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We are testing the Mashenka chalk on cockroaches and see what came of it

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Testing insecticidal crayon Mashenka, designed to combat domestic cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and other crawling insects.

The product is a chalk pencil intended for domestic use both in residential and utility rooms.

The composition of the chalk Mashenka includes the following active ingredients:

  • Insecticide deltamethrin (0.05%);
  • Insecticide zeta-cypermethrin (0.10%).

Both substances belong to the class of pyrethroids and are capable of exerting intestinal and contact effects on insects. In the case of using insecticidal chalk, the emphasis is on the contact destroying effect.

The principle of contact action is as follows: when cockroaches run along the chalk strip, particles of chalk containing insecticide stick to their paws and body. Then the active substances gradually penetrate through the chitinous integuments into the insect's body, reach the nerve centers and lead to paralysis and subsequent death.

One pencil Masha is enough to process about 30 square meters. m. surfaces. In this case, various ways of using chalk are possible: drawing chalk lines on surfaces (this is the main and most convenient application), as well as grinding chalk and scattering the resulting fine powder in places where cockroaches accumulate and move.

So, we check how Masha's crayon acts on red cockroaches.

Watch video:

1 min 11 sec - Draw solid lines on the bottom and walls of an empty plastic container, so that cockroaches can run over them, but at the same time, they could also be on a clean surface. In this way, we simulate the real conditions of an ordinary apartment, when insects from time to time run through the chalk strips, but most of the time they stay in shelters where there is no chalk.

1 min 36 sec - We launch cockroaches into a plastic container (2 adults and 2 nymphs).The Prussians immediately begin to run along the chalk strips, and the particles of the product stick to their paws.

2 min 20 sec - Put bread and cotton wool soaked in water in a container to ensure that insects do not die from lack of food and dehydration (cockroaches are very sensitive to the lack of water and die quite quickly if there is no access to water).

Thus, we imitate the usual domestic conditions for using Mashenka, when cockroaches, having run along a strip of chalk, can then find food and water in the apartment.

2 min 39 sec - After 13 hours, one cockroach is already paralyzed, but the remaining three individuals remain active (interestingly, they do not show signs of poisoning, despite being heavily soiled in chalk).

3 min 03 sec - After 19 hours, signs of poisoning with the agent are observed in 2 cockroaches.

3 min 27 sec – A day after the start of the experiment, all insects in the container died.

Conclusions: Masha's chalk really helps to destroy cockroaches. After the first contact with the agent, the first individual died after 22 hours, and after 24 hours all individuals were dead.

And further: You think that there are no longer normal remedies for cockroaches on the market and nothing will take these insects - no matter how it is!

It can be assumed that when using chalk in an apartment, the desired effect may appear more slowly than in the experiment.

On a note

Quite numerous negative reviews about Mashenka are probably due either to the fact that the pencil is applied to an insufficient number of surfaces in the apartment (then many cockroaches simply do not come into contact with the product), or to the fact that before using the chalk, the apartment owners do not eliminate the penetration paths of cockroaches from neighboring premises. If there is direct communication with neighboring apartments through sockets, cracks, cracks, then new insects regularly come to the place of the destroyed insects, and the cockroaches in the house do not completely disappear. That is, you may get the impression that Masha is not working.

However, if the pencil is used correctly and before using it, all possible ways of re-entry of insects into the room are eliminated, then with the help of Mashenka it is quite possible to destroy cockroaches in the apartment.

So Masha's chalk can really be used to effectively destroy cockroaches, but you need to take into account in advance that the remedy will not work right away - you will have to wait a few days to get a noticeable effect. You can buy insecticidal chalk at hardware stores or online.

The cost of one crayon is approximately 25 rubles.


The product contains insecticides, which, if used improperly, can cause harm to health - for example, if they enter the digestive tract, mucous membranes or the respiratory tract.

The chalk should be used with gloves. Upon completion of work, wash hands and face. The product itself must be applied where children and pets definitely do not get dirty in it.



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