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Insecticidal smoke bombs for the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment

Last update: 2022-05-11
≡ Article has 10 comments
  • Anonymous: Pyrethroids, of course, destroy insects (by the way, and not only ...
  • Anna: How much is it?...
  • Afat: The most terrible deception. Not a single cockroach was harmed. Don't believe...
See bottom of page for details

We find out the features of the use of insecticidal smoke bombs in the fight against cockroaches in an apartment or other enclosed space ...

Next you will learn:

  1. How effective are cockroach smoke bombs in general and what is the mechanism of their work;
  2. How to properly apply insecticidal smoke bombs in an apartment or other enclosed space to get the maximum effect;
  3. Which smoke bombs are best for killing cockroaches, and which are dangerous to health and simply useless;
  4. What safety precautions must be observed during work;
  5. Where can you buy insecticidal smoke bombs today and how much do they cost ...

It should be recognized that insecticidal smoke bombs are a somewhat non-standard remedy for cockroaches. Historically, these pesky indoor insects are usually killed with spray cans, crayons, gels, various kinds of traps, or even boric acid. But about the effectiveness of smoke bombs from cockroaches, most people either do not know at all, or have very superficial ideas about it (for example, smoke bombs from insects are known to hunters as a means of fighting mosquitoes and flies in nature).

In reality, as practice shows, confirmed by relevant reviews, insecticidal smoke bombs are very effective against cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and other insects in apartments and other enclosed spaces. Moreover, with the right approach, one or two of these checkers will be enough to completely destroy the entire population of cockroaches in a large apartment, literally within a day.

Even one special insect smoke bomb can completely destroy cockroaches in an apartment in just a few hours.

There are several reasons for this high efficiency:

  1. A smoke bomb generates a very significant amount of finely dispersed insecticidal aerosol (smoke) - much more than, for example, even five cans of some Dichlorvos or Raptor will give;
  2. Insecticidal smoke independently and evenly distributed throughout the volume of the room. In fact, the entire volume of an apartment, house, gazebo or other structure is processed, and there is no need to look for places where cockroaches accumulate, since in any case they will be in the affected area;
  3. Together with the smoke, the insecticide penetrates into all the cracks and hard-to-reach places in the room, where it would be problematic to carry out treatment by other methods. The particle size of such smoke is only a few tens of microns - it is able to penetrate into the thinnest cracks, outlet openings, under baseboards and even through furniture upholstery.

Insecticidal smoke penetrates into the most inaccessible places where cockroaches can hide.

Even in such a secluded place, cockroaches will not survive ...

On a note

The effectiveness of cleaning an apartment from cockroaches using a smoke bomb is comparable to the effectiveness of disinfestation with the so-called cold or hot fog generators, which are often used by professional insect control services.The particle size of the insecticidal aerosol cloud in all these cases is so small that the active substance, before settling under the action of gravity on the floor, together with air currents and due to Brownian motion, hangs in the air for a long time, managing to fill the most inaccessible places where cockroaches can hide.

As a result, instead of calling the pest control service, it is sometimes easier and cheaper to buy a smoke bomb from cockroaches - it will cost almost 10 times cheaper.

The photo below shows an example of processing a room with a hot fog generator:

When treating a room with hot fog, a very fine insecticidal aerosol is also created.

One such procedure for processing an apartment using a hot fog generator will cost several thousand rubles.


“My wife and I are already tired of fighting these cockroaches, for two years we could not get it out. What they have not tried, nothing of these reptiles does not take! Once he freaked out, lit a mosquito checker in the apartment, with which I go fishing. It is, of course, a topic. We spent half a day with the neighbors, but on the other hand, the cockroaches had a total rout, the dead ones lay all over the apartment, just know to rake off with a scoop. Although I didn’t think that this thing would help so well ... A month has passed, cockroaches have not yet been seen ... "

Ilya, Moscow


How do insecticidal smoke bombs work?

An important feature of the work of insecticidal checkers is that they provide a quick and one-time destruction of the entire population of insects in the apartment. This compares favorably with gels, glue traps and poison baits: you do not have to wait weeks for cockroaches to find poison and feast on it, or accidentally run over a sticky surface. Smoke acts on insects, regardless of where they hide during processing.

The smoke generated by a smoke bomb destroys cockroaches quickly and even in the most secluded places.

The active substance of smoke bombs can enter the body of cockroaches in different ways:

  1. The thinnest aerosol penetrates into the spiracles of cockroaches, then into the hemolymph, with the current of which it reaches the nerve ganglia, providing paralysis of the insect and subsequent rapid death;
  2. In addition, the applied insecticides have a contact effect, and can penetrate directly through the chitinous integument of the insect body when settling on them;
  3. The intestinal action of the insecticide is also important - after the aerosol settles on the surfaces of furniture, floors and walls, even surviving cockroaches (or those that have come running again from their neighbors) will inevitably capture particles of the substance on their paws and antennae. Then, for example, when trying to clean the antennae, the cockroach will swallow the poison and die. This achieves a prolonged effect from the use of smoke bombs in the room. In particular, for permethrin checkers, the duration of such residual protection lasts about a month.

Of all the smoke bombs from cockroaches in the apartment, those in which the active ingredients are pyrethroids are most suitable. Four such checkers are best known on the market today - Samuro, Quiet Evening, City and Tsifum, all based on permethrin.

The photo below shows examples of permethrin smoke bombs:

Smoke bomb Samuro from bedbugs, cockroaches and mosquitoes

Insecticide - smoke bomb from mosquitoes Quiet Evening

Insecticide - Checker City

It is interesting

Initially, permethrin smoke bombs were used as an outdoor mosquito repellent. Permethrin in the composition of the smoke has a pronounced repellent (repelling) effect on insects, forcing mosquitoes to quickly leave the area where the checker is used (with prolonged exposure, insects die).

Thus, it should be borne in mind that when destroying cockroaches with a smoke bomb in an apartment, partial migration of insects to neighboring apartments can be observed if there are appropriate “retreat routes”. Therefore, they should be blocked in advance, temporarily sealing the ventilation holes, for example, with masking tape - besides, this measure will not allow the smoke to escape too quickly through the ventilation.


It is also useful to read: Gels for fighting cockroaches

And further: You can smear at least the entire apartment with cockroach gel, but they will not die if you do not take into account a number of important nuances ...

Why are bug smoke bombs so unpopular if they are so effective?

First, it's a safety issue: smoke-generating products are considered potentially flammable. Below we will see how relevant this is.

Secondly, it is simply unprofitable for exterminators (and there are dozens and even hundreds of such companies within one large city) to use drafts. Still, they need to give the impression of hard work with powerful equipment, but just to come and light a saber in the house is somehow not impressive. And it is even more unprofitable if an ordinary consumer buys a checker for 300 rubles, instead of calling a pest control team for 5,000 rubles.

Calling a pest control service will cost about 10 times more than killing cockroaches with a smoke bomb.

However, in fairness it should be noted that the use of a smoke bomb does not allow you to control the degree of processing of the individual most infected areas of the apartment and furniture, which is sometimes very important (especially when destroying bed bugs in the room). For a responsible specialist who wants to be completely confident in the result of his work, this is very important.

Further. When shaping the popularity of any insect repellent, manufacturers' advertising is also important. For example, in the case of various aerosols, fumigators and sprays, this is already a fairly developed business with large investments in marketing. Insect smoke bombs, on the other hand, are still produced mainly by small companies that do not have such significant advertising budgets, and therefore information about them does not reach a wide audience. In other words, these funds are simply not "on hearing".

In addition, a significant disadvantage of using insecticidal smoke bombs in an apartment is the rather long-term preservation of the smell in the room: clothes, carpets and upholstered furniture can retain a specific smell for more than a week. So this point must be taken into account in advance if you still decide on such processing.


Rules for the use of smoke bombs from cockroaches

As noted above, the use of a smoke bomb from cockroaches in an apartment requires much less effort to carry out pest control than in the case of the use of many other means. The main work will be to prepare the premises for the destruction of cockroaches and clean it after the procedure.

The main labor costs in the destruction of cockroaches with a smoke bomb will be associated with preparing the apartment for this procedure ...

It should be borne in mind that the official instructions for most insecticidal smoke bombs do not provide for their use in residential premises (with the exception of the Samuro bomb, specially designed for indoor treatment). However, the following sequence of actions has been tested by apartment owners, and has shown its high efficiency in practice, not only in relation to cockroaches, but also in the destruction of bedbugs and fleas.

In particular, before using checkers, you must:

  1. Remove people and animals from the premises;
  2. Pack food, dishes, clothes, children's toys and bedding in plastic bags. In such a hermetically packed form, they do not have to be taken out of the apartment. However, if you do not pack clothes, they will not deteriorate, however, some types of fabrics are able to retain a specific smell for a long time, adsorbing volatile substances on their fibers;Clothing, food, and children's toys should preferably be sealed in plastic bags to protect them from exposure to smoke.The photo shows an example of clothes packed in plastic bags so that the fabrics do not absorb odors.
  3. Open bedside tables and cabinets, move furniture and refrigerator away from the walls;
  4. If there are fire sensors, turn them off or seal them with cling film or tape;
  5. Seal the ventilation holes in the kitchen and in the bathrooms;
  6. Close the windows, open the doors to all rooms, to the bathroom and toilet.

To process a room up to 30 square meters, it is enough to use one Samuro checker. Although when processing apartments even of a much smaller area, for reliable pest control it is better to buy at least two checkers at once, so that if necessary (if single individuals survive), re-treatment is carried out after about 2 weeks.

It should be borne in mind that in some cases it may be necessary to re-disinsection the premises, so it is better to buy several smoke bombs at once.

But back to the question of using smoke bombs in practice to kill cockroaches.In the middle of the kitchen, a metal basin or pan is placed on the floor, a checker is placed in it and ignited. When using permethrin checkers (Samuro, Quiet Evening, City, Tsifum), there is no open flame, but the product is noticeably warmed up, which is accompanied by copious emission of smoke.

As soon as smoke generation begins, the room must be immediately left by closing the front door of the apartment. You should not wait long watching the process: although permethrin is relatively safe for warm-blooded animals, you should not breathe such an insecticidal aerosol without special need.

The checker will smoke for about 5 minutes, and for about 2 more hours the resulting smoke will spread evenly throughout the apartment, settling on various surfaces, including the cockroaches themselves.

Within about 1-2 hours, the smoke will have time to completely fill the entire volume of the room - thus, cockroaches will be destroyed in any corner of it.

After 2 hours, you can return to the apartment: doors, windows and ventilation openings open, a draft is created. The room is ventilated for at least 1 hour, then wet cleaning is carried out in it, after which residents can return to it.

On a note

Cats and cats are particularly sensitive to permethrin and should never be left indoors during treatment. And after processing, ideally, they should be returned to the apartment at least a day later - during this time the smoke will completely disappear, and you will have time to collect poisoned cockroaches from the floor and furniture.

It is necessary to ensure that the cat (cat) does not eat dead or disoriented cockroaches, since with a large number of insects eaten, this can cause intoxication in the animal (one of the first signs is profuse salivation).

Before letting pets into the apartment, it is important to sweep out all the dead cockroaches and carry out a wet cleaning.

As a rule, if the premises are seriously infested or if there are cockroaches in neighboring apartments, re-treatment may be required after 1-2 weeks.This is normal - even when calling the pest control service, such control processing is often required in advanced cases. It is carried out similarly to the first procedure.

And further: Cockroaches do not die from aerosols and gels? Perhaps it is worth adopting lethal powders ...

Immediately after the destruction of cockroaches at first, it is very important to take measures to prevent new individuals from entering the apartment from neighbors. It is often enough to use traps (with poison bait or glue), as well as treat the ventilation ducts around the perimeter with an insecticidal agent with a barrier effect.

The photo shows an example of a glue trap with stuck cockroaches.


“... And we had some kind of Japanese smoke bomb lying around, apparently from cockroaches, brought by my dad when he took courses in Japan. We tried instead of Reid to poison cockroaches with it. And what do you think? It worked. True, I had to ventilate the apartment almost all night (in winter it was unpleasant), but then even a few pieces floated in the tank in the toilet, and the smoke got there.

Christina, Vladivostok


Work Safety Measures

Despite the fact that modern insecticides are relatively safe for humans, nevertheless, when working with insecticidal smoke bombs (as, indeed, when using any chemical insecticides), it is important to follow certain safety rules.

When using a smoke bomb from cockroaches in an apartment, it is important to follow the appropriate safety rules when working ...

In particular, first of all, it should be borne in mind that with prolonged inhalation of smoke, a person may develop poisoning. In addition, rare, but described cases of allergic reactions when insecticidal aerosols get on the skin and in the respiratory tract.

Therefore, when working with a checker, the following safety rules must be observed:

  1. Leave the room immediately after the smoke steadily poured out of the checker, do not inhale it;
  2. When airing the apartment, enter it, holding your breath, open the windows, and leave the room again for the time of airing;
  3. All work should be carried out in clothes with long sleeves, and at the end of all procedures, take a bath.

Despite the absence of open fire during the smoldering of the checker, in order to avoid damage to the floor or furniture from heating, it is imperative to place the checker in a large metal dish, from which the product will definitely not fall out. It is advisable to put the vessel itself on a heat-resistant surface - a brick or a metal stand.

The smoke grenade can be installed, for example, in an old enamel basin.


“I use sulfur bombs in the cellar and the greenhouse for mold every year, but from my own experience I can say that they are useless from cockroaches in the apartment. They stink terribly of burning sulfur, it is impossible to breathe, but cockroaches came across our eyes in the evening, alive and unharmed. They seem to be in need of something better…”

Alexey, St. Petersburg


Which smoke bomb to choose for the destruction of cockroaches

Of all the insecticidal smoke bombs used in industry, agriculture and at home, only permethrin bombs should be used to kill cockroaches as an active ingredient.

For residential use, only checkers with permethrin as the active ingredient should be selected.

Other options are either significantly inferior to these products, or cannot be used at all in residential premises due to their toxicity. For example:

  1. The G-17 smoke bomb and its analogues based on hexachlorane are very toxic. Hexachloran (hexachlorocyclohexane) itself has not been used as a pesticide in developed countries for a long time, and its use in residential areas is all the more unacceptable;
  2. Sulfur bombs from cockroaches (Fas, Volcano, Climate) are ineffective. Basically, these products are used to combat mold in basements, but sulfur dioxide at low concentrations has little effect on insects. The photo below shows a Fas sulfuric smoke bomb as an example:Sulfur checker Fas
  3. Japanese and Chinese smoke bombs from cockroaches can be difficult to buy even in Moscow. In addition, it is far from always clear what active ingredient this or that checker will be filled with (they are different) and how safe this substance is for humans.

Photo of a Japanese insect smoke bomb:

Japanese insect smoke bomb

As practice shows, today Samuro and Quiet Evening smoke bombs are optimal for removing cockroaches in confined spaces. Of these, Samuro is specially designed for indoor treatment, and Silent Evening is popular with fishermen and hunters for mosquito control in nature.


“We ordered a smoke bomb from cockroaches on eBay, from China, with free shipping, something came decorated with Chinese characters, similar to a Christmas tree toy. There are no instructions, the inscriptions are in Chinese. It stank terribly while it burned, but it worked on cockroaches. There are not many of them left, I think that after the second checker they will all die. But for a week now we have not been able to weather the room, although the saber was burning in the kitchen, so we don’t want to use it a second time. ”

Olga, Novosibirsk

It is also worth noting that the fairly well-known aquafumigator Raptor from cockroaches is not a smoke bomb, but a kind of fog generator with an insecticide.Its principle of operation is to a certain extent similar to that of a smoke bomb, but the penetrating power of the generated aerosol is somewhat lower due to the larger particle size and, as a result, their faster settling. As a result, such a tool is noticeably inferior in its effectiveness to permethrin smoke bombs, although it is adapted for domestic use.


Where can I buy smoke bombs from cockroaches and how much do they cost

You can buy smoke bombs from cockroaches either in stores for fishermen and gardeners, or online in specialized online stores.

Generally speaking, Silent Evening checkers are positioned as a mosquito repellent, which, however, does not prevent them from being very effective against other insects.

Such a checker costs about 400-500 rubles apiece.

For example, the price of Samuro's permethrin checker is approximately 270-300 rubles per piece, depending on the quantity purchased. In any case, it will be much cheaper than professional treatment with the same level of efficiency. For comparison: today, processing a one-room apartment from insects with cold fog costs about 2000-4000 rubles.

If you have experience using insecticidal smoke bombs against cockroaches, then be sure to leave your feedback at the bottom of this page (in the comment box). Perhaps this review will help someone make a choice.


An interesting video: an example of using a smoke bomb Quiet Evening is shown


5 rules for choosing a cockroach extermination service


Last update: 2022-05-11

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Insecticidal smoke bombs for the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment" 10 comments
  1. Galina

    Today I used the Quiet Evening smoke bomb in the apartment from cockroaches! The apartment is running, so I used two checkers at once to achieve the best result. The apartment was prepared (the ventilation was sealed, the windows were closed, the furniture was moved away from the walls, the cabinet doors were opened). The first time we entered the apartment after 5 hours ... Insects actively moved around the living space! Left it for another 2 hours. The result has not improved. There are dead people, but there are more living ones. The miracle didn't happen. Once again I was convinced that you can’t believe advertising ... Apparently, you will have to call the SES!

  2. Albert

    I want to buy smoke bombs from cockroaches. Where?

    • Galina

      I have two left. I can sell!

  3. Dmitry

    A lot of cockroaches died! But there are still living ones.

  4. Novel

    I used the Quiet Evening checker. All according to the instructions. Checker is not expired, up to 19 years. The result is null. When there was smoke, the cockroaches were disoriented. The next day, all the lively ones run around. NOT ONE dead! It's all a complete scam!

    • Andrew

      Try Samuro, she is for the premises, it helped us.

      • Anna

        What is the price?

  5. Denis


  6. Afat

    The worst deception ever. Not a single cockroach was harmed.Trust me and don't waste your money.

  7. Anonymous

    Pyrethroids, of course, destroy insects (by the way, not only insects, but also ticks, i.e. they are insectoacaricides). But why in the apartment are such radical means as smoke bombs? They are best used in greenhouses ...

    And from cockroaches, ordinary fumigators help, there are also pyrethroid preparations. They put a couple of fumigators in the apartment for a week ... and no cockroaches, not to mention mosquitoes and midges. And on indoor plants, mites will “disappear”.


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