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Bed bug remedy Fufanon (Malathion)

Last update: 2022-06-07
≡ Article has 11 comments
  • Rosa: The firm processed 2 times. And I still saw one individual on ...
  • Yasha: In my village, I bought this remedy in a regular store, where...
  • Galina: I want to buy Fufanon extra in the Moscow region....
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Bed bug remedy Fufanon-super

Those who have ever encountered bedbugs know how hardy these insects are and how difficult it is to get them out. To date, many chemicals have been developed and tested, but, unfortunately, small pests often get used to poison very quickly and feel good even in a treated room.

One of the most effective insecticides is considered to be a broad-spectrum drug Fufanon - against bedbugs and other insects, used not only in residential premises, but also in industrial warehouses with a high degree of infection. This insecticide deserves special attention.


Fufanon: chemical composition and properties

The insecticide Fufanon was developed in Denmark by Keminova AGRO A/S.

Chemical composition: a colorless oily liquid, poorly soluble in water, belongs to the derivatives of dithiophosphoric acid, that is, the main active ingredient is an organophosphorus compound. The boiling point of the substance is 156–157°C, it begins to melt already at 2.8–3.7°C.

This drug is not an innovative development, since the Fufanon trademark is the well-known active substance Malathion, which, in turn, is a less toxic and better analogue of Karbofos, which has long been successfully used in agriculture and in sanitizing premises.

Toxicity: moderately toxic to humans and animals, hazard class 3.

Release form: concentrate in the form of a 57% or 44% aqueous emulsion (Novaktion).

The main scope of application: the destruction of black and red cockroaches, fleas, bed bugs, flies, cereal aphids on winter rye and wheat during the growing season. Also, the tool helps to fight pests on horticultural crops.

Affordable price, low consumption and a wide spectrum of action make it possible to use Fufanon against bedbugs and other synanthropic insects, achieving an almost instantaneous effect.


Dealing with bed bugs the right way

It is necessary to start processing the premises with Fufanon from bedbugs and other pests with a preliminary study of the instructions, which contain special information on the preparation of a working aqueous emulsion.

Bed bugs

The package should be opened, the required amount of the drug should be poured into a non-food container and diluted with water at room temperature to obtain 1 liter of solution:

  • to get rid of bedbugs, fleas and ants, the agent should be diluted at the rate of 1.5-3.5 ml per 1 liter of water, depending on the degree of infection;
  • against various types of flies and cockroaches, the agent is diluted at the rate of 9 and 11 ml per 1 liter of water, respectively.
  • when using the liquid form of the drug in ampoules, the method changes slightly: the contents of one ampoule (5 ml) are diluted in 5 liters of water.

The consumption rate of the working (that is, already diluted) emulsion is 100 ml per 1 square meter of the room when treating against flies and cockroaches and 50 ml per 1 square meter when treating against bed bugs, fleas and ants.

For convenience, it is recommended to apply the product with a sprayer or a soft paint brush as follows:

  • The premises are carefully processed along the perimeter - along the surface of the walls, along the baseboards and borders (furniture is moved away), as well as in all hard-to-reach places.
  • Bedbugs hide well, so it is important to pay special attention to cracks in walls and floor coverings, places where wallpaper lags behind walls, ventilation grilles and objects with their backs to walls (carpets, frames, paintings, etc.).
  • Furniture is processed from the bottom side, closer to the floor. If there is a need to process clothes, upholstery of upholstered furniture and pillows, they should subsequently be washed well at high temperature or dry-cleaned.
  • When processing an apartment or house in winter, household items can be taken out to the balcony or courtyard - bedbugs do not survive at temperatures below minus 22 ° C.

And further: Have you ever measured at what temperature bed bugs die? And we caught them and did it - watch the video...

With the correct use of Fufanon, the bugs leave after the first thorough treatment, but the death of the entire population occurs no earlier than after 3-4 days. With a strong infection, the premises are processed repeatedly with an interval of two weeks - this is the average incubation period for bedbug eggs.

bedbug eggs

In addition, control methods should be alternated and treated in the most thorough way: if at least a few insect larvae or eggs remain, the entire population of bed bugs will recover as soon as possible, and new individuals will develop resistance to Fufanon.


Operation Precautions

When working with the drug, it is very important to observe the following precautions:

  • People, pets (as well as fish, birds) and indoor plants should not be in the treated room; while it is recommended to keep the windows open - the drug is toxic and has a strong specific smell.
  • It is possible to use the treated premises only after a day after additional treatment with a soda solution (250-300 g per bucket of water) and subsequent general cleaning with ventilation.
  • Preparation of the product and disinfection must be carried out with the use of personal protective equipment: overalls or a bathrobe, a cotton scarf, an apron and oversleeves made of rubberized material, rubber gloves, goggles that are sealed to the face.
  • It is forbidden to drink and eat food, as well as to smoke in the processed room.

If, after the treatment, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, vomiting, headache or pain in the stomach appears, it is necessary to go out into the fresh air, remove contaminated clothing, then rinse the mouth with 2% soda solution or plain water, in especially severe cases, consult a doctor.

If the drug gets into the eyes, rinse them with plenty of cold water, in case of pain, drip a 2% solution of novocaine and immediately contact a specialist.

If, during the treatment of premises with Fufanon against bedbugs and other pests, the drug gets on the skin, the affected area should be immediately washed with plenty of soap and water.

It is also useful to read: Getting rid of bed bugs with vinegar

This tool is rightfully considered one of the most powerful and effective insecticides, while having a fairly low consumption. What is the price of this miraculous drug and where to buy Fufanon to get rid of bedbugs and other parasitic insects?


Brief overview of prices for Fufanon (Malathion)

Like any other insecticide, this tool has different types:

  • Fufanon protective agent in 5 ml ampoules from the Green Belt company, the price is from 8 to 10 rubles per package. Fufanon in ampoules, 5 mlAs mentioned above, in terms of the spectrum of action, the drug is similar to the well-known Karbofos, while the liquid form in ampoules is very convenient for dissolution and is successfully used against a huge number of garden pests: spider mites, bugs, aphids, various varieties of flies and other insects.
  • Insecticide Fufanon, 5 liter canister. Fufanon in a canisterRetail price for 5 liters - from 3000 rubles. This is a highly effective concentrate against bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects.
  • Fufanon Super, 1 liter bottle. Fufanon-super, 1 lThe price is 710 rubles. The agent is an aqueous emulsion of white or light yellow color, with a slight specific odor. It has a very wide spectrum of action and effectively fights synanthropic insects: cockroaches, flies, bed bugs, fleas, etc.
  • Fufanon Super Taran from the Dobrokhim company, a microencapsulated product in 50, 100 ml bottles, as well as an aqueous emulsion in 1-5 liter cans. The price of the drug ranges from 500 to 5000 rubles, depending on the volume of the container. This tool is widely used in farms and agricultural enterprises for the treatment of large areas from insects of various types. The microencapsulated concentrate is odorless but no less powerful than its liquid counterparts.

Fufanon bedbug remedy can be bought in specialized hypermarkets, stores and online stores selling household chemicals, as well as fertilizers, and preparations to protect the home and garden plots from insect invasion. In addition, Malathion can be easily purchased from professional pest control services, as this is the main “working” tool of most of these companies.

Well, let's sum up a little.Fufanon is an affordable and highly effective remedy against bedbugs and other insects. However, when dealing with pests on your own, you should be aware of the toxicity of the active substance of the drug, do not neglect precautions and use personal protective equipment, as prescribed by the instructions.

Only competent and especially careful processing of the premises will help get rid of bedbugs and other unwanted "guests" forever.


Is karbofos effective against bedbugs?


Useful video: how to deal with bedbugs on your own at home


Last update: 2022-06-07

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Remedy for bedbugs Fufanon (Malathion)" 11 comments
  1. Gadzhimurad

    I want to order a remedy for bedbugs Fufanon-Super.

  2. Kaparbek

    They bite very hard. We will buy everything!

  3. Ruslan

    I want to order a remedy for bedbugs Fufanon-Super.

  4. Olga

    Today I bought in ampoules of 2 ml, we will test it, it costs 10 rubles.

    • Anonymous

      May I know where you bought it?

  5. Erik

    There are cats at home, and there is no opportunity to leave the apartment for a day. So how then to be to get rid of these creatures?

  6. Elena

    Where to buy Fufanon super at retail in Novosibirsk?

  7. Natalia

    I want to buy a drug for removing bedbugs Super Fufanon in St. Petersburg.

  8. Galina

    I want to buy Fufanon extra in the Moscow region.

  9. Yasha

    In my village I bought this product in a regular store that sells seeds and fertilizers. Packing in 20 rubles. managed. Insects came to us through acquaintances, we brought them out from the first treatment.

  10. Rose

    The company processed 2 times. And still I saw one individual on the floor, as if they hadn’t done anything! Fufafon - crap, or a bad master? Now they are treating it 3 times, but again with fufanon, they have no other remedy ... Advise what to do? The children are small, and now we are still waiting ... Maybe the bugs came with the new furniture. But the problem doesn't go away. I already don’t put everything in bags, they are also splashed. Help!

    The master says that bedbugs are not addicted to fufafon - is it true, or what?


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