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How to destroy cockroaches in an apartment: consider several methods

Last update: 2022-05-26
≡ Article has 16 comments
  • Irina: Oh, it's tough! Lived in the house for 49 years, never had cockroaches...
  • Irina: It all depends on the neighbors. I never thought that I would be so busy...
  • Kamala: What nonsense, cleanliness comes first in the Qur'an....
See bottom of page for details

We destroy cockroaches in the apartment

Destroying cockroaches at home without a clear understanding of the reasons for their appearance in the room can be pointless and ineffective. If a room or apartment is attractive for these insects, they will return to it after the use of the strongest and most effective preparations.

Therefore, the destruction of cockroaches in an apartment should be carried out comprehensively, consciously, and only after analyzing the reasons why these insects entered it.

The reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment in most cases are:

  • its poor sanitary condition, an abundance of cracks, debris and dirt
  • storage of food products without packaging or in containers into which pests can penetrate
  • severe cockroach infestation in neighboring apartments
  • open access of insects to water sources
  • involuntary entry of insects into the house with furniture, food, things and books.

Only with an integrated approach to solving the problem can we expect that the destruction of cockroaches will give a reliable long-term result. If the pests somehow migrate into the premises, for example, from neighbors, finding abundant food, water and comfortable shelters in it, it is unreasonable to expect that such movements will not occur a month or two after the destruction of the settlers who have already settled.


“Even in my youth, I thought about how to destroy cockroaches and tried everything that was possible, and crayons, and powders, and Dichlorvos. They appear anyway, if the apartment is not cleaned and crumbs are lying around. But when we made repairs in the kitchen, I introduced strict discipline and order, never left anything on the table, wiped the sink dry, and scrubbed the floors twice a week. Two months of such a regime, and there were no cockroaches in the house. Without Dust and Dichlorvos. Although the neighbors had a lot of them ... "

Galina Grigorievna, Yeysk

It is important to limit the access of cockroaches to food and water.

When the causes are analyzed, eliminated, and it remains only to destroy the red-haired brethren who have already inhabited the apartment and confidently process the contents of the trash can, it is necessary to choose the correct and effective method of such destruction.


The choice of method for the destruction of cockroaches

Several books have already been written about how to destroy cockroaches in an apartment. Anyone who remembers the 80s and 90s and just an amazing abundance of cockroaches in almost any room can talk on the same topic for hours.

There are many ways to kill cockroaches in an apartment.

But all more or less effective ways to destroy cockroaches can be listed literally on the fingers of one hand:

  1. The use of insecticides. This is the most reliable and proven method, with the right choice of means and following the instructions, it always gives results. Furthermore, today there are products on the market that combine safety for humans with a strong effect on the insects themselves. Doing it yourself is quite simple and effective.
  2. Freezing the apartment. This method is based on the inability of cockroaches to survive at temperatures below minus 8°C.
  3. The use of poisoned baits. It can be used to prevent the breeding of cockroaches or when the room is very clean and there are few cockroaches.
  4. Traps of various designs. They have proven themselves quite well, but they work reliably with a low degree of contamination of the apartment.

In addition to these methods, purely theoretically, there are biological methods of struggle, which, however, do not work in Russia. So, in tropical countries, geckos and praying mantises often live indoors, which confidently exterminate most of the cockroach population.

In our country, such a domestic enemy of cockroaches is the flycatcher - a beautiful centipede with long legs, but it is rare and is not capable of seriously affecting the number of cockroaches in the room.


Destroying cockroaches with chemical insecticides

It is possible to destroy cockroaches with the help of special chemicals literally in one day, or even in a few hours. However, for such a quick and effective self-disinsection, it is necessary to prepare well enough. First, choose the right tool.

And further: We go hunting for cockroaches: a list of favorite hiding places for these insects in the apartment and a few words about “mutant cockroaches” from the sewer.

Cockroaches are quite sensitive to most modern insecticides. Therefore, many of the products sold today will be effective against them: Get, Raptor, Raid, Forsyth, Clean House, Dohlox, Combat, Microphos, Chlorophos, boric acid.

Gel from cockroaches Raptor

Boric acid

Insecticides developed to combat bedbugs are also very effective - Executioner, Karbofos, Tetrix, Fufanon. Since bedbugs are more resistant to chemicals, drugs that kill them will also kill cockroaches. Thanks to this, the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches in the room can be combined.

Before destroying cockroaches in an apartment, all people and pets should be removed from it for at least a day of treatment. It is advisable to move the furniture in advance so that secluded and warm corners and spaces in bedside tables and cabinets are available.

If the product involves spraying, then the effective destruction of cockroaches will consist in processing the largest possible number of surfaces, crevices and cavities in the apartment. Apply the product very carefully under loose wallpaper, behind carpets and skirting boards, in ventilation openings.

At the time of treatment, it is advisable to close all the windows in the room and let the drug, so to speak, brew. It is useful to have a vacuum cleaner on hand during processing and collect insects crawling out of shelters.


An example of an apartment infested with cockroaches

Preparations for the destruction of cockroaches that require spraying from cylinders, for the most part, easily disintegrate in the air, and therefore, after a few hours after use, they will not harm humans or pets.

A few hours after applying the drug, you should ventilate the apartment and carry out a thorough wet cleaning in it. All places where cockroaches may be present must be checked, and if dead insects are found, collect them with a vacuum cleaner or hands.

Dead cockroaches


“A neighbor told me how to destroy cockroaches in the house on my own and without any SES. I bought a normal Raid (combat is also a good tool) and I didn’t just sprinkle it under the bedside table, but methodically sprayed all the cabinets, baseboards and nooks and crannies in the kitchen all day long. The Prussians began to climb out after fifteen minutes, and from where I least expected to see them - from under the breadbasket, from behind the radiators, from the stove. Of course, I had to scrub everything for a long time and tediously, but I didn’t see the Prussians in the house anymore.

Maria, Saransk

It is advisable to carry out such a procedure in rubber gloves, a gauze bandage and the most closed clothing. Despite the fact that most insecticides are produced almost harmless to humans, it is not uncommon for allergic reactions to occur when substances come into contact with the skin.

Preparations produced in the form of powders and crayons should be applied to the places where cockroaches are expected to live or move. The advantage of such drugs is the possibility of using them for a long time without removing the residents from the premises. It is only important to be sure that pets and small children do not get to the places where the drugs have been scattered or applied.


Using traps to kill cockroaches

Cockroach traps are most effective in cases where there are few insects in the room, or single individuals from neighbors enter the apartment.

And further: We tested Phenaksin powder on cockroaches - and these monsters, at least henna ...

An example of a cockroach trap

Traps are set up in places where insects are likely to move, and some of them are loaded with bait - bread, cheese or an apple.

The principle of operation of traps is different:

  • traps in which cockroaches gather, as in a shelter and cannot get out;
  • traps, falling into which cockroaches die from a high voltage discharge;An example of an electric cockroach trap
  • Velcro, to which insects stick and lose their mobility;
  • pseudo-feeders containing poisoned bait.

Most of these traps can be mounted on walls or sloping surfaces and attract insects more than other secluded places in the apartment.

Traps of the first and second types, in which insects gather, as in a shelter, require regular checking. Cockroaches are shaken out of them in a bucket of water.

The rest of the traps work automatically and almost do not require human intervention to destroy pests.


Destruction of cockroaches with poisoned baits

This method is perhaps the most popular in rural areas. To prepare the bait, boric acid is used, which is very toxic to cockroaches, but invisible to them in appearance and smell.

On a note

Instead of boric acid, borax can be used to kill cockroaches - a chemical compound containing boron, which is also quite effective. However, it is difficult to buy it in pharmacies.


“... Go to the pharmacy, buy boric acid and stick balls. The recipe is 100 grams of acid, 50 grams of flour, 50 grams of sugar, egg yolk and water to make a dry but dense dough. These parasites will be gone forever, believe me…”

Lilia, Odessa

Boric acid

Boric acid mixed with egg yolk

poisoned baits

With the addition of borax, baits of various compositions are prepared. Egg yolks, sugar, starch, flour, cookies are used - almost any food that has a smell and can attract insects. These components are mixed in equal proportions with boric acid, wetted with water to make balls, and laid out in places accessible to pests.

Cockroach eats poisoned boric acid bait

It is important to bear in mind that due to the prevalence of this method, there is more and more information about its inefficiency: in different cities and regions of the country, populations of cockroaches appear, for which boron-containing drugs cease to be a poison. Therefore, for the preparation of special baits, new components are being sought everywhere today.


How to freeze cockroaches correctly

Freezing cockroaches is a native Russian method. Most of the countries in which cockroaches live are in the tropics, and it is unrealistic to wait for frost there.

You can get rid of cockroaches by freezing the apartment

In Russia, in winter, cockroaches can be removed without the use of chemicals and long-playing traps: you just need to open the windows for a few hours and cool all the rooms.

This method is good because it does not give the Prussians the opportunity to escape into neighboring rooms, which often happens when using insecticides. When the temperature drops, insects simply lose their mobility, and when it falls below a physiologically acceptable level for them, they die.

On a note

Freezing cockroaches is much more effective than freezing bugs - the latter die only at temperatures below minus 22 ° C.Therefore, in many cases, if cockroaches are bred in the house, they can be destroyed without the use of chemical insecticides.

But it is important to remember about the ability of cockroaches to move quickly - an adult insect can run up to 13 meters in a minute, and therefore if pests are actively destroyed in one apartment of a large house, they will most likely run over to neighboring ones.

That is why the most effective destruction of cockroaches by joint forces in several apartments, and even in the whole house at once. This will ensure their complete extermination and the impossibility of restoring their population.


Why cockroaches cannot be removed from the apartment


5 rules for choosing a cockroach extermination service


Last update: 2022-05-26

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How to destroy cockroaches in an apartment: consider several methods" 16 comments
  1. Marina

    Cockroaches got divorced, something needs to be done with them.

  2. Kristina

    I have cockroaches in my apartment, what should I do with them?

  3. Larisa

    Instead of observing sanitation, in Russia the best way is to freeze the apartment so that the cockroaches run away to the neighbors.

  4. Irina

    In our basement, the station poisoned mice and cockroaches. Now cockroaches have settled in apartments. I set up different types of traps from cockroaches and bought different aerosols. After that, there were even more cockroaches. I don't know how else to deal with them.

  5. Kostya

    Do not buy electronic scarers - a waste of money.

    • Anonymous

      Thank you

  6. Anonymous

    And what you need?

  7. Alex

    We have lived in the apartment for 7 years, and now a month ago there was an invasion of cockroaches. Nothing takes these creatures, I tried everything: boric acid with potatoes and eggs boiled for 3 hours, complete treatment of the entire apartment with ammonia, Raptor gel, Masha's chalk, traps, various essential oils. I read about their dislike for lemon, left the crust on the table - I see, but they are happy with that! I haven’t tried only a dead frog (I heard such a folk recipe here), but I suspect that they will be supportive of it too. Just guard!

  8. Claudia

    keep clean

    • Tatiana

      My house is clean, and don't be smart. And they climb from the basement.

      • Novel

        Red cockroaches do not live in the basement. Mass gathering where there is food. These are apartments, garbage chambers, a garbage chute. Only black cockroaches live in basements, and then only where it is damp and dark, that is, there are no ventilation windows. I am from the housing and communal services, servicing more than 100 houses, I know every corner of every basement. Trust me… Many residents mistakenly think that cockroaches live in basements. What should they do there? There is no food, and there are many predators, such as rats and centipedes.

  9. Dmitry

    A month ago he moved to a three-ruble note. It's just bullshit. Washed the whole apartment with bleach. Two rooms are generally empty, in the one where I live, the furniture is a sofa, a TV, a wardrobe and a desk.In the kitchen, the same picture - a saucepan, a frying pan and a couple of plates. Golyak food - dumplings on NZ and those in the freezer. I'm talking about cleanliness. But cockroaches are simply unmeasured. The rod day and night, I send several hundred to the next world a day. I spray with poison, smear with gel, finish with a slipper. And these bastards do not care. And now I'm writing a post, and these bitches surround me from all sides. I'm afraid to sleep at night, otherwise it's like in that movie - Joe's Apartment. They’ll take it out to the site and won’t ask for registration 🙂 I’ll try boric acid with vinegar, and if it doesn’t help, I’ll have to move out. Well, good luck to you all in the fight against the invaders of other people's property!

  10. Ilya

    I moved to a communal apartment, there were no cockroaches, a gypsy settled in - and away we go. Dirty dishes in the common kitchen for days, a bunch of dirty things ... Yes, plus the neighbors from below poisoned. PPC, I'm sleeping, and they are landing from the ceiling! He poisoned with spray cans, do not care. They run around the room, along the ceiling, they die a little, mostly from my hand (finishing with a slipper). Tin, what to do, I do not know. Neighbors are also not a gift now, out of six rooms in three Uzbeks. Damn those. The toilet does not allow cleaning the Koran. But after the Christian slap in the face helped, they began to stir. The fourth floor, the last one, there is an attic above us ... The ventilation has not been cleaned since the year of construction (1982). Water for cockroaches is always freely available. Tin, I write and I myself am surprised. I will try boric acid, sugar, yolk, flour ... God forbid, it will work out. Good luck to everyone in the war against abomination!

    • Kamala

      What nonsense, in the Qur'an, cleanliness comes first.

  11. Irina

    It all depends on the neighbors. I never thought that this problem would affect me so much. I heard from others, I saw from others - but this is a different planet.Of course, she did prophylaxis, dripping gel somewhere, not seeing these monsters in herself (but she noticed some neighbors). I have nothing to eat for cockroaches - the dishes are washed immediately, the sink is also washed, everything is stored in the refrigerator or in a closed container. But the asshole neighbors moved in. Here we (2 floors) danced. The Prussians seemed to have fallen from the sky. Nothing to eat? It doesn't matter - under the wallpaper the glue turned out to be very nutritious (nothing that the Germans produced it, probably also environmentally friendly). In the kitchen I will glue only Korean. We poison with neighbors by agreement almost every day. No more people land on us from the walls and ceiling, but some disappear, while others (healthy and with eggs), more arrogant, come. And, by the way, they all also feel very good in freezers. Of course we will, but when? ..

  12. Irina

    Oh, it's tin! We lived in the house for 49 years, there were never cockroaches, until new neighbors came to us under my apartment. People are sloppy. And so it began! In the summer I stand at the open window and see these creatures crawling down the ebb tide to my kitchen. Boric acid and yolks, gels, pencils - these creatures don't care. Without a slipper in hand, they did not enter the kitchen for a month. The cat helped a lot - where it sits and freezes, catch it there. Clever, even she disdained to catch them. Then they took it, bought a banal dichlorvos in a can (odorless). I was still so skeptical about this, but they processed all the baseboards, the hood, under the cabinets and inside them, closed the kitchen for the night. And… in the morning only the corpses were swept away. Red, arrogant, vile creatures are gone. Now they have reappeared. I am no longer wise. I go and buy dichlorvos. Good luck to everyone in hunting for cockroaches))


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