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Protective mattress cover against bed bugs GEKTOR

Last update: 2022-05-27

Protective mattress cover against bed bugs GEKTOR

The practice of sanitary services shows that it is a great success to get bedbugs out of a room with a bed and at the same time keep the mattress on this bed. The fact is that if there is at least a small gap in the mattress, or simply, for example, the zipper on it is not fully fastened, then Bedbugs will definitely find this hole and will climb inside the mattress filler. Literally in a few weeks, inside the mattress there will already be a nest with eggs, larvae of different ages and accompanying dirt - excrement, the remains of chitinous covers of molted larvae, the remains of the bodies of dead bugs and empty shells from their eggs.

And the main problem of such an “intra-mattress” nest is its invulnerability: even with the highest quality spraying of the mattress, insecticides do not penetrate to a sufficient depth. The mattress filler here works as a kind of reliable protection for bedbug nests, absorbing the drug, and as a result, parasites that have climbed deep into the bowels of the mattress usually survive the pest control safely.

Bed bugs in the mattress

On a note

Even professional exterminators on processing categorically recommend throwing away a mattress when they have a suspicion that bedbugs may be inside. If the mattress is infected from the inside, then with a high probability the bugs will not be removed the first time, and the exterminator will not be able to give a guarantee on the result of the treatment.

In such a situation, there is only one way to save the mattress from being thrown away: by putting a special protective cover on it. These mattress toppers keep bed bugs inside the mattress and prevent them from getting out. Over time, the bugs inside the mattress die due to lack of food, and those that were outside are destroyed by standard treatments.

Let's see how such a mattress pad works using the GEKTOR cover as an example - from the Russian manufacturer of the safest and one of the most effective means for killing bed bugs.


The principle of operation of the GEKTOR bed bug cover

The specialized GEKTOR mattress cover restores the full "bug-proof" of the mattress, which is especially important when it was previously broken: the fabric could tear, the seam could open, or the zipper slider does not fully reach the edge of the snake itself. These damages may not be noticed due to their small size, but the bugs, for which the search for the most inaccessible shelters is the key to survival, they will definitely be found.

Moreover, on the cheapest mattresses, the lower, less responsible side is often made of such a thin fabric that, even without damage, the smallest bug larvae can get inside through its fibers. It is worth such a nymph to get here one day, and the mattress immediately turns into a sieve: as they grow, the larvae squeeze into these holes, stretch the fibers and, at least, part of their infant life can hide in the filler. This means that after even the highest quality pest control, these larvae will be able to survive if at that moment they hide inside the mattress filler.

However, if such a mattress is protected with a Hector cover, then not a single bug, even the smallest one, will have a chance to either climb inside or get out. The mattress cover is made of a special durable membrane with microscopically small pores: air normally passes through them, but not a single arthropod can crawl through them.

Through the pores in the fabric of the cover, not a single bug can penetrate the mattress

On a note

Moreover: the material of the membrane is chosen so as not to let even microscopically small creatures in or out of the mattress. For example, a mattress cover locks even dust mites (Dermatophagoides), barely visible to the naked eye.

Accordingly, the zipper on the cover is selected with the tightest closing of the teeth. Neither between them, nor on the locks, into which the slider rests at the edges of the course, the bugs cannot crawl through.

And further: Poison bugs, but they appear again? It's time to think about prevention, and this is a delicate matter ...

Due to this, the GEKTOR mattress cover allows you to save the mattress and not throw it away during disinfestation: the bugs that are inside the mattress will never get out, they will not be able to bite anyone and will eventually die due to lack of food. This means that it is no longer necessary to throw away the mattress in order to eliminate the bugs that are invulnerable inside it.

Those bugs that were outside the mattress during processing will not be able to hide in it and will die from the action of the insecticide when processing the room.

In many cases, it is the GEKTOR cover that allows you to get by with one treatment instead of the standard two or three pest control for self-baiting.If the treatment is carried out without a mattress pad, then the bugs from the mattress eventually get out, bite again, restore their population, and they have to be poisoned again, and often many more times (some people fight bedbugs for several years, believing that new parasites always come from the neighbors, while the cause of the problem may be in the mattresses).

Of course, it is important that the bugs are destroyed in other shelters (for example, behind baseboards, under carpets, behind old wallpaper, etc.) - often, in order to guarantee such a result, it is desirable to use products with a long residual effect (for example, the same bedbug powder Hector).


The GEKTOR cover does not affect the quality of the mattress: it is soft, breathable and non-creaking

It is worth noting that the mattress covered with the GEKTOR cover remains as comfortable for sleeping as it was originally.

The mattress topper is made of breathable fabric, well ventilated, due to which the mattress in it will never get moldy or “turn sour”. No less important is the fact that the cover does not creak or rustle under a person during sleep, it is comfortable to sleep on it. The outer layer of the mattress pad is made of pure cotton and is pleasant to the touch.

Mattress cover Hector is pleasant to the touch

Bedbug covers GEKTOR are available in two sizes - 200x90 cm and 200x180 cm, they can cover 95% of all standard mattresses: single, double, and even two single mattresses laid side by side.

Simply put, the cover does not leave the impression of some kind of device that solves the problem of bedbugs at the cost of the comfort of those who sleep on it. The mattress remains as soft, comfortable and pleasant to the touch, but at the same time, bed bugs will definitely not crawl out of it. Moreover, all the black specks of excrement that parasites could leave will be delicately hidden by an opaque cotton cape - the mattress will again look like new.


How to use the Hector mattress pad correctly

The Hector mattress topper itself is very easy to use. To fully protect the mattress you need:

  1. Remove the cover from the package, unfold it;
  2. Unzip;
  3. Put two corners of the mattress into the cover, pull it from above and below so that the entire mattress is closed;
  4. ZIP up
It is also useful to read: Remedy for bedbugs Klopomor

And further: We caught bedbugs and tested the effect of GEKTOR powder on them - a pretty killer thing turned out to be ...

After that, not a single bug that is outside the mattress can no longer hide inside it. And not a single bug that was hiding in the mattress can no longer get out.

All bedbugs will be locked inside the GEKTOR case

When processing the room itself, a mattress in a buttoned cover is processed in the same way as it would be processed without a cover: it must be lifted from the bed, sprayed on all sides with a product, and then just as carefully apply the drug to the frame and crate of the bed itself.

If the drug used has a residual effect, that is, it poisons insects for a certain time after drying on the surfaces, then even the bugs that survived indoors will die while they get to and then climb on the mattress cover to the bed treated from the outside. After all, a layer of dried preparation will remain on the mattress, which, although slower than in the form of an aerosol, will still surely poison insects.

On a note

Many people are wary of spraying their mattress with insecticides because of the smell of these products. Actually, therefore, the mattress in the mattress topper makes sense to process around the perimeter powder hector - It is odorless and safe for humans. But the bugs, which in search of a person will come from the secluded corners of the apartment, will come into contact with the powder and die in a matter of days.

Simply put, all you need to do with the cover is to put it on the mattress and zip it up. And after that, the bugs can be safely poisoned, knowing that they definitely won’t get out of the mattress after treatment


How do you know if you need a bed bug cover?

It is important to understand that the Hector mattress pad will be useful in most cases when bedbugs live in the apartment and there is a bed with a mattress. If there are bugs and a mattress in the room at the same time, then there is always a significant risk that some of the parasites have already established nests in the mattress. The newer, healthier and better quality mattress, the lower this risk, but it is always there.And this risk can be completely eliminated only by putting a special bedbug cover on the mattress (namely, a special one, and not any one found in the nearest store).

Bed bug cover Hector

Such a mattress cover is especially needed if you are already planning treatment for bedbugs - you have already bought a product or called exterminators. Especially if you find characteristic black spots on the mattress and on the bed elements, mostly crushed and smeared: this is a sure sign that the bugs are running around the mattress, hiding in its seams and places of damage. And if it has at least a small hole inward to the filler, then the parasites have long found it and climbed into the very depths of the mattress.

It is also useful to put a GEKTOR protective cover on the mattress if you have recently poisoned bed bugs and seem to have corroded. Even if insects are not visible at the moment and so far there are no bites, it will not be superfluous to hide the mattress in a mattress cover and then sleep peacefully - accidentally surviving single larvae hatched from eggs in the depths of the mattress will no longer be able to get out, nor drink blood, nor , especially to grow up and give offspring.


Useful video: testing GEKTOR powder on bedbugs



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