought a “commander” with a friend (he also had such a problem). I think it's a Colorado potato beetle remedy, sold in a small tube with a yellow cap and vegetables on the label. They diluted it with water, treated the rooms. In addition, it was winter (I don’t know how many degrees, but I left the window open and went to study, then spent the night with a friend - just in case, to protect myself from this poison, but the neighbor stayed to spend the night in the room - alive). REALLY helped, no ads.
    In short, I never saw them again. But all the same, the nerves did not immediately recover, every now and then trembled, suspecting that someone was crawling ... In short, it's terrible) And it can touch everyone. For the rest of my life I remember how I fought them.

  25. Anastasia

    I live in a hostel. I ran into this problem about 2 years ago. Bed bugs appeared in a friend's room. It was a nightmare! We fought as best we could. Aerosols didn't help. Both cheap and expensive. The exterminator was called. Like they disappeared. But these insects crawled into my room. I fought on my own. Grandma taught. I used 70 percent vinegar, generously smeared baseboards, floors, cabinets - everything that was in the room. Closed the room for a day. She came and ventilated. Three days later, she did it all over again. I did this three times just to be sure. Helped me. For a year and a half, I do not remember this problem.

  26. Tatiana

    Where can I read reviews about you?

  27. Elena

    Yes, they got these bugs, tell me how to get rid of them?

  28. Lydia

    Hi all! For several days I thought whether to write or not to write about how I got rid of bedbugs. The method is very dangerous and requires accuracy. So, you will need: swimming goggles - a must (otherwise you will burn all the eye vessels, and this is blindness), a construction respirator (the best), gloves, a bathrobe or some other old thing, a scarf or cap, an air lamp (if you have 2 or 3 rooms, you will need 2 aerolamps), candles for them and acetic acid. Aerolamps should be large, with a large bowl. I think that many are aware that before dressing it is necessary to pack all products, up to tea leaves and animal feed. Remove plants from the house, and most importantly - children and animals. But do not touch things, let the carpet also remain in place. Acetic acid kills everything, get rid of dust mites along with the bugs. We start disinfection by closing the air vents so that microparticles do not get to your neighbors. We close the air vents, thereby the concentration of acetic acid will be stronger. Put on all the equipment described above, light a candle in an aero lamp, pour acetic acid, put it near the exit (in the hallway).

    At this time, go to the bathroom yourself. After 10 minutes (it took about 4 minutes to warm up the lamp), carefully take the lamp by the lower part (it is hot) and transfer it to the room, hold it there for 10 minutes. I also put it on the sofa, where there is a laundry box, but the height of the box should be higher than the lamp itself. Putting the lamp in the box, while leaving the sofa in a straightened position, and also 10-15 minutes.If there are a lot of bedbugs, then it is advisable to process the chiffoniers, each box for about 3 minutes. Be careful that things do not come into contact with the lamp (just move). And at the end of the disinfection, put the lamp in the middle of the room for 20-25 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the room, I have 18 sq.m. At the same time, do not forget about safety: every time after changing the lamp, go to the bathroom or to the landing, so you will take care of your lungs. In the lamp, acetic acid will evaporate, you need to add it.

    After the whole procedure, turn off the lamp, pour out the acetic acid and leave the room, preferably for a day. The next day, thoroughly ventilate the room and wipe everything everywhere, but it is better to wash, shake the carpets or wet the carpets (just a vacuum cleaner is not desirable). Cleaned up and only after that bring home the kids, animals, plants. I described here that we start poisoning from the hallway, so you take care of the neighbors. If you start right from the room, there is a chance that some "favorite bedbugs" will have time to go to the neighbors. It is better to poison all the neighbors together. I got rid of the bedbugs, and my neighbors also poisoned me, there was only one neighbor left who did not agree to anything, and the bedbugs would come again. So I’m thinking, isn’t it better to get rid of such neighbors at the beginning, and then from bedbugs, it turns out to be easier to get rid of them)).

    And another note: a new type of bedbugs has appeared. Soft-bodied, but very tenacious, after bites there are no red dots on the body, and there are no blood stains on the bed. They are not afraid of light, with electric lighting they crawl up. Be careful when disinfecting, take care of yourself and good luck to everyone.

  29. Julia Kostyuk, Togliatti

    Hello.We are in trouble, the bugs have overcome, I don’t know what to do! They called 2 times professionals to combat these freaks, all to no avail. Where they came from, I have no idea. They already threw out the sofa in one room (I thought it was all the misfortune from him, bought it from my hands 1 year ago, perhaps I was not mistaken), they climb out of nowhere. They stopped living in the other room altogether, all the furniture is new there, but we can’t sleep there, the creatures bite. It is a pity to throw away furniture, but there is no strength to wake up in the middle of the night five times. What to do, how to get them out? Sometimes the thought creeps into my head that this is simply impossible. The whole body is bitten, and it seems that they already stink everywhere! Help!

    • Svetlana

      Carbide help. A small lump in a jar, in every room, pour water - it will hiss and release gas. Leave the Apartment for 5 hours, ventilate thoroughly, and there will be no more of them. In the 70s, people got rid of it like that, it helped!

  30. Fatya

    Hello! Hello to all kind people, I am 14 years old. I live in a three-room apartment (with my mother, we have a large family, 8 children with me, I am the oldest). I have a girlfriend, she is 17 years old, and she also has a girlfriend. She has bedbugs in her house, she visits her. Nightmare, my girlfriend sometimes spends the night with me. One day I saw a couple of points in myself and in my brothers. I thought diabetes or allergies appeared, or mosquitoes bitten. Or did the bugs come. And at night I often wake up and can’t sleep, because of this I’m late for school. How did it get. Once I woke up, went to turn on the light and decided to check if anyone was crawling on the bed. I looked and saw a beetle. I took the paper, crushed it, and there red blood, horror, goosebumps went through my body, I could not sleep and decided to kill the others.And I didn’t sleep at night, there was a feeling that someone was crawling on me. I sat, almost crying, hugging myself with my arms. The next day, a friend came to stay overnight to find out if there were bed bugs or not. It turned out that yes. Nightmare, horror. My mother, grandmother, cousin and girlfriend tried to withdraw, but for a year now I can’t sleep peacefully. Please help my large family get rid of terrible blood-sucking vampires, bedbugs.

  31. Andrew

    Normal drug Xulat. Helped me.

  32. Dmitry Samoilov

    It is better to turn to specialists immediately, and not suffer for years. People, be smarter.

    • Anonymous

      Come on. Here people called "professionals" 10 times, and nothing. I myself called 5 times, it did not help.

  33. Lyolik


  34. Anton

    Specialists do not help, called 2 times.

  35. Marina

    Can you please tell me which company to contact?

  36. Svetlana

    We sent the sofa in for repair. He returned to us with bedbugs. I last saw them in 1967, and when I began to wake up in red spots, I decided that it was an allergy. I went to a dermatologist, he said it was bed bugs. I was surprised from where - we have been living in an apartment for 27 years, there were no cockroaches, no bedbugs. The doctor asked: did you buy furniture? I said that I gave the sofa for repair. He said to check it out. And I checked - dear mom! And they are sitting there at the seams. Now howl. My granddaughter is severely disabled. Lies. We have nowhere to go, we are alone. Therefore, only by their own methods. Every evening I turn the sofa over, crush everyone I see, and pour vinegar from a syringe. It has become much smaller. My granddaughter is not bitten yet, but I check every day. Until, apparently, they did not crawl. But they can do it any night. How can I save a child from them, I do not know.She had suffered so much from the vaccine. And now these bastards.

  37. Olga

    We have bedbugs in upholstered furniture, in the hall. They bit me and my husband during the day, but, thank God, their children were not interested. We still do not understand where they came from, we did not buy anything from furniture. We have lived in the apartment for 15 years. They immediately called the SES, ordered a full treatment, spraying and steam - it did not help. Only the laminate in the nursery was swollen (for more than two months we have been trying to get compensation from the company). They threw out the furniture, did not bite anymore. Maybe we were not lucky with the SES, we turned to Eco-Capital, only money (more than 7000) and nerves were spent. But from my own experience I can say: start with the furniture in which the bugs are found, do not regret it, it will come out more expensive.

  38. Anonymous

    I rent a room in a hostel, I have never encountered clones. Thanks to my cat - showed where they settled. Now how do you get rid of them?

    • Louise

      Fas will help get rid of, I got rid of him.

  39. Lyazzat

    What have we tried! Then we tried butox. At first the bugs disappeared, then a week later they reappeared. And somehow they learned that the dose should be doubled and even tripled! Much more needed than indicated in the instructions. After two such "hyperdoses" of poison, they disappeared for good. And I fought with them for 8 months (!).


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