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How and where do cockroaches appear in the apartment

Last update: 2022-06-12
≡ Article has 68 comments
  • Dmitry: I don't know how many of them you have there, but judging by your comment...
  • Maxim: Burn down the apartment, but carefully. It will definitely help...
  • Evgenia: I got rid of it in a complex way. First, I poisoned with "Combat" for three days ...
See bottom of page for details

We figure out where cockroaches come from in the apartment

Cockroaches in an apartment are a problem that is familiar to many firsthand. These insects are the most common pests in apartments, residential buildings and utility rooms. And although cockroaches do not harm a person directly, they are extremely undesirable insects in the house, contributing to the spread of diseases and generally deteriorating the sanitary condition of the home.

Let's see where they come from in the apartment ...


How and where do cockroaches get into the room

The owners of the house, who discovered unpleasant insects in their kitchen or bathroom, first of all think: where did they come from? In fact, there are a lot of ways for these parasites to enter the house. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • From neighbors. Cockroaches can massively leave their former home after persecution or accidentally get into a new apartment through ventilation ducts, a garbage chute, through cracks in the walls. If they are satisfied with the amount of food and drink, as well as the ambient temperature, then cockroaches will willingly settle in a new place.Cockroaches need easily accessible food to live.
  • With shopping. A cockroach may well get into a bag or shopping bag in the market or in the store.It happens that an insect “moves to a new place of residence” right in the purchased item: household appliances (computer system unit, microwave oven), furniture or clothes. Of course, a cockroach can get into such products only by accident, because they do not represent nutritional value for it. But in grocery warehouses it can be found very often.
  • In things. Things brought from a business trip or used by someone can become a temporary shelter for a female cockroach, which will give life to a whole population of parasites.
  • With parcels. Online purchases are now very popular, which are delivered by postal parcels. These parcels, especially from abroad, can become "transport" for cockroaches and other insects. By the way, it was the development of communications between different countries and even continents that became the main reason for the resettlement of cockroaches around the world. Now in our latitudes you can meet not only the red kitchen cockroach "Prusak", but also black, as well as a huge American cockroach.


A little more about the reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in the house

If everything is more or less clear with where the cockroaches come from in the apartment, then the reasons for their successful “fixing” and reproduction in the room are not so obvious to most of us.

Cockroaches are insects that require a certain area to settle the population. If there are already too many cockroaches in an infected apartment and there is not enough food for everyone, some of them go to neighboring rooms in order to develop a new territory. This is the reason that after a while the entire entrance or house suffers from cockroaches.

If cockroaches appeared in the apartment, another option is also possible: the neighbors are trying with all their might to get rid of the parasites, creating conditions unsuitable for life. Naturally, cockroaches try to urgently leave the apartment and move to a new, safer place of residence. In such cases, cockroaches usually migrate en masse, immediately populating the neighbor's apartment with the entire surviving population.

And further: Good old Karbofos poisons cockroaches with a bang - watch our video ...

Often cockroaches run away from neighbors

Sometimes cockroaches populate a room from a previously accidentally introduced female or a pair of cockroaches. Most often, this problem occurs in people who travel a lot or go on business trips, staying in various hotels and inns. Sometimes cockroaches get into the house with food bought at the supermarket.


An example of an apartment infested with cockroaches


Cockroaches in the house - a sign of unsanitary conditions

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of cockroaches, the preservation and increase in their population is possible only if there are a number of favorable factors:

  • Free access to food. Cockroaches are very unpretentious creatures. They can eat not only fresh quality products, but also rotten garbage, paper, leather. A cockroach can go without food for a long time - up to several weeks. But even if you leave an uncleaned table, a stove, a dirty trash can in the kitchen, this will be enough for the normal nutrition of an entire colony of pests. Therefore, to confront insects, you need to achieve literally perfect order, hide all food at night and take out the garbage every day. Cockroaches are primarily nocturnal, so it's important to hide all food sources before going to bed.At night, you need to remove all the crumbs from the table and hide food sources
  • Availability of drinking water. The most important thing without which cockroaches cannot live for a long time is water. There are a lot of sources of it in modern apartments and houses. It could be a small puddle on a table or stovetop, a wet sink, a leaky faucet, or water condensation on the tile. If all water sources are carefully shut off, cockroaches can drink water from flower soil. Therefore, during the period of the fight against parasites, you need to water the flowers only in the morning or afternoon, so that the liquid is well absorbed. It is recommended to wipe the sink in the kitchen and bathroom with a dry cloth at night.A leaky faucet is a source of water for cockroaches
  • Comfortable room temperature and the presence of nooks and crannies. Ideal conditions for life - these are the reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment. Human housing is perfectly adapted to the needs of these insects: it maintains a comfortable relative humidity and warmth for them, there are many nooks and crannies where cockroaches can hide during the daytime. In addition, neighboring apartments are not isolated from each other, but are connected by communications, through which insects can move freely.

Cockroaches can quickly and easily move from apartment to apartment.

If cockroaches appeared at home, you need to carefully study the possible ways of their penetration. It is imperative to close up all the cracks in the walls and floor, equip the ventilation holes with special nets that will not allow other insects to enter the apartment.

It often remains unclear where cockroaches came from, because there can be many options. However, these insects can continue to live and reproduce only in favorable conditions for them.

Usually, cockroach infestation begins with a few individuals, which become the ancestors of an entire population that occurs in just a few weeks. Unsanitary conditions in the apartment are the main factor in the comfortable life of cockroaches.

By the way, after disinsection, cockroaches can return only if the owners do not care too much about the cleanliness of their home.


And further: But the Reid aerosol really works - cockroaches die quickly. Watch our video...

What to do if there are cockroaches in the house

It is important for every person living in an apartment building or a private house to know where cockroaches come from. This will remind you of the need for preventive measures: maintaining order, eliminating gaps in the walls and closing ventilation ducts.

To prevent cockroaches from reappearing, a number of preventive measures are useful.

But if cockroaches have already appeared in the house, you need to urgently start fighting them:

  1. Put things in order in the apartment. The appearance of cockroaches can even become a reason for a small repair, but if this is not possible, then general cleaning is a must. Eliminating deposits of old garbage and eliminating openly lying food will make the fight much more successful and speed up the result.
  2. Use special tools and traps.The industry offers many chemicals for the destruction of cockroaches: insecticidal crayons, aerosols, powders and gels. In addition, you can use folk recipes or put cockroach traps (although they work if there are not very many cockroaches in the house).
  3. Prevention of re-entry. A prerequisite for prevention is maintaining cleanliness, especially in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. You can also use cockroach gels, traps and crayons for preventive purposes.

On a note

Cockroaches can appear in almost any home. However, for further life and reproduction, they choose only apartments that do not shine with cleanliness. Therefore, in addition to fighting with chemicals, it is important to maintain hygiene and maintain a good sanitary condition of your home.


5 rules for choosing a pest control service for the destruction of cockroaches


How to deal with cockroaches at home


Last update: 2022-06-12

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How and where do cockroaches appear in the apartment" 68 comments
  1. Julia

    Fu-u-u! Muck!

  2. Catherine

    Fu-u-u.How to get rid of them...

    • Marina

      Buy a remedy for cockroaches, it helped us.

      • Anonymous

        Alas, nothing helps. Just money down the drain.

  3. Alexei

    Started renting a room. It seems that everything was fine for me, every day there was order, washing the floors, and soon cockroaches began to appear - yellow ones, I can’t sleep at night, and during the day I’m not in the apartment, because I work. How can I get rid of them?

    • Anonymous

      Buy a flycatcher and add food there, they will stick. Cockroaches, flies, etc. There is another way: take an ordinary jar and add some food and sunflower oil there. And they will climb there in the morning and will not come back, they will die there.

    • Maksim

      Burn down the apartment, just be careful. Will definitely help.)

    • Dmitry

      I don’t know how many you have there, but judging by your comment, there are a lot. I didn’t have much, it was probably connected with untimely washing of dishes, I could bring it through laptops (I bought 30 used ones), or through clothes. He carried refrigerators and other equipment. In the store - yes, yes, they are also in stores, and through work clothes I could bring home. But that's not the point. Dichlorvos is only direct action, there is little sense from it, then small mashenka - they do not eat it very willingly. Further, Velcro is also not a fact that everyone will fall. I bought a raptor trap, it seems to have saved me, I don’t see it anymore. She, as it were, infects cockroaches with a virus, and he spreads it to others, and over time they die.

  4. Sveta

    From the neighbors, whose kitchen always has food left uncleaned, and no matter how I go, there are crumbs, or something else. It looks like they are moving to us, today I saw one and the day before yesterday they killed one. Ugh! And it's just been refurbished. I haven't seen these bad guys since the 90s. Nightmare.

  5. Nastya

    What a mess… I recently moved into a student dorm, new, refurbished, seemingly sterile. The room is always in perfect order, and then, out of nowhere, I saw this creature 🙁 you can see a gift from a neighbor. Already killed two ... What to do, so disgusting. I can't sleep at night.

    • Anonymous

      Truba deal, I myself have been fighting with them for two months.

  6. Arishka

    I killed 1 cockroach in our house, everything is clean at home. Kapets, I can’t sleep at night (( Shaking from them, disgusting and afraid ((

  7. Max

    What are you afraid of them? These are just cuties 🙂

    • Dasha

      You think so?

    • Marina

      It's an abomination, how do you like them, Max?!

    • Nicholas

      Cockroaches are carriers of dangerous pathogens: eggs of parasites, pathogens of dysentery, pneumonia and others. They travel through sewers, garbage chutes, etc. These harmless creatures pose a serious biological hazard to humans.

    • Kseniya

      We have been living in the house for a long time, and as soon as an announcement about the disinfection of cockroaches appeared, cockroaches appeared. And yesterday we saw 2 mice in the evening, and the announcement again, about disinfection from mice.

      (Those cockroaches and mice are an abomination).

  8. Diana

    Fu, I killed 3 of them, and at night it’s impossible to sleep at all.

  9. Natasha

    We rent an apartment for a week. And now I discovered how this creature is crawling along the wall near the bed ... I'm afraid to sleep now (

  10. Alexander

    You don't like cockroaches? You just don’t know how to cook them)) What deliciousness they are here in the pictures.

    • Leo

      You are sick?

  11. Elena

    Cockroaches are so nasty and vile. I saw them in the toilet. I killed one, and my grandmother killed another cockroach. But how to kill all these vile creatures!

    • Anonymous

      I will advise you a way to fight cockroaches 🙂 Take a well-boiled egg yolk, the same amount in equal proportions of well-boiled potatoes and the same amount of boric acid. Roll into a ball and scatter where the cockroaches are. In a day, take a broom and collect dead cockroaches.

  12. Veronica

    Let me send you mine

  13. Ludmila

    There are comments, but no one writes what to do. I also found cockroaches a couple of times already. So unpleasant! I'll go to the neighbors today to find out - whose is it? They bought the apartment, immediately made repairs - these “guests” were not visible. And here on you. Brr...

  14. Yana

    Chalk "Mashenka" helps a lot. I got out of a 2-room apartment in a month, now they don’t bother

  15. Kolya

    These creatures also appeared in my kitchen, what should I do with them?

  16. margarita

    When living in a hostel, a very good recipe helped: dilute boric acid with egg yolk to make a slurry. Spread this gruel in places of accumulation on pieces of thick paper. Helped very well. Don't forget to change once a week.

  17. Vasilisa

    I woke up at night, went to the bath, and then hello - a cockroach from the neighbors. As you can see, I can't sleep at all.

  18. Alexandra

    I have already brought out cockroaches both at home and at my mother. You just need to find the place where they nest. In my kitchen, behind the microwave in the power supply, they lived. And my mother's in a shelf in the bathroom, which was near the battery. They love warmth, look for a heat source in the room where they are most likely to be found. Well, as you find, any means will be good. Out of fear, I splashed them with air freshener, and then with a slipper.

    • Anonymous

      I spray them with toilet water and set them on fire))

  19. Mary

    Is it really possible to lime them with a freshener? ..And in general, now a lot of all sorts of funds from them. And sprays and gels ... I got one stray - I gel all sorts of corners there and generally walked around the perimeter. Everything. Six months later, he again flew in, apparently from the neighbors of the presentation. Go through the gel again. Everything.

    • Hope

      And what kind of gel? Write the name, please)

  20. Karina

    These vile creatures, how to get rid of them?

  21. Tatiana

    Pipets, horror, these creatures, fuuu. They multiply fast, bastards. I sleep with a lamp at night, otherwise there is no way, they are everywhere!

  22. Margo

    Horrible. And I have a first floor, it seems that they are climbing from the basement. And what kind of gel?

    • Anonymous

      Gels do not help, it is checked up. They give only a temporary effect.

  23. Nastya

    What a horror, we have cockroaches in the room, what should we do? I have small children.

  24. kisha

    I'm scared. My brother says that he saw an insect running fast, like an ant, black, big. I think it's a cockroach. I'm afraid. I never saw them. I'm scared. Photos looked. Tin. I think it's just a matter of keeping the house clean.

  25. Incognita

    In the middle of the night, he fell right on his head, grabbed a stick out of fright and killed him. Then another appeared and everyone was jumping from the ceiling (some kind of paratroopers). Tin is simple.

    • Anonymous

      They just want to get into the body through the mouth, nose, eyes and ears and continue to multiply there...

    • Ilyich


  26. Vadim

    I remember I spilled water, then I saw the 1st, then the 2nd. They seem to be multiplying!

  27. Vitaly

    And we also had cockroaches, they terrorized us for 3 years. These are either homeless neighbors or drunks, so good luck, complain. We also had a bum: he dragged garbage into the apartment, cockroaches were bred and unsanitary and basically scattered around the apartments in the summer, both in the entrance and with the neighbors.And that bum rented an apartment and filled up with garbage. The owner came and kicked me out. The apartment was cleaned - everything, the cockroaches disappeared.

    • Anonymous

      How can neighbors be homeless?

  28. Catherine

    I read fanfiction at night and I see that Alice (kitten) is looking up. Still, I also looked up, my heart trembled: there was a long black insect on the ceiling. I decided to call my dad, I tried many ways, he didn’t wake up (it was 1:49), he was sleeping too soundly. This thing did not move, and even when I left, it still remained on the ceiling. I saw this thing as it passed me, but I didn't pay attention. When I wrote this, she (probably) got tired of standing just like that, and left. I was calm, fuuuhh.

    The problem is still there. I sleep with the lamp on, it's scary. This creature runs, I look at it - it immediately stops, I read fanfiction - it runs. Damn, I'm terribly scared, a girl's intuition tells me that they live next to the battery (the battery is near my bed). Terrible, I tell you, terrible. I know it's probably because of my garbage. You see, sometimes it's too lazy to go to the trash can. Tell me what helps, I really want to get rid of it as soon as possible, horror!

  29. Seyde

    What remedies are good for getting rid of cockroaches?

    • Anonymous

      Hello! We were helped by the Tarol remedy, a super remedy. They devour it and bring it to the nests, and then die. In two weeks, they removed all the cockroaches. We moved to an apartment, a second home, there were a lot of cockroaches. Now there is no. It's been gone for 15 years now.

  30. Elena

    One evening I go into the kitchen to drink water and see this face running along the wall. We have a cat, so they have unlimited access to food.The next day, everything was done with my husband, with powder and bleach, the cat's cups were removed, and a container with a tight-fitting lid was bought as a trash can. We clean everything at night and periodically go with checks - it seems that it is not visible.

    I think they climbed to us through the ventilation, so, we still need to change the mesh on it and go through the sealant until it's visible. Haven't bought any specials yet. Let's hope they don't come back 🙂

  31. Anastasia

    We've been fighting these creatures for a month now. They got so insolent that they began to crawl into bed, today I got into my husband's ear, I had to go to the hospital to pull it out. We tried various poisons, crayons, powders - GOOD. Tomorrow I will call the SES, let them poison me.

  32. Dasha

    Everyone blames the neighbors, a typical fencing of oneself. Or maybe you yourself were dirty, or brought from where ...

  33. Rusl

    Water, without it cockroaches do not live. A month ago, in the kitchen, my brother and I saw one cockroach each. Maybe he was alone. The whole kitchen was disinfected, a week later I saw a cockroach on the table again, I immediately killed it. The next day, they sprayed everything again and began to wipe everything dry from the table, sink and from the floor, removed all the moisture and we had not seen him for 3 months. He is stray, climbed through the ventilation, before that he had not seen cockroaches for 15 years.

  34. Hope

    We bought an apartment, we moved in… And what do you think?! Of course, damn it, cockroaches. Got 2 in a month already. Abomination. And I have small children. Why do they climb at all? There are so many emotions right now that it’s completely fucked up ...

  35. Andrew

    In my village, cockroaches crawl out from under the house. Tell me, please, what to do?

  36. Anastasia

    So how to kill them, to be sure? We have not tried anything, but they still climb.

  37. Maria

    Damn, today a friend went to the kitchen to drink water and nailed it right in the washbasin - he wanted to swim, freak! Generally brazen.

  38. Tonya

    We fought for 4 years, tried all means, and nothing. Yes, and the whole entrance is teeming. Were tormented, beyond words. We exchanged an apartment in another area. We've been living quietly for three months.

  39. Dmitry

    2 years lived in a rented apartment - clean. Prior to this, we moved from an apartment in which there was a cockroach fight, which the cockroaches won. I went into the bathroom today - YOUR MOTHER! COCKROACH! Damn, I'm very upset ((I know what it is, it's a very harsh opponent, which is impossible to get rid of ...

  40. Sergey

    Tip: buy Dohlox gel in a syringe (or Brownie), apply in small doses in the corners of the kitchen, bathroom and threshold to the apartment. And most importantly - it is necessary to poison the entire entrance.

  41. Alya

    Mom threatened for a long time that if I didn’t get out, cockroaches would appear. Today I have a panic, a huge cockroach was crawling on my table in the room. You have to take a sedative. And tomorrow, finally, I will clean up for many years.

    I didn’t catch up with him and now it’s scary to sleep, they run fast ...

  42. Kseniya

    We've been fighting these freaks for a year now. No infection takes, only if pointwise, when you puff on it. Traps are everywhere, but somehow they don't care in the course. And I understand, if only in the kitchen or in the bath, but they also live in the next room. And all because of the fact that visiting workers (janitors, cleaners) littered the entrance and lived in the basements of the house, from where they were immediately thrown out when the residents found out ...

    It happens that there are no cockroaches for 3-4 days, and then again a wave, and then again ... We are thinking of moving out of the apartment.

  43. Daria

    I also saw one in the kitchen, it didn’t feel right.Before that, there was never where it came from ...

  44. Lustric

    Accidentally discovered an interesting tool. It's a silver Scotch - I don't know its name. One reel costs 200 rubles in a hardware store. Enough for a large area in the apartment. I cut 20-30 cm and lay out. They stick with a bang! They are not caught on a classic flycatcher tape.

    Now I am calm. The only drawback is that the kids are not caught. Nothing! I'll wait until they grow up. I have enough patience. Wait!

  45. Thunderstorm of cockroaches

    A neighbor, a sheep, breeds them. She doesn't care that she has a ton of them. And they crawl to us, every morning and night a couple of pieces of urine. Hands, because you have to fill up in time. Just dropped a little one. And last night it tickled my hand, I lit a candle with a phone - Lyalka runs along my hand. I did the repair, they still climb from somewhere, apparently they don’t take anything. There were no cockroaches for a year, but here on those ...

  46. Katia

    I wanted to go to the kitchen for a bun (I have it in a closed bag) and I see this miracle, huge and incredibly fast. So scared, I don't know what to do. Never before.

  47. Lera

    It seems that the apartment is clean, I always follow the cleanliness and order. Today I was vacuuming a room, I saw one behind the curtains, I managed to quickly vacuum it and even closed the hole of the vacuum cleaner so that it would not get out. But I'm still shaking, I can't move. I'm terribly afraid of them. What if tomorrow we meet again, it's terribly disgusting to look at them, well, why do they exist?

    Where can they come from? It seems that the house is new, there are almost no neighbors (new building). It hasn't been a year since we've been living here. Well, where did they come from?

  48. Sergey

    They are inhabited by freaks from organizations, which then broadcast advertising: to kill cockroaches and bedbugs, inexpensively.

  49. Evgenia

    I got rid of the complex. First, for three days I poisoned with "Combat" (in golden packaging, with a spout for spraying in hard-to-reach places). Then I re-pasted the wallpaper in the kitchen (I was going to anyway). Before gluing, I walked along the walls with a small “Brownie”, my husband closed up all the visible cracks. Then I washed the entire kitchen with a solution (water + flea treatment for a cat). And for prevention, I set up traps and dripped all possible places with the Brownie gel. Until I saw the creatures. A month has passed.


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