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How to reliably get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, even if there are a lot of insects

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1:12 - What you need to know to get cockroaches out of the apartment forever.

3:03 - How to start the fight against cockroaches.

3:56 - What to do if there are too many insects in the house.

5:30 – The basic rule for the use of products against cockroaches

Getting cockroaches out of the apartment is not the most difficult task, it is much more difficult to prevent them from coming here again. Each apartment has adjacent rooms where an abundant accumulation of pests can be observed. As soon as you start to act, the parasites can feel the danger and move into those very neighboring rooms. Everyone who is going to fight cockroaches on their own should know this.

Before proceeding, in fact, to the destruction of cockroaches, you need to find out where they can crawl into the room. Check all possible options: gaps in the front door, ventilation, pipe joints with walls, etc. You also need to find out where the most abundant accumulation of pests in the apartment. Usually such places are close to the place where cockroaches make their way into your house.

When you have found where the “guests” come from, you need to fix the problem in any possible way: cover up the cracks, use mounting foam, install meshes for ventilation, etc. You need to prepare the room before the persecution of parasites, in order to be sure that new cockroaches will definitely not crawl from the neighbors. So you can be sure that you will remove insects from your apartment once and for all.

Next, you need to roughly estimate how many insects are in your house. Based on the degree of infection, you need to choose the right drugs so that bullying is not very expensive, but at the same time as effective as possible.

If single individuals are occasionally observed, then glue traps or poisoned bait houses can be chosen. Usually they are localized in those places where cockroaches are usually found.

If there is an abundant accumulation of pests in the house (including their different types: black, red), and they often catch the eye of several pieces at the same time, then drastic measures will be required. For example, a complete treatment of the premises with the help of modern aerosol products. Such insecticides can be purchased ready-made, for example, in a spray can. They also sell concentrates that need to be diluted in water and sprayed through a regular spray bottle.

Processing should be carried out carefully - special attention is paid to those places where abundant accumulations of insects were observed. The process of baiting cockroaches requires a lot of effort, time and patience. It is also very important to observe certain security measures. Often such work is entrusted to professionals from the pest control service.

Also popular are activities such as using glue traps or dusts to keep the huge numbers of cockroaches out of the house. Such techniques can be effective, but in the process you will have to face a number of troubles. For example, glue traps need to be regularly replaced with new ones, and dust traps are not entirely safe for humans. It is for this reason that they are usually used in non-residential premises or in empty apartments. In fact, you can even use home-made sent baits, pastes and gels, but they are not ways to quickly solve the problem: you need absolutely all cockroaches, even small individuals, to crawl in a certain place and poison themselves. If the apartment has a high degree of infestation, it may take 2-4 weeks.

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So let's sum it up:

  • To eradicate cockroaches from an apartment forever, you need to determine where they get into the house from and carefully close up all possible penetration routes;
  • With a low degree of infestation, almost any effective insecticidal agent (houses, glue traps, gels, powders, etc.) can be preferred;
  • If there are too many cockroaches in the apartment, it makes sense to fight them first of all with powerful insecticides in the form of aerosols or sprays. And if the financial situation allows, it is better to entrust this matter to a professional.

After baiting cockroaches in the apartment, you need to be more vigilant and monitor the situation. If new individuals were discovered, you need to find out where they came from and immediately close up all penetration routes. In the event that the whole house is full of cockroaches, and they are observed everywhere (in the entrance, in the attic, with neighbors) - in this case, it makes sense to collectively order a comprehensive treatment of the entire house in the pest control service.


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