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Bed bugs in the house

Last update: 2022-05-17
≡ Article has 48 comments
  • Jora: Everything! Kapets, comrades. They returned after 8 years. While naked...
  • Mila: Not funny, of course, but my son, on the contrary, brought from Belarus ...
  • Natalya: Almost a year has passed since the persecution of bedbugs - it caused disinsection ....
See bottom of page for details

If there are bed bugs in the house

Bed bugs are parasites that spread between rooms at a fairly high rate. They can crawl from apartment to apartment, they can be carried by birds and rodents. However, in most cases, it is the person who is the cause of the infestation of the apartment with bedbugs. Later, he is also forced to fight parasites for peaceful sleep and normal living conditions in the house.


Where do bed bugs come from in the house?

Knowing where and why bedbugs appear in the house is necessary to prevent their entry into the room. There are many sources of bedbugs getting into the apartment. But most often they appear like this:

  • From neighbors. Often the reason that bedbugs appeared in the house is the residents of neighboring apartments. From them, insects can crawl along the outer wall of the house, through the cracks of leaky ceilings or through ventilation.
  • from farm animals. If there is a poultry house or barnyard next to a private house, then the bugs can move to people in a wave. For them, human blood is much more attractive than the blood of chickens or goats. And on cattle they cannot parasitize at all - the skin of cows and sheep is too thick.
  • With furniture.Bed bugs like to settle in a variety of holes, at the joints and the back of furniture. There they are not visible and can easily create a new population. Therefore, when buying new and especially used furniture, it is very important to carefully check it for the presence of parasites. This should also be done when moving into furnished apartments.

In the photo you can see the characteristic nest of bedbugs in the sofa:

bed bug nest in sofa


“Recently I had a business trip to St. Petersburg for two weeks. I decided not to stay in a hotel, but to rent an apartment - it's cheaper and more convenient. The rooms were clean, the furniture is new, all possible appliances are there. Who would have thought that I would wake up every morning with painful bites of unknown origin. When I got on the Internet, it turned out that it was the bugs that were biting me. It was just a shock. I thought it was possible only in some dorms, and not in clean apartments. I don’t even know where bedbugs come from in the house ... "

Karina, Moscow

Let's continue the list of ways in which bedbugs can get into the house

  • With household appliances. Sometimes it seems literally impossible to understand where the bedbugs come from. The thing is that these parasites are very small and can even settle in the hollow holes of household appliances. Here they are attracted by coolers and warm engines. If new equipment was bought or old equipment was handed over for repair, it is quite possible that it got into the house already infected.
  • On people. Bed bugs at home can appear along with a person. They easily hide in the folds of clothes or get tangled in the lining of a bag. Bedbugs in the folds of clothesIt happens that bedbugs are brought by guest workers or craftsmen who make repairs or install windows, doors, connect a washing machine. And sometimes the owner of the apartment himself comes from vacation or a business trip, along with new "guests".

Regardless of how the bugs entered the house, they quickly get used to the new room for themselves and begin to lead their usual way of life.


Habitat and lifestyle of bedbugs in the house

Bedbugs do not require special living conditions or the presence of leftover food in the house. They feed only on human blood, so they prefer to settle not far from sleeping places. In this case, insects must choose a corner where it will be possible to lay eggs without hindrance. It often happens that the bed itself (its back, crevices, space under the mattress), a sofa or bedside tables is the best place for the bed bug to live.

It is also useful to read: Detailed photos of bed bugs

And further: Since bedbugs drink blood, can they carry AIDS or hepatitis from one person to another? Let's figure it out...

Bed bugs love to hide in crevices.

While the population of insects is very small, sometimes even the seams of the mattress or the folds of the blanket are enough for them. But when active reproduction begins and new individuals grow up, the parasites have to look for a more spacious shelter in the house.

Then they settle in furniture, under window sills, in bookcases. With a strong infection of the apartment with bedbugs, they can be found literally in any secluded place.


“My wife and I left the apartment for three months, while we were repairing it on a turnkey basis. When they returned, with a beautiful repair and new windows, they also found hordes of bedbugs. Moreover, the parasites were not only around the bed, but even in the kitchen!”

Boris, Minsk

Where the bugs live in the house, you can always find a lot of garbage - excrement, chitin shells, eggs - and the bugs themselves. It is enough just to check all the secluded places in the immediate vicinity of the bed.

The reproduction of bedbugs takes place almost non-stop, especially if this is facilitated by the ambient temperature and the presence of a constant source of food.

The female mates only once in her life and uses the male's germ cells as needed. She lays an average of 5 eggs a day. In her entire life, she can reproduce up to 500 parasites of her own kind.

Bed bug eggs

Finding bedbug eggs in an apartment is very difficult. The female leaves them only where she herself is during daylight hours.


“We couldn’t figure out how to find a nest of bedbugs with eggs. Adults were killed when they woke up at night and turned on the light. And only six months later it turned out that they were breeding behind the back of the sofa.

Marina, Kyiv

Bed bugs' only food is human blood. They attack only a sleeping person who does not pose a danger to them.

The bug climbs into an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, finds a blood vessel and pierces it.As the blood is absorbed, it injects a special enzyme into the wound, which temporarily anesthetizes the affected area. By the way, the larvae of bedbugs do not yet have such an enzyme, so the pain from their bite can be felt immediately.

Having bitten once, the bug crawls further and continues the meal. One individual leaves up to 7 bites on the body, which are located in the form of a characteristic path.


Checking the room for bed bugs

What to do if there are bedbugs at home? First of all, you should make sure that these are bed bugs, and not other insects. There are several ways to check for this:

  • You need to set an alarm for a time from 3 to 5 in the morning, and when it rings, turn on the light in the room abruptly. At this time, the bugs are most active, and if they really live in an apartment, they will certainly show up on the bed.Bed bugs are clearly visible on bed linen
  • Lay a white sheet on at night and carefully inspect it in the morning. If the bugs bite at night, small specks of blood will remain on it and possibly also feces that look like just black dots.
  • Spend the whole day outside the house (preferably in nature), and then sniff - has the smell in the apartment changed? Bedbugs give the room a characteristic smell of cognac.


“When they didn’t even suspect that we had bed bugs in our house, we clearly noticed a change in smell. It smelled of some old stuff, mothballs. Mom said that the bugs smell like that, but we didn’t believe until we started noticing them ourselves.”

Inna, St. Petersburg


It is also useful to read: What do bed bugs look like

And further: Where the hell did the bugs come from in the apartment and what to do in such a situation

Methods for getting rid of bed bugs

There are many ways to get rid of bedbugs in the house, but they all have different effectiveness:

  • Purchased insecticides for home use.The industry offers a variety of drugs in various forms. Masha's chalk is convenient for applying, Karbofos will help perfectly in a country house or in the country, very strong means Executioner and Klopomor. They effectively destroy bed bugs, but can be dangerous to humans and pets directly at the time of processing the apartment. When choosing how to poison bedbugs in the house, it is very important to carefully read the instructions, and in the process of working with poison, use personal protective equipment.Remedy for bedbugs Klopomor
  • Call for a team of exterminators. This method is almost always effective. Its disadvantages are the relative high cost and the need to leave the apartment for several days.
  • mechanical method. The simple destruction of bedbugs in the house with improvised means can only slightly reduce their number. But until a nest of parasites is found, it will not be possible to completely get rid of them.
  • Freezing. It is effective only when the temperature in the house drops to minus 25 ° C or lower. It is important to consider that if this method is not performed correctly, heating batteries may burst.
  • Folk remedies. Bedbugs are repelled by some smells - for example, wormwood, turpentine or tansy. However, such means do not destroy parasites, but only reduce their activity. The only advantage of these funds is the availability and low price.

So, if bedbugs have started up in the house, you should not panic and try to use all means at once. There is no perfect way to get rid of bed bugs, so it's important to consider which one is best for you.

If it is possible to take the whole family and pets out of the apartment for several days, then you can turn to exterminators for help or treat the room with a powerful poison yourself.

If it is possible to cool the room to very low temperatures without the danger of damaging the plumbing, the destruction of bedbugs in the house can be done using freezing. And only to prevent the penetration of bedbugs from neighbors, one should resort to folk remedies (they are the least effective).

It is important to remember that even before the destruction of bedbugs, you should find out if they are bothering any of the neighbors. If parasites are present in neighboring apartments, pest control should be carried out jointly and simultaneously.


Where do bed bugs come from in the apartment: important nuances


An interesting video: an example of an apartment heavily infested with bedbugs ...


Last update: 2022-05-17

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Bed bugs in the house" 48 comments
  1. Dinara

    After visiting my niece with an overnight stay, the next day I found myself bitten. The main thing is that they only bit me, and today they switched to their daughter. The niece warned that bed bugs had sprung up in the basement and that tomorrow they would poison. We stayed without thinking about anything. The next day they poisoned the entire entrance, I carried the child in the midst - maybe at that time they jumped on me.Terrible, the next day at home it became impossible to sleep. I already have a mental: I wake up from bites, I practically do not sleep. Help advice! It has already gotten to the point that in a dream I see how my whole face is in bites, and not just, but with large blisters. Help get rid of.

  2. Sergey

    The bed bugs started three weeks ago. At first I thought it was an allergy to drugs, then I caught one, crushed it, it smells delicious of some kind of berries. It would be nice if only it smelled - it’s impossible to sleep, in the morning up to 10 bites. He turned the whole room over - he found adult bugs and about 10 eggs. But I still can’t find the nest, although I dismantled all the furniture, including removing the trim. Perhaps there are just not enough of them. Never encountered before. Once he treated the room with poison bought at the SES - it didn’t help, he found a bug with blood, that is, he successfully survived the persecution, not to mention eggs. The fight continues...

  3. Ruth

    It's terrible, I've never encountered these creatures, for a month my mother and I itched somewhere. They thought it was an allergy, they drank so much medicine, but it did not help. One day I came home late from work, it was two o'clock in the morning, and found a lot on the bed. On the wall, I still didn’t know that these were bedbugs, I decided to take a picture and show my mom. She told me what it was. I killed about 30 pieces that night. A month passed, they poisoned me as best they could. They seem to disappear. But then, after some time, they roll around, and not small, but adult individuals. And satiated.

  4. Natalia

    I also had a lot of bites on my arms in the elbow area. I thought it was an allergy to ointments, and then I saw this disgusting thing. What to do? Don't know. Mashenka smeared it with chalk, went to a neighbor's and smeared it. And he does nothing, because he is drunk all the time. I'm afraid to even go into the bedroom. If you destroy it, then all the neighbors need it, and my neighbor is drunk all the time. Guard!

    • Maria

      We have the same problem! An unclean old woman lives on the 2nd floor. Her bugs fall directly from the ceiling, she does not air the windows, the stench from the apartment is terrible, but with all of the above, she does not open the door for anyone, even her own son! The neighbor offered her to poison her bedbugs for free, she did not open the door! You correctly said that all neighbors need to poison, because. from the etched place they will spread to other apartments! Write a collective letter to the Criminal Code, SES, the District Officer with the whole entrance. Today we will also start writing a letter. It’s just that no one wants to take it on (half of the neighbors have bedbugs, and the other half don’t, and they don’t care, they think that it won’t affect them. I advise you to lubricate the bites with red brilliant green (fukortsin), it is sold in a pharmacy, reduces itching and swelling bites. It has been verified on myself that not a single ointment and anti-allergy pills help. Until you call the bed bug service and they treat your apartment, and in particular the sleeping place, you will not achieve anything. Spray dichlorvos, which are against bed bugs , in ventilation, the door frame, seal with double-sided tape the ventilation in the kitchen and in the bathroom, at least not completely.I look forward to your answer and success in your struggle.

      • Irina

        You know, they tried everything, and Geradez aforementioned, and professional disinfection. Helped for the summer, then again. But it’s strange, it happens that one crawls up to me, and there is silence for a couple of days ... Then again one. I'm starting to think they're bullying me.

  5. Nataliya

    Why don't bed bugs bite everyone in the house? How do they figure out who to bite? They started poisoning them. I don't know what will happen. Write your ways of weed bedbugs.

    • Anonymous

      The same with me - they only bite me.I read: who has softer skin, so that you can bite through without problems, so they bite.

  6. Irina

    We have been fighting bedbugs for a year: we used both folk and professional means, and the sanitary and epidemiological station was called in the summer. Still they are. The wallpaper was torn off, the foci were found and eliminated. They are. The strangest thing is that they come one at a time and not every day. I can’t accept how this can be, I bit one at night, I wake up, I crush ... Nobody for a couple of days, then again. Do they exist or not? And what to do? Dichlorvos is already like a deodorant - always there.

  7. Nastya

    A bit of a mystical story. We have a four-room apartment, I found bedbugs in my room, I told my relatives, they were not found in other rooms. I vacuumed everything, pickled and redecorated the room. Then, a week later, the bugs disappeared from me, but they appeared in my mother’s room, they poisoned the same thing and threw out the sofa, bought a new one, the bugs disappeared. Then a week later, the bugs appeared in the niece's room, of course, they were also pickled and disappeared. The brother's room remained, a brother dies a week later (acute coronary insufficiency), the bugs did not appear anymore. Of course, I do not believe in all this, but they appeared from nowhere and disappeared.

  8. Ludmila

    My son brought bed bugs from Russia. Where to buy an Executioner in Belarus or where to order to get rid of them faster?

    • Mila

      Not funny, of course, but my son, on the contrary, brought these abominations from Belarus. How to get rid? This is some horror...

  9. Marina

    We rented an empty apartment. All furniture was bought new and renovated. After a couple of months, she began to find bites on the child. Twice I found a half-dead bug. And today I found it right in the bed of the child. For some reason they don't bite me.Where could they come from? The apartment has been empty for over three years. Neighbors look at me like I'm an idiot. Maybe it's not bedbugs? What to do?

    • Tatiana

      Bedbugs live without food for 2 years.

  10. Nastya

    It's terrible, last year this dirty trick touched us. Family - baby son, husband and me. Found by accident. Then it became impossible to sleep, and they only bit me. I thought I was going crazy. She poisoned a lot and caused SES. I could not find the nest for a long time until I opened the upholstery on the back of the sofa. In short, they threw out the sofa, they poisoned everything again. So far, pah-pah, the year is quiet.

  11. Katia

    Bed bugs are terrible! All night just trying to see them. Today I found one, now I'll set the alarm clock for 3-30, I'll watch at once ((

  12. Svetlana

    The son lived for 2 years in the apartment, there was nothing. Suddenly there were bed bugs. What to do?..

    • Riga

      Look for them in bed and buy bed bug powder. It helped us a lot.

  13. Elena

    We had bedbugs, 2 years ago, still have nightmares! In general, they bit our children, they came to us from neighbors. We got up right at night, gathered the children and went to my mother. Almost the next day they began to fight with them. In general, they treated everything with Karbofos, washed all the linen, but this did not help. After 2 weeks, they processed everything with them again, plus I smeared all the beds and approaches to the beds with soapy water to wash their paths, plus I laid out wormwood wherever possible, and the result finally appeared. We eradicated them, but I still remember them with great horror.

    • Lydia

      Why soapy water? Does it have any effect?

  14. Galina Ivanovna

    Kind people! Karaul, help.Bed bugs started up in the house, the neighbors are almost all frostbitten, who should be poisoned first: the neighbors or the bugs?

    • Anonymous

      I also have ugly neighbors. Every time I wake up from bites at night, I wish that their bugs were gobbled up. How can you live like this? Their walls are black with bedbugs and the stench is unbearable. You must first talk to them to call the special. service and threaten them. If it does not work, then file a complaint with the district police officer, it works flawlessly. I wish you good luck in the fight, and myself too.

    • Anonymous

      It's easier for people - poison them

  15. Juliana

    It's unbearable. These freaks haunt me and my husband, they lived with my mother - they suddenly appeared there, moved to another apartment - and there is also such a story. Now they have moved to the dacha, now they are here too ... And the most interesting thing is that they only bite me, and he sleeps peacefully. How can you get rid of them once and for all? Help me please.

    • Anonymous

      They travel with you in your things, bags. Until you poison, there will be no peace!

  16. Without sleep

    They got stinky bastards, they do not give rest. I'm afraid to sleep!

  17. Max

    They also appeared - they already ate their sister, but they don’t touch the peasants?

  18. Natalia

    Good people, I have already left my apartment for 2 years, I rent another one, I pay for mine, because I just can’t get rid of this evil! And poisoned, and SES poisoned, and themselves in gas masks. Everything has already been thrown out, all the walls have already been ripped off, all the cracks have already been patched up - but there is no rescue and that's it. Hands go straight down. What to do? How to destroy? Advise…

  19. Alina

    I have been fighting bedbugs for half a year now, nothing helps! (They called a sanitation station, to no avail. For a month now I have been fighting with a hot ferry, it does not help.I already sleep badly (this is not normal, I fall asleep, and these smelly bastards crawl before my eyes!) I don’t understand where to find a nest ... I can only get enough sleep at my young man’s.

  20. Anton

    Who independently got rid of bedbugs, respond.

    • Ilya

      You need to spray with cologne and wrap everything with a film.

  21. Olga

    As I got bedbugs, I like cockroaches)) Although I didn’t have either of these reptiles before. 2 days ago they did a sanitation, but I'm afraid to sleep in my bed, I sleep in the kitchen. I can’t understand where these creatures came from: on the one hand, the apartment is empty, and on the other hand, an elderly lady lives, very sweet and clean. I look forward to the night with horror, although I processed the apartment, but after reading the comments, I am horrified!

  22. groin

    Burn down the room

  23. Rimma

    This is horror ... Klopov discovered a week ago. I slept on my brother's bed (he was not at home), woke up from bites. The reptiles have bitten all over the shoulder. We looked at the mattress - there were a lot of black dots there, they threw out the mattress. They dismantled the bed, and they were also in the cracks there. Okay, all thrown out. Then they were on the chair. I washed everything, treated it with dichlorvos. They were gone for 4 days. Then they ended up in cracks under the ceiling. And then I remembered the old woman who lives above us. From her, these bugs climbed. She never leaves the house and we never saw her. I went to her, she does not open the door. Tomorrow I'll go to the precinct. I hate being in the house because of these bastards. Fuuuu ... I'll kill this old woman soon.

  24. Olga

    Please advise how to deal with this evil spirits. I found it a couple of weeks ago, in my parents' room (they are elderly). I threw away the old carpets, rugs, beds - I bought them everything new. Cleaned up the room.While they lived in the hall, they slept on sofas there. There seemed to be nothing in the bedroom. They brought new beds, mattresses, new carpets. They moved back to their place - and then bam - again these bugs.

    I did not see them in my room, but in recent days my hands have begun to itch terribly. There are no characteristic paths, just individual bites. And it itches even when I'm not at home. Maybe it's on nerves? I don’t seem to have anything on my bed, I look at it at night, the sheets are snow-white, without a hint of insects and black dots.

    Help advice what to do? Are there devices that help in the fight against bedbugs? Are they effective? Or just call sanitization? Some write that even sanitization helps little!

  25. Natalia

    We went on vacation, rented an expensive apartment in a high-rise building in Miami. At first I didn’t understand who was biting, I thought it was mosquitoes. Arriving home, a terrible itch overcame, full of bites. The son read on the Internet, said that these are not mosquito bites, only bedbugs bite in a chain. I'm terrified now, worried that I brought them with me. I checked my suitcases, washed everything. Here, now in anticipation, maybe I still brought them.

  26. Ksyusha

    Lord help us all! For three weeks I have been struggling with these reptiles, I have moved all the sofas, all the furniture, re-sorted - there are no nests, just coming. These creatures probably already know me by sight. I wake up every morning, shake up all the beds in the bathroom, turn over the furniture, sofas, and everything that I can’t, I spray with dichlorvos (all the cracks, backs of sofas, armchairs). The poor cat is already moving away from me, and I am disinfecting it.

  27. Olesya

    Fatten up, sorry for the child. I press at night. Sometimes they disappear for a week and then again. True, it was that they did not appear for a year, and again.

  28. Aigul

    Have there been cases when after pickling everything disappeared? Or do you need to be constantly on the lookout?

  29. Paul

    The only way to withdraw is to poison consistently once a week! If they brought it in by accident, then disassemble all the furniture on the boards, remove the plinths, throw away unnecessary rubbish, spill everything with poison qualitatively, up to the ceiling (it helped me in two months - it seems, I brought it out, half a year has passed, I don’t notice, although I’m allergic to the bites of these creatures). If they crawl from neighbors, then close up sockets, all holes in pipelines and front doors, smear with chalk. Call SES!

  30. Svetlana

    That's horrible! I, too, was treated for allergies for a whole month: injections, pills, and these turned out to be these vile parasites. Where? You wouldn't wish such horror on your enemy!

  31. Ivan

    This is a pipets, the creatures are so tired that I have no words. Whatever they didn’t poison - to no purpose, they climb and climb. Gasters came in large numbers with gifts, the whole 5-story house is in bedbugs now. ALREADY 3 BITCH YEARS! And all to the bulb, as if they do not exist. Russia, what is there.

  32. Anastasia

    Hello, the best way to get rid of them is dichlorvos. Close doors and windows, spray for several days, then ventilate and sleep peacefully!

  33. Ludmila

    Hello. Bed bugs are like a natural disaster. I walk like a fool and look out for them, I'm afraid to sleep. Winter is coming, I'll try the cold. Maybe it will work...

  34. Adela Kadyrova

    Bedbugs have never been found in Uzbekistan because of the heat, which begins in April and subsides only in October. And in recent years they began to appear, but they still die out after the summer, unless they settled in a house with air conditioners!

  35. Irina

    That's terrible! Catastrophe, how to get rid of these occupying creatures? Direct invasion, I've been persecuting them for a year.At first there was some strange smell, nasty, right up to nausea. I told my husband, but he doesn’t smell anything. As a result, purely by chance, I found my son on the couch (there was a large, black stain on the couch). Poison everything you can. Then I found it in my daughter's sofa, now with my husband and I. Insolent, creatures, walk at night on me, like on asphalt. I even wake up from what running does to me. Every night we go to bed like a minefield. My sister bought a bedbug, I don’t know, I haven’t tried it yet. I will poison according to the folk calendar, on the waning moon.

  36. Natalia

    Almost a year has passed since the persecution of bedbugs - it caused pest control. In total, there were seven (!) etchings with various preparations, after which repairs were carried out with wallpaper peeling off, and skirting boards being torn off. And here again... They appeared again. I do not know what to do. Please advise.

  37. Zhora

    All! Kapets, comrades. They returned after 8 years. So far I have only found small bugs. They come from the bottom of the sofa, you have to open it, look for it, poison it. May 2020 ((


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