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Remedy for bed bugs Taran

Last update: 2022-06-03
≡ Article has 1 comment
  • Andrey: This Taran is disgusting. Processed the apartment for the second time, not...
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Does Taran really help get rid of bedbugs in the house? Let's figure it out...

The Taran insecticide is intended for the destruction of ticks, as well as cockroaches, bed bugs, ants, fleas, flies and mosquitoes, and the drug is oriented, among other things, for domestic use (and not only by professional exterminators).

From the point of view of the destruction of bedbugs, Taran can be considered an “underestimated average”: poor composition, lack of emphasis on the destruction of bedbugs in the description, lack of active advertising - all this does not contribute to the popularity of the drug, and in general it can be considered little known today. Meanwhile, when used correctly, Taran really helps to get rid of bloodsuckers in the house, however, in order to get this effect, a number of important nuances must be taken into account when working (this will be discussed below).

bed bug nest in mattress

The drug is a milky-white concentrated emulsion of the insecticide zeta-cypermethrin, packaged in 50 ml. 1 l and 5 l. The concentration of the active substance in such an emulsion is 10%. To obtain a working solution for spraying, simply dilute the concentrate with tap water.

Insectoacaricidal agent Taran, 50 ml

And this is what the drug looks like in plastic bottles of 1 liter.

A five-liter canister of the product is in demand by professional exterminators.

The manufacturer of the product is NP CJSC Rosagroservice, that is, Taran is a domestic product.

How effective is it in destroying bedbugs in the house?

For a better understanding of the potential capabilities of the product and its properties, first of all, you should pay attention to its composition - let's talk about it in more detail ...


“... I didn’t know if it would fit from bedbugs. At our dacha, it’s not clear where they suddenly came from, they started biting me at night, and at the same time they didn’t touch my husband at all, they just gnawed at me. She spread Taran, sprayed all the furniture from the garden sprayer, managed in an hour, plus hung the bed on the street and processed it just in case. Poisoned, now the bugs do not bite. normal remedy."

Zinaida Mikhailovna, Mokshan


The active ingredient of Taran and its effect on bedbugs

The composition of the drug Taran contains only one insecticide - zeta-cypermethrin (10%), a representative of the pyrethroid class.

Zeta-cypermethrin (a powerful modern synthetic insecticide)

It would seem that the composition is not rich, especially when compared with combined insecticidal preparations containing 2-3 insecticidal components at the same time. However, according to laboratory tests, zeta-cypermethrin is 2.5 times more effective than cypermethrin commonly used in insect repellents. In addition, insects do not develop resistance to zeta-cypermethrin, and therefore it makes no sense to make a preparation with many insecticides.

On a note

Manufacturers of combined preparations for insect control emphasize that if insects have resistance to any insecticide from the composition of the product, then the probability of resistance to 2-3 insecticides at once is almost zero.

Like other pyrethroids, zeta-cypermethrin disrupts the sodium-potassium pump in the membranes of insect nerve cells, which leads to the incessant generation of a nerve impulse. For the bug, this means a rapidly increasing tension of all muscles and paralysis, which, depending on the amount of insecticide that has entered the body, leads to the death of the insect in a period of several minutes to several hours.

Zeta-cypermethrin causes paralysis in bedbugs, after which the parasite quickly dies.

Like other pyrethroids, zeta-cypermethrin has, in addition to the acute intestinal effect, also a contact effect, which is extremely important for baiting domestic bugs. These parasites cannot eat anything but blood, and therefore it is impossible to force them to eat any poisoned bait (as is easy to do with cockroaches). Therefore, the main requirement for an insecticide against these parasites is the ability to effectively penetrate the insect body through chitinous integuments and through spiracles after contact with the body surface. Zeta-cypermethrin copes with this task perfectly.

And further: Deadly methods of destruction of bedbugs that really work in practice

Taran contains an emulsifier, defoamer and antifreeze as auxiliary components. Despite the absence of perfume, the drug practically does not create an unpleasant odor in the room during processing.

A nest of bedbugs in disassembled furniture.


“We have been fighting bedbugs for about a year now. At one time they ate at all, it was impossible to sleep. And nothing helps! And Dichlorvos was bought some new one, and they sprayed it with the Battalion Commander, and they smeared Masha, but there was no sense. A ram was bought on the Internet, it was the last hope. And helped for two months! We literally puffed them every centimeter, spent 100 ml per apartment. Two months later could not get enough. And then they reappeared from somewhere. As I understand it, it’s crawling from drunken neighbors ... "

Oleg, Moscow


Rules for the use of funds

According to the instructions, to kill bedbugs, a concentrated emulsion from a bottle must be diluted with water in a ratio of 2.5 ml of Taran to 1 liter of water. However, experienced exterminators recommend slightly increasing the concentration compared to that officially declared. In particular, it is believed that in the fight against bedbugs, the optimal dilution will be 3-5 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water.

Here is an extract from the official instructions:

Options for diluting Taran when killing various insects (the table is taken from the official instructions for the drug).

The bottle contains 50 ml of concentrate - thus, this amount should be enough to prepare 10-16 liters of working solution. Normal tap water is suitable for dissolution. The drug is simply poured into it and thoroughly mixed for several minutes until a homogeneous milky solution is obtained.

Before treating the apartment from bedbugs with Taran, a number of preparatory measures should be carried out:

  1. Remove people and pets from the premises;
  2. In the presence of aquariums and terrariums, cover them with plastic bags;
  3. Move furniture away from the walls;
  4. Remove pillows and mattresses from beds and sofas;
  5. Hang bed linen on a closed loggia or inside rooms;
  6. Pack food, dishes and clothes in bags (if it is not possible to take them out of the room).

If the room is heavily infested with bedbugs, it must first be prepared for treatment with an insecticidal agent.

After that, the prepared Taran solution is poured into any spray device. To do this, you can use household spray guns, garden sprayers, or electric aerosol generators. It is important to remember that the less productive the spray gun, the longer the treatment will be and the more strength it will require.

With a simple hand-held “pshikalka” (for spraying flowers), you will have to crawl almost on your knees all over the room, spraying every square centimeter, while even with a relatively inexpensive garden sprayer, you can greatly simplify and speed up the processing process.

The use of high-performance sprayers greatly simplifies the process of treating an apartment from bedbugs.


“It is very difficult to use all these tools. What is in the cylinders, what is without them - you crawl on all fours for three hours, then you get up and it gets dark in your eyes ... No matter how powerful the remedy is, you won’t poison it in age. I tried to poison with Dichlorvos for the last time, it seemed to help, but the bugs still climb from the neighbors. Now I feel that I will have to process it again (the last time I did it 8 months ago), but I myself can’t stand such work. Either I need to call the service, or I’m thinking of buying a smoke bomb ... "

Polina G., Salavat

When treating a room from bedbugs, the Taran is applied to:

  1. A bed freed from mattresses;
  2. Sofas and armchairs (from all sides);
  3. The mattresses themselves, and they will have to be turned over several times in order to process all the seams on different sides as carefully as possible;
  4. Skirting boards and gaps between them and the walls;
  5. Places of peeling wallpaper from the walls;
  6. around ventilation grilles;
  7. Cracks in the walls;
  8. Bedside tables and wardrobes both outside and inside. Carefully processed, including their rear walls and bottom;
  9. The back of the paintings;
  10. Carpets on both sides.

Bedbugs prefer to hide in various crevices and holes - special attention should be paid to the processing of such places.

It should be borne in mind that bed bugs can hide in bedding, carpets and clothes.

For the treatment of surfaces that do not absorb liquid (tile, varnished wood, parquet, plastic), 50 ml of working solution per m2. For the treatment of fabrics, carpets, upholstered furniture and other highly absorbent surfaces - 100 ml of working solution per m2.

Clothes and linen should be washed at the maximum allowable temperature.

After processing all surfaces, you should leave the room and close it. After 24 hours, you can return, ventilate the apartment and carry out a thorough wet cleaning here. After that, all residents can return to the premises.

On a note

It is not recommended to immediately wash those treated surfaces that children and pets will not touch in the future: for example, the inner frame of beds and sofas, the back walls of cabinets and bedside tables. The ram has a pronounced prolonged action (up to 8 weeks), and the surviving bugs, as well as the larvae emerging from the eggs, will be destroyed by these drug residues for several more days.

It should be borne in mind that Taran does not affect bedbug eggs. Therefore, with a strong contamination of the premises, it is highly likely that re-treatment will be required. - it must be carried out 2 weeks after the first, when most of the larvae from the eggs have already hatched, but have not yet reached sexual maturity.

And further: The executioner did not run out of steam in a week and cheerfully killed the bugs like that, even being in a dried state

Bed bug eggs

The ram does not affect the eggs of bedbugs, therefore, if the premises are heavily infested with parasites, it would be advisable to re-treat a couple of weeks after the first.


What safety precautions must be observed when using the Taran

The active ingredient of Taran is quite toxic to humans and pets, but the working solution itself, due to the low concentration of zeta-cypermethrin, does not pose any particular danger.

However, as with most other insecticides, when working with Taran, you must follow the instructions and follow the basic safety rules:

  1. Processing should be carried out in clothes with long sleeves and a hood;
  2. It is advisable to wear goggles on the eyes, rubber gloves on the hands;
  3. It is very important to use a respirator, and in the absence of it, at least a cotton-gauze bandage moistened with water (namely, cotton-gauze, and not just gauze!);
  4. Do not allow solution to get into eyes, nose and mouth.

When treating the room from bedbugs with insecticidal preparations, it is important to use rubber gloves, a respirator and (if possible) goggles.

No cases are known when zeta-cypermethrin would lead to the development of allergic reactions when it comes into contact with the skin. At the same time, when it enters the respiratory tract and digestive tract, it can cause severe poisoning, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, pain in the head and abdomen.

If the handler feels unwell, he should quickly leave the premises and go outside for fresh air. If the product gets into the eyes, rinse them with water; if it gets into the stomach, induce vomiting and drink 10-20 tablets of activated charcoal. In all cases of poisoning, you must see a doctor.


Price and methods of buying funds

Means Taran today is sold in several packages:

  1. In vials of 50 ml - the best option for home processing. One bottle is enough for a 1-room apartment, 2 for a two-room apartment. The price of one bottle is approximately 400 rubles;The price of such a bottle is approximately 400 rubles.
  2. In bottles of 1 liter - for professional activities. The price of one liter is about 2000 rubles;
  3. In canisters of 5 liters - also for professional exterminators. The cost of a canister is about 12,000 rubles.

You can buy the tool in hardware stores, shopping centers with goods for summer cottages and gardens, as well as in online stores. Due to the low popularity of the tool, buying via the Internet may be the easiest option.


Some Helpful Tips

Even though Taran is really capable of effectively and quickly destroying bedbugs, this still does not mean that after processing the premises, the problem with bloodsuckers will be solved once and for all.

When fighting bedbugs, it is important not only to use a highly effective drug, but also to take into account a number of practical nuances ...

Below are a few practical tips that will help to significantly increase the effectiveness of the fight against bedbugs:

  • It should be borne in mind that bed bugs can enter your apartment from neighbors. If the ways of such migration are not blocked, then no matter how effective Taran is, the parasites will come again from the neighbors after a while. A good option could be a joint simultaneous persecution of bedbugs in several apartments at once;
  • In advanced cases, treatment should be carried out in the entire infected room at once. If today you process the bedroom, and in a week - the hall, then this processing option will be ineffective;
  • It should be treated only with a freshly prepared solution of Taran. If the solution has already stood for several days, then it is better to prepare a new one;
  • As noted above, Taran does not destroy bedbug eggs, so you need to set up in advance for re-treatment a couple of weeks after the first (to destroy the larvae that have hatched from the eggs). By the way, most insecticides have practically no effect on bedbug eggs, or they have minimal effect, although in the advertising of drugs there may be statements about the total destruction of all bedbug eggs after the first treatment.

Good luck with bed bugs!


If you have personal experience of using Taran against bedbugs, be sure to share your impressions by leaving your review at the bottom of this page.


How to choose the right bed bug remedy


Video review of insect repellent Taran


Last update: 2022-06-03

Comments and reviews:

There is 1 comment for the entry "Remedy for bed bugs Taran"
  1. Andrew

    This Taran is disgusting. Processed the apartment for the second time, does not help. The second time he gave a double dose, caught a bug, processed it and planted it in a jar. A day has passed - the bug is alive. Don't buy Taran.


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