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Choosing the best bed bug remedy

Last update: 2022-06-03
≡ Article has 5 comments
  • Valentine: The "Raptor Double Strength" tool helped us a lot. Not very d...
  • Yana: Now I also have such suspicions! ...
  • Yana: A month ago, an announcement about the persecution of bedbugs appeared at the entrance ...
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When choosing the best remedy for bedbugs, you need to pay attention not only to its effectiveness, but also to the safety of use, odorlessness, economy and other important parameters.

Oddly enough, but many believe that the best remedy for bedbugs is the one that has the greatest effectiveness. However, such opinions can be easily understood: when a person is constantly tormented by bites or finds a nest of bedbugs in the mattress of his bed, he only wants to think about how to quickly destroy these parasites, and at almost any cost.

The wrong approach is the desire to get rid of bedbugs in the house at any cost, even at the cost of one's own health.

It even happens that when fighting bed bugs at home, residents use almost everything they can get, from flammable kerosene to highly toxic pesticides from the nearest household goods store.

The reasons for this haste are clear. But let's calm down a bit and pay attention to a number of important points that will help you choose the really best remedy for bedbugs, using which you can not only get rid of parasites in a short time, but also do it as safely as possible for your health.

Generally speaking, a good bedbug remedy must meet several criteria:

  • Efficacy - a bedbug remedy should at least kill adult parasites and their larvae, and ideally also work on bedbug eggs.It should be borne in mind that not all insecticidal agents affect bedbug eggs.
    The photo shows bedbug eggs on a mattress
  • Safety for humans - the best remedies for bed bugs do not cause intoxication in the handler if used correctly;
  • Ease of use - for self-use at home, the best remedy for bedbugs is one that is either ready for use or can be applied using, for example, conventional household spray guns;It is best when the bedbug remedy is either already packaged in cans, or after dilution it can be sprayed using a conventional spray bottle.
  • The absence of a persistent residual odor after processing - this is often forgotten, and it is not uncommon for people to simply throw it away after processing the furniture due to the persistent strong stench that is characteristic of a number of insecticidal preparations.
  • Availability in the acquisition - the product must be freely available. Some strive to contrive and bypass ways to acquire “something more vigorous”, and in the end they poison themselves.
  • Affordable cost - A good bedbug remedy should be affordable to the average consumer.

These criteria do not meet and therefore repellents (herbs such as wormwood and tansy, ultrasonic and electromagnetic bedbug repellers), individual drugs sold only for pest control services (for example, Tetrix), agents used only in installations for creating hot or cold fog, as well as some insecticides that are extremely dangerous for humans (for example, DDT).

DDT poison, although it affects bedbugs, is also extremely dangerous for humans.

In other cases, you always have to make certain compromises, but each of the above criteria should be taken into account.

It is interesting

One of the most powerful remedies for bedbugs is DDT. A few millionths of a milligram of this substance, which simply fell on the chitinous cover of the bug, is already enough for its death.But at the same time, DDT causes severe poisoning in humans, can lead to the development of cancerous tumors and mutations in the body, and therefore it is strictly forbidden to use it today against any insects.

As a result, the problem of choice that an unprepared buyer may have in a store practically disappears - if bed bugs have started up in the house, the best means for their destruction in a standard store are represented by two or three preparations at most. Let's figure out which remedy is better for bedbugs and what you should choose.


The most effective remedies for bedbugs

Here is a list of drugs that, when used correctly, are really very effective in destroying bedbugs and allowing you to rid the premises of these parasites even in the most advanced cases. These tools can be called one of the best for domestic use (especially if combined) - you should read about them separately, so links to the relevant articles are given:

  • Executioner - a modern drug based on the organophosphorus insecticide fenthion. Produced in the form of a concentrate (27.5% of the active ingredient);
  • GEKTOR against bed bugs - insecticidal powder with a non-standard mechanism of action, which allows you to destroy even those parasites that have developed resistance to various "chemistry". Maximum safety for humans and animals;
  • Xulat Micro - a combined insecticidal agent based on three active ingredients, practically odorless. Available as a concentrate.

As a result of a long experience in the use of various means, it turned out that the most effective means against bedbugs are drugs that have a so-called ovicidal effect, that is, they allow you to destroy not only adult bedbugs and larvae, but also eggs.

Some bed bug medications are ovicidal.

One of these drugs, although not the most modern, is Karbofos, aka Malathion, aka Fufanon. Such preparations are quite effective in destroying bedbug eggs and adult insects, while they are sold in almost any household goods store and are relatively inexpensive. Karbofos also has disadvantages - a certain toxicity to humans and animals, which requires increased attention when treating a room with this drug, as well as an unpleasant odor.

And further: We got to the TOP remedy for bugs Executioner and tested it both in the tail and in the mane - watch the video...

The remedy for bedbugs Karbofos is quite effective, but has an unpleasant odor


“No matter how many new funds are released today, the most effective remedy for bedbugs is Karbofos. This is an analogue of Dichlorvos, only a little less smelly. I have poisoned bedbugs ten times in my life, in apartments, in the country, with my daughter in an apartment, in a commune, and everywhere Karbofos worked perfectly. And there are only problems with these modern drugs - they either don’t work, or they cost so much that it’s cheaper to buy a new apartment.”

Konstantin Petrovich, Krasnodar

On a note

The old Soviet Dichlorvos was a powerful remedy for bedbugs - its active substance poisoned adult insects and destroyed eggs. Today's products with the name "Dichlorvos" contain completely different components (usually pyrethroids) and do not work on bedbug eggs.

Modern aerosols with the name Dichlorvos have practically nothing to do with the Soviet version, and therefore do not act on bedbug eggs

Of the modern preparations for bedbugs, microencapsulated agents are very effective., for example, Xulat Micro, Get, Lambda Zone, Delta Zone. They are produced in the form of concentrates, which simply need to be diluted with water and sprayed from a conventional household spray before use. Xulat Micro, Get and Lambda Zone, in addition, can be attributed to the best odorless bedbug remedies - the cypermethrin, tetramethrin, chlorpyrifos and lambda-cyhalothrin used in them really practically do not smell.

Concentrate Delta Zone is quite effective against bedbugs and easy to use

Somewhat less effective, but when used correctly, aerosol preparations also allow you to quickly destroy adult bedbugs in the room - for example, Dichlorvos-Neo, Raptor from bedbugs, Combat (they are most effective only with a small number of insects in the room). With a serious infection of the premises with bedbugs, repeated treatment with them is required.

Aerosol remedy Raptor from bedbugs is convenient to use, but it will not be the best choice if there are a lot of bedbugs in the room

The photo shows adult bugs, their larvae and eggs.

Professional poisons are more effective - Tetrix, Sinuzan, Klopoveron - but it is problematic for a private person to buy them. In addition, in a residential environment, any of these drugs is a radical remedy for bedbugs, leaving a strong smell and requiring the use of a mask, gloves, and special protective clothing.


“In my opinion, Tetrix is ​​the best remedy for bedbugs. We took out bedbugs to them once, took them out right away. Then they ordered a team of exterminators for my daughter in the hostel, they also use it. Smelly, of course, disgusting, but it destroys the bugs immediately. I have never seen them in the same room after her.”

Tatiana, Sumy

In cases where it is necessary to use professional tools, it is rational to call the pest control service or SES - they will take the bugs out of the room and guarantee that parasites will not appear in it for a certain time.


Means for safe disinsection

No matter how much the sellers of insecticidal preparations praise their products, calling their products the best and safest, it is important to understand that if one or another chemical poison is used in the preparation (for example, synthetic pyrethroids, neonicotinoids, organophosphorus pesticides, etc.) - this automatically means that the product cannot be absolutely safe for humans and animals.Such products can be of particular danger to young children and people prone to allergic reactions.

Meanwhile, bedbug remedies that combine high efficiency and at the same time complete safety for humans and pets still exist. A striking example is the drug "GEKTOR against bed bugs" - relatively recently appeared on the market and is rapidly gaining popularity.

Insecticide GEKTOR against bed bugs

Externally, Hector looks like a light white powder, and is a synthetic silicon dioxide - a chemically inert substance, characterized by a high absorption capacity. Getting on the outer covers of the bugs, the particles of the Hector preparation literally suck water out of the parasites - as a result, the insects quickly die from dehydration.

On a note

In terms of safety, silicon dioxide powder is comparable to chalk, and according to the accepted classification, it belongs to substances of the 4th hazard class (that is, among the safest substances).

Thus, for those who want to treat the apartment from bedbugs without creating an unpleasant odor in the room and without the need to breathe and contact with "chemistry", using Hector can be a good solution to the problem. Also, the drug can help in cases where the bugs already seem to take nothing, that is, when the parasites have resistance to common chemical insecticides.

And further: Poison bugs, but they appear again? It's time to think about prevention, and this is a delicate matter ...

Since we are talking about means for safe pest control, it is perhaps worth mentioning also various traps for bedbugs - they can be sticky (the most common option), as well as carbon dioxide (gaining popularity in the USA and Europe, but in Russia so far they are practically not used ). However, it is advisable to consider such traps only as an additional tool to the main pest control, since although they can reduce the number of parasites in the room, it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve problems with bedbugs in advanced cases with the help of traps alone.


For those who value simplicity

The use of all the best remedies for bedbugs involves a certain amount of effort and time to carry out high-quality processing of the premises. Ideally, the poisonous substance should be applied to all surfaces on which the bugs move. Ready-to-use aerosol preparations such as Reid and Combat in this regard outperform concentrates that require dilution and subsequent spraying in the form of a spray.

Aerosol Combat Superspray is very easy to use.

Much easier to use are bug traps and repellent folk remedies such as wormwood and geranium. But there will be practically no result from their use: they will either destroy only part of the bugs (sticky traps), or scare them away for a while (wormwood, tansy). Ultrasonic and electromagnetic bedbug repellers, actively advertised on the Internet, are in fact completely ineffective.

But ultrasonic repellers have practically no effect on bedbugs.

Therefore, ultrasound is unlikely to save you at night when the bugs come out of their hiding places.

The best choice for those who want to get rid of bed bugs without much hassle is to call exterminators. All that is required in this case is to thoroughly wash the apartment after removing the parasites.


The most inexpensive remedy for bedbugs

If you are looking for the best remedy for bedbugs, then be prepared for, although not exorbitant, but quite tangible cost of the drug. Still, this is not kerosene, but some more complex product. For example, one bottle of Get for 100 ml, which is enough to kill bedbugs in a room up to 100 square meters. m., costs 830 rubles.

And the amount of Karbofos (which, however, has an unpleasant odor), sufficient to process the same area, will cost about 200 rubles.

When processing large areas, it is also useful to take into account the price of the drug.

One bottle of a more modern microencapsulated drug from bedbugs Lambda Zone will cost about 750 rubles. This amount is enough to process about 100 square meters. m. premises. Unlike the use of Karbofos, in this case it will be possible not to worry about an unpleasant smell in the house after treatment.

The most inexpensive remedies for bedbugs are folk remedies. Kerosene, denatured alcohol and turpentine have long been popular in the province, but in terms of effectiveness, these drugs are much inferior to modern insecticides, not allowing bedbugs to be completely eliminated. In addition, their use is associated with a bad smell in the room and a high fire hazard.

Although turpentine is inexpensive, its unpleasant odor and high fire hazard do not allow us to consider it the best remedy for bedbugs, even among folk

Wormwood, tansy and geranium only help to scare off parasites for a few days. If bedbugs really need to be removed quickly and for sure, these funds will not help.


In order not to have to process the apartment again ...

And finally, the ability to remove parasites in a short time is a characteristic of the really best remedy for bedbugs. Considering drugs with an ovicidal effect, we have already met with Karbofos. But in cases where the apartment is not too heavily infested, most insecticidal sprays and aerosols will also kill bedbugs in one or two applications.

It is almost impossible to clearly determine whether the second stage of processing is required or not - sometimes bedbugs can hide in huge numbers where no one even thinks to look for them.

The difficulty in dealing with bedbugs is that they can hide in the most unexpected places.

Conversely, sometimes it seems that there are a lot of bedbugs in the room, but in fact only a few parasites bite. Therefore, when choosing a remedy for bedbugs, it is better to initially rely on the most difficult situation.

In any case, according to most parameters, modern insecticidal preparations that do not have an unpleasant odor can probably be considered the best remedy for bedbugs today.

Good luck with bed bugs!


If you have personal experience in using this or that remedy against bedbugs, be sure to share the information by leaving your review at the bottom of this page.


Interesting video: what is important to know about bedbugs and how to get rid of them


How to get rid of bedbugs with the help of a modern insecticide Executioner


Last update: 2022-06-03

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Choosing the best remedy for bed bugs" 5 comments
  1. Konstantin Konstantinovich

    I liked the video, it's so cheerful)

  2. Nina Lezina

    I am sure that bedbugs are thrown by employees of private firms for the destruction of insects. There was silence for years, and now suddenly a lot of people in the city complain about the appearance of bedbugs. In which house they start, there is an announcement on the door of the house. Business!

    • Yana

      I now have my suspicions too!

  3. Yana

    A month ago, an announcement appeared at the entrance about the persecution of bedbugs in our house, some company offered its services! A week later, bedbugs appeared!

  4. Valentine

    The Raptor Double Strength tool helped us a lot. Not very expensive, but the result is obvious. After applying the next day, we were no longer bothered by bedbugs. Destroys on the spot. Three weeks have already passed - so far we have not seen a single bug.


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