Website for pest control


What are bed bugs most afraid of?
What are bed bugs most afraid of?

No matter how difficult bed bugs are, they are also living creatures and quite sensitive. There are environmental factors and substances that they are afraid of. And it is these substances that should be used in order to scare away bedbugs from the room or protect the apartment from the penetration of parasites from neighbors.

How to kill bed bugs and their eggs
How to kill bed bugs and their eggs

There are a number of methods and insecticides that can be used to effectively and quickly destroy bed bugs in an apartment. However, not all of them can be called safe and convenient to use. In addition, do not forget about the eggs of parasites, which many drugs simply do not work.

Klopoveron remedy for bed bugs
Klopoveron remedy for bed bugs

The drug Klopoveron enjoys a well-deserved reputation as one of the best means against bedbugs in Russia, and throughout the world. It is indeed very effective even with severe infection, however, it has its own specific application. In addition, Klopoveron is difficult to buy, and it is not cheap. Only one or two Russian suppliers work with individuals and sell the drug by mail. Before purchasing Klopoveron, it is useful to read reviews about the drug and instructions for its use.

Means Medilis Ziper for the fight against bedbugs
Means Medilis Ziper for the fight against bedbugs

One of the means of combating bed bugs is the insecticidal drug Medilis Ziper, which is based on a substance from the group of pyrethroids - cypermethrin.How effective and safe this remedy is, as well as how people who have already tested it in the fight against parasites speak of it - read the review.

How to independently destroy bed bugs in the apartment
How to independently destroy bed bugs in the apartment

Not everyone is ready to pay quite large sums for professional pest control, which may not bring the desired result. To help those who wish to test their strength in the fight against bedbugs - numerous sprays, powders, old and new traditional medicine. The article will consider the effectiveness of various methods of self-destruction of insects. She will help you decide which tool to choose and explain how best to carry out the processing so that it is as effective as possible.

Typical symptoms of bed bug bites
Typical symptoms of bed bug bites

Even in the 21st century, people have to deal with bed bug bites quite often. Even if insects have never been in the house, they can bite on trips, at a party or in a hotel room. It is important to be able to immediately distinguish their bite from the bites of other insects and allergic reactions in order to take appropriate measures in time.

Aerosol and dust Clean House for the destruction of bed bugs
Aerosol and dust Clean House for the destruction of bed bugs

The Clean House tool has acquired a new form - an aerosol, thanks to which this drug has become effective not only against cockroaches and ants, but also against bedbugs. As you know, dusts are not particularly effective against bed bugs, since these insects do not eat powders. And now many citizens have already managed to try out the Clean House in the fight against bedbugs and get results.

Details of the life of water strider bugs
Details of the life of water strider bugs

In the summer, on the reservoirs you can find a lot of water strider bugs that seem to glide through the water and never drown.These cute insects are not only not pests, but even benefit people, because they are natural enemies of some unpleasant parasites like mosquitoes and horseflies.

What does a green bug look like and is it worth it to be afraid
What does a green bug look like and is it worth it to be afraid

The green tree shield insect, which lives in forests and gardens, often looks into human dwellings. This happens quite by accident, and the harmless bug does not try to harm anyone. In the people, it has a different name, which reflects its characteristic feature to produce a very unpleasant odor (stink bug). Although this bug is not a parasite in the conventional sense, they often try to fight it even with the help of insecticides.

Bed bug (Eurygaster integriceps)
Bed bug (Eurygaster integriceps)

Each type of bedbug has its own characteristics. For example, a harmful turtle bug can damage wheat in such a way that it makes its grains completely unsuitable for baking and cooking. It is one of the most dangerous pests of crops, so it is extremely important to know the features of its lifestyle and the various ways to deal with it.



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