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Insecticides Hector from bed bugs and other insects

Last update: 2022-06-16
≡ Article has 9 comments
  • Serge: Google - there are several stores that sell the original...
  • Olga: Comrade Assistants, maybe you know of some suitable ...
  • Yuri Pomoshchnikov: "Gektor" is a very good tool for removing bed...
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Insecticide preparations Hector for the destruction of bedbugs and other crawling insects...

Today, there are more than a hundred names of insecticidal preparations used to kill bed bugs on the domestic market, but in fairness it must be said that in practice many of them are not only ineffective (for example, due to the resistance of bugs to "chemistry"), but simply dangerous to use due to high toxicity to humans. In this regard, the remedy for bedbugs Hector stands out sharply against the background of other insecticidal preparations, and the reason for this is a fundamentally new approach embedded in its formulation.

Thanks to a very specific mechanism of action, which we will talk about a little later, "GEKTOR against bed bugs" destroys even those parasite populations that have developed resistance to classic insecticides. At the same time, the drug is safe for humans and animals, is not capable of causing poisoning (hazard class 4, that is, the lowest) and is convenient for use in everyday life.

Let's take a closer look at the specifics of the Hector line of powder preparations, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the nuances of practical use in the fight against bedbugs ...

There are currently three products in the Hector line of products: GEKTOR against bed bugs, GEKTOR against cockroaches and GEKTOR against ants and slugs. The first is a specialized tool for dealing with bed bugs, the second is against cockroaches, the third is a drug aimed at fighting ants and slugs in garden plots.

The basis of Hector's composition against bed bugs is hydrophilic silicon dioxide. This synthetic substance is remarkable for its very small particle sizes and high adsorption capacity, due to which the drug powder is very light and is able to actively and in large quantities absorb liquids (especially water).

On a note

Finely dispersed silicon dioxide is widely used in medicine, industry (including food) and technology. The particle size of the substance, depending on the method of preparation, can reach 5 nm.

Fine Silica

Appearance of synthetic silica particles under a microscope

The mechanism of moisture absorption of the Hector powder is due to the fact that upon contact of the drug with any moisture-containing surface, it begins to draw out the liquid, firmly holding it (adsorbing) on ​​the surface of its particles. At the same time, due to the extremely small particle size, the sorption surface of the powder is huge: the total surface area of ​​particles in 1 g of the drug reaches hundreds of square meters. To wet such a surface, a lot of moisture is required, and therefore GEKTOR literally “sucks” water out of the bugs.

The drug Hector destroys bedbugs due to dehydration - the particles of the drug literally suck out water from the body of the parasite.

It is interesting

The use of some modifications of powdered silicon dioxide in medicine is based on the same adsorption effect.Here it is used as an enterosorbent - when it enters the stomach, the substance “absorbs” toxic substances that have not yet been absorbed into the blood.

Thus, when Hector particles get on the body of the bug, the main effect is to dehydrate the parasite. Depending on how much the agent is on the surface of the body of the bloodsucker, it dies at different times - from several hours to several days (in the "Research Institute of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor, during the experiments, 100% mortality of bedbugs occurred within a day) .

As for the drug "GEKTOR against cockroaches" - in its composition the active ingredients are boric acid and silicon dioxide, but not synthetic, but natural, in the form of diatomite. The particle size of diatomite is larger than that of synthetic silicon dioxide, adsorption properties are somewhat lower, but abrasive properties are strongly pronounced. Due to this, the powder is able to damage (scratch) the wax layer of the cuticle of insects, bringing it to a state of a kind of molecular sieve. Through these damages, in addition to getting boric acid into the body of a cockroach, dehydration occurs. Trying to drink off, the insect only makes itself worse, since boric acid is even more activated when interacting with water. All this together does not leave the insect a chance for survival.

Diatomaceous earth is a rock used as the active ingredient in the drug Hector from crawling insects.

This is what diatomite looks like under a microscope.

"Hector against bed bugs" begins to act immediately after its particles hit the surface of the body of the parasite. It does not matter to which particular part of the body the powder has stuck - to the abdomen, head or legs. In any case, dehydration of the bug's body will begin, and the difference will only be in the speed of this process.

Means Hector begins to act on bedbugs immediately after hitting them.

The rate of death of the parasite depends to a large extent on how much powder has fallen on the outer integument. If a bug, for example, crawled over a scattered preparation and completely got dirty in it, then it will die within a few hours.

dried bug

More often, it happens that the insect runs through a thin layer of the sprayed agent, soiling the paws and partly the abdomen in the powder. In this case, dehydration of the parasite may take longer, up to several days. In practice, bedbugs (and cockroaches, by the way, too) continue to die for several days after using the product in the apartment. It is also worth noting that with the loss of fluid in the body of an insect, all vital processes slow down, and therefore, it becomes less active every minute.This prevents the possibility of leaving offspring before their death.

On a note

Reviews of employees of the Research Institute of Disinfectology, who tested the preparations of the GEKTOR line, perhaps describe the situation more eloquently. Experienced experts note in their reports that the actual effect of drugs on cockroaches and bedbugs is similar to that of acute insecticides.

It is important that insects do not develop resistance to all preparations of the GEKTOR line, and these agents will effectively destroy even those populations of parasites that are resistant to the action of commonly used chemical insecticides (classical pyrethroids, carbamates and some organophosphorus substances, which are often observed cross stability).


Will Hector help against pests in the garden?

For these purposes, the drug "GEKTOR against ants and slugs" is intended. It is significantly cheaper, but at the same time its effectiveness is sufficient to combat such garden pests as ants and slugs.

Hector against ants and slugs

When using Hector against ants and slugs, it is useful to consider the following nuances:

  • Against flying insects, the drug may not be effective enough;
  • The drug is highly effective against slugs and snails, especially in those cases when they are directly treated areas near the hiding places of these mollusks;The drug gives the greatest effect when it is treated with places of shelter and accumulation of pests.
  • The effectiveness of the product is temporarily reduced when it gets wet. Although, after complete drying, the preparation completely restores its insecticidal properties (it is useful to consider that such drying of the powder in certain areas of the household plot may not occur if the ground is constantly wet here).
  • It is also important to remember that when accessing water, insects and other invertebrates may survive a brief contact with the Hector. Therefore, processing is best done in dry sunny weather.

For the effective destruction of bedbugs in the house, Hector powder preparation must be applied in places where parasites most often move at night, or hide during daylight hours.

Bed bug nest

  • Beds in the apartment - beds, sofas, folding chairs, cribs. To obtain the most pronounced and quick result, they should be disassembled, mattresses removed, wooden structures untwisted. The seams of mattresses, cracks in wooden structures, joints of parts, grooves for screws and bolts, that is, those places where bedbugs most often arrange their nests, are especially carefully processed with powder;
  • In addition, cracks behind baseboards, bookshelves, back walls of furniture, peeling wallpapers, carpets on the walls (on the reverse side), cracks in the parquet are processed with powder;
  • For the effective destruction of those parasites that periodically migrate at night from the depths of the apartment to the place of sleep and human rest, it is also useful to treat the legs of beds and sofas, thereby creating a kind of barrier, upon crossing which the insect will be doomed to death in the future.

Below is the official instruction for the use of GEKTOR insecticidal products.

Instructions for use of insecticide GEKTOR

On a note

Options for the use of Hector powders (in addition to the standard ones prescribed in the instructions) can be expanded by using special traps under the legs of the bed. Under them, you can adapt, for example, plastic containers of a suitable size.The powder is poured into the container with a layer about 1 cm thick, after which the foot of the bed is placed in such an impromptu trap. Each leg of the bed must be installed in such a "glass".

With the use of Hector, you can prepare a kind of trap for bedbugs, placed under the legs of the bed.

When using this method of dealing with bedbugs, it is important that the parasites on the bed itself are already destroyed. Then those of them who stayed in other places of the apartment will definitely try to climb onto the bed at night. Since the insects will need to use the leg of the bed to do this, all parasites will first fall into the trap with the powder. This allows you to methodically destroy all adults and larvae present in the room (including those larvae that gradually hatch from eggs hidden in secluded corners of the apartment).

In much the same way, GEKTOR anti-cockroach is used to kill cockroaches. In this case, the powder is applied to the baseboards, behind the bedside tables, around the trash can and sink. It is also poured into bait stations, in which food bait is placed: being attracted by it, cockroaches climb into a container with powder, get dirty in the preparation and then die.

It is also useful to read: Chalk Masha from bedbugs

And further: Since bedbugs drink blood, can they carry AIDS or hepatitis from one person to another? Let's figure it out...

In the garden with the drug "GEKTOR against ants and slugs" it is most rational to treat directly the places of accumulation and shelter of pests.


Safety of Hector products for people and pets

All Hector preparations, in terms of acute toxicity when ingested and on the skin, belong to the 4th class of hazardous substances, that is, to the safest.

Hector products are safe for humans and animals

On a note

Fenthion, chlorpyrifos, lambda-cyhalothrin, etc., widely used in popular insecticidal preparations, belong to substances of the 2nd hazard class (dangerous compounds). For comparison: potassium cyanide, according to the degree of impact on the human body, is also characterized by hazard class 2.

In relation to humans and pets, Hector powder does not have a toxic effect when inhaled and accidentally swallowed (even if swallowed relatively much). As noted above, in medicine, preparations based on finely dispersed silicon dioxide are even specially used orally as enterosorbents. Silicon dioxide is an inert substance, is not absorbed into the blood and is completely excreted from the body through the intestines in unchanged form.

Hector preparations do not cause allergies either when ingested or when applied to the skin.

On a note

Due to its high safety, silicon dioxide is used as a food additive in foods, added to cosmetics (such as face creams and scrubs) and toothpastes.

In other words, the peculiarity of Hector preparations is that they have a detrimental effect on bedbugs (and other insects), leading to rapid dehydration and death, and in warm-blooded animals, perhaps, they can cause some drying effect in relation to the skin.


General view of drugs, advantages and disadvantages

What can be said in the end about Hector as a means to combat bed bugs?

From the point of view of the fight against bed bugs, Hector has a number of advantages over classical insecticides ...

  • The drugs are effective, and even against populations of parasites resistant to "chemistry";
  • Bedbugs do not develop resistance to the remedy;
  • Preparations are safe for people and pets (do not cause poisoning and allergies);
  • They are odorless and do not emit harmful substances into the air;
  • Possess long action on the processed surfaces;
  • It is convenient to use Hector preparations as a barrier agent;
  • The drugs are relatively inexpensive (prices are listed below);
  • Easy to use.

There are some disadvantages that are useful to consider in practice:

  • The ability to dust. In other words, if, for example, the powder is simply poured along the plinth, then from a draft it can gradually spread around the room. Therefore, GEKTOR powders should be filled first of all into various cracks and cavities where parasites hide and from which the powder will not be blown out;
  • The drug does not kill insects quickly, as highly toxic nerve-paralytic insecticides do. To exterminate all bedbugs or cockroaches, depending on the degree of infestation of the premises, it may take from several days to a couple of weeks;
  • When used in the garden, Hector against ants and slugs can destroy, along with pests, beneficial invertebrates - predatory beetles, ladybugs, spiders. Therefore, the targeted application of the drug in places where pests accumulate is so important - this is how Hector will destroy the maximum of pests with the least harm to useful fauna.

In general, it can be noted that, in terms of the combination of properties, Hector preparations are superior to many other insecticidal agents present on the domestic market. According to their recipe and mechanism of action, these are non-standard products that have broad prospects for domestic use.


The price of the product and analogues available on the market

Hector against bed bugs costs an average of 650 rubles per bottle with 100 g of powder.The cost of the drug against cockroaches is about 550 rubles per bottle with 110 g of the product, against ants and slugs 250 rubles.

GEKTOR against bed bugs

In Moscow, drugs can be bought in specialized stores that sell insecticides and household chemicals stores, and you can order via the Internet on the official website (both retail and wholesale with appropriate discounts).

The consumption of the agent for the effective destruction of insects is 3 g / m2 . Considering that the product is not applied entirely to all surfaces, but only in places of shelter and movement of insects, one bottle is enough to remove bedbugs in a standard 1-2-room apartment with a moderate degree of infection.

If you have personal experience with the use of Hector preparations in the fight against bedbugs or other insects, be sure to share the information by leaving your feedback at the bottom of the page (in the comment form).


Review and testing of bedbug remedies Hector


Useful video: treatment of a bed from bedbugs with a foreign preparation based on diatomite


Last update: 2022-06-16

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Insecticides Hector from bed bugs and other insects" 9 comments
  1. Denis

    My wife and I bought a kopeck piece in Khrushchev. And what was our surprise, we had never seen these creatures in our eyes. And here they are, nasty freaks. I bought a hector, there is very little information about him, I will try. Bought for 530 rubles in Izhevsk, 2.08.18. I really hope it helps. Soon a daughter will be born. I don't know how to be.

    • well-wisher

      Did it help?

    • Natalia

      I'm also interested, did it help?

  2. NAZIK

    It hasn't helped me yet! Like, sprayed everywhere, wherever possible. But tonight I was bitten by these creatures (

  3. Seraphim

    Pity the dirty beggar. Invited to the house, fed, gave some things. He left. And after 3-4 days I found bites on the body. A week passed, I did not see the creatures themselves, but I woke up all bitten. Found out it was bedbugs. I saw one. I began to study this problem, since I had never encountered this before. I bought several bottles of Hector and just fell asleep with it. The apartment is rather big, 110 sq. m., three-room, with a bunch of furniture. Where are they hiding, x.z. The next day, I found corpses of dried bugs on the floor. But they keep biting. Previously, I did not see them at all, but now I see 5-10 pieces a day. At the same time, they climb out during the day, insolently. Gradually, I began to see less large ones (1-2 pieces), but the small ones were flooded in crowds, translucent. They say that these are nocturnal insects, but something does not look like it. All day and night the light is on, I thought I'd scare the light. Nothing like this. They even stopped running away.It's been 3 days already. I find all the new corpses of the enemy on the floor, I found a couple on the couch. I can't find their headquarters.

    The fight continues...

  4. Elena

    Super tool! Got rid of bed bugs with one application. We arrived from the dacha, and we have an invasion of bedbugs. The neighbors from above were doing repairs, apparently their “living creatures” moved to us ((We did a general cleaning in the entire apartment, it didn’t help. We processed all the sofas, beds, mattresses with a steam generator, it helped for 1-2 days. And these bastards crawled again. I read on the Internet about the Hector remedy, something less poisonous than all liquid remedies was needed, because there is an animal. and the next night we observed a couple of living reptiles, but after a week they were gone. Their corpses lay inside the sofa on the powder itself, we collected them and lowered them into the sewer. In 2-3 weeks we plan to carry out a general cleaning again and scatter the product again, So, from my personal experience, I recommend the remedy.

  5. Yuri Pomoshchnikov

    Gektor is a very good bed bug killer! But in order for the treatment to work, it is important to buy the original version of the drug, and not a fake.

    • Olga

      Comrade Assistants, maybe you know some suitable store in Ukraine where you can buy exactly the original Hector powder, and not a fake?

      • Serge

        Google - there are several stores that sell the original hector! And not the original Hector - it is called differently and the bottle is different! Just google how to distinguish the original from the fake and see the main differences.


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