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Bedbug eggs and their destruction

Last update: 2022-05-14
≡ Article has 17 comments
  • Anonymous: I myself from them in a panic ....
  • Zhanna, St. Petersburg: You can't imagine it on purpose. My colleague a week ago called...
  • Anonymous: Thank you, good advice! ...
See bottom of page for details

Eggs and larvae of bed bugs

Despite their small size, bugs, having settled next to a person, cause very big problems. Their reproduction occurs so quickly that it can be difficult to notice the appearance of these insects at the initial stage. In addition, bedbug eggs and larvae are usually hidden in hard-to-reach places, which also complicates the process of their extermination. Yes, and the process of reproduction of bloodsuckers is quite unusual and is aimed at increasing the population as soon as possible.

Bed bugs reproduce by traumatic insemination. The male pierces the female's abdomen and injects sperm into it. Five hours after mating, the female begins to lay eggs. During the day, the female can lay up to 12 eggs, and for the entire life cycle - up to 500 pieces.

The fertility of bedbugs and the rate of their reproduction depend on the abundance of food and favorable temperature conditions:

  • bed bugs do not tolerate low (below minus 10°C) and high temperatures (above +45°C)
  • optimal temperature for the development of eggs and larvae of bed bugs: from + 20 ° C to + 35 ° C, at lower temperatures the rate of their development slows down
  • Bedbug larvae hatch from eggs, depending on the temperature, after 5-25 days.Also, depending on the temperature, the bug larva develops into an adult in 30-90 days.

To understand how to successfully destroy bedbugs and their eggs, you need to know the reproduction characteristics of these insects, their appearance and habitats.


What do bed bug eggs look like?

If you find yourself with bed bugs, be sure that somewhere there are already laying their eggs. You should not waste time, it is better to start searching right away in order to assess the scale of the problem and begin to destroy them. To find parasites, you need, firstly, to imagine how the eggs of bed bugs look like, secondly, it is better to arm yourself with a magnifying glass, since the size of the eggs is very small, and thirdly, you need to know where the bugs lay their eggs.

In the photo below, bed bug eggs are barely visible on the mattress. As you can see, they are not so easy to find:

Bed bug eggs on the mattressPhoto of bedbug eggs when enlarged

So, bed bug eggs are shaped like rice, they are oblong, transparent white or yellowish, slightly curved, with a “lid” at the end, no more than 1 mm long and covered with a sticky substance, thanks to which the eggs are securely attached to any surface and in any position. Do not confuse bedbug eggs with their droppings, which are dark in color (the photo below shows white eggs and almost black bedbug excrement).

Eggs and excrement of bed bugs

A clutch usually contains 5 to 12 eggs. The female tries to place each clutch in different places in order to ensure the survival of the offspring and reduce the risk of human destruction of the eggs.


Where do bed bugs lay their eggs

It must be remembered that the bug is a very secretive insect that feeds at night, so it is rather difficult to meet it during the day. Most often, the presence of bedbugs in the house is detected in the morning by bitten victims.Accordingly, parasite eggs should be sought as close as possible to a person's sleeping place, since the larvae and the bugs themselves usually settle closer to the food source. And given that the bugs do not tolerate artificial lighting and low temperatures, their habitats will be dark, inaccessible and comfortable for reproduction.

It is also useful to read: Bed bug breeding details

And further: Have you ever measured at what temperature bed bugs die? And we caught them and did it - watch the video...

Bed bug egg laying

If in the morning you find bedbug bites, then it’s worth starting the search from the bed. You need to inspect the mattress, bed linen, cracks in the bed, corners, baseboards, bedside tables. In addition, if the problem of the presence of small bloodsuckers is already severely neglected, the zone of bedbug settlement expands significantly, and their nests can be found throughout the house: under wallpaper and carpets, in books, picture frames, behind batteries, in electrical appliances, in ventilation. If you have pets, then they must be checked. It is necessary to inspect all items carefully, from all sides, since the eggs can be attached in any position. Often, both larvae of bedbugs and adults are located near the clutch, so if you find a cluster of these insects somewhere, be sure to take a closer look and you will find clutches of their eggs.


How to Destroy Bedbug Eggs Effectively

If you have already met with the problem of bedbugs in the house and tried to get them out, then you know that attempts to get rid of these insects, sometimes, have to be repeated repeatedly. It seems that these unpleasant parasites have finally disappeared, when suddenly after a couple of weeks everything starts again.And the reason for this vicious circle is quite simple: when destroying the bugs themselves, not everyone pays due attention to the destruction of eggs, believing that there is no threat. However, therein lies the danger. Bedbug eggs are numerous, they are hidden in hard-to-reach places, and, in addition, they are very resistant to many methods of extermination, including chemical ones.

To understand how to most effectively destroy bedbug eggs, you first need to determine the habitat of bloodsuckers in the house. To do this, it is necessary to carefully examine all the possible places of their resettlement, which were mentioned above. Particular attention should be paid to bedding, folds and seams of the mattress and upholstered furniture, crevices in the bed, on the walls and floor next to the bed.

Bed bug and egg laying

If the examination did not give results, and the egg laying could not be found, it is worth proceeding as follows. Laundry should be boiled for at least 20 minutes.The mattress, furniture, as well as all kinds of cracks must be treated with hot steam, or with a solution of 150 ml of boiling water, 20 ml of kerosene and 15 ml of turpentine. If there are places where the wallpaper moves away from the wall, or there are cracks in the wallpaper, it is better to process these places as well, and then glue the wallpaper.

And further: Well, what can I say - Get Total picked bedbugs for 2.5 hours, but still did its job ...

If the treatment takes place during the cold season, furniture, blankets, pillows and other infected items should be taken outside and left in the cold (not higher than minus 20 ° C) for a day. After that, rinse everything with a solution of hot water with soda or peroxide. The room should also be well ventilated.

You can also use various modern aerosol (like Dichlorvos) or powder preparations against bedbugs, however, it should be borne in mind that they are not always effective in destroying bedbug eggs. In addition, due to the presence of harmful substances in the composition of these preparations, it is imperative to follow the instructions and observe safety measures when processing the premises.

If all these procedures did not help, it is worth talking about this problem with the neighbors, perhaps the insects come to you from them. In this case, get rid of bedbugs should be together.

Self-control of bedbugs is a very painstaking and lengthy procedure, and if you strongly want to achieve a result, you will have to spend your time and effort on treating the entire room from these insects and their eggs. Otherwise, bedbugs will return again and again.

If you do not want to deal with this problem on your own, the best solution would be to contact special organizations involved in pest control from bedbugs. Specialists will carry out the necessary processing of the premises in accordance with safety requirements.

It is up to you to decide how to deal with the problem of bedbugs in the house, the main thing is not to put off its solution indefinitely, otherwise the fight against a small insect can turn into a real battle with whole hordes of these bloodsuckers.


What you need to know about bed bugs to successfully deal with them


Destruction of bedbugs: the most effective means


Last update: 2022-05-14

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Bug eggs and their destruction" 17 comments
  1. Anonymous

    Good afternoon! Bed bugs live for about 15 months. It takes 30-40 days for the larva to develop from the egg stage into an adult. If the conditions are not particularly favorable, it will take 80-100 days. And I also like how you made the site!

  2. Faith

    Soap all corners of furniture, skirting boards, lather all wooden coverings with laundry soap, wash all bedspreads and clothes, boil or throw away.And sprinkle with Medilis: dilute in water and spray for 2 days, because if the larvae hatch and survive, Medilis will no longer help. But while it is effective in the fight against bedbugs.

  3. Anonymous

    Can bed mites lead to allergic cough?

  4. Didenko

    Good night. Bed bugs have curled up in us, and we don’t know where, we practically don’t go anywhere and don’t go. And we have a baby, and I'm afraid for the baby. My husband constantly puts off this topic - to talk to the neighbors, maybe it was passed on from them. And he says that I should not tell anyone (relatives and neighbors) ... Tell me, what should we do?

    • Anonymous

      Could bring from the store without noticing. They can go up to 1.5 years without food. It is better to talk with neighbors, building the conversation correctly.

    • Anonymous

      Until you and your child get bitten, you need to poison them. They rarely bite men, but children and women often, and drink blood. If you live in an apartment and you can’t get it out, then talk to your husband and call the service, they will pickle you. Bedbugs walk at night and hide during the day.

  5. Anonymous

    Good evening everyone. Recently I was given a sofa and after a couple of weeks I noticed some inflammation on myself, and I also began to itch. I was, to put it mildly, surprised. I sleep with a toy and I noticed a cockroach on the toy. She was sleepy and thought that it seemed. Then more and more rashes began to appear. I started wondering where it came from. Then she saw the cockroach again and killed it. It has a very specific smell, I started bombing everyone and asking, they say it's bedbugs. Yesterday I started checking the bed, found another little one, killed it, but got scared of the big one and collected it in a clerical glue stick. And I thought that all the suffering had passed.I started general cleaning today, I found it behind the sofa, I killed it with a slipper. Now I'm sitting, resting - and another one, he's huge PPC, I got scared. Damn, how to be? How can you kill? I live in an apartment, at home, plus 20C, I have already left the room open with a window, whatever I did. Pliz, people, help me. SOS, 1 more minus - I'm afraid of insects ... ((

  6. Sophie

    Hi all! I got rid of the bedroom set. And a couple of times with a special solution walked. It seemed to be quiet. But they started biting again. Where else did they have time to settle? Do not tell me?!

    • Anonymous

      Your bed, sofa, mattress...

  7. Valera

    We found 6 bedbugs, all in different places. They turned the whole apartment over and found no one else. Were found in the bed and one on the child, as well as one bedbug skin. What to do? They didn’t find any eggs, they didn’t find anything, they had nowhere else to hide in particular - everyone was watching, the apartment is small.

  8. Elizabeth

    Hi all. We have been suffering with these parasites for almost half a year now and do not know what to do. And we have a small child. Help me please.

    • Evgeniy

      Buy "Averfos", "Anticlopes blockade", "Confidant" or other professional tools, and poison. I don’t recommend “Pshikalki” like “Get”, “Medilis” and similar garbage. Year tormented with bedbugs. What they didn't poison. Bought prof. means - and the bedbugs of Khan ...

    • Anonymous

      Call the experts!

  9. Mikhail, St. Petersburg

    Today, my good neighbors in the stairwell gave me a chest of drawers - beautiful, clean! But since I had previously met bedbugs and knowing our house, I decided to inspect it and found an adult 2-2.5 mm bug on it! I immediately threw it out the window. I looked more carefully, did not see any characteristic black dots or eggs, but I still shuddered.I decided to wash the chest of drawers, after walking through it with soda. But now all the thoughts remained exactly: you never know which one managed to get off or fall somewhere when the chest of drawers was brought in. In general, I'm exhausted) I think I'll have to do prophylaxis.

    As I said earlier, I have dealt with bed bugs before and would like to share with those who need my help. So, you don’t have to spend a lot on calling a pest control for 3000-5000 thousand rubles (if your budget does not allow). Go to a gardening store, or "Everything for the Home" and buy a Forsyth product, preferably 2 jars (for 2 stages). The cost of one is 250-300 rubles. Before processing, you simply have to take out all your clothes in bags for their subsequent washing at 50-70 °, preferably dipped in boiling water, you can also iron them to be sure! Well, you took out all the clothes, move all the furniture to the center of the room, exposing all the baseboards, open all the drawers, disassemble the sofa. Take 1 bottle of Forsythe, a two-liter bottle, a spray bottle with a screw cap, gloves, a respirator. Pour a full bottle of Forsythe into the bottle, fill with water up to the neck.

    Processing is best done from the plinth, and if the wallpaper leaves somewhere, then fill in those places. Next, pour the sofa, directly fill all hard-to-reach places, cracks, all upholstered furniture carefully, then wooden places. If it is winter and there is an opportunity to take something outside, feel free to take it out! The advantage of this tool is that it is powerful. Cons: smell, you will have to leave for a day! After treatment, do not stay there in any case. From 1 bottle I processed 2 rooms of 17 meters. Do not open windows after treatment, close doors and plug cracks under doors with a wet cloth. The next day, the operation is repeated, after which we still wait a day.Then the simple cleaning begins: it is advisable to wipe everything that you spilled with soap and hot water. Sweep and mop floors. There will be a slight smell, ventilate, it will be gone in a week. It's not easy, but the result is much more effective than calling an exterminator! Since it is not a fact that he will do his job well, but you will give away a lot of money and will be left without money and with bedbugs. I hope I helped someone with this comment.

    • Anonymous

      Thanks, good advice!

  10. Zhanna, St. Petersburg

    You don't come up with it on purpose. My colleague a week ago called specialists to poison bedbugs. I was surprised! Really now this creature lives in apartments, especially in new areas of St. Petersburg. That's where this crap came to me. Literally a month ago, I noticed that one, and sometimes two, insects were crawling along the wall from above. I have a room on Ligovsky, without a good repair, a communal apartment. I thought that some insects were coming out of the cracks. I put them in a napkin and at will, in the window. And so for three weeks. Itched yesterday. I woke up last night, I turn on the light - there are two healthy people sitting on the wall above me. I am their slipper, and under them there are pools of blood. Then I froze, I realized what it was. I lift the sheet, and there are two sitting there. I bought a new sofa in December, looked through everything - clean. I understand that the nursery is not there. I see that they are crawling from above, pumped already. In the ceiling, a hole with a pipe from the battery passes to the neighbors from above. Maybe they crawl. But this doesn’t make it any easier, because today I saw kids in my house - one crawled away on the sofa in front of my eyes and two were killed on the wall. We'll have to call SES. I do not sleep, I write, the mood is vile.

  11. Anonymous

    I'm in a panic over them.


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