Website for pest control


What causes bed bugs in the house and what to do in such a situation
What causes bed bugs in the house and what to do in such a situation

There are not so many reasons for the appearance of bedbugs in the house, and the most common are only one or two. To reliably protect the premises from parasites, it is enough to know these reasons and adopt a number of simple rules that will reduce the likelihood of apartment infection. This is much easier than further poisoning bedbugs on your own or calling professional exterminators, and often without a guarantee of getting the desired result. So why do bedbugs start indoors? Let's figure it out...

How bugs can be dangerous to humans
How bugs can be dangerous to humans

Bed bugs are a serious health problem. Moreover, it concerns not only third world countries and completely unkempt houses, as people mistakenly believe, but also has a direct bearing on comfortable, clean and well-appointed city apartments - bedbugs start up in them with the same ease as in rural huts. If the room has been infected, you can forget about restful sleep and well-being - bedbug bites cause severe skin irritation, itching, can lead to various functional disorders of the body, and in some cases even to serious illnesses. Therefore, it is simply impossible to simply wave a hand at preventing the appearance of these parasites, thinking that this problem will never affect you, or in no case should you engage in the fight against them, tk. the outcome can be very sad.

The use of Agran means for the destruction of bed bugs
The use of Agran means for the destruction of bed bugs

The drug Agran is well known on the market as a remedy for synanthropic insects, including bedbugs. It is often used not only by apartment owners, but also by various services specializing in disinfection of premises. At the same time, the tool has quite conflicting reviews: in some cases, people are satisfied with the effect it has, while in others they speak negatively about it. Why does this happen and is the drug really effective in killing bedbugs? Let's try to figure it out together...

Remedy for bed bugs Taran
Remedy for bed bugs Taran

The basis of Taran is one of the most powerful modern insecticides - the pyrethroid z-cypermethrin, which reliably destroys insects (and ticks), almost regardless of their species. Accordingly, when fighting bedbugs, a reasonable question arises: since the drug is so strong, is it possible to get bedbugs out of the apartment with the help of Taran in a short time? Will the drug be as effective as, for example, in agriculture and in the destruction of ticks in forests? Let's figure it out...

Means Ecokiller from bedbugs and cockroaches (specially processed diatomaceous earth)
Means Ecokiller from bedbugs and cockroaches (specially processed diatomaceous earth)

One of the very interesting (and at the same time quite effective) drugs used today to combat bedbugs and cockroaches is the insecticide Ecokiller, which has recently appeared on the market. And its main distinguishing feature is the specific mechanism of action on insects, based on the ability of specially treated diatomite to disrupt the integrity of the external integument of pests and parasites, literally leading to their dehydration.Moreover, Ecokiller shows high efficiency not only against cockroaches, ants and silverfish, but also against parasites that feed on blood - bed bugs, fleas and linen lice ...

Feedback on the use of Ecokiller for bed bugs
Feedback on the use of Ecokiller for bed bugs

Relatively recently, the insecticidal agent Ecokiller, which has appeared on the market, has gained quite a high popularity as an effective remedy for bed bugs. The following are reviews of ordinary people, allowing you to evaluate what to expect in practice when using this drug ...

Remedy for bedbugs Zonder and reviews on the use of this drug
Remedy for bedbugs Zonder and reviews on the use of this drug

The insecticidal drug Zonder, positioned primarily as a means to destroy bed bugs, appeared on the market relatively recently, but is rapidly gaining popularity, not only among ordinary consumers, but also among professional exterminators. The reason for this is the relatively high efficiency, which makes it possible to successfully deal with parasites even in the most neglected cases. But what is so special about the Zonder bedbug preparation - how does it work, is it not toxic to humans, is it possible to live normally in a treated apartment, and how do those who have already managed to test it in practice speak of this remedy - let's talk about all this let's talk more...

The use of insecticidal smoke bombs for the destruction of bedbugs in the room
The use of insecticidal smoke bombs for the destruction of bedbugs in the room

Few people know that insecticidal smoke bombs are as effective against bedbugs as expensive professional pest control methods using the so-called cold or hot fog. In addition, such checkers have another significant plus - this is their ease of use.Self-treatment of a room from bedbugs with aerosols and sprays is known for its laboriousness, the danger of poisoning, and often, most unpleasantly, the lack of the necessary result. In the case of using smoke bombs, everything is much simpler: the room itself is filled with insecticidal smoke, which penetrates even the most inaccessible places, effectively destroying bedbugs in their shelters. However, let's talk about everything in order ...

Detailed photos of bed bugs
Detailed photos of bed bugs

A detailed description of the appearance of the bed bug, its larvae and eggs. More than 40 vivid photographs accompany interesting information about bedbugs, which will be useful to everyone who has come across these bloodsuckers closely or is preparing to fight them.

Destruction of bedbugs with cold fog and feedback on this procedure
Destruction of bedbugs with cold fog and feedback on this procedure

The cold mist treatment of premises from insects has proven itself well, and today it is often used by pest control workers. In particular, against bedbugs, this technology is often much more effective than simply spraying insecticides from household sprayers (sprayers). So what is the so-called cold fog, how and from what it is created, and also how ordinary people speak about the effectiveness of pest control in this way - we will talk about all this further with you and we will talk in more detail ...



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