Website for pest control

Dezus: bedbug, cockroach, flea, ant (odorless)

Last update: 2022-08-01


Dezus is a preparation designed specifically for the destruction of insects resistant to traditional insecticides. It is this thought that appears immediately upon acquaintance with its composition. At the same time, it becomes clear why the manufacturer positions Dezus as a broad-spectrum insecticidal agent: they can poison cockroaches, completely destroy bedbugs, exterminate ants, and remove any other insects from the apartment.

It remains to be seen whether Dezus is really so effective and versatile. Let's find out.


The active substance is a neonicotinoid that has not previously been used in household pest control.

The poisonous effect of Dezus is provided by the insectoacaricide acetamiprid. In a concentrated solution, which, in fact, the buyer receives, its concentration is quite high - 10%.


For comparison: a ready-made solution of acetamiprid, which is sprayed on apple trees in orchards to control insect pests, contains 0.05% of this substance. This amount is already sufficient for the effective destruction of both butterflies that land on the treated bark and leaves, and caterpillars that crawl on these surfaces, and even more so in such a concentration it kills insects if it falls directly on them when spraying.

Acetamiprid belongs to the class of neonicotinoids - among them there are quite a lot of well-known insecticides that professional exterminators work with. But there are no preparations for household pest control based specifically on acetamiprid on the Russian market today. Desus is, in fact, the only one of them. And this is its main advantage.

The fact is that the more widely a particular substance is used in insecticides, the more often it is used, the more often insects encounter it, and the more cases occur when single individuals resistant to such a substance survive in any apartment. . They then leave offspring to pass on genes for resistance to specific substances. This is how relatively quickly whole populations of cockroaches, bedbugs, or other arthropods appear, on which a particular insecticide is no longer effective.

And since acetamiprid is not used in any means against domestic insects, this means that any such housemates during processing will meet him for the first time and will definitely die. This is exactly the case when exclusivity is a guarantee of efficiency.

Desus effectively kills bedbugs

The task of the processor when working with Desus is to ensure the contact of insects with the preparation. With such contact, acetamiprid begins to work, and the insect has no chance.


Dezus is effective against all arthropods (even non-insects)

In the body of an arthropod, acetamiprid binds to postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors, blocking them and disrupting the process of utilization of the neurotransmitter used in nerve synapses. Because of this, the excitation of the neuron does not fade, which primarily leads to the incessant contraction of the muscles innervated by the affected neuron.The insect develops convulsions, then paralysis, which leads to death.

Dezus is effective against all arthropods

This process proceeds in the same way in all arthropods, since the arrangement of nerve synapses is the same in all of them. This is how the nervous system works and is affected in all insects, crustaceans, spiders and mites. This means that Desus can successfully destroy:

  • bed bugs;
  • Cockroaches of all kinds - red, black, American, furniture;
  • Ants, including pharaohs;
  • Bloch;
  • Kozheedov;
  • Any beetles - weevils, grinders, flour eaters ...;
  • Moth, both wardrobe and barn;
  • Bloch;
  • Silverfish;
  • Rat, chicken and dust mites;
  • Spiders;
  • Mokrits;
  • Synanthropic centipedes - flycatchers, nods, drupes.

And the rate and timing of the death of all these arthropods when treated with Desus are approximately the same. However, the order of their destruction differs in details. These nuances are detailed in the instructions for use.

And one more thing: the bugs hid in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest? And smoke bombs find bedbugs where even a needle cannot squeeze through ...

Acetamiprid acts on insects both when it enters the intestines (for example, after the cockroach cleans the sprayed antennae, or the legs to which the dry drug has already adhered), and by contact, passing through the chitinous integument of the body. Due to this, it retains its effectiveness even after drying on surfaces: if an insect runs through its microscopically thin layer, then the particles of the drug remain on its paws and body, from where they already penetrate through the integument into the hemolymph and then kill the pest.

On a note

In the fight against cockroaches and, in part, against bedbugs in heavily infested rooms, it is the dry preparation that kills most of the insects, since only a small part of the insects can be directly sprayed with a working solution. It is due to this residual action that Dezus completely destroys the insect population in properly treated premises.


How to use Desus correctly

Instructions for use Dezus is supplied with the product in all packaging. It indicates the amount of the drug that needs to be added to the water for the persecution of certain insects, as well as the main features of the destruction of certain groups of arthropods.

Instructions for using Desus

So, most insects in the apartment - bedbugs, ants, fleas - need to be destroyed with a solution prepared in a ratio of 5 ml of Desus per 1 liter of water.

Only for the destruction of cockroaches, the drug should be more concentrated - here its ratio with water should be 10 ml to 1 liter.

Thus, if you could not find out which insects are crawling in your home, then to destroy them, the solution is prepared from the ratio of 1 Desus ampoule for each liter of water. If you accurately recognize cockroaches in insects, then make the concentration twice as high.

The approximate consumption of the working solution per unit surface area is also indicated here. For example, when baiting bedbugs, 50-100 ml of solution is applied per square meter, depending on how much the surface absorbs it (the more it absorbs, the more funds need to be applied to it).

It is easy to calculate that, for example, 5 ml of Dezus is enough to prepare 1 liter of working solution, which is enough to process from 10 to 20 square meters of surfaces. Knowing which surfaces and objects in the room will need to be processed, you can accurately calculate the amount of funds that you need to buy to kill insects.

It is necessary to prepare a working solution immediately before processing. It should be used within 6-7 hours.

And separately, in the instructions for use, recommendations are given on which places in the room should be treated when fighting insects from each specific group. Against cockroaches - first of all, bedside tables in the kitchen, space under the sink, a bathroom. Against bedbugs - beds, baseboards, window sills in the bedroom. And so on.

The only point that is relatively poorly disclosed in the instructions for Dezus is the conditions and procedure for re-processing. The instruction dryly informs that when baiting cockroaches and bedbugs, re-treatment is carried out after 5-7 days.However, in fact, it is necessary to repeat the disinfestation only on the condition that the insects reappeared, or were not completely destroyed during the first treatment. Moreover, according to the recommendations of disinfectors, in the case of bedbugs, it is necessary to repeat the treatment after 12-14 days, when baiting fleas - after 8-10 days, and when fighting cockroaches, such terms are not strictly regulated - the treatment is carried out when insects are noticed, at least after a week, at least a month after the previous pest control.


It is also useful to read: The drug from bedbugs Get

And one more thing: you can stain bedbugs in different ways. You can use pacifiers for six months, or you can initially to kill bloodsuckers with proven means and methods ...

Available packaging means

Dezus can be bought in several packaging options:

  1. The main one for domestic use is 5 ml glass ampoules in a plastic blister for 6 ampoules. This kit is enough to kill bedbugs in a standard 1-room apartment, or cockroaches in the kitchen and bathroom.
  2. 500 ml bottle - for processing large apartments and houses, separate large premises in enterprises, halls in restaurants and shops.
  3. A 5 liter canister is a volume either for frequent regular use, for example, in the provision of pest control services, or in rooms that cannot be protected from insects and in which parasites regularly infest (for example, in hotels, warehouses in stores).

Desus 5 ml

Desus in 500 ml packaging

Dezus in a 5 liter can

A larger volume of Desus is more profitable - each milliliter in it will be significantly cheaper than when buying small packages.


How safe is the drug for people and pets?

The safety of Dezus is comparable to that of any other neonicotinoid-based products - the same Aktara, Dual Strength, and similar ones.The drug requires compliance with elementary safety measures, standard for other household insecticides:

  • At the time of surface treatment with an aerosol, all people who are not involved in disinfestation, as well as all pets, must be removed from the room.
  • The treatment itself must be carried out in a respirator, long-sleeved clothing and gloves.
  • You can return to the room only after the preparation has completely dried on the surfaces and the apartment has been ventilated with a through air flow.

If these requirements are met, then there are no risks for people and pets from the use of Dezus in the apartment.

And one more important detail: Dezus does not smell. Generally. It has neither a nasty "signal" smell, nor the aroma of chemical masking fragrances. Surface treatment is similar to spraying with water - as soon as the drug dries, no one notices it, no one is dizzy and their appetite does not deteriorate.

It turns out that Dezus can be considered, if not the best, then one of the best preparations for the destruction of insects in enclosed spaces. Efficient, fast-acting, it causes practically no inconvenience and makes the destruction of insects look like a simple cleaning: 2 hours of thorough spraying, airing, and that's it - the apartment is clean, safe and pest-free. Do not forget to write your story of insect control in the comments only after using it - it will greatly help other readers to choose the right remedy and also get rid of uninvited guests.



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