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Review Executioner Super: a remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants

Last update: 2022-06-15

Many buyers have already noticed that on the windows of online stores, side by side with the usual classic Hangman in 10-ml bottles, the drug Hangman Super has recently begun to appear on the shelves. Outwardly, it looks like the good old Executioner with the image of a funny executioner on the box (this image was used in advertising the product), but in some respects the new drug differs from the old familiar version.

So, Executioner Super is sold in a minimum packaging of 100 ml, which corresponds to 16-17 bottles of the classic version. On the one hand, this is the optimal amount that is guaranteed to be enough to process an apartment. On the other hand, it may seem that the price of such a bottle is high, but if you count per unit volume of the product, it becomes clear that the Super Executioner costs significantly less than the classic Executioner.

On the left - Executioner Super, on the right - a classic drug

What is better in the end - the classic Executioner, or the Super Executioner? How is the new version of the Executioner used, how good is it and how effective is it against bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects? And in general, is it a slightly modified version of the old drug, or is it a completely different remedy? Let's look into these nuances, evaluate the effectiveness of the Executioner Super against insects, study its composition and draw final conclusions ...


General view of the Executioner Super

The Super Executioner is produced by the same manufacturer that makes the classic Executioner, and therefore it would initially be logical to assume that it is simply a more modern version of a proven, well-known, popular, but requiring minor modifications tool.

Indeed, at the first glance at the Super Executioner, it is clear that the manufacturer has tried to eliminate some of the shortcomings in it, while enhancing the main advantages of the good old remedy.

At a minimum, in the Super Executioner, the same fenthion remained as a well-established active ingredient. And its concentration is the same as in the precursor preparation - 27.5% in the original concentrate. The product has the same smell characteristic of organophosphorus insecticides. So in terms of its active filling, this is a classic Executioner.

The active substance Hangman Super is the insecticide fenthion (27.5%)

Executioner Super added more effective surfactants. This causes high homogeneity of both the concentrate and the resulting working solution. After all, the active substance of the product is fenthion, an oily substance that in its pure form does not dissolve in water and forms drops or a film in it. Therefore, if there were no surfactant in the solution, after dilution to obtain a working solution, the main ingredient in it would not be distributed evenly.

In the new Palach, this problem is solved: an effective surfactant ensures the most uniform distribution of fenthion in the form of an emulsion in solution, and as a result, the same amount of insecticide is applied to all areas of the treated surfaces during treatment.

In addition, Executioner Super is simply more convenient: to get the amount of solution that can be sprayed on an entire apartment, just open one bottle and pour its contents into a container with a pre-prepared volume of water. To prepare the same amount of working solution from a simple Executioner, it would be necessary to open 17 vials - this is both long and tedious.

Finally, as a bonus for buyers of funds in Ukraine: here the Super executioner turns out to be more economical than the classic drug. 1 milliliter of the usual Executioner costs 10 UAH, and 1 ml of the Super Executioner costs 6.5 UAH. For those who initially planned to buy at least 15 bottles, it is much more profitable to buy Hangman Super: 100 ml of the classic Hangman will cost 1000 UAH, and the same volume of Hangman Super - 650 UAH, which is one and a half times cheaper.

But the main thing in any insecticide is its ability to poison insects. Let's see how the Executioner Super is doing with this.


The effectiveness of the remedy against bed bugs and cockroaches

The results of several independent experiments are known, in which bed bugs and cockroaches were directly sprayed with the executioner's working solution. After that, the condition of the insects was observed and controlled how quickly they would die from the action of the agent. Moreover, in the experiment with cockroaches in one container, the insects were treated with the Super Executioner, and in the second - with the usual Executioner, for comparison.

Executioner Super is a fast-acting preparation, effectively destroying insects both in direct contact with the solution and in a dried state.

With a separate test, an empty cage was treated with such a solution, they waited until the entire solution in it dries, they planted bugs in it and waited until they died. As a result of these tests, the following results were obtained:

  1. After direct spraying with Executioner Super solution, bed bugs died after 8 minutes.For comparison: after spraying with a simple Executioner, they also died after 8.5 minutes.
  2. After direct spraying with Executioner Super solution, cockroaches died after 35 minutes, and cockroaches sprayed in an adjacent container with a simple Executioner died after 45 minutes.
  3. After being placed in a container treated with Executioner Super and dried, the bugs died after 13.5 hours. The classic Executioner in a similar experiment killed them in 19 hours.
It is also useful to read: Ultrasonic bed bug repellers

And one more thing: the bugs hid in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest? And smoke bombs find bedbugs where even a needle cannot squeeze through ...

As you can see, in all the experiments, the Super Executioner killed insects faster than the regular Executioner, but in general, the difference in the speed of action of these agents is comparable.

However, in these experiments, it was not even the speed of the action of the agent that was important, but the very fact of the death of insects.In an apartment, in any case, they will die more slowly than in a test container, and in each room this speed may be different. It is important that, with proper processing, Executioner Super kills insects both when the solution directly hits them, and when the parasites come into contact with the surface on which the preparation has already dried. Moreover, according to the manufacturer, enhanced excipients have been added to Hangman Super, which prolong the residual effect of the dry product up to 3 weeks.

And this is what the hologram looks like on the packaging of the original Executioner Super (counterfeit protection):
Hologram Executioner Super


What is the Executioner's Super Smell?

Executioner Super smells almost the same as regular Executioner in small bottles. Its smell is quite unpleasant, strong, but not sharp, reminiscent of the smell of fresh paint. After processing, the room must be thoroughly ventilated.

After drying on the surfaces, the preparation practically ceases to smell and does not cause any inconvenience. This allows you to keep it on the surfaces in such a dried form, without wiping, for 2-3 weeks, due to which it will kill those bugs that could not be reached during processing, but which will then crawl along the surfaces with the dried agent.

Plus, this same residual action allows you to kill the larvae that will be hatched from the eggs of the bugs. All the time that the product will be in the room and work in such a dried form, it will not smell.

The following question immediately arises: how safe is it to use the Executioner Super on your own in residential premises, and how safe is it to be here for 2-3 weeks, during which it will remain dried up? Let's figure it out...


Safety for humans and pets

The security profile of the Super Executioner is completely identical to that of its predecessor. It is designed specifically for use in residential areas, with the expectation that it will be used by people who do not have special training and have never worked with insecticides before. Subject to the instructions for use, the risks of poisoning are practically excluded.

When working with the Executioner, it is enough to use ordinary personal protective equipment ...

For the Executioner himself, there are no known cases of severe poisoning (despite the fact that cases of violation of the instructions for use are known - for example, people often use it without wearing respirators or gloves). Executioner Super has been on the market for more than a year, it has been used by several thousand people, and there have also been no reports of poisoning, allergies, or other side effects from them.

However, when using the Super Executioner, the following standard safety precautions must be followed:

  • Spray the apartment with its solution only in long-sleeved clothing, in a respirator and gloves.
  • All people who are not involved in the processing, as well as pets, must be removed from the premises for the duration of the work.
  • If there is an aquarium in the apartment, then it is necessary to turn off the compressor in it, and cover it with a thick blanket on top.
  • After treatment, it will be possible to enter the room in 2-3 hours, when all the aerosol settles on the surfaces and dries.
  • Avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth.

Subject to these measures, it will be almost impossible to get poisoned by the Executioner. If, due to some accident, the solution gets on the mucous membranes, you just need to wash it off with soap and water.

Now a few words about the procedure for using the Executioner Super in residential areas

Considering that, from a practical point of view, the Super Executioner is identical to the regular Executioner, it must be used in the same way:

  • The concentrate is diluted in water in such a ratio as indicated in the instructions for use to combat a specific group of insects. It is useful, by the way, to estimate in advance, according to the same instructions, how much of the working solution of the product will be needed to treat the room - perhaps it is not worth diluting the whole bottle, but some part of it. For example, to kill bed bugs in one liter of water, you need to dilute 25 ml of the product, and then spray the surface at the rate of 50 ml of the finished solution per 1 sq. m. non-absorbent surfaces, or 100 ml per 1 sq. m. surfaces made of absorbent materials.
  • The finished solution is poured into a bottle with a spray nozzle, into a hand or backpack sprayer, into a fogger - into what is at hand and will allow you to treat the surface.
  • Windows, doors are closed in the room to be treated, a sheet of paper or a plastic bag is glued to the ventilation holes with adhesive tape.
  • Indoors, all places where bedbugs can hide are opened. First of all, these are sofas, beds and armchairs - they need to be opened, disassembled, and if bedbug nests are found, immediately spray them with a product. Then those surfaces are sprayed on which insects from these places can get close to a sleeping person. Skirting boards, edges of linoleum, lower surfaces of window sills, back walls of furniture, back surfaces of carpets hanging on walls, lower part of walls (to a height of up to 50 cm) are inspected and sprayed. If bugs are found in other places, all surfaces here are also subject to spraying.
  • After processing all surfaces, the handler leaves the room and closes the door.

On this, the processing itself can be considered completed. After 2-3 hours, you can return to the room, ventilate it with a through stream of air, wipe the surfaces with which people most often come into contact with their hands (door handles, countertops, chairs) with a damp cloth, wash the bed linen, and lay fresh on the sleeping places.

It is highly recommended to spend the night indoors on the first night. If suddenly some bedbug shelters were missed during processing, and living individuals remained here, then on the first night they will try to get close to the sleeping person, they will run through the fresh preparation, after which they will die in a few hours.

On a note

Customer reviews in online stores show that, if the instructions are followed, the bugs are completely destroyed by the Executioner the first time in 64% of cases. In other situations, after 12-16 days, it is necessary to carry out a second fixing treatment in order to finish off the hatched larvae.

In terms of its effectiveness, Executioner Super is comparable to professional preparations with which experienced disinfectors remove bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas and other parasites and pests in apartments. So, it is ideal for self-baiting insects. It is only important when buying a product not to stumble upon a fake.


How Hangman Super works against bed bugs



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