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Means Executioner for the destruction of bed bugs

Last update: 2022-05-11
≡ Article has 77 comments
  • Serik: I'm going to buy this tool and process a 4-room apartment...
  • Xenia: Whatever they poisoned, all to no avail, we will try the Executioner. ...
  • Sergei: The executioner is an absolute panacea. Cleaned up the apartment...
See bottom of page for details

Means against bedbugs Executioner

On the household insecticide market today there are at least fifty drugs that are quite effective in the fight against bedbugs. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which provides certain problems of choice for buyers who are faced with the need to poison bedbugs for the first time. And of the many drugs, the Executioner is perhaps one of the most popular today.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. The drug is a modern tool. The executioner from bedbugs appeared on the Russian market only in 2013, and thanks to its effectiveness and advertising from the manufacturer, it gained popularity among consumers.
  2. The executioner against bedbugs is really effective. It also has more powerful competitors, but when choosing a poison for insects, it is necessary to take into account not only the effectiveness of the active substance. After all, ease of use, safety for people and animals - these factors are also very important.
  3. The drug from bedbugs The executioner is harmless to people and pets. Not absolutely, of course, safe, but it has never caused poisoning.

In addition, the manufacturer and its Russian distributors have gone out of their way to keep the Executioner available. The price of one bottle of it is 70 rubles, and this amount will be enough to process, for example, one sofa.

Vials of the drug Hangman

For a complete treatment of an apartment, a larger amount of the drug will be required, but in any case, buying a product in almost any major city or, especially, via the Internet is not a problem.


The composition of the drug

The composition of the Hangman was developed by German manufacturers, and tested in the laboratory before being put into production.

The basis of the product was a 27.5% solution of a complex organophosphorus substance called Fention, which is one of the most effective insecticides. Getting into the body of an insect with air, it paralyzes its nervous system and leads to death in a few minutes.

Here are the visual results of testing on bedbugs - the Executioner kills them in 8.5 minutes with direct spraying:

In relation to humans and domestic animals, Fenthion is far from being so toxic. It can be described as a moderately toxic substance.

The executioner from bedbugs should be used in compliance with the necessary safety measures.


Instructions for using the Executioner

One bottle of the Executioner is designed for dilution in 0.5 liters of water. Since the Executioner is available in liquid form, the temperature of the water for dilution does not matter.

It is desirable to dilute the drug immediately in the vessel from which spraying will be carried out. In home improvement stores, you can buy a special small spray gun for this purpose.

Simple spray gun

In addition, the manufacturer of the Executioner itself offers its own containers with small pumps and sprinklers connected to them.In general, they are quite convenient and most adapted specifically for the fight against bedbugs: they have a long and thin tip that allows you to inject the drug solution into the openings between the furniture or the folds of the sofa.

However, in domestic conditions there is no need to buy a whole set of equipment for a one-time treatment of the premises. It is enough to dilute the executioner in an ordinary bottle from any glass cleaner. From Mister Muscle, for example, or Wedge. The cap is removed from the bottle, water is poured in and, in accordance with its volume, the required amount of the Executioner is dissolved in it. After that, the cap is returned to its place, and the tool can be used.

If it is necessary to process a 2-3 room apartment, you should immediately take 20-25 bottles of the Executioner, which is enough for a thorough treatment of all rooms and furniture.

It is also useful to read: Chalk Masha from bedbugs

And further: Have you ever measured at what temperature bed bugs die? And we caught them and did it - watch the video...

Bedbug executioner

One bottle of concentrate (or 0.5 liters of ready-made solution) is enough to treat approximately 5 square meters of surface.

When buying a wholesale batch of the Executioner, the cost of each bottle will be lower. Therefore, it is very convenient to cooperate with neighbors who also suffer from bedbugs.

Before processing the room, it is necessary to close all windows and doors in it. This will provide a more pronounced effect of the remedy. It is also advisable to use a gauze bandage on the face or a respirator.

It is necessary to start processing the room from those places where insects are most likely to hide - these are beds, sofas, baseboards, spaces behind cabinets and bedside tables. It is advisable to move furniture from its usual places and process the floor under it. Bedding, mattresses, blankets and pillows, carpets (especially those hanging on the walls) are also subject to processing.

Bed bugs on the mattress

It is advisable to spray the interior spaces of cabinets and clothes, which after such treatment will be enough to wash once. It may contain bedbug eggs, and without treatment, it will later become a source of re-infection.

For complete confidence in the effectiveness of self-disinsection by the Executioner, it is advisable to process balconies, even if they are not glazed, sockets, after turning off the electricity in the apartment, and window sills. It is good to spray the ventilation holes and vestibule.

If the apartment is infested with bedbugs, already in the process of processing, they will begin to appear from the shelters. You can not press them at this time, because they will still die from the drug, and mechanical struggle with them will only take you time.

After processing the entire room, it must be closed and left for 6-8 hours. After returning, you should arrange a draft, ventilate all rooms well and wash clothes. If the room has been treated intensively, the smell of the Executioner may be felt in it, which will disappear after airing.

It is usually not necessary to use the Executioner repeatedly (it is enough to re-process 4-5 days after the first - to destroy the larvae that have emerged from intact eggs). Unlike many other drugs, the Executioner does not lead to the development of resistance to it in bedbugs. What does this mean: insects that regularly encounter small doses of insecticides, for example, those living with neighbors and not dying after one treatment of the premises, develop mechanisms to neutralize the substance in the body, and after a certain time, many means may cease to act on them. Therefore, if once the apartment was not processed thoroughly enough, or the insects came again from the neighbors, re-processing has to be carried out by another means. As for the Executioner, bedbugs do not develop resistance to it, so the use of other drugs is not required.


How a dried-up Executioner poisons bedbugs

And this is how the Executioner poisons bedbugs a week after drying:


Safety precautions when using the Executioner

The drug Executioner has some toxicity for warm-blooded animals. Not very significant, but sufficient to lead to a deterioration in the health of the handler if safety measures are not observed.

On a note. The daily dose of the main component of the Executioner, Fention, for a person is 0.007 mg per kilogram of body weight. The lethal dose is about 250 mg per kilogram of body weight.

When processing the premises with the help of the Executioner, all tenants, except for the handler himself, must leave the premises. The processing itself lasts 2-3 hours, and in addition to 8 hours, the apartment or house will have to stand with closed windows and doors without residents.

And further: Aquafumigator Raptor - a non-standard contraption that gets bedbugs in all cracks, penetrating there in the form of poisonous vapor

It is advisable for the handler to put on gloves and a respirator (or cotton-gauze bandage) before spraying the apartment. It is not recommended to be in this room without special need until it is completely ventilated.


Clothes and bed linen treated by the Executioner must be washed at the highest possible temperature before use. Those things and household items that have not been processed before the fight against bedbugs, it is advisable to take them to dry cleaning, and after it - pack them in airtight packaging. They should be unpacked after the fight against bedbugs.

Pets must also be removed from the premises during treatment. At the end of processing, they can be launched into the house, having previously washed the floors.

The active components of the drug Executioner are quite unstable in the air and, with good ventilation, the premises disintegrate within a day. Therefore, airing the apartment will protect all its residents from the possible toxic effects of the drug.

Despite the novelty on the market, the executioner drug has already been tried by many residents of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. Their reviews are the most reliable source of necessary information and answers to many questions. Therefore, it is worth getting to know them separately.


Reviews about the drug Hangman

I don't know how we got bed bugs. At first she sinned for allergies, but when her daughter had typical bite marks, she began to look for them in the apartment and found several colonies at once. I tried to poison them with different sprays, but this did not give much result. I was advised to order the Hangman bedbug remedy, I immediately bought 20 bottles. This was enough to process 4 carpets and three sofas for the first time in a 64 sq. meters, as well as things from the cabinets. By the way, after processing, I put things in plastic bags, tied them up, and after a few hours I took them out and loaded them into the washer. After 4 days, I processed sofas and carpets, it took 8 bottles. After that, I never saw bedbugs in the apartment and no one bit us.

Olga, Ufa


As soon as we began to process the apartment with the Executioner, the bugs literally climbed out of all the cracks. There was a slight smell in the apartment, but we opened the windows and it quickly disappeared. Before that, they tried Karbofos, various aerosols, but there was not much sense from them. And here, after the first time, there were no bugs left in the apartment at all. Great tool!

Inna, Kharkiv


I never saw bedbugs at all until one client brought me a system unit with this infection for repair. Already on the first night they climbed out and started biting me. I thought it was mosquitoes, and therefore I missed the moment and they multiplied. I tried almost everything, both the most expensive and the cheapest aerosols and all sorts of stains, but they didn’t work on bedbugs at all. Then he bought an Executioner in the garden center and, with the usual spray from Mister Muscle, processed the entire apartment, closed the windows and doors and left it to ferment for a day. After that, he just ventilated the apartment, and for almost half a year, he had never seen bedbugs.By the way, I advised the Executioner to the client who brought me the system manager, and he also helped him. So I recommend it to you too.

Ilya, Pushkin


Useful video: does the Executioner really help with bedbugs?




Last update: 2022-05-11

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Means Executioner for the destruction of bed bugs" 77 comments
  1. Catherine

    Can you please tell me where can I buy this product?

  2. Representative of the "Executioner"

    The Executioner tool must be bought only on the official website - in order to avoid fakes, and be sure to check the holograms on the bottles. After using the tool, leave your feedback.

    • Tatiana

      Two years ago I worked the room with an executioner. The effect was soasu literally the next day. And now, two years later, it seems they reappeared. Is this possible?? Didn't everyone die?, today I processed it again. I'm waiting for a repeat effect. Also, does it have an expiration date?

  3. Evgeniy

    I bought the Executioner, did an excellent job with the task. Bedbugs have not seen for a long time, processed 2 times according to the instructions.Before that, no matter how much he poisoned, it did not help. Thanks executioner. Super tool. I advise!

  4. Maria

    This is just a salvation, and in my opinion, it is the only one that is affordable and effective. I had bed bugs 7 months ago. They appeared suddenly and in large numbers. I have a one-room apartment where I live with my little daughter (1.6 years old). They attacked from dusk to dawn. I did not sleep for 8 days and 9 nights, I struggled with them manually. During the night she killed from 30 to 250 individuals. Until I found this site and ordered "The Executioner". Tried other products but no effect. I was very pleased with the understanding and care of the staff. They called all the time and were worried whether they received or not received the remedy. Even one bottle was enough to treat one room. But even the cockroaches in the kitchen disappeared. Now I remember it all like a nightmare. Thank you, my dear ones, for saving me and my daughter from this horror!!!

    • Anonymous

      How to distinguish the original from a fake?

      • Representative of the "Executioner"

        Good afternoon. The original bottles must have a hologram with the name of the official website.

  5. Sasha

    Hello. During the processing of the premises, indoor flowers, plants, where should they be removed or can they be left?

  6. Representative of the "Executioner"

    Hello. Executioner is safe for plants and pets.

  7. zhanar kazakhstan

    Thanks guys. Super tool. But here in Kazakhstan I bought it in a hardware store and the bottle was plastic like on the site. At first, I was skeptical that it would be fake. THE MEANS OF THE EXECUTIONATION helped. THANKS…

  8. Tee

    Is it possible to find this remedy in Paris? If yes, where? Thank you.

  9. Denis

    hello, and whether to clean the equipment or not when you process the room

  10. Representative of the "Executioner"

    Hello! Equipment and flowers do not need to be removed.

  11. Ivan

    Hello, is it possible to spray inside the mattress, respectively, it will not be possible to wash it, can it be used after that?

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Hello! There is no point in spraying inside the mattress, treat it superficially. You don't need to wash the mattress.

  12. Kadriya

    Thank you, the tool is super, it helped us a lot. They suffered for half a year, as they bought an apartment. They treated the apartment with an executioner, and they didn’t exist. Now we sleep peacefully.

  13. aigul

    Hello, you can process the things of the child with them and you can also sprinkle on your head and body, because all the time it seems that a bug is running around the body. there are bed bugs at home.

  14. Representative of the "Executioner"

    Hello! Aigul should be used as directed. Do not spray on your head or clothing. Bedbugs do not run around the body, do not wind yourself up. Do the processing of the apartment according to the instructions and get rid of bedbugs 100%. You can buy or order the Hangman tool on the official website.

  15. Aydin

    This is just a super remedy, before that I used all the means against bedbugs, I already stopped believing that someday I would get rid of them, but the Executioner saved me from bedbugs, believe me and use it, I am very pleased thank you

  16. back

    the executioner is yes the executioner

  17. Dina Zilberman

    Lived up to 30 years is called. The apartment was completely renovated, everything was cleaned under concrete, in general, upholstered furniture with new tenants was brought to the renovated apartment, in which there had not been a single parasite before. Paradox. But they only bite me.The guy, his mother and grandmother didn’t even believe me until I caught these damn bugs and showed them. In general, every day I wake up in bites, as tired, everything itches. They poisoned me with some thing from Auchan, to no avail. I was advised by the Executioner, tomorrow I will poison. Hope that helps...

  18. Fanya

    I sprayed everything with the Executioner and did not find a single living one! Collected corpses all over the apartment! Thank you!

  19. Anara

    hello! We treated a 3-room apartment with 15 executioner bottles. In a week I will process it again, but the result is already on the face - there are no bites and I found about a dozen dead bugs. The executioner is really very effective!


    I can't wait for the Executioner to come in to exterminate these bastards.

  21. Anastasia

    My sister raised a panic, they say, bedbugs on the couch. I looked around the sofa, pushed back the pillows - I didn’t find anyone. Tell me, can you somehow find out for sure the presence of bedbugs? They didn’t bite me, I didn’t see it in my eyes, the cat on the couch is sleeping peacefully. What to do?

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Hello! Anastasia, in order to make sure that you have bed bugs, you need to find them. In your case, I would advise you to carry out prophylaxis with the Executioner bedbug remedy. The product does not leave a stain, quickly disappears and perfectly destroys bedbugs. You can buy or order a remedy for bedbugs Executioner on the official website.

      • Emma

        Hello! I bought an executioner and processed the sofa and the whole apartment. These creatures live on the couch, I found dead people under the couch. Processed on Saturday, and today Monday I will poison again.

  22. Eve

    We moved to a new apartment, a week later the child woke up with bites, I had a panic! What to do? On the Internet, I stumbled upon the “executioner” remedy, called, they explained everything to me how to breed, poison, in general, a week later the remedy came by mail. I almost flooded the sofa on which the child was bitten and very carefully processed the entire room, I processed the rest of the rooms according to the instructions. There is a smell, by the way, my husband didn’t even cough, but I just vomited, BUT for the sake of the child’s peace of mind, you can endure it! Today is the fourth night the child wakes up without bites! I'm afraid to jinx it, but in my opinion we got rid of these reptiles! Thank you very much for the remedy and understanding, I called both during and after processing! There are two questions left, is it necessary to process it again and how to process a non-residential infected apartment? (The second month no one lives there)

  23. Tatiana

    Tell me, how much does the executioner cost? I found one bug on the couch, should I process it in all rooms or in the one in which I found it?

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Hello! Tatyana, the cost of the Executioner is indicated on the official website, in the "Contacts" section there are cities where you can buy the tool, you can also place an order by mail.

      • Anonymous

        Hello, yesterday they sprayed the whole apartment with an executioner according to the instructions, this morning they opened all the windows, I found only 2 dead bugs. This is bad? How can I not find the nest. Let's do a re-processing. Hope we get rid of them.

        • Representative of the "Executioner"

          Hello. Bed bug nests can be found in sofas, in places where wallpaper has peeled off, in floor crevices, or behind skirting boards. To destroy all bedbugs and hatched eggs, you need to repeat the treatment after 5 days and the bedbugs will be completely destroyed.Try to process all the furniture and all the cracks as best as possible.

  24. Victoria

    Thanks PALAC! Saved our family! Everything was done as it should. Left for the night. In the morning, dead people were found on the sofa above, corpses also lay on the floor under the sofa. They processed everything very well, a week later they did a re-processing, and now, as the second month, we no longer have bedbugs. Thanks again! A very effective drug.

  25. misha

    Where can I buy an executioner in the city of atyrau kazakhstan please tell me?

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      You can buy or order a remedy for bedbugs Executioner on the official website.

      • Guzel

        Called SES to process a room in a hostel. However, there was no effect. I try to periodically process blockbuster crayon aerosol with available means, the result is zero. Every day I wash clothes, blankets. I turned again to the ses to buy a reliable remedy, they refused. I wrote an application to the housing department for processing the basement and the corridor-waiting. How can I get rid of these bed bugs??? The problem with bedbugs began in our city. Help - advise!

        • Representative of the "Executioner"

          Hello. To get rid of bedbugs, you need to very carefully process all the cracks, beds, furniture and things. After a week, the treatment must be repeated, as the bugs lay eggs. You can read more about how and how to poison bedbugs on the official website.

  26. Alexei

    Hello, on Saturday we carefully processed the entire apartment, hoping, as promised, that we would not see them again, but within three days we find half-dead bugs of various sizes. Tell me why is this happening?

  27. Vitaly

    There are bed bugs. I tried Turkish aerosol, garbage, they climbed out of the cabinets onto the walls, alive.By the way, I caught one and put a drop of 96% medical alcohol on it. The bug immediately perked up. Who will tell you what effect alcohol will have?

  28. Tatiana

    There are 2 bookcases in the room. How to process them?

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Books need to be reviewed for the presence of bedbugs, then the cabinet should be processed.

  29. Vladimir

    Good afternoon!

    A couple of weeks ago, my girlfriend began to complain of itchy pimples on her body. I claimed for several days that it was an allergy, because. everything was great for me. After three or four days, tears began ...
    After talking with the neighbors, I found out that the former neighbor poisoned bedbugs on the sly, called the neighbor - she told me how she and her husband and children ate at night for 9 months and they tried a bunch of funds and called the service several times. In the end, she said that the only thing that helped them was the Executioner tool. I bought 23 bottles, filled the room around the perimeter (with a sprayer) and the sofa, including, additionally with the same solution (3 vials per 1 liter of water) made intramuscular injections into the sofa. Treated all surfaces to the maximum.

    A day passed - we spent the night - without bites. Today is the second - no bites. At the weekend I will re-process - to destroy the newly hatched larvae. Oh yes, before processing, I laid out the clothes in bags after spraying each item and tied it up for 8-12 hours.

    Question number 1: how long does the executioner have, do bedbugs die after contact with a dry treated surface?
    Question number 2: in my room the floors are arranged like this: floors along the logs, Soviet dry herringbone parquet, fiberboard in pieces and then linoleum. Will the Executioner kill these creatures during surface treatment of the floor, because I have not found any other places where they live.

  30. Representative of the "Executioner"

    Good afternoon. Vladimir, the executioner has a prolonged action for 2 weeks (residual effect). In the parquet, it is necessary to process all the cracks. Re-treatment is carried out 5-7 days after the first, as the bugs leave eggs.

  31. Evgeniy

    I have a camp of these bugs there is no salvation! In addition, he brought it to his mother and now she also has this infection! Help sq. 1 room where bedbugs don’t spit everywhere :( How can I find you? I live in Yekaterinburg. The last hope for the Executioner.

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Good afternoon. Eugene for the treatment of your one-room apartment, the consumption of the Executioner will be approximately 15 bottles, taking into account preventive treatment in a week. You can buy the original Executioner in your city, as well as in other cities, on the official website.

  32. Elena

    They rented a room in a communal apartment after graduating from university and living in a student hostel for a long time. For half a year everything was fine in the new place. Although, the room, of course, is so-so - an old fund, dried up parquet with huge cracks and ancient wallpaper. Everything was fine for half a year. And then the nightmare invasion of these insects began. Repairs were made in the next room, the floor was removed, and I think this caused our torment, which has been going on for the second month. Bedbugs crawled. At first they chose a sofa, they were found by a "specialist" from the SES, because immediately called the master from this office. He pickled the room (12 square meters) in 5 minutes. and on the same night they began to eat us again, called us again and retired to spend the night in a hotel. We returned a day later, and these bastards are sitting on our mattress and getting high. But we were told that, they say, bugs can appear within 10 days.And they appeared not dead and not even half-dead, but quite vigorous, active and biting. Decided to buy an Executioner. Acquired in St. Petersburg. Bought 10 bottles for our little room. Poisoned 2 hours. Out of fright, they literally flooded the entire area: floors through cracks, skirting boards, wallpaper, ceiling, sockets, in short, everything! All things - clothes, books, a computer with speakers. Things in packages and sour for a few days. 5 days have passed, live bugs are not visible, but 10 dead ones were found under the sofa and near the plinth. According to the instructions, they must be etched again. Of course, we will process the room again, but the result is already on the face. The tool really works.

  33. Novel

    Hello. I wanted to know if this product is really safe for pets? It’s just that my six-month-old cat lives, but there is nowhere to put her, so I’m worried. Where can you buy?

  34. Alex

    I have several questions:
    1. Does the executioner kill cockroaches?
    2. How many bottles are needed for the treatment and prevention of a 6x8 house with a slightly smaller veranda? And do you need to treat the attic?
    3. How many vials are needed for the treatment and prevention of a 3-room apartment?
    4. There is not yet painted lining in the house, will the impregnation be normal then?
    5. Do you wash the dishes with something special or will it go with a regular dishwasher?
    6. Does the aquarium with fish need to be removed during treatment? Won't die?
    Thanks in advance for the answers, it is desirable to number them in the same way.

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      1. The executioner destroys bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, ticks and other insects.
      2. Your house will require 15-20 bottles, taking into account 2 treatments.
      3.For the complete destruction of bedbugs or cockroaches in a 3-room apartment, you will need 20-30 bottles of the Executioner.
      4. The executioner will not leave a trace after processing.
      5. Place the dishes in cabinets or cover them during processing. Ordinary detergents are suitable for washing dishes.
      6. Be sure to cover the aquarium with fish, if possible, put it in another room.
      There will be questions, please contact.

  35. ilya

    I poisoned the bedbugs, three days passed, I found a bunch of dead bedbugs, it took seven bottles for 20m2. I will repeat the treatment after 5 days as indicated in the instructions. The tool works.

  36. Natalia

    Hello, we also got the same problem. I ordered the Executioner and I look forward to it, I have a question - we have a dog, but there is no place to put it, will this drug affect it?

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Hello. The product is safe for pets. Before using the Executioner, be sure to read the instructions.

  37. Hope

    We bought the Executioner, let's see how it works from bedbugs. We really hope for him!

  38. Irina

    Thanks for the responses!!!
    We moved to a rented apartment and there was a problem with bedbugs. I will try your drug. I will definitely write a comment.

  39. Irina

    Hi all!!! As promised I am writing my review! They ordered the executioner, honestly thought that it would not help, and as always, advertising is like that. BUT the executioner coped with the bugs from 1 time, he didn’t even have to repeat the dressing. The smell is not strong, there was nothing left on the furniture, if you spray it on the bug, they died before our eyes when they came home from the treatment, not a trace. Everything is great! Dead bed bugs were found under the sofa. 3 weeks have passed, we no longer see bedbugs, there are no bites either. In general, we are very satisfied with the result.We have more bedbugs!! Hooray!!! This product really works, you won't regret it.

  40. Lyalya

    I ordered an executioner, I'm waiting for it to come. I'm terrified! Who invented these terrible creatures. While I press with my hands. They hide behind pictures on my walls. The executioner leaves behind some kind of poison so that if the bug cures hatch before re-treatment, so that they also die?

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Means Executioner after treatment acts on the surface for 1-2 weeks. During this time, the bugs will die. With direct contact of the drug with bedbugs, they die instantly. Make the processing of the room as carefully as possible, pay special attention to cracks and sleeping places. 5-7 days after the first treatment, the treatment should be repeated again.

  41. Dmitry

    Tell me, do the neighbors in the communal apartment need to leave if we poison only in our room? At the entrance to the room there is an iron door with a double-circuit seal.

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Hello. In your case, after treatment, you can tightly close your room, the smell of the product is not so strong, the neighbors can stay in their room.

  42. Julia

    Hello, we have been fighting bedbugs for a year now. Several services called, nothing helps, we live in a 2-room rented apartment, we don’t know how many square meters. Tell me, is 25 bottles enough?

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Hello. Yes, this amount will be enough for two treatments of a two-room apartment. 5 days after the first treatment, it is necessary to re-treat. After two treatments, the bugs will be destroyed. You can buy or order a remedy for bedbugs Executioner on the official website.

  43. Nataliya

    three years ago I didn’t know what to do, bedbugs overcame. I was tormented to buy different means until I prescribed the Executioner. I processed it only once and have been sleeping peacefully for three years now. Thanks to whoever came up with this tool.

  44. Kamini

    We tried a lot of things, but the Executioner helped us very well!

  45. Ivan

    Tell me please. After we pickle everything with the Executioner: the bed, the floor, the furniture, do you need to wash it with plain water? Thanks…

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Hello. After processing, you do not need to wash anything. Means the Executioner does not leave spots and will quickly disappear.

  46. Tatiana

    Bought a sofa from Ikea. Small single bites appeared, I could not understand whether they were bites or not, but now I know without a doubt, since the bites go along the path. Two weeks after the first bites appeared, they bought an executioner in Mytishchi and processed the rooms, everything except wardrobes with clothes. Three days later, in the evening, a bug was sitting on the sheet. Three days later, they carried out a second treatment, very well, filled all the cracks, mattresses, sofas, bedding, walls, all clothes, wardrobes, behind wardrobes. They also sprayed in the corridor and in the kitchen on the baseboards and ceiling plinths. For two weeks nothing was washed for the remedy to work. And now, two weeks later, I am writing my review. After processing, they found about 5 dead bugs, from where they crawled out - probably from the sofa, they did not find any nests either. After the second treatment, the bugs were no longer seen. Until today, they are gone, there are no bites either. My conclusion is that the remedy is good and coped with bedbugs. The only drawback is the smell, wear a mask. Good luck to all!

  47. said

    I'll try to poison bedbugs with an executioner

  48. Kymbat

    Hello, the first question is where bedbugs live in clothes or on wooden surfaces.These bastards appeared now it feels like they are constantly running around me.

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Hello. Bedbugs settle in the crevices of furniture, sofas, beds, behind baseboards, in the floor. They can also be on clothes. They do not run on the skin - most likely, you have worked yourself up, so it seems to you that they are running on you.

  49. Masha

    I read reviews and I want to leave. This remedy helped me, I would even say that the remedy saved me. Processed twice - they died perfectly. Many dead on the day of processing, there were corpses in the following days.
    On the advice of the sellers, the funds injected the solution into the sofa and into the chair with a syringe.
    I have been sleeping normally for a week now, only fear remains to bite. Executioner and only Executioner. Thank you for being!

  50. Kristina

    Tell me please. Bedbugs appeared, I saw 2 pcs. on your own bed. Appeared about 3 weeks ago. In this case, do I need to process the entire apartment or will my room be enough? Do you process things in the closet too? What to do with a cat if there is nowhere to put it? Will it get poisoned? And one more question. Where did they come from if we did not purchase new furniture?

    • Representative of the "Executioner"

      Hello. Christina, processing must be carried out in all rooms at the same time. It is also desirable to process things, since bedbugs can also be on things. The cat must be moved to another room during treatment. Bed bugs could have entered from neighbors or been carried on clothing.

  51. Natalia

    Thank you very much for this tool. A very good thing. We have been sleeping peacefully for a year now. From the first time all the insects died. They are truly paralyzed right before our eyes. And the eggs decompose. The remedy still remained and I sprinkled more for prevention, just in case. Many thanks to the manufacturers.Highly recommend.

  52. lyudmila

    I ordered this remedy. The executioner will try to poison it. Ordering 3 times, process the SES, nothing helps. What they spray is not clear, only the stench in the apartment. I'll be sure to write a review.

  53. Sergey

    The executioner is an absolute panacea. They processed the apartment, left it closed for almost a day. They came the next day to ventilate and the bugs lie under the bed and kick about 20 pieces with their legs, just raked it out. I will poison again!

  54. Kseniya

    Whatever they poisoned, all to no avail, we will try the Executioner. I really hope it helps. These bastards already got ((

  55. Serik

    I'm going to buy this tool and process a 4-room apartment, it will take a lot of bottles. I'll see if there is an effect and if so, then I will continue.


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