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Remedy for bed bugs Kombat

Last update: 2022-06-06
≡ Article has 4 comments
  • Vasya Petrov: They bred from the remaining eggs, on which the battalion commander will not work ...
  • Mira: In my apartment, this remedy for bedbugs did not help. insects...
  • Natalya: This tool helped me the first time, but the infection ...
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Is Kombat spray really effective against bed bugs?

An unpleasant smell that has appeared in the apartment and small red dots on the bed often indicate that bedbugs have settled in the house. If, in addition, bite marks are found on the arms and legs in the morning, then the search for an effective drug for the destruction of bedbugs becomes obvious.

According to the reviews of many buyers, Combat brand aerosols are a very effective remedy for bedbugs. However, are Kombat sprays really effective against bed bugs? How safe are they for humans and pets? The answers to these and some other questions are given below.


We drove into a rented apartment with my wife and immediately realized that not only the ubiquitous cockroaches live there, but also bed bugs. I bought Combat Multispray from bedbugs and pickled the apartment properly. As a result, I got rid of both bedbugs and cockroaches.

Alexey, Voronezh


Why is Kombat considered an effective remedy for bedbugs?

To combat bed bugs, Henkel (Korea) suggests using two types of Kombat aerosols:

  • Combat SuperSpray or its modification Combat SuperSpray Plus, which is aimed at the destruction of crawling insects, including bed bugs.
  • Combat Multispray, which has a universal effect on crawling and flying insects. It can be used not only against bedbugs, but also to get rid of cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, wasps.

Combat Multispray can be used not only to kill bedbugs, but also cockroaches, fleas or mosquitoes

Both products are already completely ready for use, unlike concentrates, which still need to be diluted with water.

Both aerosols contain modern insecticides. Superspray contains imiprotrin and cyfenotrin, which have an effective intestinal-contact effect on insects. Contacting with the covers of bed bugs, these insecticides cause their rapid paralysis and subsequent death. Multispray contains permethrin and tetramethrin, which also have a powerful intestinal-contact effect.

Imiprotrin as part of the Kombat agent effectively affects bedbugs

It should be noted that Superspray and Superspray Plus aerosols will have a more pronounced effect on bed bugs compared to Multispray. After all, the range of their application is narrower than that of the Multispray, and the insecticides included in the composition are designed specifically for crawling insects.

The insecticides included in the Kombat Superspray cause paralysis and death of bedbugs

It is also worth noting that, judging by consumer reviews, Combat Multispray has a rather strong specific smell, although the manufacturer describes it as a pleasant lemon aroma.

The above funds are presented in different dosages, they differ in cost. So, the price of Combat Superspray from bedbugs will be about 220 rubles. for a 500 ml can, and the price of a Multispray aerosol (400 ml) will average 160 rubles.

Another undoubted plus in the Kombat Superspray aerosol used to fight bedbugs is its antibacterial and antifungal action (fungi and pathogens often accompany bed bugs).

Aerosol Kombat Superspray can also have an antifungal effect.

It is interesting

To confirm the disinfecting activity of the Superspray aerosol, special studies were carried out. Various pathogens of fungal and bacterial infections were placed on such familiar materials as linoleum, tiles, wood. Then Combat Superspray was sprayed on them. After 15-20 minutes after spraying, it turned out that the vast majority of harmful microorganisms (more than 90 percent) died on the presented types of surfaces.

Kombat Superspray is quite economical to use. Convenient in this remedy for bedbugs is that it has a flexible nozzle.Accordingly, the aerosol can be gently sprayed in places behind the baseboards, behind the paintings, in the cracks of the walls and floor (if any).

And further: Aquafumigator Raptor - a non-standard contraption that gets bedbugs in all cracks, penetrating there in the form of poisonous vapor

Flexible nozzle allows you to accurately spray the product in hard-to-reach places

Using the nozzle also makes it possible to leave no noticeable stains on light-colored household appliances or on absorbent surfaces such as wallpaper during processing.

Although the price of Combat is not the lowest on the market, the sufficient effectiveness of this aerosol justifies it.


I used Combat Superspray to kill bed bugs. It was not an easy task, because not all bedbugs died the first time. I had to once again carefully process the places on the floor under the bed, under the mattress and behind the photographs on the walls.

Valentina Ivanovna, Saratov


How safe is the product for humans and animals?

Aerosol Kombat SuperSpray belongs to the 3rd hazard class (i.e., to moderately dangerous means). It contains a new generation of insecticides from the group of pyrethroids. The characteristic features of this group of substances are a high toxic effect on insects in combination with low toxicity to warm-blooded animals (animals and humans).

The lower degree of harmful effects on humans compared to other groups of insecticides is due to the fact that even if they get inside a warm-blooded organism, they will be very quickly removed from it, unlike the insect organism.

It is believed that the toxic doses of pyrethroids for dogs and cats may differ.And the amount of insecticide that suddenly, through negligence, entered the body of a dog (for example, when licking treated surfaces or inhaling toxic fumes) and did not harm it, can be significant for a cat.

For cats and kittens, licking poison off surfaces can be quite dangerous.

It's important to know

The problem of bedbug resistance to modern insecticidal agents is very serious today. According to the American scientist Gangloff-Kaufmann in 2005, in the US, only about 6% of pest control companies claimed to get rid of bedbugs in one visit, but more than 60% of companies guaranteed the destruction of bedbugs in only a few visits.


How to use Kombat aerosols correctly?

According to the instructions, the Kombat should be sprayed from bedbugs at a certain distance from you (about 20-30 cm). Care should be taken to treat not only the found habitats of the bed bugs, but also the places where they could presumably move or where they could lay their eggs.

You need to spray Kombat aerosol at a distance of 20-30 cm from yourself

The battalion commander needs to process sofas, armchairs, carpets, a bed, places behind paintings and cracks on the walls in a closed room. Do not use the aerosol in the presence of children and pets in the room. When spraying, be sure to use a respirator.

When destroying bedbugs with Kombat, use a respirator

After 15-20 minutes after spraying the product, the dwelling should be well ventilated. It is also recommended to wash all bedding in hot water and vacuum thoroughly.


From bed bugs Kombat Superspray helps only this way! The main thing is not to spare the remedy, you need to sprinkle all the slits, and best of all, two or three times!

Elena, Minsk

You need to understand that it is almost always not easy to get rid of bedbugs on your own. Firstly, they hide very well in secluded and hard-to-reach corners.Secondly, bed bugs may already be resistant to even the most modern insecticides.

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Bed bugs are not easy to get rid of on your own.

Finally, bedbugs reproduce at an incredible rate, so if the treatment has not destroyed all the bedbug eggs laid, and timely re-treatment has not been carried out, then the risk of getting a new colony of bed bugs in your home becomes very high. Remember this.


How to independently destroy all the bugs in the apartment


Useful video: where bedbugs hide, as well as important nuances of dealing with them


Last update: 2022-06-06

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Remedy for bed bugs Kombat" 4 comments
  1. Sergey

    I am a huge fan of this wonderful product! Get rid of bed bugs instantly. Bedbugs corrode like sulfuric acid. Moreover, after half a year of treatment, nothing alive ran into the apartment.Flies after a visit to the apartment, after a stay of half an hour, fell dead. But… The battalion commander orphaned me into 3 sockets)) After the treatments, they cracked and disintegrated. But what about sockets. Compared to these parasites-bedbugs. None of our animals or ourselves were harmed. Kombat has a very pleasant orange smell. The real Batyanya-Combat. Peace to you and LIFE WITHOUT PARASITES!

  2. Natalia

    This remedy also helped me the first time, but the infection was not strong!

  3. Mira

    In my apartment, this remedy for bedbugs did not help. Insects were brought in by the tenant, worked as a Battalion Commander, for some time the bugs disappeared, and then they bred and scattered throughout the apartment.

    • Vasya Petrov

      They bred from the remaining eggs, on which the battalion commander did not work. The remedy for bedbugs is sprayed, as a rule, twice with an interval of two weeks, in order to kill the bedbugs and their offspring, which will certainly hatch from the eggs in 2 weeks.


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