Website for pest control


Bedbugs soldiers and the harm they cause
Bedbugs soldiers and the harm they cause

Few people know that cheerful red and black insects, the so-called soldier bugs, real symbols of spring, which seem so familiar to everyone, are actually plant parasites and can cause significant damage to private households. And therefore, a meeting with these insects on the site is unlikely to bode well for the owner. Soldier bugs can multiply in a short time and begin to seriously spoil flower beds or a vegetable garden.

What are stink bugs and why do they smell?
What are stink bugs and why do they smell?

Any person at least once in his life saw an unpleasant, fetid green creature sitting on a curtain or window. It turns out that the same stink bug has a completely different scientific name and, in addition, is a very well-known pest of the garden. But you should not be afraid of him at all - apart from a terrible smell, he cannot harm us in any way. It is enough just to get acquainted with his biology to understand that he is an accidental guest in the apartment, who should simply be thrown out the window for his own good.

Photos and descriptions of different types of bedbugs
Photos and descriptions of different types of bedbugs

In nature, there are a huge number of different types of bedbugs, and when you meet some of their representatives, you won’t even immediately guess that it’s a bedbug in front of you. We offer you to see vivid photographs of some representatives of this order of Hemiptera, as well as to get acquainted with the peculiarities of their life.

Conspiracies and prayers to fight bedbugs
Conspiracies and prayers to fight bedbugs

Even today, some people actively use conspiracies and prayers to deal with various misfortunes, including getting rid of bed bugs in the house. At the same time, not everyone clearly knows what is the essential difference between conspiracies and prayers, what is the structure of conspiracies and how to pronounce them correctly so that they work effectively ...

About forest bugs and their entry into the apartment
About forest bugs and their entry into the apartment

Forest bugs that suddenly appear in an apartment can cause a strong fright and a desire to get rid of them as soon as possible. This is quite natural, but do not panic - these insects are harmless to humans, and can only cause trouble with their smell.

The drug from bedbugs Get
The drug from bedbugs Get

Get is a very effective and popular drug for the destruction of bed bugs. Unfortunately, this is not at all a cheap remedy, which is often counterfeited, and counterfeit products have literally flooded the market. Therefore, before purchasing, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the information about the original Get, as well as how to distinguish it from a fake. Only a real product will give the effect that the manufacturer claims.

About cleaning the apartment from bed bugs
About cleaning the apartment from bed bugs

Most people who are faced with the problem of infestation of an apartment with bedbugs try to cope with it on their own. Folk remedies, mechanical destruction, ready-made insecticides are used. With the correct use of purchased drugs, they, of course, work, but much more often the fight against insects simply comes to a standstill. Then professionals come to the rescue, who are guaranteed to rid the room of insects.

Dichlorvos for the destruction of bed bugs
Dichlorvos for the destruction of bed bugs

Ever since Soviet times, Dichlorvos has been known as a really working remedy for crawling and flying insects. It was in almost every family and was actively used to destroy parasites penetrating the house. Even now, when the problem of infecting an apartment with bedbugs arises, many people remember this proven and high-quality remedy.

Remedy for bedbugs Klopomor
Remedy for bedbugs Klopomor

Relatively recently, Russian developers have introduced a new drug for the destruction of bed bugs: Klopomor. He has already managed to win among consumers a lot of fans and rave reviews. However, on the network you can find about the same number of sharply negative reviews of people who did not like Klopomor at all. They don’t argue about tastes, but before purchasing such an expensive product, it’s better to familiarize yourself with its main pros and cons in advance. That's why we read reviews.

Bed bug bites in children
Bed bug bites in children

Bedbug bites in children can cause a variety of skin and general allergic reactions. Moreover, the smaller the child, the more pronounced will be the reaction to the bite. Insect bite treatments are generally universal and suitable for all children. Parents should know their names and how to use them.



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