Website for pest control


Where can I buy Karbofos from bedbugs and what is its price
Where can I buy Karbofos from bedbugs and what is its price

To poison bedbugs with Karbofos is quite inexpensive and quite effective. Despite some shortcomings, this remedy continues to be one of the most affordable bedbug preparations today, and is used, perhaps, more often than any other similar remedy. At the same time, it is not at all difficult to buy Karbofos today: the article provides approximate prices for it and gives practical advice on purchasing it.

Remedy for bedbugs Cucaracha and reviews of its use
Remedy for bedbugs Cucaracha and reviews of its use

When choosing a means for the destruction of bedbugs, you need to consider at least three of its main properties - efficiency, ease of use and safety. The remedy for bedbugs Cucaracha is one of those insecticides in which the balance of these qualities that is optimal for home use is observed. We will talk more about this tool and how to use it further ...

The use of Phenaksin from bedbugs: reviews and instructions
The use of Phenaksin from bedbugs: reviews and instructions

Phenaksin powder, which is used in the fight against bedbugs, is very similar in appearance to Phenaksin Plus for the destruction of the bear. But while the first remedy is an insecticide that is safe enough for humans, the second is a very poisonous compound, produced in the form of granules and ineffective against bedbugs. How not to make a mistake in choosing?

Feverfew for bed bugs
Feverfew for bed bugs

On the Internet, you can often find information about the effectiveness of the mysterious pyrethrum powder from bedbugs. Mysterious because it is not so easy to find it on sale.Is it worth it to look for it, or still use the usual industrial preparations to destroy bed bugs? Let's try to figure this out together...

Tree bug (shield)
Tree bug (shield)

Surely, many in their lives met a green stink bug (or otherwise a stink bug, a tree bug) when they were going to feast on juicy raspberries. What other troubles can this insect cause, in addition to the specific smell after contact with the bug, and is it necessary to deal with it?

Remedy for bed bugs Kombat
Remedy for bed bugs Kombat

Bed bugs can cause a lot of trouble. Among the various bedbug remedies available on the market, the reviews of many users speak of the effectiveness and relative safety of Combat. Is this really so, is the product really safe to use and can quickly get rid of bed bugs? Let's try to figure it out...

Allergic reaction to bedbug bites
Allergic reaction to bedbug bites

When bitten by bed bugs, especially numerous ones, the case is often not limited to reddening of the skin and slight itching. Often there is a much more serious response of the body in the form of allergic manifestations, including fever, rashes, and sometimes more serious symptoms. Why is there an allergy to bedbug bites and what should be feared? Let's figure it out together...

Ointments for the treatment of bed bug bites
Ointments for the treatment of bed bug bites

Which drug is better to choose from the whole variety of ointments, gels and creams in order to effectively get rid of the effects of bedbug bites? After all, each drug has its own specific composition and a certain dosage form. The article provides an overview of the most famous ointments, gels and creams for treatment after bedbug bites.

Appearance and life features of the Italian bug
Appearance and life features of the Italian bug

The Italian bug belongs to the Grafozom family and got its name for its resemblance to the colors of the uniforms of the Vatican guards. It is so similar to another representative of Grafozom (Shield Ruler) that even experts cannot always distinguish between them. This bug can often be found on dill inflorescences or on parsley leaves. Let's find out if it poses a danger to garden plants, or can a summer resident calmly admire its bright color?

The use of Tetrix bedbugs and reviews about it
The use of Tetrix bedbugs and reviews about it

The Tetrix insecticidal agent is a very effective drug for combating bed bugs, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of people who have already tested it in practice. Why this drug is so effective, how to use it correctly and where to buy - read about all this in a detailed review.



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