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Detailed photos of bed bugs

Last update: 2022-05-24
≡ Article has 70 comments
  • Marina: Recently we got bed bugs. We live 30 years - and on you. I t...
  • Vadim: DO NOT use sulfuric smoke bombs in the apartment! Up to ...
  • Anastasia: In general, we have a capital lair and there is nowhere to move out. Where are they running...
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This is what a bed bug looks like

A real misfortune in rural areas - the bed bug glorified in literature - may not even catch the eye of many city dwellers in their entire lives. But having met such a parasite in his apartment, another resident of the metropolis may not even recognize it as a pest that sucks blood at night and leads to the appearance of itchy and sometimes painful irritations from bites.

At least in order to identify the bloodsucker at the first meeting, even if it is accidental, it will be useful to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the bugs look like. Photos of these insects, as well as their larvae and eggs are given below ...

Bed bug larva

Adult bed bugs and their larvae

bed bug eggs


What does a bug look like?

Bed bugs are quite different from all other bugs. And in general, it is easy to recognize it among other domestic insects. Look at the photos:

Bed bug: close-up photo

Bed bugs on the mattress

Large bed bugs

The main difference between a bed bug and, say, a soldier or a water strider bug is the absence of wings. By the same sign, it is well distinguished from cockroaches. Due to the absence of wings, the boundaries of the segments of the abdomen are clearly visible in the bug - its entire body seems to be constricted several times with stripes.

Adult bed bugs are dark brown in color.If he is hungry, then the width of his abdomen is almost the same as the length. After feeding, the abdomen stretches, and the insect itself becomes longer. On average, the body length of a bed bug is 5-6 mm.

It is interesting…

After a full meal, the body length of a bed bug almost doubles. The bug itself during one feeding consumes twice as much blood as it weighs itself. In the photo below you can see how the shape and size of the insect's body changes during feeding.

Bed bug resizing

In addition, after saturation with human blood, the domestic bug becomes somewhat darker, and hungry individuals can even be light red. The photo below clearly shows the differences between dark and well-fed bugs and their lighter, hungry relatives:

Hungry and full bed bug

Hungry bug larva

Bed bug larva that drank blood

Like all members of the Hemiptera order, bed bugs have a small triangular head.On its lower side there is a long proboscis formed by fused jaws. It is hard and strong enough to pierce human skin. But the bug cannot cope with the already denser skin of cats or dogs.

The photo shows the proboscis of a bed bug

Bed bug: bottom view

There are two channels in the proboscis of the bug (see photo). Through one insect it sucks blood, through another it injects a special analgesic substance into the bite wound, thanks to which a person does not feel pain from a bite for several hours.

Proboscis bug under a microscope

Bed bug proboscis close up

It is interesting…

Young larvae of bedbugs do not know how to introduce a special secret into the wound. Therefore, their bites begin to be felt earlier, in especially sensitive people - even in the process of eating an insect. However, due to the small size of the larvae and the thinness of their proboscis, even without an anesthetic, their bites are insensitive.

The piercing proboscis of bed bugs, outside the moment of feeding, is pressed against the lower part of the cephalothorax.

It is also useful to read: What do bed bugs look like

And further: We got to the TOP remedy for bugs Executioner and tested it both in the tail and in the mane - watch the video...

The body of a hungry bug is very low, and it is difficult to crush the insect. So the parasites have adapted to the fact that their victims often toss and turn in their sleep, and even being crushed by a human body, the bed bug does not die. However, a well-fed, blood-filled body of an insect becomes dense and can be crushed right on the bed.

Bedbug drunk on blood

Bedbugs drunk on blood


It is the appearance of small brown spots of an incomprehensible nature on the bed that is a clear sign of the presence of bedbugs in the apartment.

Bed bugs are quite mobile. An adult insect runs more than a meter in a minute. Thanks to their flat body, they comfortably settle in furniture crevices, behind skirting boards, under carpets and between books.In addition, they migrate very quickly and easily between rooms in apartment buildings.

Often the waste products of bed bugs catch the eye of a person more often than the insects themselves. Their feces are tiny black dots, a bit like poppy seeds.

The photo below clearly shows the almost black excrement of a bed bug:

The black balls are bed bug excrement.

Bed bug excrement

Bedbug waste products

Bed bug excrement on mattress

They can be found when cleaning the apartment under the beds, in the corners of the room, right on the bed. But more often they are found where adult parasites and their larvae accumulate for a day.


Larvae and eggs of bedbugs: in the photo - one thing, in the apartment - completely different

Bed bug larvae are scientifically referred to as nymphs. Like other insects with incomplete metamorphosis, bed bug eggs hatch into miniature replicas of adults. They also have legs, antennae and a piercing proboscis.

bed bug nymph

Adult bedbugs and their larvae (nymphs)

Bedbug larvae on the skin

The main differences between nymphs and adult bugs are their smaller size and their inability to reproduce. In addition, the larvae of bedbugs have a lighter color: when hungry, they are light yellow, almost transparent, and after saturation, a drop of blood becomes clearly visible inside their abdomen.

The photo clearly shows both the blood in the stomach of the larva and the light rim of the abdomen:

The photo shows blood in the body of a bug larva

A satiated bed bug larva

Hungry bed bug larva

Unskilled in entomology, apartment owners may confuse young larvae with ants. Indeed, after hatching, the bed bug larva has a body length of about 1 mm and an elongated body. Only later, after the first feeding, it will darken and become like an adult insect.

Bed bug larvae grow quickly and molt frequently. Every 6-7 days, the larva sheds its chitinous cover, and the remnants of these covers easily betray the shelters of parasites in the apartment.

The photo shows the chitinous covers of insects after molting:

Chitinous shells of bedbugs

Chitinous covers of insects in their nest

Bed bug eggs are small - up to 1 mm long - slightly elongated and white in color. In the upper part, each egg has a kind of lid, opening which, the newborn bug begins its active life.

These egg covers are clearly visible in the photo:

Bed bug eggs close up

Bed bugs and their eggs

Adult bugs, larvae and eggs

Bed bug eggs are rarely seen separately from the main insect nest, and therefore it is unlikely to meet them before meeting with an adult bug.


Differences between bed bugs and other household insects

The characteristic features of the body structure make the bed bug quite recognizable. However, in some cases, instructions on how to distinguish it from other domestic insects may come in handy:

  1. If the insect does not see the division of the body into segments and has wings, this is not a bug. It's most likely a cockroach. Perhaps some kind of street insect.
  2. If the insect is very small and jumps far, it is a flea. The bug can only run.
  3. Insects in which, upon close examination, a constriction in the abdomen, similar to the waist, is clearly visible - ants or stray wasps. In bedbugs, the body is wide, in hungry ones it is almost round.
  4. If the parasite is round, flat, wingless, dark in color and with a small head, you need to count the number of legs on it. If there are 6 of them, it is most likely a bug. If 8 - tick. The latter is a dangerous human parasite, but it does not settle in apartments and does not form nests.
It is also useful to read: What causes bed bugs in an apartment?

And further: We got to the TOP remedy for bugs Executioner and tested it both in the tail and in the mane - watch the video...

Finally, the bedbug can be confused with the cockroach nymph. But all cockroaches and their larvae have a characteristic distinguishing feature - two small processes on the back of the abdomen, peculiar tails (see.on the picture). Bed bugs don't have them.

Abdomen of a cockroach


Bed bug nest: is it?

Bed bugs do not create nests in the truest sense of the word. In general, there is no organization in their clusters. However, due to the fact that they prefer to hide in the same places, their places of concentration very quickly begin to look like they are quite well settled and equipped. They are called nests.

A typical example of a nest of bloodsuckers is shown in the photo:

Bed bug nest

As a rule, in such a nest there is a large number of bedbugs of different ages. Here, eggs are scattered in disorder, developing and already empty, insect excrement and the remains of the chitinous cover of their bodies that have fallen after molting. Such a cluster itself gives the impression of a very untidy, dirty place.

Typical bed bug nest

A characteristic of bed bugs is their accumulation in large quantities in order to keep warm. A typical bedbug nest looks like a solid moving mass of their bodies. In cockroaches, this behavior is not observed.

The location of the nest is also important. Bedbugs most often concentrate in sofas, beds, behind carpets, in closets, where they can easily find narrow gaps and from where they can quickly get to a sleeping person. At the same time, ants and cockroaches prefer dirty ventilation ducts and kitchens.

And the last thing: you can find out that there are bedbugs in the house by the nature of the bites they leave. The bug leaves several red dots on the body, located along one line at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from one another. Such bites are not characteristic of most domestic human parasites. Therefore, if in the morning itchy dots line up on the body along clearly visible lines, you can start looking for bed bugs in the apartment.

The photo below shows the characteristic bites of bedbugs:

Bed bug bites

Bed bug bites

Bites to the head

Bed bugs bite baby's feet

If, nevertheless, bugs are wound up in your apartment, you need to start fighting them immediately. It is foolish to hope that the parasites will disappear on their own: their ability to multiply rapidly will lead to the fact that the apartment will simply turn into a real bedbug, infecting the neighboring rooms of a multi-storey building.

When destroying bedbugs, it is better to immediately use modern insecticidal preparations, without wasting time on outdated and ineffective folk methods of control like kerosene and vinegar (see. "Overview of the most effective remedies for bedbugs"). When choosing a product, it is useful to focus not only on its effectiveness, but also pay attention to the absence of smell, economy and safety for humans.


What is especially important to know about bed bugs


Video: 5 rules for choosing an insect extermination service


Last update: 2022-05-24

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Detailed photos of bed bugs" 70 comments
  1. Amalia

    How ugly, how awful.

  2. Nargiza

    We moved into an apartment with bedbugs, we can not get rid of the misfortune! If I knew that the black dots under the mattress are traces of bed bugs!

    • Anonymous

      Well, now you will know.

  3. Nazima

    We also had bedbugs in our old apartment, we moved to a new one. 6 years have passed, and they reappeared, their larvae.

  4. Danil

    I bought a new sofa. But before that, I had an old one, I was in the hope that if I threw out the old one and bought a new sofa, then they would disappear. A few days have passed and again the bugs plow through the house. I don’t know how to deal with them, and even more so it’s a pity for the new sofa.

    • Alyona

      It’s like a joke for you: and you try to throw it away. - Already tried, they bring it back.

    • Basil

      Now the bed bugs have a new home.

    • Sergey

      Sprinkle everything with Fufanon and they are damned! Checked. Penny tool.

  5. Elena

    My husband and child and I came to a rented apartment for a while, laid out the sofa, and woke up the next morning with a terrible rash. We went to the doctor, they told us that it was bedbug bites. Have written out an awesome ointment "Akriderm". I advise everyone who has such a problem. For 2 days the rash was gone.

    • Victoria

      For 2 days, the rash can go away on its own, without any ointments. But I would advise you to still poison the bugs, and not smear with ointment ...

  6. Dasha

    I don't know where they come from at my house. Most likely, because of my aunt, who came to us a long time ago, but yes, they are still at my house.

  7. Julia

    Call the disinfector, otherwise pipets ...

  8. Yuri

    The article is interesting, but as for the resettlement of bedbugs mainly in rural areas - a question. While he lived in the village, he had no idea what kind of "beast" it was. And only after arriving in the city got acquainted with this living creature. It was then that I had to endure all the charms of the fight against bedbugs and cockroaches, which, by the way, I also met in the city.

  9. Tatiana

    Tell me how to get rid of this misfortune?

    • Anonymous


    • Vladimir

      Call exterminators. All truly effective remedies require skill in the handling of poisons and are far from harmless when used, they are not commercially available. In addition, the apartment needs to be FULLY processed and more neighbors connected, otherwise there is little sense.

      And everything must be done quickly, the bed bug, unlike most other insects, lays eggs daily, every day of delay increases their number.

    • Sergey

      Fufanon is the bomb for them!

  10. Elena

    I saw it yesterday afternoon too. Very scary. I called the disinfector, I will pray all night for the creatures to die. The son is suffering.

    • Svetlana

      Elena, 5 points! They also bite my son too ((

  11. Olga

    It's terrible, but in the apartment I caught 2 bugs on myself at night (I was lying on the couch). In the morning, the back was covered with a rash, 1 cm from the other difference. Brought from the village, was on vacation. Today I vacuumed everything, washed the floors with vinegar, washed all the bed linen and clothes. She washed herself with soap, the rash went away and the itching subsided.

  12. Luba

    This, of course, is a disaster! Tell me how to deal with them?

    • Anonymous

      The surest way is dichlorvos! Only you need to remove everyone from the room, close the windows, spray everything well and leave it like that for the night. In the morning, wash everything well, vacuum and spray again. Again, clean everything well, wash the bedspreads and blankets, ventilate - and you can live in peace!

      • Svetlana

        Thanks to

      • Anonymous

        Complete nonsense

        • Asem

          Balm "Asterisk". They run away from the smell.

  13. Dmitry

    We have lived in the apartment for 25 years, nothing like this has ever happened. And here on you - about a month ago I found bedbugs in my house. Disgusting as hell.You go to bed and you understand that they will crawl out and start biting you, I can’t even fall asleep from this. We must do something with them.

  14. Vasek

    We live in a dorm, we bully all the time, but they, bastards, still come running from their neighbors 🙁

    • Elena

      Treat skirting boards, sockets with animal bile, sold in a pharmacy.

      • Elena

        And bile really helps, have you tried it yourself?

    • Alexei

      There is a tool Sinuzan, 100 percent beats!

    • Dima

      I know some way, I have a chemical, I tried with this chemical, they die immediately. I also had bedbugs, well, I also bought a lot of chemicals. But it didn't help. Well, today I treated my apartment with chemicals, it also kills cockroaches.

  15. Kotyara

    I also panicked when I found out that these parasites started up in my apartment. I tried a lot of different means, but brought it out only with a steam generator. Surprisingly, they were only in one room, they never came to mine for some reason, although there was more than enough time for this))

  16. Anonymous

    Guys, please tell me where the appearance of bedbugs begins, otherwise they got me with this rash.

  17. Artem

    They appear when the bed is dirty.

    • Olga

      Nonsense. It's not about a dirty bed. This is such an infection, no one is safe from it.

  18. Anonymous

    Thanks I'll know.

  19. Elena Orlova

    I no longer have the strength to fight these creatures! We bought this ultrasonic device, zero sense! It would be better if these two thousand exterminators were paid.

    • Sergey

      Ultrasound has no effect on bedbugs at all. Wasted money.

  20. Ivan

    He worked at the elevator, where all insects and rats, mice, etc., all living and warm-blooded animals are killed with a substance called phosphine.It is in tablets, you close the doors and windows hermetically, you glue all the cracks and openings hermetically! You spread pills around the hut, in a gas mask, poisonous! Wear glasses and gloves, do not inhale dust from clothes! Get out and seal the door. And after two or three days you come, air it, carefully collect the dust from the tablets, seal it and into the ground. One meter deep. Ten days to air. Don't live. Live through 10-12 days of airing! One bottle of these tablets is enough for a long time, when they interact with air moisture, they turn into a poisonous gas called phosphine. You can find so many in elevators and granaries, insecticides will not sell!

    • Exterminator

      Dear! You can do a lot of things with such advice. Do you know that phosphine at a certain concentration is also explosive? Take the trouble to ask at the same elevators about an emergency with an explosion. And don't give people deadly advice!

  21. Vlad

    The best remedy for bedbugs is the Executioner, it kills well. 2 treatments - and everything is clean at home.

  22. Larisa

    My husband's sister gave me a carpet. After that it started. The child was almost eaten. I tried everything, including dichlorvos and various poisons. Nothing helped. SES was called. Everything was covered with some kind of white powder. They left home. The smell is terrible. But we don’t have bedbugs anymore ... Already 11 years have passed, but I remember this time with horror.

  23. Catherine

    They called the service for processing, it lasted for 2 years. We already have all new furniture and a child has appeared, and these creatures crawled again. The steam generator and vinegar do not help, I will not call specialists anymore. The husband has to buy and process some chemicals himself, and we are sent to the village.

  24. Anonymous

    We also had, caught a couple of pieces.I went to the SES and bought a soluble agent, sprayed it once, came back - I didn’t find a single dead one at all! I didn't see them again, 5 years have already passed.

  25. Tanya

    What they just didn’t buy: Tetrix, dichlorvos, 2 times SES called, washed clothes, boiled, threw out 2 sofas, we sleep on rubber mattresses. At least change your apartment. We open the closet, and they are sitting on the linen. What to do, people, tell me?!

    • Anonymous

      What a horror ((Probably, they crawl from the neighbors. And the chemistry should be more serious. They are everywhere, bastards, even hiding in frames. We also poisoned, but caught two ((

    • Anonymous

      Steam cleaner Kerner

  26. Anonymous

    I have such a huge bite...

    • Anonymous

      Damn, I saw this monster, bought 4 dichlorvos, irrigated everything, and diluted karbofos in a terrible concentration. He left for three months: the elderly neighbor died, but the bugs did not ...

      • Dana

        You killed your neighbor

  27. Zhenya

    Bed bugs are terrible!

  28. Sergey

    I have never seen these bloodsuckers, and recently rented an apartment, lived for several days and bit everything. The hostess brought dichlorvos, but it did not help. He ran from there like a zebra, at a gallop. I hope I didn’t bring it to the new apartment in things. Looks like he messed everything up. Can they hide in technology?

  29. Ludmila

    Kick-Ass! I'm in a panic. “I don’t know who” appeared in the apartment. I saw in the afternoon when they crawled out of the sofa. found by tenants. Caught two pieces in a jar. They look like bed bugs or linen lice, I don't understand. The mere thought of having these creatures makes me itchy. What to do? Who faced such problem? I'm waiting for advice.

    • Anonymous

      Lyudmila, I have the same problem. 3 months ago I was in Stockholm, in Europe the same problem - a lot of bedbugs. I asked about their service, they poison with diatomaceous earth - this is mountain flour.I bought it when I arrived in Russia, signed an agreement with the company, and now I sell this product. The bottom line is that you scatter, they crawl and scratch on the powder, and then dry up. But this requires patience, the result is not fast, but there is an effect. Environmentally friendly way, no chemicals. Try.

  30. Semyon

    The best remedy for bedbugs is a sulfur checker. It costs a penny, it is sold in household stores. Activate and leave for a day. All life will die, even bacteria.

    • Vadim

      DO NOT use sulfuric smoke bombs in the apartment! Up to a criminal offense for poisoning and possible deaths

      Any apartment is not an absolutely enclosed space. There will always be some gaps through which the gaseous substance will seep out, namely, into the apartments of neighbors. The smoke emitted by a sulfuric smoke bomb is a poison that can harm the health of people in other apartments, as well as their pets (cats, dogs, etc.).

      Contact of sulfur and moisture in the air = sulfuric acid, anything metal will deteriorate unless painted or coated with grease or other protective "film". Etc.

  31. Nastya

    I had a nervous breakdown with these bedbugs, it is impossible to sleep at night. They called the uncle from the service, he poisoned everything, said not to come in for a couple of hours, not to wash the floors for a couple of days and everything will pass. Since we live in a hostel, not washing the floors for a couple of days is a torment, we went to our parents. Not a fig helped, so much effort in vain. She returned home after 4 days, washed everything absolutely: all the curtains, clothes, bed linen, everything was washed at 70 degrees, then ironed with steam. We went to bed with the hope that the nightmare was over. But no, the insects are with us again. I found it at 3 am - and that's it, a nightmare from the very beginning.Nerves could not stand it, they went to their parents for a couple of days before the weekend. I thought that we would hurt ourselves, I read the comment and such hopelessness surged. A naive fool, I thought that we would get rid of it at once, but people fight for half a year.

  32. Anonymous

    Try the ecokiller, put on 2 - and there will be no trace of bedbugs.

  33. Bug

    I just wanted to be friends, and a little bit of your warmth 🙁

  34. Anonymous


  35. Tlek

    Hello! My friends beat the bedbugs, but it cost them the repair... They peeled off all the wallpaper, baseboards and everything else where there are gaps. And several times whitened with lime. A month later they settled and have been living without bedbugs for a couple of years.

    It is unlikely that any of you will do this, but they just then were tormented to fight with them and almost reconciled with the "roommates". One of their grandmother from the village suggested. And in the village, for many, the entire repair is whitewashing with lime. Perhaps that is why in the village they are not in the dwellings of people.

  36. Anonymous

    I love bedbugs! )) I live with them ...

  37. Elena

    Does anyone know if Masha's crayon helps fight bedbugs?

    • Katia

      No, it doesn't help. Stop saving. They said, buy a Get.

  38. Alya

    Two months ago, bed bugs were found in the sofa. They treated it with vinegar and a special remedy for bedbugs, similar to dichlorvos. Of course, this did not help ((After that, they were treated with the Executioner twice, we were told that this is a very effective remedy. Now there are no bugs in the beds and baseboards, but they got into things and bite during the day. The struggle for square meters continues ((

  39. Dasha

    We have been fighting for 2 months, we started with the executioner, then the raptor and other aerosols ... It didn’t help. Nerves gave out, the body itched.Nights without sleep... The last hope was ecokiller, this is the only drug that slowly but surely helps. For a month we have been living in powder and dust, but these parasites have practically disappeared. But as the people who encountered these reptiles said, sometimes there is persecution for up to a year. Those who advised us lived in powder for a year and with such a review it turned out to exterminate the colony. At the same time, neither repair nor change of furniture helped, these tenacious creatures still appeared out of nowhere. So if you have this infection in the house, then gain patience and strength to fight.

  40. Ludmila

    Tenants lived for 2 years. Bed bugs were brought in, which lived everywhere: in the sofa, in mattresses, in the gas stove, in tables, in the refrigerator, in carpets - thousands! And it all started with cookies and bagels in the hands of a child, crumbs, saliva. They removed bedbugs and Prusaks for 2 months, expenses - 5000 rubles. They did not live in an apartment, the concentration of poisons was high. All destroyed. Purely.

  41. Lily

    They advised the drug Xulat. Helped after 3 treatments of the apartment and all the furniture. Search on the Internet, a very effective tool.

  42. Anastasia

    In general, we have a capital lair and there is nowhere to move out. Where to run from creeping reptiles is unknown! Three children, my mother, three cats and a private house after a fire, uninhabitable, but at least without reptiles that feed on our blood. In short, not life, but a continuous hell, and even in a 32 sq.m.

  43. Marina

    We recently got bed bugs. We live 30 years - and on you. I'm shaking all over, depression. What to do?


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