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Let's see if the usual garden Karbofos is effective against cockroaches

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Testing Karbofos (50% emulsion concentrate) on red cockroaches.

Karbofos (another name Malathion) is an insecticidal agent widely used in agriculture to kill aphids, spider mites, codling moths, sawflies, weevils and other leaf-eating and sucking pests of berry, fruit, vegetable, citrus and flower crops.

Moreover, the drug is quite popular among the people and is known as a highly effective insecticide, for this reason they often try to use it not only in the garden, but also in everyday life to combat cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas and other synanthropic insects.

For the destruction of garden pests, Karbofos is sold in the form of an emulsion concentrate having the following composition:

  • Karbofos (50%);
  • Solvent and auxiliary components (50%).

Karbofos, as an insecticide, has an acute nerve-paralytic effect on insects, and is able to destroy pests even just by getting on their outer integuments. The substance disrupts the mechanism of nerve synapses, which leads to gradually increasing paralysis, followed by the death of the insect.

In this experiment, we check exactly how and at what speed Karbofos acts on ordinary red cockroaches.

In accordance with the instructions for use, to prepare the working solution, one ampoule of the agent is dissolved in 10-20 liters of water, after which the solution is thoroughly mixed. Moreover, the higher the concentration of the substance (that is, the less water is taken to dissolve the ampoule), the more concentrated and effective the finished solution will be.

So, to prepare the solution, we dilute the contents of one ampoule in 10 liters of tap water. As a result, we obtain a working solution with an active substance concentration of 0.025%.

The resulting solution is cloudy, has a whitish color. The smell of the solution is strongly pronounced and unpleasant. It is useful to consider this in advance when processing upholstered furniture, as it may then take several weeks (or even months) for the smell to disappear.

Watch video:

1 min 33 sec - Four cockroaches are placed in a transparent plastic container - an adult male, an adult female and two nymphs.

1 min 55 sec - We spray the working solution of Karbofos into the container and note the time. At the same time, we do not close the container so that the concentration of vapors of the active substance in the air does not increase with time. Thus, the conditions of the experiment will be approximately the same as they would be when processing in an apartment.

2 min 33 sec - 58 minutes after the start of the test, one cockroach died, two have the beginning of the action of the agent (signs of paralysis) and another individual does not show signs of poisoning at all.

3 min 12 sec - After 3.5 hours from the start of the experiment, all the test cockroaches died.

In practice, the Karbofos solution is applied to various surfaces in the apartment (skirting boards, walls, furniture), after which it dries on them. When cockroaches run over a previously treated and dried surface, the particles of the agent stick to the paws and body of insects. The active substance gradually penetrates into the body, passing through the chitinous integument, and then exerts its toxic effect.

And further: You think that there are no longer normal remedies for cockroaches on the market and nothing will take these insects - no matter how it is!

So, let's check such a contact poisoning effect of Karbofos.

3 min 48 sec - We process an empty container with Karbofos solution.We wait 1 hour, during which time the drug is completely dry.

4 min 24 sec - We place cockroaches in a container treated with Karbofos. Do not close the container with a lid so that the concentration of the product in the air does not increase. Thus, the substance will act primarily through contact, and not through evaporation.

4 min 47 sec - Three hours later, two individuals showed signs of poisoning, one cockroach remains normal.

4 min 59 sec - After 8 hours 50 minutes, all test cockroaches died.

Conclusions: Karbofos is really capable of effectively destroying cockroaches - both when the solution comes into direct contact with them, and when insects come into contact with a previously treated and dried surface.

During the test with direct spraying with a working solution of Karbofos with a concentration of 0.025%, all cockroaches died after 3 hours and 30 minutes.

After contact with the treated solution and the dried surface, all individuals died after 8 hours and 50 minutes.

You can buy Karbofos (50% emulsion concentrate) at a price of about 30 rubles for two ampoules (each with a volume of 5 ml). This amount will be enough to prepare 20 liters of solution and enough to process a one-room apartment.

On a note

If mishandled, Karbofos can lead to poisoning of people and pets (this applies to both the concentrate and the working solution). Processing of the premises must be carried out using personal protective equipment (in a respirator, gloves, goggles).



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