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We experimentally check how fast the “Raid against cockroaches and ants” works

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We are conducting a visual test of the "Raid against cockroaches and ants" aerosol.

Composition of the product:

  • Cypermethrin (0.1%);
  • Imiprotrin (0.1%).

The active ingredients of the aerosol are insecticides from the group of pyrethroids - they are capable of poisoning insects both by direct contact with their outer covers during spraying, and by contact of insects with a dried agent on a previously treated surface.

In the description of the product, the manufacturer claims a long-term residual effect of the drug - the effectiveness on surfaces lasts up to 4 weeks.

The bottle has a volume of 300 ml. Due to the red color of the can, the remedy partly resembles modern Dichlorvos (also based on pyrethroids).

According to the instructions for use, when destroying cockroaches, the Raid aerosol consumption rate is 20 grams per 1 sq. m. of the treated surface.

So, let's see how effectively such a Raid is able to destroy cockroaches.

In the container we place 3 red cockroaches (Prussians) - an adult male, as well as two nymphs.

In accordance with the instructions, the balloon must be shaken before use and treated with an aerosol jet of places of accumulation and possible movement of insects - from a distance of about 20 cm.

Gently spray the aerosol so that it hits the cockroaches.

On a note

When it hits the plastic bottom and walls of the container, the product bubbles, foam is formed. However, subsequently, there are practically no traces on the plastic.

The mechanism of the poisoning effect of pyrethroids is associated with a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system in insects. The active substances of the aerosol through the spiracles and integument of the body enter the hemolymph, after which they reach the nerve nodes and lead to disruption of the nerve cells.

As a result, cockroaches gradually develop paralysis, leading to the death of the organism.

During the test, with a direct hit of the aerosol on cockroaches, they all died after 8 minutes.

In practice, when processing a room, only a part of cockroaches die immediately after spraying the aerosol on the surface (furniture, baseboards, walls). The rest of the pest population dies later - upon contact with surfaces on which the agent is stored in a dried form.

When the insect runs over the surface with the dried product, the insecticide-containing particles stick to the legs and abdomen. After this, the substances penetrate the chitinous cover into the body, gradually leading to poisoning.

It remains to check such a residual effect of the withered Raid.

To do this, spray the aerosol into the container and leave it for 1 hour to dry completely.

After the product has dried, there are practically no traces left on the bottom of the container. Judging by the reviews, no traces remain either on upholstered furniture or on wallpaper.

We place it in a container with a cockroach agent dried on the bottom and walls and start the stopwatch.

We do not cover the container with a lid so that the concentration of pyrethroids in the air does not increase - so the test conditions will be approximately the same as in an ordinary apartment during processing.

Already 6 minutes after placing the cockroaches in the container, all individuals show the first signs of poisoning (insects lie on their backs, cannot run).

And further: But the Reid aerosol really works - cockroaches die quickly. Watch our video...

After 13 hours, one cockroach died, but two still show signs of life.

All test specimens died after 20 h 30 min.


Aerosol agent "Raid against cockroaches and ants" really effectively kills cockroaches, both when the aerosol directly hits them, and after contact of insects with treated surfaces on which the agent is in a dried state.

With direct treatment with the agent, all cockroaches were dead after 8 minutes.

Upon contact with the previously treated surface, insects died after 20 h 30 min.

On a note

"Raid against cockroaches and ants" contains insecticides that are toxic, including to humans and pets. Therefore, when using an aerosol, standard safety precautions are required: work should be carried out in a respirator, gloves, long-sleeved clothing and goggles.

During the processing of the apartment, children, pets and people who are not involved in the processing should not be in it.

The price of funds for today is about 150-200 rubles. It is impossible to purchase a product on the official website of Johnson and the Raid brand, but you can get more detailed information about it.



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