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Reviews about the Executioner Super from bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas and ants

Last update: 2022-05-12

Not so long ago, the Executioner Super tool that appeared on the market attracted a lot of attention from consumers (especially among those who fight bedbugs), and today you can increasingly find questions and reviews about this drug on specialized information sites. Moreover, if the questions are generally quite the same, then the reviews about the Super Executioner turned out to be very diverse - someone praises him, someone scolds him, someone points out at first glance not obvious advantages and disadvantages of the tool.

Moreover, such unbiased reviews from customers characterize the Super Executioner even better than any reviews or articles. At a minimum, they can quickly understand how the tool works in real conditions - for example, in ordinary apartments. We decided to publish the most interesting of these reviews below, commenting on the key points in each of them.


Reviews on the application of the Super executioner against bedbugs

Review #1:

“About a year ago they poisoned bedbugs with the Executioner. At that time, 20 jars were spent on our two-room apartment, plus then 10 more were bought in order to carry out the second fixing treatment. After the first persecution, the bedbugs were no longer seen, I even thought that the second time I could no longer process it, but my wife insisted, because she was very afraid of a repetition of this horror. As a result, we lived without grieve for a year, and this summer they appeared again.Moreover, if last time we sinned against Spain, from where they seemed to have been brought in things, then this time they climbed from the neighbors, because the neighbors called disinfectors about two months ago. And this time they wanted to buy the Executioner, but we were recommended from the seller Executioner Super. They said that it is more efficient and more economical, and the active substance is the same. Judging by the smell and consistency, it’s really the same thing - the same brownish solution, like oil, also stinks of some kind of chemistry. Only sold in a 100 ml jar. And it works the same way - after the first persecution of bedbugs, you can’t see it, for three days they haven’t bitten anyone. Probably, we had few bedbugs - while we were poisoning, I saw about 10-15 pieces, I sprayed them directly, and then did not let them hide, they died in 20 minutes on the floor. I think this once is enough, but the wife again insists on fixing processing. How to be, is it really necessary?

Oleg, Khimki

Comment: in such a situation, when there are few bedbugs in the apartment and they have appeared recently (which means they did not have time to populate the most inaccessible places), in most cases one thorough treatment is enough to destroy all insects. Moreover, when processing with the Executioner Super, the amount of working solution obtained from one can will be enough to thoroughly process the entire apartment.

Meanwhile, the instructions for use of the product indicate that in all cases it is recommended to carry out a second fixing treatment. Thus, the manufacturer insures against failures from buyers and the negative associated with these failures: if the buyer re-processes, then he will almost certainly eradicate the bugs. But if he doesn’t, then he violates the instructions, and can no longer make a claim.

We get a lot of feedback about a variety of bedbug remedies (information comes from both the site and the YouTube video channel). Analyzing them, we are also inclined to believe that it is better to carry out a re-fixing disinfestation at the right time than to find grown bedbugs in our bed in a month or two.

To prevent the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment, it is recommended to re-treat with the agent.

Feedback #2:

“I remember that they removed bedbugs from my grandmother in the apartment with the Executioner, this time they already poisoned them at home, they also decided to take the Executioner, and he is already different - a larger jar, packed in a box. The same good solution kills bedbugs immediately. I just don’t understand why they don’t make him smell normal? The beds were processed, and the bugs from them fell down directly. I didn’t even think that there were so many of them, it’s just a nightmare! Some climb out, some fall out dead. Some on the mattress and die, they were then collected with a vacuum cleaner. It took about three hours for the whole thing, we walked for another hour. They came, ventilated, tidied up everywhere. But for two more days the smell was noticeable. There would be no smell, there would be no price for the product ... "

Alena, Moscow

Comment: many products (the vast majority) that have no smell, or that smell "sweet", are less effective than the Executioner. Besides, the presence of smell in insecticides when used in domestic conditions plays a signal function: while the “aroma” is felt in the apartment, the person remembers that there is a remedy here that is not absolutely harmless for him, for children and pets. And, accordingly, he takes some measures - ventilates the room, does wet cleaning, changes the bed on the bed to clean.

And further: Well, what can I say - Get Total picked bedbugs for 2.5 hours, but still did its job ...

Obviously, it is better to endure the smell for several days than to sleep with bed bugs for several months.

Review #3:

“I don’t know what they did in this Super Executioner ... A long time ago, in another apartment, we poisoned bedbugs with an old little Executioner, 10 jars were enough for us, and we brought out all the evil spirits the first time. For six years they still lived there, not a single bug was seen again. And here they bought a Super Executioner, processed it, and walked it well - on all the beds, on the walls, they pushed the wardrobe away and sprinkled it behind it, but a week later I catch a bug on the bed again! Small of course, but a fact is a fact. They lifted the mattress, began to look, and there they found 15 of these small pieces. It is clear that you need to poison again. This was not the case with the old Executioner. Like it or not, the old Executioner takes out the bugs right away, and the Super doesn’t right away.”

Tatyana Igorevna, Moscow

Comment: in this case, there is a classic mistake in interpreting the results of bedbug persecution, and in such a situation it is impossible to draw a conclusion about a higher or lower effectiveness of the remedy.

In the second apartment, the Super Executioner killed the bulk of the bugs (or even all of them). After a while, larvae hatched from the surviving eggs, which had to be destroyed by repeated processing. To say that the Super Executioner could not cope with the bugs, but only the ordinary Executioner would have killed them, is incorrect.

Review #4:

“They took out all the bugs with the Executioner Super. One jar was enough for us for two treatments, because only one room was processed in the odnushka. It seems that the first time all the bugs were destroyed, we had half a can left, we decided, for reliability, to walk a second time in a week. Everything is good, but it seems to me that the price could be lower. And then for one room such a jar for more than a thousand rubles is somehow a bit too much ... "

Alevtina, Nizhny Novgorod

Comment: it is likely that the manufacturer decided to release the Super Executioner in 100 ml bottles just so that each buyer is guaranteed to carry out a normal full-fledged treatment with a known sufficient amount of funds, and he - the buyer - would not be tempted to buy too small jars for the sake of a false savings.

If there is an opportunity to buy too little money (as in the case of the usual Executioner), then someone will definitely decide to save money, buy inadequately little money, certainly without a margin for re-processing. As a result, a person will try to poison the bugs, he won’t get them all out, he will remain dissatisfied and will surely tell everyone he can about his failure.In this situation, everyone will lose - both the manufacturer, whose reputation of the product will suffer, and the buyer, who will spend the money and be left with bedbugs.

Also pay attention to how the hologram looks on the packaging of the original Executioner Super (counterfeit protection):
Hologram Executioner Super

And here are some more reviews about the Executioner Super tool, taken from the official group:

Review 1

Review 2

Review 3

Review 4


Reviews on the use of the drug against cockroaches

“After the Super Executioner, we ran out of cockroaches after 3 days. A very powerful tool. But strangely, the instructions indicate that for baiting bedbugs, a can of this product is enough for 5.5 liters of water, and for baiting cockroaches - only 3 liters. It seems that this breeding is specifically recommended in order to sell more funds.

Nikolay, Kyiv

Comment: here it should be borne in mind that cockroaches are really more resistant to organophosphorus compounds, which include fenthion, plus cockroaches after treatment have less contact with the drug than, for example, bedbugs (cockroaches run faster, stay high on their legs, do not “wipe” the agent belly). In addition, professional exterminators are well aware that cockroaches can "drink" and not die after short-term contact with a small amount of insecticide.

Cockroaches are generally more resistant to insecticides than bed bugs.

As a result, in practice, a higher concentration of the agent is usually required against cockroaches than against bedbugs.

“The remedy is fire. After processing the bathroom and kitchen, the cockroaches died with us, in two neighboring apartments and on the entire site on the floor! For three days, the janitor endured whole scoops of dead cockroaches from under the garbage chute. Only after the Super Executioner did I find out that in our house, it turns out, not only redheads, but also large black cockroaches live.The effect when a cockroach poisons itself and infects comrades in nests with the remedy is impressive. Health, longevity and productivity to those who created this tool!

Sergey, Moscow


Testimonials from ant-baiting Super Executioner

“How many people say that domestic red ants are almost impossible to get out of anything. I was almost certain of it. Until I got Executioner Super. Before him, I tried about five remedies, many ants died, but I could not poison them all. With an executioner, I sprayed all the places where they climb out from behind the baseboards, sprayed their paths and specially applied the product to slices of bread. I decided to fight to the last, it all took one can of the Executioner and a month of work. Now three months have passed since the last use of the Executioner, during this time I have not seen a single ant in the house.

Olga, Gatchina

Comment: most likely, the death of ants occurred from constant movement over the layer of dried agent on the treated surfaces. It is doubtful that the ants would eat and carry bread processed by the Executioner into the anthill. Still, the product has a fairly strong smell, and ants are very sensitive to smells.


If you have your own story about the use of the Super Executioner, then be sure to share it by leaving a review at the bottom of this page.


Useful video: how Executioner Super works against bed bugs



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