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Means Ecokiller from bedbugs and cockroaches (specially processed diatomaceous earth)

Last update: 2022-06-08
≡ Article has 6 comments
  • Olga: They planted a bed bug in a jar, poured an ecokiller. 3 days...
  • Nikolai: The tool doesn't work! Wasted 1000 rupees!
  • Elena: Guys, tell me where did you buy it? Knocked down to e...
See bottom of page for details

Let's talk about the properties of Ecokiller and see if this remedy really effectively destroys bedbugs and cockroaches...

Relatively recently, the insect repellent Ecokiller, which has appeared on the market, belongs to insecticidal preparations of contact action, that is, it destroys pests and parasites (bugs, cockroaches, fleas, domestic ants, silverfish, etc.) with a simple hit on their outer covers. It would seem that nothing special - many insecticides today work this way.

However, the whole point is that the mechanism of the insecticidal action of Ecokiller is fundamentally different from the mechanism of the vast majority of other drugs. And this not only ensures the high efficiency of the agent in the fight against insects, but also allows the drug to be successfully used even in the most neglected cases, reliably destroying populations of cockroaches and bed bugs resistant to "chemistry".

Ecokiller works quite reliably even in cases where the population of cockroaches or bed bugs is resistant to standard insecticides.

By what means is this achieved? Let's figure it out...


What is Ecokiller and how does it kill insects?

The basis of the Ecokiller preparation is specially processed diatomaceous earth (aka kieselguhr or mountain flour) - a natural rock, which is a beige powder. The particle size of the drug is from 10 to 35 micrometers.

The basis of the product is a specially processed diatomaceous earth.

On a note

Sometimes diatomite is incorrectly called diatomaceous earth. In fact, the remedy has nothing to do with ciliates, but is the remains of the shells of ancient diatoms. Such shells are almost entirely composed of silicon dioxide, and due to their shape they have very high abrasive properties.

In the US, diatomaceous powder-based products for the destruction of cockroaches and bed bugs have been on the market for quite some time and have become popular.

The most important feature of the diatomite used in the Ecokiller is the combination of high abrasiveness of its particles with the ability to effectively absorb various substances.

The photo shows particles of diatomaceous earth under a microscope.

Getting on the outer integument of the body of an insect, Ecokiller particles literally scratch the protective wax layer of the cuticle, while absorbing it. As a result, the wax layer turns into a kind of molecular sieve, practically losing the ability to perform its main function - to prevent the evaporation of liquid from the soft tissues of the insect's body.

As a result, water begins to actively evaporate through the cuticle damaged by diatomaceous earth, leading to dehydration of the parasite, whether it be a bed bug, a flea, a cockroach or an ant. In addition, dehydration is further enhanced by the draw-out of water by the diatomite itself.

An insect smeared with powder quickly (usually in a few hours) dies from dehydration.The video below shows an example of how this happens when a cockroach is exposed to diatomite powder:

As practice shows, to achieve the desired effect, it is enough for a bug or cockroach to simply run over the powder and get dirty at the same time. After that, the chances of survival of the insect are negligible.


How effective is the remedy?

Despite the fact that the drug Ecokiller finds today the greatest use in the fight against bedbugs and cockroaches (especially in advanced cases when "chemistry" does not take them), nevertheless, the agent effectively destroys other arthropods - ants, silverfish, fleas, spiders , ticks, moths, etc.

Ecokiller effectively destroys not only bedbugs and cockroaches, but also other arthropods, often harmful and parasitic in human housing or in a garden plot.

It is also important that pests and parasites do not develop resistance to diatomite, which is part of Ecokiller, as is often the case with the use of chemical insecticides.The fact is that insects simply do not have mechanisms to neutralize the destructive effect of mineral particles in relation to the protective wax layer of the cuticle. As a result, there is still not a single case of the appearance of insect populations on which the drug would not act.

Ant covered in diatomaceous earth

On a note

Nymphs (larvae) of insects die especially quickly from contact with Ecokiller. However, it should be borne in mind that the remedy does not work on the eggs of bed bugs, therefore, for the first time after its use, larvae will continue to hatch from the eggs - perhaps they will even bite the residents of the room for several days, however, at least once they run over the powder-treated surface , will inevitably die soon (reviews confirm this, gradually bed bugs disappear completely from the apartment).

It should be borne in mind that Ecokiller does not affect bedbug eggs (larvae will continue to hatch from them, which will die only after they run over the powder).

The only way for an insect to survive after contact with the Ecokiller is to constantly be in a room with almost 100% relative humidity, try to clear the powder and be able to consume a lot of liquid while the wax layer of the cuticle gradually regenerates. However, in practice, cockroaches and bedbugs in most cases do not have such opportunities.

It is also useful to read: Chalk Masha from bedbugs

And further: Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which have shown high efficiency


About Ecokiller safety for humans and pets

When children live in the house or one of the tenants is prone to allergic reactions, poisoning bedbugs or cockroaches with standard chemical insecticides can be very problematic. In this regard, Ecokiller has an important advantage - it is non-toxic, does not emit harmful substances into the air, does not cause allergies and does not create an unpleasant odor in the room.

An important advantage of the Ecokiller insecticidal preparation is that it is non-toxic and does not create an unpleasant odor in the treated room.

Diatomite, which is based on silicon dioxide, is a highly inert (neutral) substance - both for the skin of the human body and domestic animals, and for the mucous membranes.

On a note

Pharmaceutical preparations based on diatomite are sometimes even prescribed for oral administration as a sorbent (like activated charcoal) - in the stomach and intestines, diatomite binds toxic substances, preventing them from being absorbed into the blood and ensuring safe excretion from the body.

In addition, diatomite (kieselguhr) is widely used as a filler for tablets, as a food additive to supply the body with silicon, as part of various scrubs, peels and masks (for example, in alginate masks, its share in the composition can reach up to 75%).

However, as with any fine powder, when handling Ecokiller, standard safety precautions should be observed - do not inhale the powder (you can use a respirator) and avoid getting it into your eyes (you can use safety glasses).


Some disadvantages of the tool that must be considered in advance

Perhaps the only significant drawback of Ecokiller, which has to be reckoned with when using it in everyday life, is its ability to dust and contaminate surfaces. If during the fight against bedbugs or cockroaches the product gets on the carpet or clothes, they will have to be shaken out or washed.

Yes, and just imagine a beige powder on the mattress of the bed, on the sofa, on the floor of the apartment along the baseboards - when the doors slam or a draft, it can dust and swell around the room. And if a pet or a child gets dirty in it, then the entire floor in the apartment will be in the white powder.

It should be borne in mind that the powder is capable of dusting and being carried around the room, for example, by a draft, children or pets.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that diatomaceous earth destroys bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, silverfish and other insects not instantly - it takes time, often several days. In advanced cases, from the moment of treatment until the moment the entire population dies, a week or even more can pass.

And further: The Get Express tool really killed all the bugs quickly - after 42 minutes only corpses were lying around

An example of a bed bug nest in wooden furniture

On a note

When using Ecokiller in the garden or in the garden, it should be borne in mind that the drug (as well as most other insecticidal agents) does not have a selective effect, and if used incorrectly, it will equally effectively destroy both harmful and beneficial insects.


Options for using the product in everyday life

Given the mechanism of action of the drug, the main task that needs to be solved when using Ecokiller is to pour it where insects will certainly get dirty in it, be it bugs, cockroaches, fleas or other pests and parasites. To do this, you need to have a good idea of ​​the places of their possible accumulation and movement.

It is necessary to treat with Ecokiller, first of all, places of accumulation and possible movement of insects.

For example:

  1. In the fight against bedbugs, the powder can be scattered along the baseboards, around the legs of the bed, under the carpet, dust it with the back walls of furniture, mattresses, shelves with books - that is, potential hiding places (often there are nests of bedbugs) and ways of moving parasites;
  2. When destroying cockroaches, the powder should be scattered, first of all, near the sinks (previously wiped dry), near the trash can, stove, refrigerator, under bedside tables and other kitchen furniture.

On a note

If bed bugs do not hide in the sofa or in the bed, then it is often enough to pour Ecokiller around the legs of the bed (sofa), or put the legs themselves in plastic containers with the drug. Insects that will get out of their shelters at night and crawl towards a sleeping victim will definitely climb into the diatomite powder and get dirty in it.

The legs of the bed can be placed in plastic containers with insecticidal powder - then the bugs, trying to get to the victim, will inevitably get dirty in it.

The same can be done if the nest of parasites is somewhere in the bed (or sofa), however, in this case, you need to sleep on a cot, around the legs of which also form closed paths from the Ecokiller preparation. Hungry, the bugs will begin to crawl out of the infected bed in search of a victim, get into diatomaceous earth and die after a while.

In the fight against cockroaches, domestic ants or silverfish, it may be useful to use the so-called bait stations - they allow you to use the drug without fear that children or pets will take it around the apartment. These can be both purchased boxes and do-it-yourself cardboard boxes: holes are cut into them at a small height from the bottom, Ecokiller is poured into the box itself, and bait is placed in the center - a piece of sausage, bread with vegetable oil or a piece of fish.

Then the box is closed. After that, only insects can get into it and only through small holes. And inside, getting close to the bait, they will definitely get dirty in Ecokiller powder. It is important, however, to understand that such a trap will be useless in the fight against bedbugs - they are not attracted to food, and therefore they will not crawl into the box.

In the country house or garden, Ecokiller, according to the instructions, should be applied in dry calm weather to places where harmful insects accumulate.However, even if it rains, after drying, the diatomite, which is part of the Ecokiller, again works as an effective insecticide.

The drug can be used for the effective destruction of pests on garden and garden plants.


Where to buy Ecokiller?

The drug is sold in two packaging options:

  1. In a special bottle, from which the powder is sprayed with a thin jet;It looks like a bottle with Ecokiller
  2. In bags from which the powder can be poured, for example, through a cut off corner.Package with Ecokiller (3 liters)

Bottles are especially convenient for use in an apartment against bed bugs and cockroaches, since they can be used to easily dose the product even into hard-to-reach places.

If you buy Ecokiller for processing large areas (for example, for treating a basement from fleas or a garden from plant pests), then it is more rational to take the product in bags.

The price of one bottle of the product (volume 0.5 l) is 349 rubles, and one package (volume 3 l) - 749 rubles.


Analogues of the drug based on diatomaceous earth

In the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, Ecokiller has no analogues today. That is, any other insecticidal agents based on diatomite (kieselguhr) are not produced and are not available for sale.

Meanwhile, Alpine-D, Cimi-Shield Protect, Perma-Guard, Bed Bug Killer, Drion and Safer insecticidal preparations with diatomaceous earth are known, but they are sold only in the USA and are not supplied to Russia.

Safer insecticide based on diatomaceous earth.

Bed bug killer (also based on diatomite powder).

On a note

Interestingly, in addition to diatomaceous earth, Alpine-D also contains the neonicotinoid dinotefuran, which has a pronounced toxic effect on insects (however, it is also toxic to humans). And Cimi-Shield Protect, after a relatively short career, was found to be ineffective due to the presence of soybean oil in its composition.

In conclusion, it should be noted that Ecokiller as a whole is a very interesting and promising alternative to standard poisonous insecticides - the drug combines high efficiency in insect control and is safe for humans and pets. In cases where pests or parasites cannot be eliminated using traditional chemical means, the use of the drug may be especially relevant.


If you have personal experience of using Ecokiller against bedbugs, cockroaches or other insects, be sure to share it by leaving your feedback at the bottom of this page (in the comment field).


Useful video: a more perfect analogue of the drug Ecokiller has appeared, specially created for the destruction of bedbugs. We have tested it


And this is how you can use the powder to create a deadly barrier for bedbugs around the legs of the bed ...


Last update: 2022-06-08

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Ecokiller remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches (specially processed diatomite)" 6 comments
  1. Andrew

    An extremely successful product. I slept them all in the kitchen and in the toilet, especially where the garbage can is stored, the cockroaches began to disappear already on the second day, and after a week I stopped observing them completely. I hope this is for a long time now. I'm waiting for the summer season, I want to try Ecokiller on ants, in theory, it should help. I'll post the results.

  2. Maksim

    Used Ecokiller against bed bugs. Initially, they found the place of their main placement. It was the velcro fastening the upholstery of the sofa. There were about 20 individuals of different ages and pupa. Initially, everything was removed, up to the sofa frame, and washed in water of more than 50 degrees. We ironed everything that can be ironed and what cannot be treated with hot air from a building hair dryer (up to the mattress). This treatment was carried out 3 times with an interval of 2-3 days. All the seams of the mattress cover, the side handles of the sofa were processed with the Ecokiller composition, the composition was scattered around the legs, and the entire sofa frame was processed. We also processed wallpaper near the radiator and baseboard, transitions near the doors and trim, the place where the wall stands. After treatment, on day 2, adult bugs with pollen composition on the body began to be found. After 5-6 days, transparent bodies of nymphs (larvae) began to be found. After 10 days, they stopped finding bedbugs, the bites stopped. For a month, no bites have been observed.

  3. Irina

    We bought ecokiller in bottles and in a bag. Processed everything possible. Behind the baseboards, under the carpet, the walls of sofas and armchairs. Inside, everything was dismantled, since the furniture is all laid out. Things were all shaken up and washed. At first, bugs and nymphs appeared for a couple of days. And now for the second week we sleep peacefully.Thanks to the hardware store salesman who advised us to buy an ecokiller. Really helps!

  4. Elena

    Guys, tell me where did you buy it? I ran off my feet to find him.

  5. Nicholas

    The tool doesn't work! Wasted 1000 rubles!

  6. Olga

    They planted a bed bug in a jar, poured an ecokiller. 3 days sitting, infection, alive. Fuck this dust.


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