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Feedback on the use of Ecokiller for bed bugs

Last update: 2022-06-16
≡ Article has 4 comments
  • Anna: I'm updating my review. The bugs disappeared completely, but not immediately. Start...
  • Anna: I carried out the treatment with ecokiller on January 5, before that for 3...
  • Elena: Tell us how after that - they didn’t start anymore? ...
See bottom of page for details

We are getting acquainted with the reviews on the use of the Ecokiller bed bug remedy ...

Although the advertisement tells in sufficient detail about the merits of the Ecokiller remedy for bedbugs, nevertheless, the reviews of real, ordinary people inspire the greatest confidence and give the most complete understanding of what to expect from the use of this drug in practice. And the situations are very different, including very neglected cases when there are darkness in the room, and they can no longer be destroyed using standard insecticides (Dichlorvos, Karbofos, etc.).

Below are reviews of ordinary people about using Ecokiller in practice to destroy bed bugs.

You can also leave your feedback at the bottom of the page, in the comment box.

“I found bedbugs in sofas in two rooms at once. And before that, my son's skin began to become irritated, I thought it was an allergy to something. Even went to a dermatologist. And then I found these creatures. Those who have come across bedbugs know that they can drive you crazy ... I just didn’t try it: I poisoned it with dichlorvos three times, kerosene, boiling water, even walked a couple of times with a steam generator. I almost poisoned the animals in one of the treatments.When I remember, I'll shudder! After that, my son and I looked for only safe means. Bought Ecokiller. Does not smell at all, the powder is so light. And most importantly, two bottles were enough for us to wipe out all the bastards, processed all the sofas, under them, cabinets and baseboards. We have been sleeping peacefully for four months now ... "

Reviewed by Natalia G., Samara


“Three years ago we moved into an apartment, an old house, built by Stalin. And all this time it was normal, no cockroaches, bedbugs and bugs. And then the bedbugs came from drunk neighbors. And for some reason, they ate only me, but did not touch my wife and children. The first time I used two products, Ecokiller and Dichlorvos-Super. It is a pleasure to process with an ecokiller, but Dichlorvos has a terrible stench and a metallic taste in the mouth for two days. The powder from the bottle poured in a thin stream into the cracks and folds. It also holds well on vertical surfaces and is then easily removed with a vacuum cleaner. The processing was carried out in two runs, the second time I decided, just in case, to also process the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, although I had never seen bedbugs there. In the second run, I used only Ecokiller. Now no one has been biting me for a long time, and the neighbors still drink and walk around with bitten faces!

Reviewed by Sergey, St. Petersburg

bed bug nest in furniture

"Quality tool. Works. Before that, nothing helped, but with Ecokiller, all the bugs died in two weeks! Now we are still doing repairs so that new ones do not come ... "

Reviewed by Peter, Moscow


"Hello. I would like to share my experience with bed bugs. We fought for a long time, called the SES four times, two of them under warranty, threw a lot of money down the drain. Then they themselves were personally treated with all kinds of chemicals.The result lasted a maximum of 2 weeks, and then the bugs begin to bite with renewed vigor, like brutalized ones! The ecokiller helped us, they used the entire three-liter package for a three-room apartment at once. Sprinkled generously everywhere, so that the effect was better. Many bedbugs died after 3-4 days, dried corpses were lying around not far from the powder. But this powder does not kill bedbug eggs, so you will have to endure and wait until the larvae hatch from all the eggs and also die. But the thing is cool, lethal, all the bugs were eventually killed on the spot. I hope you get rid of it forever."

Reviewed by Irina, Kazan


“Ecokiller helped us get rid of bedbugs, although we had already tried so many things that somehow we didn’t really hope. It took about a week to completely stop biting. Now my mother treats the ground in flower pots with this powder from some white small bugs, they also die with a bang.

Feedback from Tamara


“We bought a new sofa and away we go. Bedbugs! I had never seen them in my life before, I thought that they only bite homeless people. I tried to call specialists, so they filled the whole apartment with some kind of rubbish, the sofa was all damp, and at least henna for bedbugs. Then they themselves poisoned, this epic lasted about a year. Ecokiller was advised by a neighbor, they treated it themselves and seemed to be successful. It did not help us immediately, but after two weeks the bites stopped. Pah-pah, now we sleep peacefully.

Reviewed by Kirill Semakin, Ufa


“Very good Ecokiller! Once everything was processed and forgot about the bugs forever. They were never seen again."

Reviewed by Galina, Saratov


“I am writing two months after the use of Ecokiller. I will not describe what we went through while trying to fight bedbugs - thousands of stories have already been written about this. I think those who have passed know what it is like. My husband and I almost got divorced over this. When they first discovered it, they went nuts, they thought that today there are no more bedbugs. They wanted to get off with a hundred rubles, anoint, popshikat, but no such luck. From chemicals, only a part of the bugs die, and the rest continues to crawl alive. And so it happened with every poison! With each, and we tried a lot of them in two years! During this time, I have read a lot on the Internet about the torment of others who also live with bedbugs. There, on the Internet, I learned about a new remedy for bedbugs Ecokiller. I confess that we tried it without much enthusiasm. And about a miracle! After 5 days, I no longer ran into live bugs. They were only dead. It has been more than two months since the house was processed. And you know, I still can’t believe that we did it, at night it seems that someone is crawling over the body.But no, everything is clean! A good tool, I want to say a big thank you to the manufacturers.

Reviewed by Marina, Kirov


“The poisoning of bedbugs with Ecokiller, there is a result! I have already found about 20 dead, large and very small. I think we need to process all the furniture to be sure.

Feedback from Victoria Stepanovna, St. Petersburg


It is also useful to read: Klopoveron remedy for bed bugs

And further: Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which have shown high efficiency

What is important to consider when using Ecokiller

For a successful fight against bedbugs, it is important not only to use an effective remedy, but also to take into account a number of nuances that can dramatically increase the chances of success even in the most neglected cases, when the room is literally teeming with bloodsuckers.

To successfully get rid of bedbugs in the house, it is important not only to use a highly effective remedy, but also to take into account a number of nuances ...

Below are some of the important points:

  • First of all, it is necessary to understand that for the effective destruction of bedbugs, Ecokiller must come into contact with the external integument of parasites. Therefore, it is necessary to treat with powder in the first place precisely those surfaces along which the bugs move most often. It will not be enough just to scatter the powder, for example, under the bed in the hope that all the bugs will rush to it and then quickly die. It is the careful, scrupulous processing of all places of possible accumulation and movement of bedbugs that will be the key to a successful fight against them;
  • Ecokiller does not destroy bedbug eggs, therefore, after processing the premises, even when all adults have already died, larvae will continue to hatch from the eggs for several weeks (usually within 2-3). Most of them will die from contact with the powder in the very first days, without having time to drink blood. However, single bites during this time may well be observed.It is important to ensure the presence of the drug on the surfaces for the entire specified time, even if the bites have stopped and it seems that all the parasites have died;
  • Do not forget that bed bugs can easily migrate from neighbors through sockets, vents and cracks in the walls. And if the neighbors have a real bed bug, then without blocking the possible migration routes of parasites, their reappearance in the treated room is only a matter of time. Therefore, it is extremely important to close up all the cracks and cracks that can communicate with neighboring apartments, and put a very thin mesh on the ventilation holes (the size of the bug larvae can be less than 1 mm). Ideally, it is useful to cooperate with neighbors and carry out processing jointly.


Do not forget to leave your feedback on the use of the Ecokiller bedbug remedy.


We are testing an improved analogue of Ecokiller on bedbugs


Last update: 2022-06-16

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Reviews on the use of Ecokiller from bed bugs" 4 comments
  1. Irina

    I don't know if this is a dream or a fairy tale.But a week after the Ecokiller treatment, I do not observe these disgusting bloodsuckers. Our neighbors gave us these gifts. At first I thought it was an allergic rash on my arms and legs. And then I saw nests in the chair. And away we go… Harassment with sprays and crayons, steam treatment. And then, finally, in the building materials store, we got to Ecokiller. When processing the apartment, I slept through all the corners of the sofas and baseboards. Buy. And it will definitely help you.

    • Elena

      Tell us how after that - did not start anymore?

  2. Anna

    I carried out the treatment with an ecokiller on January 5, before that, for 3 months, I poisoned with dichlorvos 5 times, used the small “Mashenka”, I could not completely get rid of it. The first two days after the treatment, I was bitten on a chair at the computer, then I treated the floor around the chair and found myself sitting in an ecokiller ring. After that, the bites stopped, but today, January 20 (that is, 15 days from the date of treatment, 13 days from the previous last bite), I found a bite on my body! I really hope that this is the very single bite of a newly hatched larva, which is mentioned in the text, and that after a few days they will leave me forever! The tool has not yet been removed.

    • Anna

      I am adding a review. The bugs disappeared completely, but not immediately. From the 15th to the 10th day after treatment, I had here and there single bites from the hatched larvae. Now more than 7 weeks have passed since the treatment, there are no bites for the last 3 weeks.


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