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Getting rid of bed bugs with vinegar

Last update: 2022-05-31
≡ Article has 27 comments
  • Lyudmila: Two or three crawl out, I don't see much. Tell me what to do? With...
  • Irina: Definitely throw out the bed, since they have already put it off...
  • Irina: They called the dezsluzhba, they paid off 3 thousand (for one room!). Tr...
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Acetic acid

Of all the folk remedies for dealing with bedbugs, vinegar is one of the most affordable and easy to use. It is easy to buy, it is inexpensive and absolutely safe for humans. But at the same time, it cannot be called a very effective remedy against bedbugs.

Like most folk remedies, vinegar does not kill bedbugs, but it repels them with its smell. Moreover, if vinegar from bedbugs is used correctly, parasites can be scared away quickly and for a long time, after which they may not bother the occupant of the apartment for more than six months. However, to obtain a similar effect, the treatment of a room with vinegar is no less complex and responsible than similar operations with the most effective insecticides, which allow you to get rid of insects forever with the same efforts.


Feedback on the use of vinegar in the fight against bed bugs:

I rented a two-room apartment for the winter and literally on the very first night I felt something was wrong. I checked the bed and carpets and almost fell: there were more bedbugs there than cockroaches in the zoo. Almost everywhere they were, and in the corners - right in crowds. It is interesting that in one of the rooms these parasites were not present at all.I remembered the already forgotten method - vinegar against bedbugs. I bought two bottles, processed the bed, carpets, baseboards, ventilated the apartment well. Not a single bug has bitten me for six months. And then it started all over again. Apparently, vinegar gives only a temporary result. So now I'm preparing the apartment for the arrival of the sanitary service.



Vinegar against bedbugs: the principle of action

Vinegar is able to kill bedbugs only when the insect enters directly into the jar with this liquid. Here the bug either suffocates, or its internal organs are corroded by aggressive acetic acid. With the same result, acetic acid acts on any other living being: it is the same acid as the infamous sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, only a little less strong.

In criminology, cases of suicide of people by using large (more than a liter) quantities of technical vinegar or vinegar essence are described. It is not surprising that insects, in particular bedbugs, die in this liquid quite quickly.

At the same time, a simple application of vinegar on different surfaces has the same effect on domestic bugs that food vinegar has on a person, being part of a salad or fermented foods: it irritates the organs of taste and smell. Only if a person loves these sensations and diversifies his meals with them, then for insects the smell of vinegar is hostile and repellent. Of course, the more vinegar against bedbugs is used in large quantities and concentrations, the more effectively it will help in the fight against them.

Acetic acid has practically no effect on bedbug eggs.

 Adult bed bugs and their eggs

It is not worth counting on the fact that vinegar, being sprayed on a bed or furniture, will destroy bedbugs.In this case, parasites can only stop feeding for a few days, fearing to approach the source of a sharp unpleasant odor. As the weathering and aggravation of the feeling of hunger, the bugs resume their activity and begin to bite with the same force.

It is also useful to read: Chalk Masha from bedbugs

And one more thing: you can stain bedbugs in different ways. You can use pacifiers for six months, or you can initially to kill bloodsuckers with proven means and methods ...

Only with a very massive treatment of the room with vinegar can it be ensured that domestic bugs leave it. However, such treatment will require the same effort as the full treatment of the apartment with powerful insecticides. Only in the latter case, the bugs will die and, with a high probability, will never return to the room.


Advantages and disadvantages of vinegar as a remedy for bedbugs

Before you get rid of bedbugs with vinegar, you need to consider all its pros and cons. Perhaps, at this stage, the most rational user of the apartment will decide to prefer other means to vinegar, and someone, on the contrary, will lean towards it.

The main advantages of vinegar are:

  1. Availability - you can buy table vinegar or vinegar essence in every store in any season of the year.
  2. Cheapness - the amount of vinegar that is enough for a massive treatment of an apartment will cost several times cheaper than an amount of a powerful insecticide that is similar in properties.
  3. Safety - Vinegar does not cause allergic reactions and, in quantities used to control bed bugs, does not have a toxic effect on humans and animals.

Among the main disadvantages of vinegar, the following should be noted:

  1. Low efficiency - often vinegar does not kill bedbugs and generally does not expel them for sure from the room. Bed bugs and vinegar may well be at the same time in the same apartment.
  2. Pungent smell - after the vinegar treatment, the apartment smells like a canning shop.

 Acetic acid has a strong odor

“At the dacha, bedbugs were poisoned with anything, from turpentine to Reid. Special poisons work best of all. It is a fact. After Karbofos, the bugs did not appear at all. But the vinegar that we were advised gave only a temporary respite for a week. After the bugs returned again. But during this "respite" the whole dacha, furniture and we ourselves stank of vinegar so much that it would be better if there were bedbugs ... "

Maria Antonovna, Svetlogorsk

If we compare vinegar with other folk remedies for combating bed bugs, then in general it differs little from the same denatured alcohol, turpentine or dust.And it is necessary to make a decision on its use when there are few parasites in the room and it is known for sure that the neighbors do not have them. In this case, expelled once, they are very likely to die behind the walls of the apartment and never return. In the case of apartment buildings, vinegar helps little and gives only a temporary respite from the re-invasion of insects into the apartment.

And further: Aquafumigator Raptor - a non-standard contraption that gets bedbugs in all cracks, penetrating there in the form of poisonous vapor


We strengthen the effect of vinegar on bedbugs

The most effective vinegar is mixed with other means. For example, experienced folk fighters with bedbugs recommend the following recipes:

  1. In equal proportions, mix vinegar with 90% alcohol and naphthalene, and treat the bed bugs with this mixture. In case of direct contact with liquid on insects, they die within a few minutes, but the evaporation of this liquid does not have a special effect on them.
  2. Mix vinegar with a decoction of wormwood and treat the legs and body of the bed with this mixture. If bedbugs rarely appear in the apartment, it means that they come from neighbors, and it makes sense to smear with the same solution possible ways for bedbugs to enter the apartment: ventilation ducts, door frames, windows.
  3. In equal proportions, mix vinegar with turpentine and a ready-made spray solution to treat walls, baseboards and crevices in furniture.

It has been verified that when the surface is abundantly wetted with vinegar, the bugs, falling on such a surface, die within 12 seconds. However, the vinegar itself evaporates in a matter of seconds, and in order for insects to be destroyed with vinegar, they must be literally poured.In conditions where bedbugs settle behind wallpaper and baseboards, this is very difficult to do.

But to prevent the penetration of bedbugs into the apartment, vinegar can be used quite successfully. However, given that the smell of vinegar disappears rather quickly, this treatment should be done quite often.


How can you get rid of bed bugs indoors?


Interesting shots: the destruction of bedbugs in the apartment


Last update: 2022-05-31

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Getting rid of bed bugs with vinegar" 27 comments
  1. Kristina

    There were no bedbugs, but there were in the basement. They were spent there, and now we have them too. Dichlorvos does not help, how to fight with your own methods?

  2. Valentine

    How to remove bedbugs on your own and quickly?

    • Anonymous

      Buy Karbofos and process baseboards, upholstered furniture, bed. Helps very well)

      • Anonymous

        And it turns out in the apartment then you can’t sleep after treatment?

  3. Ksyusha

    For 5 days she poured 9 bottles of dichlorvos: two throughout the apartment and 7 in the infected room. On the 6th day I decided to wait.More than a day, until the living come across. I’ll try to flood the room again on the 7th day ... Nerves are on edge)

  4. Daniel

    The tool "kukaracha" costs around 300 rubles, it helps a lot.

    • Irina

      They called the dezsluzhba, rolled off 3 thousand (for one room!). They poisoned Kukarachi - the result is zero. They called them again, poisoned them with the same means - ZERO result! 3 months have passed, we are still fighting bedbugs on our own. Cucaracha is a very weak remedy, and the bedbugs seem to have developed immunity to this remedy. Do not mislead people.

  5. Alevtina

    I have been fighting them for two years now, and nothing)) I moved into a new building and a year later I went crazy when I saw them.

    • Elenka

      And now how are things? )

  6. farida

    Hello, we recently had bedbugs, and we first worked with boiling water, very hot. Then, after 15 minutes, vinegar (lots of vinegar, 2 bottles). And the next day they sprayed with anticlops (15 liters), everywhere, and things too. Then they closed the windows and doors, left it for one day and again worked with vinegar and whiteness. All items were washed with hot water. There are no bedbugs. It turns out that the neighbors had, they left somewhere for 10 days, and the bugs came to us for food. Poisoned and neighbors and, tfu-tfu, no.

  7. Sabir

    Bedbugs at work in a change house, what to do?

  8. cook

    Please, help. Got the bedbugs. They tried all sorts of sprays and an executioner from bedbugs, they even called specially poisoners. No point, they still bite. We moved to another apartment - the second day they already bite. The nerves are gone. Please tell me what to do?

    • Anonymous

      Look for bed bugs in your neighbors! Until the neighbors process it, they will climb.We also suffer from this infection) The SES services have already been called twice, but the bugs continue to bite. Neighbors recently confessed (hung an ad in the entrance). While they were poisoning, the bugs climbed towards us. The fact is that during pest control, only the bugs themselves are killed, and those who do not die themselves will die later from contact with the agent. But the eggs cannot be killed by anything until they hatch. Of course, we also faced the high cost of SES services. At this stage, they ordered Tsifoks, a bottle of 50 ml (SES also recommend it) - it cost 600 rubles with delivery. Consumption 2 ml per 1 liter of water. So count how many times (God forbid) enough, and the neighbors will remain. WE WILL TRY!

    • oxy

      Try medilis ziper, dilute 50 ml into 2 liters - this is one room. The smell will be atas, but it's worth it. Repeat after 10 days. Leave the house for a day (take pets too, otherwise they will be poisoned).

  9. Vasya

    PLEASE, tell me some really effective remedy for bedbugs, it's already impossible to live. Thanks in advance!

    • Elenka

      Apply karbofos, and God help you. Only he will help, she poisoned 4 times. The head of the sanitary and epidemiological station advised ...

  10. Elenka

    Karbofos, believe me, more than these creeping creatures will not take anything. So that they die, immediately and everywhere. I'll start writing my thesis about them soon. I can help with advice.

  11. Maria

    We have been living with them for 4 years, we cannot kill them in any way. Tell me, please, where is karbofos sold? Does it happen in pharmacies?

    • Elenka

      Karbofos is sold mainly in stores such as "Everything for the garden and garden." Preferably in glass bottles! And dilute thicker than it says in the instructions. Don't forget your respirator and rubber gloves.My advice to you, Maria: before you treat with karbofos, keep in mind that it has a very pungent smell, and all things, products must be put in sealed bags. Then wash at 90 degrees, preferably everything. And before that, cover all the cracks and joints with putty or sealant!

      I lived with these creatures for 4 months, it's terrible. I feel so sorry for you... 4 years is too long. I imagine how many eggs they laid, which is even scarier. Oh, Maria, I forgot! After two weeks, it is important to re-treat! And that in the first, that in the second persecution, it is necessary to leave for at least 4-7 days, there is no other way, unfortunately ... This is karbofos. Good luck with this difficult task. If you have any questions - write, maybe I can help you)) By the way, I do not advise you to call the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station - they are poisoned with the same karbofos (or an analogue - fufanon).

  12. Valeria

    We saw a couple of bedbugs and single bites at home, turned the whole room upside down, treated it with vinegar. But they were never found anywhere in large numbers. With an open balcony under three blankets we sleep. Here, let's see what happens...

    • Elenka

      Valeria, we saw a couple - they crawled out to eat ... Vinegar will not help, it will only scare away for a while. And it turns out that you can get sick, and blankets will not help. Lubricate all the cracks with fish oil if karbofos is unacceptable for you (it painfully has a pungent smell). God help you.

  13. Fatima

    Bed bugs tormented. They called the company Clean City. The first time they plucked 12,500 for three rooms. Bedbugs became even more. After 7 days, they called under a guarantee for 800 rubles. We arrived, they said that they had only made a barrier, another 4,800 rubles were needed to eradicate everything. They paid: poisoned, left, on the second day there were even more bedbugs. The feeling is as if they, on the contrary, were thrown.I don't know how to proceed further...

  14. Irina

    All this is complete nonsense, about vinegar, dichlorvos, etc. We processed - and what's the point? It feels like there are more of them. Services are also nonsense, they caused the same result. And these services just want to pull the money ...

  15. Victoria

    An aunt from SES came to us, poured everything everywhere. But she immediately warned that the treatment of SES is only the first stage (the bugs will be destroyed, but the eggs are tenacious). Next, you need to call again in a week, or repeat the treatment on your own. Moreover, one remedy (an aerosol from a store) may not help, because these reptiles may have immunity, so you need to buy three pieces from different companies and process this hellish mixture again. But that's not all! 🙁

    A month later, you need to re-treat, even if they no longer bite! Well, all things - what to boil, what to frost, what to hold in the bathroom in boiling water for a couple of hours, and then iron and iron everything 🙂 And more often vacuum beds and sofas.

  16. Irina

    Bed bugs got in. I look every day, I find 2-5 adults in the bed. No eggs, no small ones either. How to withdraw? I tried vinegar and boiling water.

    • Irina

      Definitely throw out the bed, since they have already laid eggs there, and more and more individuals will appear from the eggs - this is infinity!

  17. Ludmila

    Two or three crawl out, I don’t see much. Tell me what to do? Neighbors say they don't have bed bugs. I live in a hostel. Most likely they are cheating. You need to call the service...


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