Website for pest control


Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which have shown high efficiency
Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which have shown high efficiency

This review collects the stories of ordinary people about how they were able to safely get rid of bedbugs in an apartment using available tools and methods. Some reviews describe very original approaches, based entirely on personal experience and showing excellent results in practice. In general, read and implement if you like something ...

Prevention of the appearance of bed bugs in the apartment
Prevention of the appearance of bed bugs in the apartment

It is important to understand that even if you have successfully destroyed the entire population of bed bugs in your apartment, this does not mean at all that the parasites will not enter the apartment again - for example, from neighbors. In general, the prevention of the appearance of bed bugs in the room should be given priority in cases where the fight against bloodsuckers has ended only recently, and also when you know that, for example, your relatives or friends have bed bugs (parasites and their eggs very successfully “migrate”). » on clothes - sometimes it is enough to visit the infected premises only once). We will talk further about how to prevent infection of an apartment with bedbugs and what methods of prevention are the most effective ...

How to kill bedbugs in an apartment: an overview of reliable tools and useful tips
How to kill bedbugs in an apartment: an overview of reliable tools and useful tips

Perhaps you have already tried to kill bedbugs on your own and managed to make sure that not all remedies are effective against these parasites.It also happens that, it would seem, in the first few days after treating the apartment, the bugs stop biting, but literally a week later everything repeats again - fresh bites on the body in the morning, and traces of the night feast of bloodsuckers on the bed. So how do you still need to properly kill bedbugs and, most importantly, what exactly makes sense to process an apartment in order to get rid of parasites forever? Let's figure it out...

More about garden bugs
More about garden bugs

If bed bugs-parasites are found in some houses and apartments only in exceptional cases, then garden bugs are indispensable inhabitants of almost any garden, vegetable garden or flower garden. Moreover, even in a small area, if desired, you can find both useful garden bugs and pests of crops. In addition, these insects often fly into private houses, balconies and inside apartments, sometimes causing real panic among impressionable owners. Let's see what types of garden bugs most often catch our eye and whether they should be feared ...

Sanitation of the premises from bedbugs using the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (SES)
Sanitation of the premises from bedbugs using the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (SES)

When a decision is made to poison bedbugs by the forces of special services, the first thing that comes to mind is the SES. By and large, it is this organization that is responsible for the cleanliness of the city from all kinds of parasites and infections. Indeed, the work of employees of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station is in many cases more efficient and reliable than the services of small private companies involved in pest control. But the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station also has its own significant shortcomings, which you need to know about before applying.So, let's try to figure out exactly how the SES sanitizes the premises from bedbugs, and what drugs are usually used.

Destruction of bed bugs in Moscow: where to go and how much it costs
Destruction of bed bugs in Moscow: where to go and how much it costs

It may seem quite difficult for an uninitiated person to choose a reliable company that one could turn to for the destruction of bedbugs in Moscow. The market for pest control services in the capital is well developed, and the removal of parasites here is offered by several dozen different services at once, differing both in the cost of their services and in the quality of the work performed. Next, we will look at a number of really reliable companies that have earned a good reputation and, as they say, time-tested, and offer services at quite reasonable prices.

What do bedbugs eat and how long can they live without human blood
What do bedbugs eat and how long can they live without human blood

At first glance, it may seem that bed bugs are quite vulnerable insects, because being strongly attached to a person as a source of food, they, in theory, should have died if there were no people in the room for a long time. But in practice, it turns out that the absence of people in the house, even for 6 months, often does not lead to the death of the entire population of bedbugs. So what do bedbugs eat and how long can they live without blood - let's figure it out ...

At what temperature do bed bugs die and will steaming help?
At what temperature do bed bugs die and will steaming help?

Having discovered bed bugs for the first time, apartment residents often try to use temperature control methods that are not so unhealthy for health instead of insecticides - the destruction of bed bugs with low or, conversely, high temperatures.Indeed, almost any insecticidal agent can cause side effects (for example, allergies), and freezing or treating furniture with hot steam is absolutely harmless to humans. How dangerous are these temperatures for bedbugs and how can it be used against parasites at home?

Disinsection service Klop Control and features of its work
Disinsection service Klop Control and features of its work

To destroy bedbugs in Moscow, you can contact several dozen companies that provide professional pest control services. Among these companies there are many whose work, although they are inexpensive, is highly likely to receive poor-quality and dishonest service. But there are also companies whose services are not cheap enough, but the reliability of their work is very high. One such organization is Klop Control, a company that uses a wide range of powerful insecticides and special modern equipment in the fight against parasites. As a result, one treatment from Klop Control allows you to destroy bedbugs better than even two treatments from many competing firms. So, let's see how exactly the round-the-clock pest control service "Klop Control" works and what is the secret of its effectiveness ...

Companies for the destruction of bedbugs "Clean City" and reviews of their work
Bed bug extermination companies Clean City and feedback on their work

When the owners of the premises turn to the Clean City company to remove bedbugs, they will certainly get into an incomprehensible confusion. The name seems to be the same, but the companies are different, and the reviews about them vary greatly. What to do and where to contact specifically if your friends recommend Clean City and you want to choose the company that will reliably and conscientiously help clean the room from bedbugs?



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