Website for pest control


The information in this section is designed to help you get rid of bed bugs once and for all.
Methods that help to completely destroy bedbugs in the apartment ...

This review collects the stories of ordinary people about how they were able to safely get rid of bedbugs in an apartment using available tools and methods. Some reviews describe very original approaches, based entirely on personal experience and showing excellent results in practice. In general, read and implement if you like something ...

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Prevention of the appearance of bed bugs in the apartment

It is important to understand that even if you have successfully destroyed the entire population of bed bugs in your apartment, this does not mean at all that the parasites will not enter the apartment again - for example, from neighbors. In general, the prevention of the appearance of bed bugs in the room should be given priority in cases where the fight against bloodsuckers has ended only recently, and also when you know that, for example, your relatives or friends have bed bugs (parasites and their eggs very successfully “migrate”). » on clothes - sometimes it is enough to visit the infected premises only once). We will talk further about how to prevent infection of an apartment with bedbugs and what methods of prevention are the most effective ...

How to kill bedbugs in an apartment: an overview of reliable tools and useful tips

Perhaps you have already tried to kill bedbugs on your own and managed to make sure that not all remedies are effective against these parasites. It also happens that, it would seem, in the first few days after treating the apartment, the bugs stop biting, but literally a week later everything repeats again - fresh bites on the body in the morning, and traces of the night feast of bloodsuckers on the bed. So how do you still need to properly kill bedbugs and, most importantly, what exactly makes sense to process an apartment in order to get rid of parasites forever? Let's figure it out...

What do bedbugs eat and how long can they live without human blood

At first glance, it may seem that bed bugs are quite vulnerable insects, because being strongly attached to a person as a source of food, they, in theory, should have died if there were no people in the room for a long time.But in practice, it turns out that the absence of people in the house, even for 6 months, often does not lead to the death of the entire population of bedbugs. So what do bedbugs eat and how long can they live without blood - let's figure it out ...

Our video on the channel will help a lot in the fight against bedbugs


And so, in fact, bed bugs, their eggs, larvae look ...

  • Bed bug larvaBed bug larva that drank blood
  • Bed bug nestBed bug nest inside sofa
  • bed bug eggs in couchA female bed bug can lay hundreds of eggs in her lifetime.
  • Bed bug eggs and excrementThis is what bed bug eggs look like. Black balls - excrement
  • nymphsNymphs just hatched from eggs
  • Bed bug larvaThe bed bug larva has a translucent body
  • The larva drinks bloodBed bug larva drinks blood
  • Bed bug larva after saturationAnd this is how the larva looks after saturation
  • Bedbug drunk on bloodAs the body of the parasite is saturated, it stretches and thickens.
  • bed bug nest in furnitureBed bugs like to nest in various crevices and holes in the bed.
  • Individuals of different ages in the nestIndividuals of different ages in the nest
  • adultAdult bed bug
  • Bed bug eggs in sofaThere can be thousands of eggs in one sofa, and sometimes it's easier to throw it away than handle it.
  • The bug makes several bites at a timeFor one sortie, the bug usually makes several bites.
  • One more nestAround the nest of bedbugs, the furniture is usually littered with black dots - excrement.
  • Bed bug at the mealEat - you can relieve yourself ...
  • The body of the parasite is flatThe body of a hungry parasite is flat, which reduces the risk of being crushed by a sleeping victim.
  • Bed bug on human skinBed bug on human skin
  • Bed bug getting ready to biteIt would be rather unpleasant to find such a "bug" on yourself.
  • Bed bugs on the mattressBed bugs on the mattress

Useful materials on the topic

Dezus: bedbug, cockroach, flea, ant (odorless)
Dezus: bedbug, cockroach, flea, ant (odorless)

Dezus is a preparation designed specifically for the destruction of insects resistant to traditional insecticides. It is this thought that appears immediately upon acquaintance with its composition.At the same time, it becomes clear why the manufacturer positions Dezus as a broad-spectrum insecticidal agent: they can poison cockroaches, completely destroy bedbugs, exterminate ants, and remove any other insects from […]

Protective mattress cover against bed bugs GEKTOR
Protective mattress cover against bed bugs GEKTOR

If the mattress is protected with a Hector cover, then not a single bug, even the smallest one, will have a chance to climb inside or get out. The mattress cover is made of a special durable membrane with microscopically small pores: air normally passes through them, but not a single arthropod can crawl through them ...

Reviews about the Executioner Super from bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas and ants
Reviews about the Executioner Super from bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas and ants

Not so long ago, the Executioner Super tool that appeared on the market attracted a lot of attention from consumers (especially among those who fight bedbugs), and today you can increasingly find questions and reviews about this drug on specialized information sites. Moreover, if the questions are generally quite the same, then the reviews about the Super Executioner turned out to be very diverse - someone praises him, someone scolds, someone points out at first glance not obvious advantages and disadvantages of the tool ...

Review Executioner Super: a remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants
Review Executioner Super: a remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants

Many buyers have already noticed that on the windows of online stores, side by side with the usual classic Hangman in 10-ml bottles, the drug Hangman Super has recently begun to appear on the shelves. Outwardly, it looks like the good old Executioner with the image of a funny executioner on the box (this image was used in advertising the product), but in some respects the new drug differs from the old familiar version ...

Means Executioner for the destruction of bed bugs
Means Executioner for the destruction of bed bugs

One of the effective means to combat domestic bugs is the drug Executioner. It is a 25% solution of Fention (insecticide), and after dilution in water, it can be used for self-destruction of bedbugs in the house.

Choosing the best bed bug remedy
Choosing the best bed bug remedy

The best remedy for bedbugs is not always the one that is famous for being the most effective. The fact is that in most cases, bed bug remedies are used by the residents of apartments and houses themselves, and therefore the best drug should be not only effective, but also safe for people, fairly easy to use and not too expensive. It is quite difficult to combine all these qualities in one bottle, but many manufacturers still succeed. Let's see which bedbug remedies can really be considered the best ...

Insecticides Hector from bed bugs and other insects
Insecticides Hector from bed bugs and other insects

The drug for the destruction of bed bugs Hector in its formulation and mechanism of action is a very non-standard product that stands out sharply among the classic "chemical" insecticides on the market today. In the composition of the drug, instead of the traditionally used nerve-paralytic insecticides, finely dispersed hydrophilic silicon dioxide is used, which can literally suck water out of the bugs when it gets on their body. How this happens in practice and what advantages it gives - let's figure it out ...

Reviews about the Executioner from bed bugs
Reviews about the Executioner from bed bugs

Of all the drugs against bedbugs, the Executioner is one of the most popular today.Not only is this insecticide devoid of most of the disadvantages of analogues, it really effectively destroys bedbugs and is a reliable protection of the room from any other insects. And this is not just a manufacturer's statement. The executioner is used by thousands of people every year, and their reviews make it possible to fairly objectively evaluate the drug.

An overview of the most effective remedies for bedbugs
An overview of the most effective remedies for bedbugs

Today, there are many different insecticidal products on the market to combat domestic parasitic insects, including bedbugs. However, how to choose among all this variety the most effective and efficient means? Let's figure it out together.

Aquafumigator Raptor for the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches
Aquafumigator Raptor for the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches

A rather interesting and original means of dealing with bed bugs in an apartment (and not only with these parasites) is the Raptor aquafumigator. Its originality lies, first of all, in the non-standard principle of operation, which is somewhat similar to the principle of operation of the “hot fog” popular among professional exterminators and insecticidal smoke bombs ...

In this section you will find detailed information about bed bugs, mostly bed bugs, which are also called domestic. Measures for the destruction of these parasites are prescribed in detail, reviews of effective modern means of control are given.

Although bedbugs today are far from being such frequent guests in an apartment as, for example, cockroaches, no one is safe from their sudden appearance in the house. Even if it is a well-groomed apartment with a European-style renovation and expensive new furniture, bed bugs are not a hindrance.For 1-2 months of active reproduction, these insects are able to turn the most well-groomed and comfortable apartment into a real bed bug, unsuitable for normal life.

That is why it is so important to be able to recognize the appearance of parasites in your home in time in order to have time to take effective measures to destroy them.

There are many ways to deal with bedbugs - it is important not to make a mistake with the choice, since not all of them are effective and safe for humans and pets. For example, many are trying to fight the old fashioned way, with ineffective folk methods, losing precious time and allowing bloodsuckers to settle from an infected apartment to neighboring ones.

Or, for example, there are often cases when they try to destroy bedbugs with cockroach remedies. Of course, not all drugs will give the desired effect.

What method of dealing with bedbugs to prefer, what effective and at the same time safe means to use - the materials of our site will help you figure it out. If you decide to fight parasites on your own, pay special attention to the choice of means - not only the level of comfort in your home, but also the health of you and your loved ones may depend on this.

We wish you a pleasant acquaintance with the information and its successful application in practice.

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