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What causes bed bugs in the house and what to do in such a situation

Last update: 2022-06-07
≡ Article has 30 comments
  • Christina: No, not much. I want to say that the first time does not help ...
  • Maxim: We are also tired of these bugs, we no longer know what to do and how to use herbs ...
  • Lyolya: If you call the service, do they flood the apartment a lot? ...
See bottom of page for details

Let's try to figure out how bed bugs start even in the cleanest apartments and houses ...

Many people seriously believe that bedbugs start up in the house due to the uncleanliness of the owners: due to the fact that the room is not cleaned, there is a lot of garbage, food waste, and unwashed clothes. If you also think so, then we hasten to disappoint you - all this has nothing (at least not directly) to do with the appearance of bed bugs in the apartment. These insects infest even in the most comfortable, respectable and clean apartments, and it does not matter to them whether alcoholics live in the house or a pious young couple.

Interestingly, even at the end of the past and the beginning of this century, at the annual entomological conferences devoted to harmful insects that annoy people in modern cities, there was not a single report on bedbugs. And already in 2008, 8 speakers from prosperous countries of the world spoke about this problem. Now it's 2015, and the problem is more relevant than ever.

The problem of the appearance of bed bugs in homes is relevant for many countries in our time.

So, for example, in London alone, about 80% of houses and apartments have ever suffered from infestation with bed bugs. In sunny Florida, more than half of the houses at least once treated for these insects.There is even an opinion that today humanity is facing a real threat of a pandemic of bedbug infection.

And one of the reasons why these parasites start up in our homes and spread so quickly everywhere is the active migration of people, including the fashion for traveling to exotic countries. In the latter case, insects are brought by tourists in personal belongings from hotels and hotels.

One of the reasons for the active spread of bedbugs is the migration of people.

At the same time, bedbugs absolutely “do not care” about the sanitary condition of any premises. The only important thing for them is the presence in these premises of a source of fresh blood - a person ...


Where do bed bugs come from in the house?

So, for the appearance of bedbugs in the house, the transfer of biological material into the room must necessarily occur: these can be eggs, larvae or adults of parasites.

Most often, bedbugs start in an apartment, penetrating into a house with used furniture, bedding, clothes and household items when moving and moving things from a bedbug-infested room to a clean one.

Bedbugs and their eggs can get into a new apartment with transported things.

On a note

Always carefully inspect the furniture and household appliances you buy for the presence of eggs and bedbug excrement. Especially if you buy used items.

It should be borne in mind that bedbugs are able to live without food for about six months. Therefore, they can migrate over long distances, populate even non-residential premises and wait in the wings.

According to numerous reviews of the victims, the bugs in their apartment wound up after baiting insects in neighboring apartments. This is a common phenomenon, which is difficult for an unprepared person to resist.

With a mass infection of the house, bedbugs can crawl along the outer walls of the housing and crawl into the room through the windows.


Meet your neighbors and know who lives in frankly dysfunctional apartments.Use insecticidal pencils to treat the outer slopes of windows and the front door frame, folk remedies (wormwood, tansy) and repellent sections to protect ventilation ducts from home bugs.

To prevent the entry of bedbugs into the house, you can use insecticidal crayons, they are effective not only from cockroaches.

During daylight hours, bedbugs hide in secluded and warm places. Such places can be, for example, a computer, TV, laptop or microwave.

It is also useful to read: What causes bed bugs in an apartment?

Often, bed bugs start up after the arrival of guests living in an infected apartment: guests can bring parasites on their clothes and shoes. In addition, it is easy to bring insects into the house in their own pockets, returning from the same guests, if the owners live in the “buggy” and do not know or do not tell you about it.

Insects can be brought from tourist trips (from infected hotels), brought with any extraneous things.It is enough to bring in one adult female, and you can expect bed bugs to start up throughout the house.

Even one adult female bug brought from a trip can become the founder of a whole population of parasites in the house.


Don't stay in overpriced hotels and guesthouses while traveling. Wash all items immediately upon arrival.

Between neighboring apartments, parasites spread through ventilation ducts, cavities in the walls of the house, cracks in the ceilings. Possessing a flat body, which, thanks to chitinous rings, can be compressed and stretched, the bugs are able to squeeze into the narrowest cracks and holes.

Due to the flat shape of the body, bed bugs easily penetrate into neighboring apartments even through the thinnest cracks.

Bed bugs often start running from neighbors whose apartments were disinfested the day before, especially if it was not effective enough.

Only in extremely rare cases, bedbugs start up in an apartment, penetrating into it on animals. Parasites attack cats and dogs only when they cannot reach a person for too long.

There are known curious cases of the importation of bedbugs from elite stores with unworn clothes and new furniture from the warehouse. Insects can enter a store or warehouse from a visitor or worker living in a "bughouse", as well as from nearby living quarters.


Habitat and lifestyle of bedbugs in the house

Most often, bedbugs start up first of all near the place where a person sleeps. This is a bed, a sofa, the seams and folds of the mattress, the gaps behind the baseboards and wallpaper.

As a rule, bedbugs start up first of all near the bed or sofa where people sleep.

Sometimes bloodsuckers settle in other places:

  • behind the paintings and carpets on the walls;
  • in the folds of tapestries;
  • in sockets;
  • in system blocks of computers, in housings of household appliances;
  • in unused clothes and shoes.

The picture shows the places where bedbugs most often hide in the house.

Bed bugs are predominantly active at night, but they can also attack in the early morning, and their vital activity largely depends on the presence of a person in bed.Insects are attracted to body odor and heat, as well as carbon dioxide in exhaled air (by the way, some bedbug traps are based on this principle).

The sucking apparatus of an insect consists of two tubes. With one of them, he pierces the skin and injects special substances that prevent blood from clotting and anesthetize the bite site. With another tube, the parasite sucks blood.

The photo clearly shows the bug's sucking apparatus, consisting of two tubes.

A meal usually takes 3 to 10 minutes. After a while, the action of the anesthetic stops, and the person begins to itch, the skin turns red, blisters appear.

Waking up and discovering chains of bites on themselves, people in most cases do not immediately realize that bedbugs have started in their apartment and something needs to be done about it urgently. As a rule, everyone tries to attribute it to allergies or mosquitoes. But bed bugs... How is this possible, because it's the 21st century... They live like that until one day they find a nest of parasites or see an adult insect on a white sheet.

Many people do not understand why bites appear on their body until they see with their own eyes a bug on a sheet.

It is worth one bug to appear in the house, and we can expect that very soon the number of parasites will reach unthinkable proportions. It also happens that a person moves into a long-term empty housing in the fall and does not notice the little bloodsuckers in the neighborhood, because they hibernate. Perhaps the entry of the new owners of the apartment was preceded by sanitization of the premises, as a result of which all insects were not destroyed (eggs, larvae or single individuals remained in the most secluded corners).

The photo shows the eggs and excrement of bedbugs

In a long-vacant housing, bedbugs can hibernate, and then wake up from it.

After some time, the insects wake up, begin to feed and multiply very quickly.


Checking the room for parasites

There are three main signs that you can suspect that bedbugs have appeared in your home:

  • bites on the skin after sleep;
  • the presence of insects and their larvae in the room;
  • characteristic smell of sour berries or cognac;
  • the appearance of excrement or remnants of the chitinous cover of insects under the beds and near the baseboards.

Seeing a few bedbugs in the house, you can be sure that somewhere there is already a whole nest of them.

The appearance of bedbugs in the house is also indicated by their excrement, periodically found near the bed.

And this is how, in fact, the excrement of bedbugs appears

The first signs that bed bugs have started at home are bites that itch in the morning and look like small red dots lining up in chains of 4-5 pieces. The arms, neck, shoulders, and lower parts of the body are most commonly affected.

Bedbug bites most often affect parts of the body that are not protected by clothing and underwear - the neck, shoulders, and arms.

After carefully examining the bed and the whole room, especially next to the bed, you can usually already find insects, their larvae and eggs, as well as chitinous shells in crevices, folds of the mattress and linen, behind baseboards, carpets and paintings, near sockets. Small red spots may appear on the sheets in those places where a person tossing and turning at night accidentally pressed a bedbug that had drunk blood.

Small blood stains on the bed may indicate the presence of bed bugs in the house.

An unpleasant smell of almonds or cognac in the room can also indicate that bedbugs have started up at home. Some people of the old Soviet school know this especially well.

If you're still unsure, you can also try trapping parasites by making duct tape traps. The tape is glued along the edges of the mattress, on the backs of the bed, and in the morning they are examined for the presence of adhering insects.

If bugs are supposedly bred in the sofa, then you can start an alarm clock and turn on the light at about 3 a.m., and then inspect the bed linen (necessarily white). Surely bloodsuckers will be found on the sheets and blanket.


Methods and means of removing bedbugs

As a rule, the following methods of dealing with bedbugs are used:

  • chemical - with the help of powerful insecticides;
  • thermal - the use of hot steam, increasing the temperature in the room, pouring boiling water over the nests;
  • with the help of traps;
  • folk ways to deal with bedbugs;
  • as well as calling the pest control service.

You can destroy parasites on your own with the help of special insecticidal agents. Very effective, for example, such drugs as Get, Delta Zone, Xulat micro, Executioner and others.

Insecticide Delta Zone

You can also fight with high temperatures, but usually warming up the entire room to a high temperature can be very problematic, as well as freezing it out (don't forget about the radiators, which can burst). The use of hot steam from bed bugs is effective only when all furniture is very carefully treated, and even in this case it is better to combine this method with the simultaneous use of insecticides.

Folk methods of dealing with bedbugs in the house today can be considered hopelessly outdated. It is hard to imagine that a modern person will spray turpentine or kerosene in his apartment, risking damage to furniture, plastic surfaces, carpets. And just breathing all this at the risk of starting a fire or an explosion is a very dubious pleasure.

But the use of turpentine or kerosene to kill bed bugs is not recommended due to the high fire hazard of these liquids.

Perhaps the most optimal solution in the event that bedbugs are wound up at home is to call a team of specialists who use just the same chemical method of persecution. At first glance, this may seem more expensive than self-processing, but this way you will save your time and health. In addition, there is a high probability that the bugs will start up again - in this case, under the guarantee, you can get a re-treatment of the premises for free.

Professional exterminators at work...

It is useful to keep in mind that bedbugs often start up in an apartment, penetrating into it from neighbors. Therefore, before calling exterminators, it is worth finding out who else in the house suffers from parasites and carry out collective processing.


Where do bed bugs appear in the apartment and how to deal with them


Interesting video: an example of how bedbugs got into a house with a new mattress


Last update: 2022-06-07

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "From what bed bugs start in the house and what to do in such a situation" 30 comments
  1. Anton Vladimirovich

    A very detailed article. Thank you!

    • Sonya


  2. Paul

    Thanks for the article, I'll be more careful in the future.

  3. Irina

    Great article… Thanks

  4. Dmitry

    Today I threw out the sofa and armchair, raised the floors and filled everything with chemistry.

  5. Malya

    Today I treated everything with dichlorvos, it also helps.

  6. Stavro

    Advise which is better?

  7. Anatoly

    Karbofos helps a lot.

  8. Anonymous

    Previously, they washed it with their hands, with soap - there were no bedbugs! Now everyone has washing machines, powders ... Bed bugs, it's just a disaster. Such impression, that specially infect. Ads are glued at the same time: treatment for bedbugs.

    • Tatiana

      Anonymous, you are talking nonsense. Bed bugs have always been there.You just don’t need to get dirty, well, and the neighbors so that they are not assholes) Here are people, if only to complain about progress)) So live in a hut, and wash in a trough with sand. And you will be happy without bedbugs!

    • Anonymous

      I think it's on purpose. Our basement has always been closed, but not so long ago it became open, there are ads hanging ... Now I noticed a bug on the bed - it did not run, but somehow moved slowly. I think it's just arrived. There were no signs on the skin.

  9. Vladimir

    Thank you for the article. He lived and did not grieve in his dorm room for many years. And suddenly, one night, hordes of these creatures came from the neighbors from above. I woke up in the night, almost lost my mind. In my life, and I am 63 years old, I have never seen such a thing. Hordes of bastards crawl along the wall from above and I'm covered in bedbugs. Of course, he didn't sleep the rest of the night. In the morning to the store for dichlorvos. Poured two bottles in the room. Came back in the evening, everything seems to be fine. And at night they are here cat here. Now I'm bullying, and I only sleep during the day.

    The whole way of life has changed. At night at the computer and I crush these creatures at the same time, and during the day I sleep off. Melatonin, which is produced by the body at night and is very beneficial for it, is not produced. Then I learned that these creatures are, like insects, carriers of many bad things. The result - after a month and a half, the body began to simply disintegrate. Nothing hurts, but it gets worse and worse. Guys, beware!

  10. Kirovchanin

    When will they come up with a remedy for bedbugs in Russia?

  11. Ilya

    But what if the walls are upholstered with clapboard? Is it all to rip off?

  12. Anonymous

    I accidentally discovered bedbugs in my apartment and, of course, immediately understood where they came from. Drunkards lived in the next apartment, they dragged everything from the trash can, and they had these creatures.I was worried that they would show up for me too. The neighbor (by the way, young) died suddenly, and no one was left in the apartment, so they climbed. I almost had a heart attack when I found this creature under the picture in the room. I went over everything, pushed everything aside, climbed into every crack with a can of dichlorvos. I walk all day and watch if it crawls anywhere. But while only 3 more days have passed, I do not notice bites anywhere on the body. Oh God help...

  13. Anonymous

    Get a lizard or iguana. Bed bugs will disappear on the same day. They are afraid of lizards.

  14. Natalia

    Yes, we also encountered such a disaster, where they came from, I'll never know. The apartment is new, stretch ceilings, the house was built on the site of an old barracks. When we moved in, it was as if someone had bitten our legs, I thought - an allergy to building materials, still the cheapest, and then it came to me ... They called the service, never mind, now I will try karbofos myself.

  15. margin

    Thank you very much for your advice.

  16. Anonymous

    I'm already tired of these bugs, I'm poisoning them for the third time and all to no avail.

  17. Janet

    I rented a guest apartment through After reading the reviews of people, I was horrified! People write that there are bedbugs in the apartments. It is impossible to cancel the reservation, otherwise the full cost of the reservation will be debited from the card. How not to bring this abomination home and avoid their bites?

    • Oksana

      Dear Janet, what money will be withdrawn?! Let them take pictures, what are you talking about, it is impossible to eradicate them, then you can spend 50 thousand and throw all the furniture out of the house. We have been living on the street for the second week already - we poison, we poison, and they bite. All the sofas have been taken out, the furniture gets wet in the rain. Of course, then it only to the landfill. Items are washed at 90 degrees. How much water, light, all things on the street in bags become damp.What are you talking about, let them lose this money.

      • Alexander

        Winter seems to be starting. A friend of mine froze his two-story cottage for a week in 20-30 degree frost. He opened all the windows and doors (he drained the water from the pipes, of course). And that's it, all these creatures died ...

        • Inna

          I'm sorry, Alexander, but these creatures in the cold only fall asleep, and later they can wake up again and live. Remember: bedbugs cannot be killed with frost, only with poison or something hot (they used to be watered with boiling water). Better yet, call the SES and they will process your apartment.

  18. Oleg

    Of course, this topic was useful to me, but why insert so many photos of these brats, and even close-ups? It's disgusting.

  19. Natalia

    Yes, articles about bedbugs are simply disgusting to read because of the abundance of close-up photos of these insects. These photographs cause nothing but disgust, why stick them under the nose of readers is not clear.

    On the subject: the Delta Zone helped me a lot, the first time, but I just drowned the apartment in this liquid.

  20. Natalia

    You can fight bedbugs for a long time yourself. It's easier to call the service. In an hour and a half, the aunt processed a three-room apartment. Poisoned with Sinuzan. Now you can live in peace.

  21. Anastasia

    Also tortured these bugs already.

  22. Lyolya

    If you call the service, do they flood the apartment a lot?

    • Kristina

      No, not much. I want to say that the first time does not help. How much I struggle with bedbugs, God forbid. I threw out the sofa, now I sleep on a rubber mattress. I'm afraid to take a sofa, you never know - not everyone is dead, they will settle again in a new one.

  23. Maksim

    We are also tired of these bugs, we no longer know what to do and how to poison. What they didn't do...


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