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Destruction of bedbugs with cold fog and feedback on this procedure

Last update: 2022-05-30
≡ Article has 26 comments
  • Alexander: Specialists sprayed it with Agran. Che...
  • Amina: How can I contact you? To call you in Moscow ....
  • Victor: I ordered cold fog treatment. They took the area for a room ...
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Let's try to figure out what the so-called cold fog is and whether it can really be used to effectively destroy bedbugs ...

Next you will learn:

  • Is the destruction of bedbugs with cold fog really a more effective procedure than using conventional sprayers and sprayers;
  • What is this cold fog made of and how does it work;
  • Why, 2-3 weeks after the treatment of the premises, the bugs may reappear in it;
  • What do ordinary people say about the effectiveness of using cold fog against bedbugs;

As well as other interesting and useful nuances.

Practice shows that the use of cold fog for the destruction of bedbugs is often much more effective than the use of conventional sprayers (sprayers) or sprayers for disinfection of premises. And one of the key differences is that in the so-called cold fog, the particle size of the insecticidal aerosol cloud is incomparably smaller (30-80 microns) than in the case of using, for example, the same sprayer (hundreds of microns or even more, depending on the model). and mode of operation).

The particle size of the cold mist is very small, so the insecticidal aerosol cloud easily penetrates even the most inaccessible places.

On a note

Devices that spray insecticidal liquid with a particle diameter corresponding to fog are called fog generators. At the same time, generators of cold and hot fogs are distinguished. The former do not have an insecticide heating system, due to which they are much more compact and economical to operate.

To destroy bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects, hot fog generators are also often used, which differ in that they contain a special insecticide heating system. When using hot mist, an even smaller particle size of the aerosol cloud is achieved.

It is noteworthy that it is among the cold fog generators that there are household models, while the hot fog generators are devices exclusively for professional use.

The photo shows an example of a cold fog generator in action.

And this is what a hot fog generator looks like...

What are the advantages in controlling bed bugs from such a small particle size of the spray solution containing the insecticide? Perhaps the most obvious is that the aerosol will not immediately settle on the floor, but will stay in the room air for a long time - literally for hours (usually about 2-3 hours). This means that almost all surfaces in the room, including walls, ceiling, chandeliers, furniture, will have time to contact with the aerosol cloud. Instead of falling into the air and immediately settling down in the form of droplets under the action of gravity, the smallest aerosol particles will randomly move in the air, gradually settling and sticking to the surfaces of interior elements.

In addition, the second very important point is the ability of a finely dispersed aerosol cloud to penetrate into the thinnest crevices, pores of various materials (including furniture), including sockets, household appliances and other hard-to-reach places where bedbugs may well hide and their eggs.

In small cracks in the walls, bugs can gather in tens and hundreds - cold fog can easily penetrate even the most secluded nests of parasites.

Feedback on the destruction of bedbugs with cold fog:

“We have been fighting bedbugs for three seasons in a row. They processed both Kukarachs themselves, and with Tsifoks with the call of a specialist. But all this practically did not work. Then, before the start of the heating season, they decided to take care of the problem for real and forked out for cold fog treatment. A man came with such a compact thing in his hands, treated our entire apartment with a jet of some kind of steam that looked like smoke, said to isolate the room for 4 hours, took the money and left. When we entered, it smelled terribly, but after three hours of airing, the smell went away. The bugs fell out of the cracks and writhed on the floor, and after 3 days we didn’t meet the living at all.”

Valentina Belova, Yekaterinburg

It is important to understand that using a cold fog generator to kill bedbugs is far from a guarantee of obtaining the desired result. The right choice of insecticide for spraying also plays a very important role: it must not only be highly effective against bedbugs, but also must be relatively safe for humans and pets, and not have a persistent unpleasant odor (after all, you don’t want to throw out the furniture after treating the apartment - known cases when she retained the smell of an incorrectly selected poison from bedbugs for almost months).

For example, when treating apartments for bedbugs, professional pest control services create a cold fog from solutions of such insecticidal preparations as Tetrix, Xulat, Minap-22, Sinuzan, etc. If you have a cold fog generator and decide to fight bedbugs on your own, then it will make sense choose, though more expensive, but less odorous and at the same time effective remedy. In this case, for example, modern preparations for bedbugs Lambda-Zone, Delta-Zone, Get, etc., may be suitable.

Microencapsulated insecticide Get (Get).

However, in general, the treatment of bedbugs with cold fog by the residents of the premises themselves is a very rare occurrence: not everyone can afford to purchase the appropriate equipment. It is much easier and more effective to call exterminators at home.

And one more thing: the bugs hid in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest? And smoke bombs find bedbugs where even a needle cannot squeeze through ...

A specialist exterminator knows very well which places in the apartment need to be processed first of all in order to surely destroy the bugs.


“... To fight bedbugs, my sister advised me to immediately choose the hot fog method. But we looked and decided to stop after all on cold fog processing, since it came out 2 times cheaper with a tail. The result is good, we immediately noticed that we began to sleep normally. The effect has lasted for six months.

Eugene, Yaroslavl


Additional nuances of the destruction of bedbugs using the cold fog method

Like other methods of killing bedbugs, cold fog has its advantages and disadvantages, and therefore in some cases it may be more preferable, and in others it may be inferior to other methods of removing parasites.

If hot fog is almost impossible to use independently to treat an apartment or a private house due to the high cost and complexity of using the corresponding generators, then the use of cold fog is more or less accessible to ordinary citizens. So, cold fog generators for home use cost from 20 thousand rubles, and if regular processing is necessary, they can justify themselves (for example, if bedbugs regularly have to poison a chicken coop or a small hotel that you rent).

Cold fog generator С100


“We ordered a cold fog treatment in an attempt to get rid of bedbugs. Did not work out. It turned out that they settled in our space behind the wallpaper, and the thick vinyl top layer did not let the preparation through, so the insects survived. Repeatedly already processed by the hot method, taking into account this feature, the result was much better. But it is quite possible that with a different wall covering the problem could be solved the first time.

Irina, Moscow

If you do not know whether to order the treatment of the apartment from bedbugs with hot fog or still cold, then keep in mind: as a rule, there are no pronounced differences in the effectiveness of these procedures in practice. Yes, the hot mist generator gives a smaller insecticide particle size (5-30 microns), they hang in the air even longer, they penetrate even better into different pores and crevices. But often the effect will be almost the same as if the room was treated with cold fog.

The following tentative example can be given very, very conditionally: if we take the efficiency of treating bedbugs with cold fog as a unit, then, all other things being equal, the efficiency of using a conventional sprayer will be 0.5-0.7, and hot fog 1.1-1.2.

Generally speaking, the treatment of an apartment with both cold and hot fog usually gives a good effect in both cases.

Well, do not forget that a fog generator (of any type) simply saves time and effort on processing. It is one thing to slowly spray the solution from a household spray bottle or garden sprayer, and it is quite another thing when you can immediately do the job much better and faster with the help of the appropriate equipment.

By the way…

The cost of treating an apartment from bedbugs with cold fog and using a sprayer, declared by disinsection services, differs slightly. If the usual pest control costs, as a rule, about 2000 rubles for a one-room apartment of an average area, then the use of cold fog will cost the customer 2500-4000 rubles, depending on the company. And this once again suggests that, with the right approach, it is possible to destroy parasites with the help of a conventional sprayer or a household spray gun.

If you decide to destroy bedbugs with cold fog on your own, then pay special attention to personal protective equipment. Be sure to use a high-quality respirator - after all, the particles of the insecticidal aerosol cloud created are very small, and you hardly want to inhale the poison along with the bugs ...

In order not to be poisoned by the insecticide yourself, it is important to use a high-quality respirator.


Cold fog generators: types and brands

In general, cold fog generators can be divided into two types:

  • Professional, with the help of which pest control workers poison insects in warehouses, greenhouses and other large areas;
  • Household, which can be used in apartments and private houses.

Professional models include, in particular, the following:

  • U60-pro is a large mobile unit on a chassis with a tank volume of 54 l and a power of 1.5 kW. The installation costs about 200,000 rubles, and is used in agriculture, in the premises of livestock farms, in greenhouses.Cold fog generator U60-pro (well suited for processing industrial premises).
  • Fontan COMPACTSTAR is a powerful generator producing up to 35 cubic meters of cold fog per hour and weighing 36 kg. Against bedbugs it is used in large hotel complexes. It costs about 150,000 rubles.

Cold fog generator Fontan COMPACTSTAR.

Household cold fog generators are lightweight, compact and work from a power outlet. Among them:

  • DH-50 is a device made in South Korea. It weighs 3.7 kg, has a long cord and is great for handling small spaces. The length of the generated aerosol jet is 10 m, the power of the device is 1.25 kW. Its price is about 20,000 rubles.The DH-FOG 50 is a compact cold fogger often used by pest control services.
  • Cold fog generator B100 - with approximately the same characteristics as the previous device, but capable of processing up to 100 m² of area in 80 seconds. The cost of the model is also about 20,000 rubles.

And further: Aquafumigator Raptor - a non-standard contraption that gets bedbugs in all cracks, penetrating there in the form of poisonous vapor

B100 is an affordable device for treating private houses and apartments from insects.

Generally speaking, compact domestic cold foggers are optimal for hotels, large houses, farms and gardeners. They can be useful not only in the fight against bed bugs, but also for the destruction of cockroaches, fleas, moths and a variety of garden pests.


How bed bugs are removed with cold fog

The destruction of bedbugs with cold fog in its methodology differs little from the removal of parasites with the help of sprayers.

Before processing the premises, the insecticidal preparation is diluted in water at the required concentration and poured into the appropriate tank of the fog generator. The generator itself is plugged into an outlet, after which the skirting boards, all furniture (including mattresses on the beds, which it is desirable to remove from the frame beforehand), apartment walls (bugs often hide behind wallpaper), and then the fog is simply sprayed into the air are methodically and carefully processed with an aerosol jet premises.

First of all, those places where insects are most likely to be treated with cold fog are processed.

The main hiding places for bedbugs are sofas and beds, so special attention should be paid to their processing.

The photo shows how the exterminator treats hard-to-reach places in the kitchen.

After that, the apartment must be left for three to four hours. During this time, some of the bugs will immediately die from the agent suspended in the air, some will subsequently be poisoned by insecticide drops that have settled on the surface.

On a note

Not all insecticides have the so-called ovicidal effect, that is, they are able to destroy bedbug eggs even in direct contact with them. And there can be hundreds and even thousands of such eggs even within the same room. In this situation, the effectiveness of the treatment often depends on whether the agent has a prolonged effect: if so, then after about a couple of weeks, the young larvae that have emerged from the eggs will certainly come into contact with the insecticide remaining on some surfaces and die.

Be that as it may, in most cases it is highly desirable to re-treat the premises - approximately 2-3 weeks after the first. Especially if you suddenly began to notice the appearance of small, almost transparent larvae after a period of "calm". It is important not to miss the moment - not to let them grow up and lay new eggs.

2-3 weeks after the apartment has been treated with a cold fog, the bug larvae may reappear, hatching from eggs.

To reliably get rid of bed bugs indoors, it is important to kill the larvae before they grow up and lay new eggs.

Even before processing the room, it is necessary to ensure unhindered access to the back walls of furniture, all skirting boards and other places where bedbugs can hide. If exterminators are called in to remove bedbugs with cold fog, then such preparation must be done before they arrive (most likely, the manager will warn you about this by phone).

When destroying bedbugs, you almost always have to disassemble upholstered furniture ...

Children's toys, dishes, small electronics, etc. preferably placed in plastic bags and hermetically sealed. At the same time, you must be sure that there are no bedbugs or their eggs on these things.

After treating the bedbugs with cold fog and “infusing” the apartment for several hours, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the room, wash things from the cabinets, and wash the dishes thoroughly. At the same time, it is often impractical to wipe the back walls of furniture and other hard-to-reach places in order to keep the preparation on them in case of the appearance of bedbug larvae from surviving eggs.


Safety above all!

If you think that the main thing when treating an apartment from bedbugs is the effectiveness of the procedure, then this is not so.First of all, it is necessary to ensure that such disinsection, especially when performed independently, does not lead to poisoning of you or other residents of the premises, including pets (very, very severe cases are known, and not always with a favorable outcome).

When bedbugs are destroyed with cold fog using powerful insecticidal preparations, not only serious poisoning is possible, but also the development of no less dangerous allergic reactions in response to aerosol contact with the skin or respiratory tract.

Skin and inhalation contact with insecticides can sometimes lead to a severe allergic reaction.

Therefore, to reduce the associated risks, it is necessary:

  • When processing, remove all people and animals from the premises, except for the handler himself;
  • When removing bedbugs, use rubber gloves, goggles, an effective respirator and clothing that completely covers all parts of the body;
  • At the slightest sign of poisoning or skin irritation, stop the treatment, leave the room, rinse your mouth, drink water with activated charcoal and wash your hands and face thoroughly.

It is precisely because of the possibility of poisoning that it is still not recommended to use cold fog for self-destruction of bedbugs without appropriate preparation. Exterminators, on the other hand, have all the necessary equipment (and knowledge!), To protect against the negative effects of the drug on the body, so calling them will save you both the hassle of removing insects and the risk of poisoning.

Calling professional exterminators can be the most effective way to get rid of bed bugs once and for all.


“Initially, we got acquainted with the method of cold fog when treating sites from mosquitoes. And after we found out that it works especially well indoors. Therefore, when bedbugs were found in a new apartment, they immediately turned to this technique. The price is quite human: a 3-room apartment cost us less than 3 thousand rubles.”

Ivanovs, Kolpino

If you have experience calling a pest control service, whose specialists removed bedbugs with cold fog, or you yourself used it, be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page!


Useful video: 5 rules for choosing a pest control service for the destruction of bedbugs


Important information from bedbugs to improve the effectiveness of their fight


Last update: 2022-05-30

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Destruction of bedbugs with cold fog and feedback on this procedure" 26 comments
  1. Alexander

    The use of cold fog in apartments is prohibited and dangerous. The "cold fog" generator is used to process cowsheds, chicken coops, workshops, open spaces, vehicles, where people do not directly live.

    1. The drug penetrates into all the cracks and can easily end up in a neighboring apartment and cause irreparable damage.

    2. Since the “fog” penetrates everywhere, it will remain in the apartment for a long time, and it is undesirable to live in the apartment for at least 3 days.

    3. Number of chem.the drug is used almost the same as with small-drop spraying, it is simply distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and it turns out to be less in places where parasites accumulate.

    Once, after treating the basement of a residential building with "fog" by some careless disinfectors, there was mass poisoning and the Ministry of Emergency Situations and an ambulance had to be called. So think twice when you are offered this service.

    • Evan

      Alexander, what are you? This is all not true.

    • Tatiana

      Cold mist is just a spray method. And its toxicity or safety depends only on the drug and its concentration. And they use different means for destruction by the method of cold fog.

  2. Andrew

    I am a qualified disinfector, I strongly disagree with Alexander. This has nothing to do with cold weather. Most likely, Alexander's incompetence (or just the desire to work with a garden sprayer and say that it's cool without having money for expensive equipment). I have been using a cold fog generator for more than 5 years, I work in Moscow in the disinfestation service, there have not been a single case of complaints from residents and neighbors (the drugs used have a 3-4 hazard class, are allowed for use in Russia). And Alexander, probably, wanted to write about the use of "Hot Mist". And the case described by him really happened, but the treatment was carried out in the basement of a residential building (they poisoned fleas, just with a HOT fog generator, and an industrial one!)

    This is written by people who go to work with an ordinary garden sprayer and cheap poison, not wanting to spend money on buying generators!

    • Alexei

      I fully agree with Andrey, as I am a pest control myself.When I started, I used a regular sprayer - after using a regular garden sprayer, I had repeat calls, and now that I have allowed myself to switch to good equipment, the repeats have been reduced to a minimum. I think that the cold fog generator is much more efficient, it is better to overpay a little, but use good equipment. In Russia, as a rule, the miser pays twice!

    • Anna

      Personally, I was poisoned by cold fog and for a very long time he stayed in the apartment, although they said that after 4 hours you can go in. Then it turned out that the fog got on the dishes, and on my expensive fur coat, and in general everywhere where it was not needed. We called Rospotrebnadzor, they confirmed that it is undesirable to use fog in apartments specifically from insects.

    • Amina

      How can I contact you? To call you in Moscow.

  3. Peter

    Hello guys, I'm starting my own business to open in my city in the north, I want to know what medicines are better to use? Preferably odorless. We only sell Kotrin and Seachlor. Do they order such medicines by mail at all?

  4. Nizami

    Most importantly, if you have an animal, know that anything designed to kill insects is also DEADLY to any animal.

  5. Andrew

    More than 20 years in this area - I think that it is impossible to treat apartments with cold fog, especially where there are children. Due to human laziness - after treatment, wet cleaning is not done everywhere, and fog covers absolutely all surfaces, in contrast to treatment with an aerosol can, where the drug is sent directly to those places where there are accumulations of insects, places of their movement, laying eggs, etc. .Just think about it - the child will rummage around with his hands somewhere where they have not cleaned up, and then put his hands in his mouth ... What then will you have to explain to the prosecutor?

    • Anonymous

      So the company will explain.

  6. Svetlana

    Yes, it's all great, but they're just making money off of us. It does not help the first time and they write that the guarantee is 2 years, it is unprofitable for them to poison immediately. It is beneficial for them to contact more and more.

  7. Seryoga

    How effective is fog?

  8. Inna

    Tell me what to do with blankets and pillows after cold mist treatment?

  9. Julia

    Hello. Today I poisoned the bedbugs with a cold fog. I'll see what the result will be.

  10. Tatiana

    Hello everybody! We ordered cold mist treatment. After 3 weeks, the bugs reappeared. I wake up, turn on the light, and 3 pieces are sitting on the pillow! Here, now everything again, only without the fog in another company.

  11. Alexei

    I got poisoned during cockroach treatment - I asked my partner for a mask and wanted to wear a suit, but she kept the masks. She said that she would go alone without a mask, I set myself up and followed her. Like it's nothing to worry about. I'm a drug addict, I've been sober for 6 years. I did not receive such poisoning. Now I don’t understand what to do and what a fool I was that I went after my partner without a mask. Accidentally broke the pump, but after processing. I now hear an echo, for a month now. I'm looking for ways to heal. I don't even know who to ask for help.

  12. Ludmila

    We have already carried out cold fog treatment 2 times, but the bugs are still running around. I don't know what to do, we're already tired.

  13. Lena

    Is it possible to treat an apartment from bedbugs with hot fog and what are the possible consequences of such treatment?

  14. Svetlana

    Cold mist treatment is not for residential applications. They paid 4,000, then another 1,200, the third with a scandal... They don't talk about the poisons used, there are no certificates for the drugs. Let's be honest! Warranty from 1 year to 5 years, ridiculous. What insecticide has such a residual effect? Dust DDT? It has been banned for a long time. Permitted drugs for work with the population have a maximum residual effect of 1.5 months. And what about the active and passive types of bedbugs: moving through adjacent rooms and apartments, in human clothes, even through new furniture. A guarantee can only be given for the quality of processing, but not for the re-population of the object with bugs. An object with bugs can be populated constantly if there are foci. People! We move, bedbugs do, and we carry them too.

  15. Elena

    After treatment with a cold fog, they entered the apartment three hours later, opened all the windows for ventilation and left. We returned six hours later. A dog (York) was poisoned, it was not possible to save ((

  16. Kseniya

    They treated the apartment 3 times with cold fog, plus a barrier. The infection was small. The last time the exterminator carried out the treatment especially carefully. 2 weeks have passed ... They still bite! What to do is not clear. About 30 thousand rubles have already been spent on services, but the effect is not as expected! There is still a slight smell in the apartment and bed bugs are still hiding somewhere.

  17. Marat

    A week and a half ago, bedbugs were poisoned with cold fog. Ten minutes ago, I woke up from a strong itch on my back. He took off his T-shirt - and oops, a fat "boar" is sitting, he bit the bitch all over his back ...

  18. Sergey

    I read the last comments and just stop. Guys, we wrote an article for you. We tried.Did you just go to the comments to shit? The article clearly states that fog is just a processing method. And what means of spraying in this way you will choose yourself, after consulting with specialists. It is also indicated that after processing the premises, everything must be cleaned and washed. What Yorkshire is in an unwashed apartment?! It is expressly prohibited in the same article. Thanks to the authors of the article, it is very clear. I will start the fight. In Perm, they promise to make a 2-room apartment for 2500 rubles.

  19. Victor

    I ordered a cold mist treatment. They took 3 thousand rubles for a room with an area of ​​15 meters, and processed it using the pump method - they took 2 thousand rubles. Only 5 thousand rubles. And the result is this, a week after 2 treatments: the bugs in a room of 15 meters still remained. Shame on the sanitizers! Fraudsters and money thieves. There are no guarantees for the result of the work, and a repeated call is also paid. Swindlers!

  20. Alexander

    Specialists treated with the Agran drug from the sprayer. Seven days later I woke up and found two bedbugs with blood on the bed. How bitten did not notice. Bed bugs are not sexually mature. On the tenth day after the first treatment, he himself processed from the sprayer again with Agranom. I will announce the result soon.


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