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Modern remedies for the destruction of bed bugs

Last update: 2022-05-27
≡ Article has 20 comments
  • Anonymous: 1. Destroy all bedbugs in a sleeping place. 2. Crotch legs...
  • Dmitry: I bought an apartment, it turned out to be with bedbugs (before the sale, apparently ...
  • Anonymous: Where to buy? I'm from Ryazan....
See bottom of page for details

Choosing an effective remedy for bedbugs

It may seem strange, but bed bugs are today not only one of the most unpleasant insects in the apartment, but at the same time one of the most common. The reason for this is their unpretentiousness and the ability to live even in very clean rooms, in which cockroaches and ants rarely appear.

But the ability of bedbugs to quickly adapt to various insecticides forces manufacturers of such drugs to constantly develop and produce more and more new remedies for bedbugs. Due to this, the range of such products on the market is quite large, and the buyer can always find the best drug for his case.

Almost every modern remedy for bedbugs contains one of the insecticides that affect the nervous system of the bedbug. But at the same time, populations of bedbugs that are resistant to a particular substance, constantly appearing in apartments, force consumers to find the most effective drug, effective in a particular situation, by brute force.

And therefore, if it becomes necessary to buy a remedy for bedbugs, it is always useful to know what drugs exist in general, so as not to limit yourself to only one option.

Within the framework of this article, the most popular and proven means for the destruction of bedbugs will be considered.


Karbofos against bedbugs

Karbofos is a very popular, now outdated, but quite effective remedy against bedbugs. Also known as Malathion, it was synthesized and first produced by the American Cyanamid Company as an alternative to the highly toxic insecticides that existed at that time, dangerous to humans and warm-blooded animals.


The advantage of Karbofos was just its relatively low toxicity to birds and mammals - due to the peculiarities of the molecular structure. At the concentrations used to control bedbugs, it is quite safe, but certain precautions should still be taken.

The principle of action of Karbofos is neuroparalytic. Once in the body of an insect, the substance paralyzes its muscles, after which it causes the rapid death of the parasite.

An important feature of Karbofos is its resistance to air. When applied to furniture and other surfaces, this bed bug control will retain its properties and may be hazardous to pets and children. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the substance has a strong unpleasant odor, which can remain in the apartment for a very long time after its treatment (sometimes for months).

It is recommended to use Karbofos as follows:

  • plan to clear the apartment of all residents and pets, food and medicine.
  • Dissolve Karbofos in water in a ratio of 1:50 (if you use an emulsion sold in canisters).
  • Wear gloves, closed clothing, a cotton-gauze bandage and, if possible, goggles.
  • Using a spray gun or a wide brush, spray the product in the apartment on as many surfaces as possible.
  • After 4-5 hours after treatment, the apartment should be ventilated, and the most frequently used surfaces should be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • After 2-3 days, it is advisable to repeat the processing of the apartment, and after 2 weeks - to carry out a general cleaning.

Review: “We tried a lot of preparations for bedbugs in the country. Bedbugs constantly move to us from neighbors, and before each vacation they have to be poisoned. So far, Karbofos and Executioner have been the most effective. But Karbofos is cheaper.”

Anna K., Voronezh

You can buy a remedy for bed bugs Karbofos in almost any hardware store or via the Internet. It is marketed as:

  • remedy for bedbugs in ampoules of 10 ml. The cost of such an ampoule is about 20 rubles, and for processing an apartment of 20 square meters. m. will need about 50 of these ampoules.
  • Powder for dissolving in water. One bag of powder for 30 grams costs about 60 rubles and is sold in gardening stores.Karbofos in powder form
  • Ready emulsion in cans. The price of the product depends on the volume of the canister, but the same 800-1000 rubles will have to be spent on processing one apartment.

Today, Karbofos is gradually being replaced on the market by drugs based on pyrethroids, while continuing, however, to retain 20-30% of the share of bedbug remedies used in everyday life. Its main advantage is the combination of relatively low cost and efficiency.


Means Executioner - popular and quite effective

The executioner is a very strong remedy for bedbugs, superior in effectiveness to Karbofos and some other drugs. Its composition is based on fenthion, a powerful nerve-paralytic insecticide that is not dangerous to humans and warm-blooded animals.

Like many bedbug remedies, the Executioner is quite unstable in the air, and therefore, already a few hours after it is applied to the surface, it disintegrates and ceases to pose any danger to the inhabitants of the apartment.

In general, compared with outdated organophosphorus agents, the Executioner can be considered a very effective remedy for bedbugs, relatively harmless to people and giving a quick and powerful result.

Developed by the executioner in Germany, but produced and produced under license at Russian chemical industry enterprises.

And further: Have you ever measured at what temperature bed bugs die? And we caught them and did it - watch the video...

The Executioner acts quickly on bedbugs, destroying larvae and adults (adults), but it has little effect on insect eggs, as, indeed, most other insecticides.

The application of the Executioner is almost no different from this process for Karbofos.

Feedback on the use of the Executioner in the fight against bedbugs:

“We were looking for a remedy for bedbugs in a pharmacy, but ordered the Executioner via the Internet. The store manager advised us to take a lot at once, and we cooperated with the neighbors, who also needed to poison the parasites.

We bought a total of 100 bottles, it all cost 6,000 rubles. The poison was enough to process three apartments on the site and one - the floor below. Well, a powerful thing! The bugs died literally within an hour, only swept them out then for almost half a day.

While the apartment was waiting, the children and the dog were sent to friends, but they were all returned in the evening. I can say for sure that the executioner’s bedbug remedy is safe for animals and children, but very effective against insects.

Inga, Tolyatti

The executioner is sold in stores and on the Internet in bottles, the contents of each of which must be dissolved in 0.5 liters of water. This mixture is poured into bottles from conventional household chemicals with a spray gun and sprayed on various surfaces in the room.

Executioner, 10 ml

For an ordinary two-room apartment, you will have to spend about 20-25 bottles. One bottle, depending on the total volume of the purchased lot and the place of purchase, costs from 70 to 100 rubles.It will be most profitable to order this remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches directly from the manufacturer's representatives or in a large online store.


Bed bug remedy Combat Superspray

Kombat Superspray is a Korean-made insecticidal preparation produced in Russia and the CIS countries under the manufacturer's license.

Aerosol Kombat Superspray

Quite effective and easy to use: while other disinfectants for bedbugs require dilution in water and special preparation, the Combat Superspray for bedbugs and fleas is sold in a spray bottle like a deodorant, and can be used immediately after purchase.

In addition, almost all outdated bedbug chemicals have an unpleasant odor. Combat is unrivaled here: in different variations, the manufacturer adds flavors with the smell of lemon or mint to it, so that the use of Combat can be easily combined with normal indoor living.

Feedback on the use of insect repellent Combat Superspray: “The bugs wound up in the winter, got in with clothes from one hotel. We did not even have time to notice how they multiplied. We tried to buy remedies for bedbugs in a pharmacy, but they are very expensive there. Friends from the village advised me to buy Kombat super spray, we took two bottles at once and processed furniture, clothes and baseboards. After that, they swept the dead bugs with a broom several times, and they stopped disturbing us.



Fufanon is a Dutch drug used both in everyday life and in agriculture and floriculture as an effective insecticide. It contains Malathion, which is somewhat outdated today, and auxiliary components.

Insect repellent Fufanon

In its action it is similar to Karbofos.It has a specific, rather unpleasant odor, which is why it cannot compete with modern drugs. In addition, the order of work implies the same security measures as when using Karbofos.

Fufanon is widely used as a home remedy for bedbugs in rural areas, where owners of private houses actively use it to process fruit trees and flower beds.

The price of a liter of Fufanon is approximately 1,500 rubles.

Like many means for removing bedbugs with a similar composition, Fufanon has a long residual effect: when the room is treated with it, adult bedbugs die immediately, and the larvae hatching from the eggs die out as they appear. Perhaps this is the main advantage of Fufanon: once you have treated the room with it, you will no longer need to repeat this procedure every week.

This drug is also produced in ampoules.

Fufanon in ampoules

In stores you can find a variety of the drug - Fufanon-Super in bottles.


You can buy Fufanon in hardware stores, gardening stores and specialized sites on the Internet.


Feverfew: a natural insecticide

Feverfew is a rather unique insecticidal drug. Its difference from other products lies in the fact that it is based on a natural component - an extract (or powder) from chamomile flowers, which has a strong effect against bedbugs.

Insecticide Feverfew

Feverfew is available in the form of a powder, which needs to be treated with places of accumulation of bedbugs and their nests. Due to the fact that Feverfew is a bedbug remedy that is safe for children, it can be used for a long time without resorting to removing residents from the house. However, you should avoid getting the powder on the hands of the child and keep it out of the reach of children.

Feedback: “We were looking for a safe remedy for bedbugs to treat a room in a kindergarten. We stopped at Pyrethrum. Although there were not particularly many bedbugs, sometimes they disturbed the kids, but after applying the powder they were never seen. Scattered along the baseboards and behind the furniture.

Vladislav Moroz



In the market for pest control, Klopomor is also considered a fairly effective drug for bedbugs. While many means of dealing with bedbugs are developed with an eye to maximum safety for humans, manufacturers have put efficiency at the forefront in the development of Insecticide.

Insecticide - a remedy for bedbugs

So, when selling Klopomor, it is positioned as follows:

  • one bottle is enough to process the entire three-room apartment. Moreover, the bottle itself is equipped with a sprayer, and the consumer will no longer need to mix anything anywhere and pour anywhere.
  • Destroys bugs at all stages of development.
  • Developed in a specialized research institute.

The composition of Klopomor includes permethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide. Such a combined composition has increased effectiveness against bedbugs.

But you have to pay for efficiency: you can treat an apartment with Klopomor only by first removing all the inhabitants from it. It is not recommended to use it where people prone to allergies live.

After processing the premises with Insecticide, it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning. It is forbidden to exceed the norms of processing the surface area in order to avoid the preservation of the toxicity of the drug.

Insecticide is sold wherever bedbug remedies are sold: in pharmacies, hardware and agricultural stores.The price of one bottle is approximately 500 rubles when sold in online stores.


Medilis Ziper in the fight against bedbugs

Medilis Ziper is a drug aimed mainly at combating agricultural pests and ticks. However, testing it against bedbugs showed its effectiveness in this role as well.

Medilis Ziper

The active ingredient in Medilis Ziper is a 24% solution of fenthion. The tool can be toxic to humans and pets, and therefore requires the observance of certain safety measures during operation.


Why the selected bedbug remedy may not be effective?

It often happens that, it would seem, the product was bought not the cheapest, and the processing was carried out with high quality, however, the bugs both bit and continue to bite at night. This may be partly due to the following reasons:

  1. The bed bug population already has resistance to the insecticide used. Simply put, no matter how much you poison them with the chosen drug, it will not be possible to completely destroy the parasites, since they have resistance to it.
  2. The active components of the product quickly decompose in air and do not have a prolonged action. You treated the apartment with the drug, destroyed part of the bugs, and the other part remained unaffected by chemistry (as well as all bug eggs that are resistant to most insecticides). Since the active substance of the product quickly decomposed, the surviving bugs will continue to multiply freely in the apartment.
  3. Many people forget about the need to re-process the apartment 2 weeks after the first. As noted above, bedbug eggs are almost never destroyed when the premises are treated with an insecticidal preparation.After about 1-2 weeks, young parasite larvae hatch from them. At this point, it is important to completely destroy them, preventing them from growing up and laying new eggs. That is why re-treatment of the apartment with an effective remedy is so important.

From the bug eggs that survived after processing, the larvae will subsequently hatch ...

The photo shows bedbug eggs.

In order to simultaneously solve all three of these problems and get the maximum effect in the destruction of parasites, it is useful to initially focus on modern microencapsulated bedbug remedies. Among them, one of the most effective is the remedy for bedbugs Delta Zone - one might say, the drug of the latest generation, which has a number of significant advantages.


Modern microencapsulated remedy for bedbugs Delta Zone

Means Delta Zone refers to the so-called microencapsulated preparations - their feature is that after the solution dries, the active substance is on the surface not in the form of a continuous film, but in the form of microcapsules, which contain a small portion of a highly effective insecticide (deltamethrin). When the bugs come into contact with the treated surface, the microcapsules of the agent inevitably stick to the chitinous covers of the parasites. Considering that deltamethrin is a powerful contact insecticide, this soon leads to paralysis and death of bedbugs.

Bed bug remedy Delta Zone

Additional benefits of Delta Zone:

  • Lack of smell. After the use of many other drugs in the apartment, a specific unpleasant medical smell may persist for months. In the case of using the Delta Zone bug remedy, there is no smell initially;
  • Long-term action - after surface treatment, the active substance retains its activity for a long time (for several months).This means that even if the bugs hatch from the eggs that survived after processing or come running again from the neighbors, they will not last long alive;
  • Safety means for humans and animals. Deltamethrin is very toxic to insects, while for humans and animals, subject to the rules of work, it does not pose a danger;
  • High effectiveness against bed bugs even when the parasite population is resistant to some other insecticides. Bed bugs do not develop resistance to deltamethrin, so the use of Delta Zone gives a good result even in cases where the use of other drugs is ineffective.

Read more about the features of the drug, reviews about it and where you can buy it, read in a separate article on our website - Means Delta Zone: description and reviews.


In general, when choosing a remedy for bedbugs today, you should opt for modern microencapsulated preparations that are odorless, safe and at the same time very effective. The cost of processing an apartment when using, for example, Delta Zone may be slightly higher than when using an outdated Karbofos, however, the use of a modern remedy will help to avoid an unpleasant smell in the apartment, as well as possible allergies and poisoning of the inhabitants of the room.

Various folk remedies such as dust, turpentine, and even more so, wormwood, wild rosemary and tansy are not able to destroy bedbugs, and therefore it is not recommended to use them in the fight against parasites. The only effect of their use is a slight decrease in the activity of bedbugs for several days and a very persistent pungent smell in the room.

Practically odorless, modern Dichlorvos is also ineffective against bedbugs, and therefore its use in the fight against these parasites is a waste of time and effort. Compared with it, microencapsulated preparations are much more effective.

The choice of a means to combat bedbugs in your apartment is, first of all, a correct assessment of the effectiveness and safety of the drug. And therefore, in order to obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to stop your choice, first of all, on modern and proven means.


How to choose the right remedy for bedbugs


The most effective bed bug killers


Last update: 2022-05-27

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Modern means for the destruction of bed bugs" 20 comments
  1. Evgeniy

    Tried karbofos. At first it helped, the bugs practically disappeared, but after 3 months they reappeared. Then a friend advised Goth. Although the price is not cheap, but after 7 days they disappeared. Fully.

    It's been six months since the treatment. There are no bedbugs. I recommend.

    • Anonymous

      Where could I buy? I am from Ryazan.

  2. Marseilles

    Where to buy karbofos from bedbugs in Moscow, in which metro?

  3. Anonymous

    There are

  4. Genghis

    Where can you buy?

  5. Anton

    Unfortunately, only household chemicals are sold in stores, that is, NOT professional ones, this is the one with the minimum concentration of active substances, which is not always sufficient to destroy the same bedbugs. If, for example, they have already been poisoned by some means, then the insects develop resistance (resistance) to this drug. In this case, it is necessary to increase the concentration, but in household preparations this is impossible, these are ready-made substances. It is best to buy professional insect repellents in the form of a concentrate. There you can increase the concentration if necessary. It is best, of course, to use imported drugs. For example, we used such a remedy for bedbugs. Really very strong effect in comparison with other agents.

  6. Anonymous

    My husband diluted Geth with water. Three weeks have passed. Will it be effective when used?

  7. Anonymous

    It will, only then shake well, otherwise there are microcapsules at the bottom.

  8. Lily

    Bed bugs have also appeared here, we tried to poison them many times, but all to no avail. Tell me, please, what to do?

  9. Maria

    Bed bugs are tin. I didn't think I'd ever come across this infection. I don’t know where they came from in my apartment, but when they bit, I couldn’t even think about them. In general, they bred with me specifically. Called the pest control service. Processed twice, now called the third time. They still don't leave. No, no, they do appear. There is no energy, no money. It seems that there is no escape from them. What to do?!

    • Tata

      Process with your neighbors

    • Anonymous

      We have this problem too.

  10. Vyacheslav

    People, don't waste your money on any new expensive products, during the year I tried almost all new, so to speak, drugs that are safe for humans, I spent about 30 thousand per year. Yes, I do not argue, the population is decreasing, but it still remains. In the end, I bought such a muck as Karbofos and Tetrix, they are toxic and harmful. I took a gas mask from a friend of a fireman and sprayed practically everything in the apartment, not a single untreated surface remained, and in all rooms at once. Sprayed richly, so that everything was already wet. And they alternated for a month: one week with Karbofos, the next week with Tetrix. I did four treatments, I thought that we ourselves would die from these poisons, but no, we squeezed it out, but there have been no bedbugs for two months now. And so I suffered for almost a year with all sorts of drugs. I am writing sincerely, because bedbugs are a real war, and it is really difficult to win and survive in it, but it is possible. Within a year, I stopped sleeping peacefully, eating, I thought, I’d already sell the apartment for nothing and buy another one. Now I sleep peacefully, but sometimes I have terrible dreams, and there are bugs in them.

  11. Vyacheslav

    Are there companies that give a 100% guarantee for the destruction of bedbugs?

    • Anonymous

      No. We ordered, paid 4 thousand, and they both ran and run. I had to do everything myself.

  12. Oksana

    They called processing 3 times, she cleaned the sofa, collected eggs. And all these bedbugs do not care. They poisoned me with Averfos and all sorts of drugs, I no longer have the strength.

  13. Niyaz

    I have already disinfected 2 times, but they come again ...

  14. Julia

    People, I'm terrified of how I suffered with these bedbugs. They bit the kids, just killed them in handfuls on the kids, did not sleep until the morning.I burned all the nasopharynxes with acetic acid, so that they would not bite the children (the smell is very pungent)! What only we did not try to destroy these reptiles! I even ordered the advertised Pest Reject - all for nothing. But then I somehow came across people's stories about Karbofos, that everything disappears from him, and everything like that. But I did not dare to order, I decided to consult with my mother. And she suggested to me that she also poisons with Karbofos in the garden, only he is like a powder and needs to be diluted. I took this Karbofos, the price of which is 30 rubles, and diluted a whole pack of 250 or 300 grams of water. In general, it turned out such a muck that I almost poisoned myself. Remember that the treatment should be carried out indoors: the windows should be slightly ajar, parts of the body should be completely closed (even hair), goggles should be put on the eyes and a mask over the nose and mouth (I took it in a pharmacy). You need to work everywhere. I worked with a flower sprayer behind the baseboards, and poured it directly, upholstered the entire bed, behind the wallpaper, the ceiling, behind the cabinets - and several times. The number of bedbugs decreased, but I decided not to give up on this - I processed it after 3 days. And after that, she sprayed Varan abundantly with an aerosol. And now, pah-pah-pah, we sleep peacefully for 5 months.

  15. Dmitry

    I bought an apartment, it turned out to be with bedbugs (before the sale, apparently, they processed it). More precisely, they run from their neighbors. I called exterminators 3 times, enough for 8 months. Total 2.5 years. I tried to process it myself, bought the "Executioner", it helped for 2-3 weeks. I bait - they run to the neighbors, they poison - they run to me. It’s impossible to negotiate with neighbors (there are a lot of them), someone has no time, someone has no money, and someone doesn’t care at all! How to be? I can't pay for everyone! But the bastards quietly incite sometimes little by little, so as not to get divorced much.Apparently, they are afraid of publicity.

  16. Anonymous

    1. Destroy all bedbugs in a sleeping place.

    2. Place the legs of the bed in the jar lids and pour sunflower oil into the lids (the bed should not come into contact with the walls).

    If bite marks appear, it means that the bugs are not destroyed in the bed, you need to cut them out again. Bedbugs cannot fly and fall from ceilings, contrary to rumors.


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